
I open the door to see a petite women around my age.

"Hi, can I help you?" I managed to sputter out.

She pointed to me, as she stuttered in between words.

"Ar-are y-you Taehyung's g-g-girlfriend?"

I could tell she was nervous, but I couldn't tell for what. She must be some customer of his, I don't know. But she was gorgeous.

"No, no. Of course not. Would you like to come in?"

She waved both of her hands while saying, "No, it's fine. Taehyung's there correct?"

I nodded gently as I try to give her a warm smile.

"Can he come out and talk to me?"

I liked this girl, she was quite humble and didn't want to intervene with anyone's life. She was the good girl, she was like me, at least I assume.

"That would be rude of me. Come on, come inside and make yourself relaxed."

I grabbed her by the arm but gently pulled her in as she walked inside. I closed the door and asked her to wait near my bed.

I went over to the bathroom and knocked.

"What is it?" He shouted annoyed.

"Are you almost done? You have a visitor."

"Yea I'm done."

He quickly opened the door revealing him in all black, his hair properly groomed and my oh my did he look like a whole sna-

"Jihyo? Who is the visitor?"

I snapped out of my thoughts to look at him. "Huh?"

He crossed his arms. "Stop staring, I know I look good. Now, who's the visitor?"

I get annoyed at his cocky tone. "I don't know who, she just came here looking for you."

He went to the other room, and saw the girl sitting on my bed. They both paused for a second when they looked at each other.

"Who told you?" Was the first thing that came out of Taehyung's mouth.

The girl blinked quickly before responding. "Yoongi told me, that you would be here. He told me everything."

Taehyung didn't speak, nor did he make a sound. But his expression said so many words and sentences.

"Don't you miss me?" She said, as her eyes started to water. She walked closer to Taehyung.

I decided to get out, because that's the best option.

"I guess you two know each other, I'll let you two catch up. Call me if you need anything."

I grabbed my phone as the girl turns to me and nods. Taehyung's eyes were still on her, he forgot about me already.

I walked out into the hotels hallway. The aroma was just that scent of a hotel, that rusty, leather smell.

I walk down the hallway and made a turn to find the elevators. There was one old man and a pregnant woman along with her huesband.

Every time I look at older people, I feel like they're luckier in so many aspects. They got their shit together, or at least closer compared to me. They have their loved ones, they already met them. They have proper love from family, where I'm out here alone.

Atleast they have people to work with, and memories to make. I don't remember the last time I necessarily was excited for something.

Once again I'm caught into my thoughts, not realizing that the elevator was already closing, as everyone was already inside.

Then the older man in front stops the doors as they go back.

"Sweetie, are you going to come in?"

He asks as he looks at me.

I shook my head, "No it's fine sir. Go ahead." I said with a smile to reassure everything's fine.

"Okay," he said as the doors begin to close again.

Yea that's totally fine Jihyo, totally.

"Great." I mummer as I turn to go back to the hotel room, I forgot my wallet and decided to go retrieve it.

I walk back until I get to our door. I carefully open the door, creating a slit so I'm able to hear them.

Instead, I hear kissing noises. A bunch of them. Too much.

I close the door and walk back again. I shouldn't be pissed off. But why am I feeling betrayed?

I shouldn't be hurt or mad right now. I'm not associated with Taehyung. I'm my own person.

But hearing those noises come out of my hotel room, knowing that there's Taehyung in there, realistically it hurts.

The elevator rings and I walk in. Luckily no one is inside, so I press the button to take me to the highest floor.

I wasn't going to cry or shout. I was going to think. Are these what people always say "feelings"?

I'm one ruthless little bitch, but why am I feeling that then?

I don't know, but I wanted to clear my head. I wasn't going to make assumptions, but I wasn't going to be unrealistic to myself either.

What exactly am I feeling right now?

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