Authors Note: It's time for more *inhales deeply* JUICY PLOT PROGRESSION! No more procrastinating for me, I'm going to come through for you guys!
Also, this is just a random question to start off the chapter, but have you guys ever made a deal with someone that's along the lines of, "If we're both single by the time we're 30, we'll get married?"
The reason I'm asking is because I'm scared to live alone when I'm older, but I also don't want to be pressured into marriage or anything. It also just seems like a fun deal to make.
Okay okay, I won't talk any longer. I just really love all you guys. Enjoy the chapter.
3rd Person POV
Gerard stared blankly at the empty room surrounding him. He wasn't sure exactly where Frank was, so that made him worry. It worried him even more when he checked his phone, and the last text he had gotten from Frank was from two weeks ago, the day they spent with Patrick and Jimmy.
Continually, he stared at the clock, watching as every minute slowly ticked by. Any minute now, Frank could be walking through that door and reassuring Gerard that he was fine, but that moment seemed to never come.
This was such a strange occurrence. It wasn't the first time that Frank had left in the mornings before Gerard could wake up, but even then, he always left a message for Gerard to read when he woke up. There was no message this time. There was only an empty room filled with the curiosities of where Frank could be right now.
Gerard often began to wonder if he was being too clingy. He and Frank never declared themselves 'official,' but they might as well be. They hadn't done anything serious either, just the occasional kisses and cuddles.
What if he's tired of me?
What if I'm not moving fast enough for him?
What if he found someone better?
**Trigger Warning: Panic Attack**
All these thoughts raced through Gerard's head. As his heart beat picked up speed, he began to feel that all too familiar sensation. It was getting harder to breathe, and he soon realized that he was having a panic attack.
He tried to steady himself against the bed, but failed, collapsing down and hitting his face against the pillow. He felt like he was hyperventilating, and as much as he tried to calm himself down, he couldn't.
He was becoming overwhelmed, and tears starting streaming down his face and he wished for the sudden attack to go away.
Come on Gerard. Don't be pathetic. Stay fucking calm already! He scolded himself in his mind, wanting to just get this experience over with.
Finally, as if some sort of god had been listening in on his thoughts, his breathing patterns began to stabilize.
**Scene over**
He breathed slowly in and slowly out, and he eventually was back to normal. He was still worried about Frank, but he didn't allow himself to get worked up over it again.
Finally, the door opened and Frank walked into the room, carrying a small bag with him. Gerard assumed that his music journal was in the bag, along with writing utensils. It looked similar to his art bag.
"Hey Gee."
"Hi Frank," Gerard replied. He didn't have much emotion in his voice, because he wasn't sure whether to be happy that Frank was back, or upset that he didn't leave a message. "Where have you been?"
"Oh you know, just out and about. Nothing to worry over." Too late for that, Gerard thought to himself.
"Why didn't you leave me a text?"
"I don't know." Frank shrugged. Gerard was worried he was starting to annoy him with questions. "It just didn't cross my mind, I guess."
Gerard nodded and continued to be silent, just thinking to himself. He didn't know if he truly believed that Frank was just out and about, but asking him about it would annoy him even further. Gerard didn't know why Frank sounded pissed, but maybe he just had a rough start.
"You're being awfully quiet, is there something wrong?" Frank's suspicions rose when Gerard didn't even bother to look up at Frank while he was talking.
"No, nothing's wrong Frank. I don't like talking when there's nothing to talk about, you know that by now. At least, you should."
"Of course I know that, but this silence is different." When Gerard's raised an eyebrow, Frank struggled to find the words to describe it. "Like, most silences we have are shared and understandable. This one is just... awkward."
"Maybe for you," Gerard suggested. "But you're not used to silence as much as I am. An awkward silence to you might be a comforting one to me." Gerard knew that he was speaking total bullshit to try and convince Frank that he was fine, but it wasn't like Gerard was lying.
This plan clearly failed however, because not too long after Gerard spoke, Frank heard his voice crack in distress. "Alright, something's up. Just tell me."
"No Frank, nothing's wrong."
"Gerard, I know there's something on your mind."
"There's always something on my mind, Frank. That's not a very modern discovery," Gerard said.
"Gerard, just tell me what's wrong." He was clearly becoming fed up, but Gerard still wasn't going to tell him.
"No Frank, just drop it, please."
"Gerard why the fuck won't you tell me?"
"Because you won't understand!" Gerard practically snapped, looking over to Frank. He sighed and put his head in his hands with shame. "I'm sorry."
"You don't trust me," Frank murmured.
"What?" Gerard said, shocked by Frank's words. "Look, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped." He waved it off and began running his fingers through his head.
"It's fine," Frank said, annoyance still clear in his voice. "Just... get your shit together before you start talking to me again." Gerard's head shot up once again, looking back at Frank.
"W-what?" His voice trembled as he spoke.
"I think we need some time apart, Gerard." Soon, Frank was walking towards the door again, his bag and keys still in hand.
"But-" Gerard began to protest. It was no use however, as he heard the door slam shut and he was left alone in the room once again.
Frank was gone.
Gerard had to take a second to contemplate on what had just happened.
How could Gerard have been such an idiot? Frank was the one person that actually made Gerard enjoy talking, and now he was gone.
Gerard's first reaction was to get mad at Frank, and a million angry thoughts swarmed his mind. "Get your shit together before you start talking to me again." Get his shit together? That's literally what he did right before Frank walked into the door! Frank had no right to tell him to get his shit together, considering he walked into the room with an obvious grudge against something.
But then, Gerard started to become mad at himself. Gerard why are you such an idiot? You should have just told him. Maybe he wouldn't be upset? But then there's also the possibility that he would leave you anyway, this time for good, knowing that you worry over the dumbest things.
Who am I kidding? I should have never started talking to Frank in the first place, then none of this would've happened. If he was going to be my roommate, I should've requested for there to be a dorm change. None of this would have happened if I had just kept my damned mouth shut.
And finally, Gerard wasn't mad at anything anymore. He was just an emotionless mess, trying to sort out his feelings. This was the way he hated feeling. It's not happy, sad, angry, scared, or any other emotion. He just feels empty.
Not knowing what else to do, he decided to call Lindsey and rant to her about how he was feeling.
She didn't pick up the first few rings, but eventually answered. "Hey Gee, what's up?"
"Hey Linds. Can we go to the coffee shop? I really need to talk to you about something."
"Sure thing Gee. Just meet me up there when you're ready."
"Thanks Lindsey."
"No problem." And then she hung up.
Gerard grabbed his keys and his art bag, and made his way to the coffee shop. Lucky for him, Lindsey was already there and waiting outside the small café. They quickly rushed inside, and ordered their coffee before sitting down at a table.
"So what is it you want to talk to me about, Gee?"
"Oh yeah. Um, so you know how you helped me figure out that I liked Frank?"
"Yeah? What about it?"
"Well basically I told him, and he said that he liked me too. And so then we became a thing I guess? I don't know, we never made anything official, but we've kissed a few times and slept in the same bed and stuff."
"Oh my god, I'm so happy for you!"
"But the thing is, I fucked it all up." Lindsey's expression fell and she soon had a sad one on her face.
"Oh no Gee, what happened?"
"I'm not sure. He left this morning to do something, which usually wouldn't be a big deal, but he never left me a text with where he was going. Basically I had a big panic attack, but I was able to calm myself before he came back."
"What next?" She continued to question.
"When he came back, he sounded and looked pissed. I don't know why, but I assumed that I had done something wrong, because he was acting all weird around me."
Lindsey nodded for Gerard to continue, so he kept talking until the whole story was finished.
"And Lindsey, I don't know what even happened. I don't know what I did to make him so upset with me, but he sounded annoyed. I'm so unhappy, I miss him so much already."
"Oh no, Gerard, come here." She motioned for Gerard to slide into the same booth as her, so he did. When he was on the other side of the table, she pulled him into a tight hug.
"Do you know why this is happening, Linds?"
"I'm not sure, Gee. I don't know why he would be so mad all of a sudden. I'm thinking that maybe perhaps he just had a rough start to his day?"
"I was thinking that too, but when I asked him where he went, he just said oh you know, just out and about. Nothing to worry over. Like, there was no way he could've known I was worried, so why would he have to include that detail? Nothing to worry over? That makes it sound like it was definitely something to worry over. I don't know. Maybe I'm just overthinking everything." He took a deep breath before letting out a sigh.
"Why didn't you just tell him what was on your mind, Gee?"
"I don't know! A wave of anxiety came over me before I could, and I guess I thought that it would make me seem clingy. I don't want him to leave me, Linds. Although I guess I've already failed at that."
He chuckled sadly.
"Listen, I'm sure we'll work something out, Gee."
He looked up at her, tears brimming his eyes. He didn't let them fall though. "You really think so?"
"Of course. I haven't seen you be this attached to a person in forever. I wouldn't want you to loose them so easily. I promise Gerard, I'll do everything in my power to make sure you two end up okay."
"You're a great friend, Lindsey." He smiled, a sense of hope in his expression.
He was going to get Frank back.
Next on Writing for a Cause, more drama, more romance, more bloodshed! Just kidding, no one is going to die. But seriously, things are getting pretty spicy. I'm sorry for the cliffhanger by the way, I'm going to try and get the next chapter published by tomorrow at the latest.
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