22. Spinning like a dreidel

Tom was a fucking idiot without the most basic form of self control and a stupid mouth to match. He'd totally screwed up everything with Angie. What had he been thinking, touching her, kissing her like that? Nothing. The truth was he'd thought absolutely nothing. He'd let his brain go into standby and let his body have its way.

And now that he stopped to think about it, he did that a lot. When he ran track, when he danced, when he did parkour, when he did something dangerous on his skateboard... Because that's how he functioned. His body was a machine that knew what it had to do. His brain only got in the way. His body would've totally screwed Angie. His brain needed to step in.

So it was back to staying away from her, innocent kisses on the cheek and frustration that had him needing a million cold showers a day. Who said cold showers helped? They did nothing for him. Couldn't get the feel of Angie's skin off his hands.

She seemed a little embarrassed too and subtly moved a little further away from him while dancing so they would not accidentally touch. Because dancing was the hardest. With his brain in the equation, Tom found himself overthinking every move and messing up a lot more often than before. But it was either that or hands all over her again.

A month of absolute torture followed. Staying away from Angie without making it look too obvious, still suspended from school, the trial looming over his head. And it was like a huge blur that only got him dizzy, confused and frustrated. Especially frustrated.

Finally, his suspension was over and he could return to school, though he was looked upon as the guy who punched a teacher. Rumors flew all around about what happened, one unlikelier than the next. He didn't mind the rumors. He was so used to closing his ears and minding his own business. But maybe Angie didn't feel the same.

And the trial loomed above everything like a dark, vengeful bird. He couldn't take it anymore.

So on their last dance practice, he collapsed. In the middle of the song, he just sat down and buried his face in his hands.

"Hey." Angie turned the music off and sat next to him. "Did you trip?"

"Huh?" He didn't even look at her because he couldn't. Not without hearing her moan, seeing her with her eyes closed.

"While you were walking it off with the world on your shoulders. Did you trip?"

He normally would've laughed. It was funny because that was exactly what he was trying to do. Walk it off, as always. But only a strangled sound came out followed by a whimper.

"Hey," she said again, her voice much softer. Her hands took his face and lifted it. "What is it? The trial?"

"Yes. No. Everything." He sighed and shut his eyes tightly. "School, the trial. You."


"Yes, you. Especially you." He put his hand on her cheek and was glad she didn't flinch or pull away. "I'm really sorry."

Angie looked at him warily. "You're really sorry for what?"

"Coming off as such a creep. Implying that I would ever force anything on you. Being so damn... ugh." He pulled away from her, rested his elbows on his knees and leaned his forehead against his forearms.

"Duh. I never thought you'd force me to do anything. And yes, I found the whole no kissing thing weird, but you had a point. We're just..." She hesitated and hugged her knees. "Different, I guess."

"I'm trying so hard to make this work, to not freak you out. But it's like the more I try, the more creepy I get."

She lifted his chin gently. "Then maybe you shouldn't try so hard."

He looked at her, her shining emerald eyes, her tender smile, and shook his head. "No. I have to try harder, because you're worth it."

Angie blushed and looked away from him. For a moment, they sat in silence and Tom couldn't tell if it was awkward or not. His head was such a mess, he wasn't sure he knew anything anymore.

"The competition is in three days and I'm a total mess," he mumbled.

"I've noticed. But why? You're usually so good and now all of a sudden you mess up the most basic steps." She bit her lower lip as though sorry she'd let it out.

"I'm overthinking it."

"Well, stop it."

"I can't. "

She tilted her head curiously. "Why not?"

"Because if I don't think I...slip."

Her eyes widened with innocent wander. The neon light in the room made them shine like diamonds. Her skin glistened from the sweat and her hair stuck to her forehead, making her look like a sea goddess rising from the deep, there to grab him and pull him under.

"How?" she whispered. "How do you slip?"

In a moment, he was over her. She let herself drop to her back, as if she'd been expecting him, and he found himself trapping her between his hands, hovering above her.

"Like this," he whispered back.

She reached out her hand and touched his cheek. He wished she'd take his sunglasses off, but she made no move and his hands were busy supporting his weight. She put her other hand on his chest and ran it down to his waist and back up. It was torture.

"Why are you holding back so much?" she asked quietly. "I'm okay with this."

He shook his head vigorously. She maybe was with this, but not with what he wanted, not with how much he wanted from her. How much he wanted her. And it was not just her body. He wanted all of her. Her heart, her soul, her future.

"I... It's because I'm afraid I can't control myself. Because I'm fire and you're gasoline and it's just..." He sighed and rolled off her.

The bare ceiling laughed at how pathetic he was. At how he couldn't man up and just deal with this problem.

"Out of control," Angie said blankly.


This time the silence was definitely awkward. Finally, she sat up and looked at him with and expression hard to read. It was a mix of curiosity and longing and warmth and it made him want to kiss her.

"How's it going with Collins?" he asked, trying to distract himself.

Angie scrunched her face in dislike. "Okay, I guess. He sent me to the back of the class and he doesn't talk or look at me. It's actually better than ever."

Tom nodded, the knot in his chest loosening up a bit. "Great. Let's dance some more." With a million ways to fry Collins above a molten lava pit going through his head, he considered it was safe to disconnect and dance properly.

"Okay." Angie stood. "Don't worry. Everything's will be alright. With everything. Especially with me."

He nodded again, wishing he could believe her. Especially about that last part.


An unexpected drought had hit Tucson. Even if it was theoretically winter, it hadn't rained in over two months. The grass was yellow and dry and the ground had begun to crumble. Water use was being limited throughout the city and everyone hoped the skies would open up soon.

But the rain didn't come. Instead, ominous storm clouds gathered above the city, rumbling with thunder, covering the sun like a heavy grey blanket.

The air was thick with humidity the atmosphere pressing, and it felt like being trapped in a giant sauna.

Tom looked at the moving clouds while waiting for their turn in the competition. Even at night they were visible and eerie, shaded in dirty pink from the city lights. No stars, no moon, no hope.

"Um," Angie said awkwardly, "shouldn't we be inside checking out the competition?"

"Nope." He turned from the sky to her.

She wore low-rise jeans and a short, off the shoulder t-shirt, looking hotter than the weather. Her hair was caught up in a high ponytail and she'd actually put on some makeup. Not much because she certain didn't need it, but enough to make her eyes stand out.

"Why not?" She tilted her head. "And why are you looking at me like that?"

"Because I miss the stars. And checking out the competition will only make you nervous. We have our number and we'll dance our hearts off and if we win, we win. If not..." He shrugged.

"That makes sense." She leaned next to him against the wall of the venue. "I do hope we win, though."

He nodded. After their last painful practice, he decided to risk it. He was going to shut down completely and let his body do what it did best. Coordinate and dance its ass off. It wasn't like he'd lose it when they were in front of so many people, so it was safe.

Much sooner than he'd wanted, they were called in to go on. Angie nodded and strode inside with confidence. He just followed staring at her ass because it looked beyond hot in those jeans.

As they took their place in the middle of the dance floor, he panicked for a second. What if he couldn't disconnect? What if he could but he'd lose control? What if Angie actually tripped or something?

But the moment the music started, he instant calmed down. He had this. After all the practice, it was second nature to him. And it was so easy to move, to match his pace with hers. It didn't feel weird to touch her, it wasn't hard to find the rhythm and use the right steps. It just felt right.

So he went all out, breaking tricks and everything, building the chemistry between them until they finally finished in each other's arms like they were supposed to.

Angie grinned at him, panting, as the crowd burst into applause. "That," she breathed, "was awesome."

"Yup. Best session ever."

She titled her head back and laughed. "Makes me feel sorry it was our last."

"Never our last dance, babe."

She wrapped her arms tighter around his neck and hugged him. "Never," she whispered.

Tom pulled her off the stage to make room for the final couple in the competition, but didn't let her go. Because holding her finally felt right again and there was nothing he'd rather do. She didn't let go either, just clung to him as if afraid he'd push her away.

"You know what bothers me?" she said with a slight frown. "That I'm all sweaty and panting and you're not even fazed."

"Doesn't matter. I like you all sweaty and panting."

She raised her eyebrows. "Well, you're back to normal."

Maybe it was the low light or the heat in the room or the fact that she was sweaty and panting and stuck against him, but he didn't feel confused anymore. He'd probably regret this in the morning but...

He leaned against her. "I can think of some other ways I could get you sweaty and panting."

Angie's mouth dropped open. "Did you... did you just make a sex joke?"

"And did you find it amusing instead of freaking out?"

Fortunately, she laughed and tightened her hold on him. But then, she rose on the tips of her toes and whispered in his ear. "Maybe I'm taking it seriously."

She did not just challenge him to an innuendo competition. "Maybe I wasn't kidding," he shot back.

Angie only smiled shrewdly at him and he couldn't believe how much she'd changed, how relaxed she was in his presence. It was maybe that more than anything that made him realize how far they'd come. And in that moment, as he looked into her shining eyes, at the mischief in them and the expectation, it was like everything fell into place.

He could do this. It did not have to be awkward or weird or timed stupidly. She was right. He was trying too hard. Because this was not the easily spooked Angie he met months ago. This was his Angie and he loved her just the way she was. And maybe it was damn time she knew that, too.

"Angie, I lo--"

She suddenly squealed and hugged him tightly, choking out the rest of the phrase. Damn, he never thought she'd be this excited about it.

"We won!" She cried, letting him go and jumping up and down with excitement.

"We what?"

"The competition! We won!" And she hopped to the dance floor.

Tom stared dazed for a few seconds, then followed, trying to keep the smirk off his face. Typical that something would interrupt him, but he was glad all the same. Because they'd won, he had five hundred dollars and she was insanely happy, squeezing the life out of him.

"Hold your horses." He laughed, wrapping one arm around her and lifting her off the ground. "You're spinning like a dreidel."

"I can't help it. After all the crap we've been through lately, this is just..." She screamed again in delight.

Tom put her down and leaned towards her. She instantly froze, her eyes shining with anticipation, clutching the dance trophy to her chest.

"Are you going to finally kiss me?"

He thought about it for a minute. It would already not be spontaneous and he could do better.  Much better and he planned on it. On doing everything perfectly.

"No, but I am going to ask you out."

"Ask me out?"

"Yes. On a date. Properly. So this time you know exactly what it is from the get-go. And yes, there will be flowers and food and a walk through the park. And kissing. There will be lots of kissing."

"I'd love that," she whispered.

"Tomorrow night? I know it's a school night, but we'll make it work."

She nodded, an innocent smile on her lips. She suddenly bit down on her lower lip. "Before I started screaming like a maniac, what did you want to say?"

Oh, so she had actually heard that. "You'll find out tomorrow. Though I get the feeling you already know. "

"Still can't wait to hear it." She sighed content, looking from the trophy back to him. "It's really going to be alright, isn't it? After everything that happened."

He nodded and squeezed her against him because for the first time in his life, he truly believed that everything would be fine.


Almost forgot to update. Well, here it is. I went whit the obvious here and actually let them win though I usually don't do that in my stories.

So... yes, this chapter. What do you think about the Tangie? About Tom? Do you see where he's coming from? And do you think it will go well for them? At least for a little while.

Thanks so much for reading and don't forget to vote and comment. We're so close to the ending right now.

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