I See You

-Jihyo's point of view-

"Hey, you look beautiful."

Taehyung said, as his eyes stayed on my dress, which was a fit and flare dress. It was quite casual for a wedding if you asked me, but I didn't mind.

He agreed to meet at the parking lot in front of the ceremony which is hosted inside a church. It's the classical marriage way.

"Thanks asshole, not bad yourself."

I say as we stand next to his car, which was a nice black Lexus. He was wearing a black deep V neck cut shirt with a blue velvet blazer on top. He was matching with skinny leather pants and black shoes. His expression went downwards, pouting as his eyes lost a smile.

"Why do you keep calling me asshole? You know, we're here as a couple."

He whispered the last part, but loud enough for me to hear.

"Oh right. I forgot for a hot second."

He smirked again, "Hot like me?"

I laugh, "It wasn't THAT cold." I winked as he understood the joke.

I was situating my blue and white dress when I saw a hand out in front of me.

"What?" I confusedly and lamely said.

"Let's walk together, hand in hand." He smiled again. I don't know if he's feeling extra horny or romantic today, but I'm catching on to the feeling too.

I place my hand on top of his hand, as my fingers find it's way back and let my arm hang down with his.

"Ready?" He asks,

"We aren't getting married. You know?"

He smiles, "I know, I'm just preparing you for the day when we do get married."

I was surprised by what he just said, and I could tell he was surprised himself too. I didn't want to say anything, to make matters a bit better. He quickly started walking inside.

"Wait, Taehyung slow down. There are some people that want to talk to us."

I said, as many people had opened their mouths but haven't made a sound come out.

He stops, and the first person to walk up to me was my aunt and uncle.

"Oh my Jihyo!" She says as I feel kisses on both cheeks.

"We missed you, and you look beautiful!"

I smile as her eyes travel up and down my body. Taehyung stands next to me with a smile, but I could tell he doesn't want to do this. His hand was still closed in with mine so he had nowhere to go without me.

"And who's this?" She turns to Taehyung as I shake my uncle's hand.

"I'm Taehyung, her boyfriend."

I step on his toe, as he whimpers silently.

"Oops, sorry that was an ACCIDENT."

I smile as he pouts. My aunt goes out to reach his hand and he extends his arm to politely shake back.

My uncle leans in my ear, "Don't do naughty things." He winks as he parts away.

I laugh, "Please, not in a lifetime."

Taehyung turns, "Babe, should we get going now? You still seem a little sore from last night."

My uncle nudges my aunt, as they both laugh. I plaster a fake smile and speak through gritted teeth.

"Sure, let's go."

I quickly pull him away until we were far enough away from them. I turn to him loudly whispering,

"Are you serious Taehyung?"

He leans back as he smirks.

"What? I'm having fun."

I bark back, "Hey asshole, I know we are posing and all but don't take it too far."

He chuckles, "Calm down princess."

I glare, "Whatever we aren't talking to anyone anymore."

He does his baby face again.

"Oh man, I was having fun."

I roll my eyes. "Let's go."

He followed behind, as we got inside five minutes before the ceremony started.


It was now the after party, music was turned on and people were talking as glasses were making noises.

"Hey Taehyung, do you want anything to drink?"

He shakes his head, "I don't drink."

My eyes escalate in surprise, "Huh, a bad boy who doesn't drink?"

He retorts quickly, not missing a beat.

"Think about it. What happens when a guy like me, takes one sip of alcohol and he's next to the opposite sex?"

I thought for a moment.

"So what, you just get horny?"

He chuckles, "I can make you pregnant."

I didn't mind him saying that out loud, because the music was louder and I'm sure no one would be eavesdropping someone's conversation.

But just then two gentlemen walk up, one of them looked quite familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it. Quickly Taehyung left, before I could even ask one man spoke.

"Hello Jihyo!"

I smile as I got up to shake their hands. I knew the other guy, he was a worker here at our office.

"How's trading and stock market doing?"

He smiles, as he places his arm around the other one.

"It's going great. Please meet my cousin, Park Jimin."

I flinch at the name, why is it so familiar? It's like you know the shape of something but you forgot the name of a material.

"Hello Jihyo, my name is Park Jimin. Lovely to meet you."

I take out my hand as he places his lips on it, then I soon quickly realize who he is. The other man left, leaving just me and him alone in the conversation.

"Park Jimin? Oh, the great seducer."

I said in a low voice. I wanted to see his tricks, see how good he actually is.

"Please sit down."

He nodded as he took a seat Right. Next. To. Me. Surprise, surprise.

"And what's a beautiful young lady doing here?"

Okay Jihyo. Who would you like to play? The dumb one, the badass one or the salty one? Hmm. Let's try dumb.

"Oh thank you, that's so sweet of you to say."

He smirks as his eyes lock in with mine.

"I'm surprised no one calls you that."

Fuck the dumb mode, where's badass at?

"Oh, no sweetie. Everyone calls me that. I'm just surprised you have good eyesight like them." I quickly retort, not missing a beat.

He backs up in defeat a bit.

"Haha, you don't need good eyesight to see a beautiful lady."

I chuckle, "You don't have to have a brain either, correct? As long as she's beautiful huh."

I smile crookedly. If I didn't know who he was, I would've possibly be interested in him by now. But this is way more fun.

"Are you telling me if I have a brain or not?"

I shrug as I take a sip from my glass of water.

"I'm telling you facts. You're just taking what you want."

He chuckles, I don't know if I should stop, but I'm really having fun.

"I like you Jihyo. You got one hell of a brain."

"I know, it's why I work here." I started lowering my voice mid sentence.

"Say, how about dinner?"

I laugh, "So is that how seducers work, you just keep asking her out even if she rejected you the first time?"

His smile fades, his eyes are like a deer caught in headlights.



Sad ending? Because I've been reading too mamy.

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