Table of Contents
Advantages & Disadvantages...................................................................................6
1. Writing about advantages........................................................................................6
2. Writing about disadvantages ...................................................................................7
1. To agree with someone or something......................................................................9
2. To partly agree with someone or something ..........................................................10
3. When a group of people agree ..............................................................................10
Aim or Purpose.........................................................................................................12
1. Ways of saying what the aim or purpose of something is.......................................12
2. Words meaning aim or purpose.............................................................................13
Approximate / Exact.................................................................................................15
1. Words meaning approximately ..............................................................................15
2. Words meaning exactly .........................................................................................16
1. To cause something to happen..............................................................................18
2. Ways of saying that something is caused by another thing....................................20
3. To be one of the things that cause something to happen.......................................20
Certainty & Uncertainty............................................................................................23
1. Ways of saying that you are certain about something............................................23
2. Ways of saying that you are not certain about something......................................24
Comparing & Contrasting........................................................................................26
1. What you say when comparing things or people....................................................26
2. To compare things or people .................................................................................27
1. What you say when concluding your essay or argument .......................................29
2. Saying again what your aims were at the conclusion of an essay..........................30
1. To decrease ..........................................................................................................31
2. To make something decrease ...............................................................................32
3. A decrease ............................................................................................................34
4. When something stops decreasing........................................................................35
1. To disagree with someone or with an opinion........................................................36
2. When people disagree about something................................................................37
3. Causing disagreement...........................................................................................37
1. Words meaning effect............................................................................................39
2. To affect something or someone ...........................................................................40
1. What you say when emphasizing that something is important...............................42
2. Ways of emphasizing one person or thing more than others .................................43
3. To emphasize something.......................................................................................44
1. What you say when you are explaining something ................................................45
2. Words meaning to explain something....................................................................46
Giving Example........................................................................................................48
1. What you say when giving an example..................................................................48
2. What you say when there are a lot of other examples of something ......................49
3. To give something or someone as an example......................................................50
Giving Exceptions....................................................................................................51
1. Ways of saying that something or someone is an exception..................................51
2. Someone or something that is not included ...........................................................52
Giving Opinions........................................................................................................53
1. What you say when giving your opinion about something......................................53
2. Ways of saying what another person’s opinion is ..................................................54
3. To say what your opinion is about something ........................................................55
Giving Reasons........................................................................................................56
1. What you say when giving reasons for something .................................................56
2. Words meaning reason .........................................................................................57
3. A reason that does not seem believable ................................................................59
1. To increase............................................................................................................60
2. To make something increase.................................................................................61
3. An increase ...........................................................................................................63
4. When something does not increase, or stops increasing .......................................65
Linking Parts Of A Sentence...................................................................................66
1. Words meaning 'and' or 'also' ................................................................................66
2. Words meaning 'because'......................................................................................67
3. Words meaning 'but' or 'although' ..........................................................................69
4. Words meaning 'if' .................................................................................................71
5. Words meaning 'in order to' ...................................................................................72
6. Words meaning 'or'................................................................................................73
7. Words meaning 'therefore'.....................................................................................74
Listing & Ordering....................................................................................................77
1. What you say when ordering a group of things that you want to mention...............77
2. Ways of introducing a list of reasons, causes, points etc .......................................79
Making Generalizations...........................................................................................81
1 .Ways of saying that something is true about most people or things.......................81
2. To say that something is true about most people or things ....................................83
Problems & Solutions..............................................................................................84
1. Problems ...............................................................................................................84
2. Small problems......................................................................................................86
3. Solutions ...............................................................................................................87
Quoting People.........................................................................................................90
Ways of quoting what someone has said...................................................................90
1. Referring to an earlier part of an essay, report etc .................................................92
2. Referring to a later part of an essay, report etc......................................................93
3. Referring to another piece of work.........................................................................94
Related / Unrelated...................................................................................................97
1. Ways of saying that two things are related ............................................................97
2. Related to what is being discussed........................................................................99
3. Not related.............................................................................................................99
4. Not related to what you are discussing ................................................................100
Showing & Proving................................................................................................102
1. To show that something is true............................................................................102
2. To show that something is likely ..........................................................................104
3. To show that something is untrue ........................................................................105
Study & Research...................................................................................................106
1. To study something in order to try to find out more about it .................................106
2. The work of studying something ..........................................................................107
3. A piece of writing by someone who is studying a subject.....................................109
4. The results of someone's research......................................................................110
Subjects & Topics..................................................................................................111
1. Ways of saying what the subject of something is.................................................111
2. Words meaning subject.......................................................................................112
The Essay Activator has been created to help you improve your written English. By
varying the range of vocabulary and expressions that you use, your essays will become
richer and your grades will improve.
You can see from the menu on the left-hand side of your screen that there are 28 Essay
Activators. Each of these contains all the important words and phrases that can be
used to perform a particular function in your essay, for example showing that you agree
with an idea (Agreeing); explaining how something has increased (Increasing) or
saying what other people think (Quoting People). The language covered by the Essay
Activator is not related to any particular subject area. For subject-related vocabulary you
should look at the Topic Activator.
Each Essay Activator is divided into sections. Look, for example, at the Essay
Activator on Giving Examples. This is divided into 3 sections: what you say when
giving an example; what you say when there are a lot of other examples of something; to
give someone or something as an example. If you want to give some examples in your
essay, look at Section 1 and you will find a variety of words and phrases to avoid
repeating for example every time: for instance, be a case in point, by way of
illustrationetc. If there are a lot of examples you could mention, look at Section 2 for
ways of dealing with this: such as, including, to name but a fewetc.
Each word or phrase is followed by an explanation of the meaning and/or use and is
illustrated with example sentences. These examples can be used as models for you to
produce your own natural-sounding sentences.
In each of the Essay Activators you will also find Study Notes about grammar and
formality. For example, in Section 2 of Giving Examplesthere is a Study Note at such
as to explain that there is not usually a comma before this phrase, whereas there is
usually one before for exampleand including.
Look at the Exercisessection of the Writing Handbookfor activities which will help you
to practise using the vocabulary included in the Essay Activators
Advantages & Disadvantages
1. Writing about advantages
2. Writing about disadvantages
1. Writing about advantages
advantage noun[countable] a good feature that something has, which makes it better,
more useful etc than other things:
• The great advantage ofdigital cameras is thatthere is no film to process.
• The advantage ofusing a specialist firm is that the people who work there have years
of experience.
• One of the big advantages ofthis type of engine is thatit is smaller and lighter than a
conventional petrol engine.
• The university has the advantage ofbeing one of the oldest and best respected in the
• The movement of the sea is predictable. This giveswave power a distinct advantage
over(=an obvious advantage compared to) wind power.
• Despite a few problems with the design, the car's advantagesclearly outweigh its
disadvantages. (=the problems are not enough to stop it being a good car)
benefit noun [countable] a feature of something that has a good effect on people's
• Regular exercise has many benefits, including reducing the risk of heart disease.
• Modern technology has brought great benefitsto mankind.
• There has been a great deal of research into the potential benefits of using
genetically modified crops.
merit noun[countable] a good feature that something has, which you consider when
you are deciding whether it is the best choice:
• The committee will consider the merits ofthe proposals.
• In her book, she discusses the relative merits of the two political systems. (=she
compares the features that they have)
• The merits and demerits of (=the good and bad features of) alternative funding
systems were widely discussed in the newspapers.
• The chairman saw no great merit inthis suggestion. (=he did not think that it was a
good idea)
good point noun[countable] a good feature that something has:
• One of the good points aboutthe car is that it is easy to drive.
• Each system has its goodand bad points.
plus point noun[countable] a good feature that something has:
• The small but powerful battery is another of the camera's many plus points.
• The estate agent's leaflet said a major plus point was the recently modernized
the good / great / best thing about used when mentioning a good feature of
• The great thing aboutliving in a city is thatyou can go shopping at almost any hour
of the day or night.
• Her wicked sense of humour was the best thing abouther.
• The good thing aboutcycling is thatyou don't have to worry about getting stuck in a
traffic jam.
the good/great/best thing aboutis rather informal. Don't use it in formal essays.
the beauty of something is that used when you want to emphasize that something has
a very good or useful feature:
• The beauty ofthe design is thatit is so simple.
2. Writing about disadvantages
disadvantage noun [countable] a bad feature that something has, which makes it
less good, less useful etc than other things:
• The main disadvantageof this book is its price.
• These vaccines have two serious disadvantages. Firstly, they are not 100% effective,
and secondly, they are expensive to make.
• A major disadvantage ofusing large quantities of chemicals is that they quickly get
absorbed into soil.
drawback noun[countable] a disadvantage which makes you think that something is
not so good, even though it has other advantages:
• The major drawback ofthis method is that it can be very time-consuming.
• Aluminium is very light and also very strong. Its main drawbackis that it cools down
very rapidly.
• Summer in the Scottish islands can be beautiful. The only drawback isthe weather,
which can be very changeable.
downside noun [singular] the disadvantage of a situation that in most other ways
seems good or enjoyable:
• The downside ofrunning your own business is that you are responsible if anything
goes wrong.
• Everyone wants to be rich and famous, but it does have its downside.
• Most comfort eaters enjoy what they eat, but the downsideis that they soon start to
put on weight.
bad point noun[countable] a bad feature that something has:
• There are good points and bad points aboutsingle sex schools.
• For all its bad points, and there are many, it is still the best software system of its kind
Agreeing *opposite Disagreeing
1. To agree with someone or something
2. To partly agree with someone or something
3. When a group of people agree
1. To agree with someone or something
agree verb [intransitive and transitive] to have the same opinion as someone, or to
think that a statement is correct:
• Many people agreed withhis views about the war.
• I completely agree withChomsky when he says that humans are born with a special
ability to learn language.
• Most experts agree thatdieting needs to be accompanied by regular exercise.
Don’t say ‘agree someone's opinion' or ‘agree to someone's opinion'. Say agree with
someone's opinion.
share somebody's view / concern / fear etc to have the same opinion,
concern, fear etc as someone else:
• I shareher concerns aboutthe lack of women in high academic positions.
• A lot of people sharehis view thattourism will have a negative impact on the island.
• This fearwas sharedby union leaders, who saw the new law as an attack on their
subscribe to a view / theory etc to agree with an opinion or idea:
• There are a number of scientists who subscribe to the viewthat there is a God who
controls the workings of the universe.
• Some people think that there are cases where torture is justified. I, for one, do not
subscribeto this theory.
be of the same opinion if people are of the same opinion, they agree with each
• All three specialists were of the same opinion aboutthe cause of her illness.
• Professor Dawkins is of the same opinion asDr Jones
concur verb[intransitive and transitive] a formal word meaning to agree:
• The committee concurred withthis view.
• Most modern historians would readily concur that(=agree without any hesitation) this
was an event of huge importance.
• As most biblical scholars concur, the letter could not have been written by any
contemporary of Jesus.
somebody is right / somebody makes a valid pointused when you agree
with what someone says:
• Darwin was right when he argued that humans and higher mammals are closely
• Cox makes a valid pointwhen he questions our ability to remain objective.
2. To partly agree with someone or something
agree up to a point to partly agree with someone or something:
• Although I agree withhim up to a point, I find it hard to believe that this is true in
every case.
broadly agree to agree with most parts of something:
• The conference delegates broadly agreedwith the proposals.
there is some truth in used when saying that you think that something is partly true
or right:
• There is some truth in the argument thatthere is a link between violence on our
streets and violence on our TV screens.
• There is some truth inall of these theories, but none of them can fully explain the
causes of unemployment.
3. When a group of people agree
agreement noun [uncountable] if there is agreement on something, people agree
about it:
• Today there is general agreement thatpollution from cars and planes is threatening
the future of our planet.
• There is widespread agreement onthe need for prison reform. (=most people agree
about it)
• Geologists aremostly in agreement abouthow the islands were formed. (=most of
them agree about it)
• The two sides were unable to reach agreement. (=they could not agree with each
consensus noun[singular,uncountable] agreement between most of the people in a
group about something, especially with the result that they decide on a particular course
of action:
• There is now a general consensus among scientists on the causes of global
• There was a growing consensus thatthe military government had to be replaced.
common ground noun [singular, uncountable] things that people agree about,
especially when there are other things that they disagree about:
• There are many areas of common ground betweenthe two philosophers.
• Despite their differing backgrounds, they found common groundin their interest in
unanimous adjectiveif a group of people are unanimouson something, they all have
the same opinion about it:
• Medical experts are unanimous onthis issue.
• They were unanimous in their oppositionto the plan.
• a unanimous decisionby the three judges
widely held view / belief etcan opinion, belief etc that many people have:
• There is a widely held view amongbusiness experts that selling off a business to a
management team is not in the best interests of the company's shareholders.
• There is a widely held belief thatadvanced western societies are becoming more and
more criminalized.
widely / generally accepted if something is widelyor generally accepted, it is
thought to be true by most people:
• It isnow widely accepted thatthe universe began with the so-called 'big bang'.
• It is generally accepted that electricity generated from nuclear power is more
expensive than other forms of electricity.
Aim or Purpose
1. Ways of saying what the aim or purpose of something is
2. Words meaning aim or purpose
1. Ways of saying what the aim or purpose of something is
aim to do something to try to achieve something:
• This paper aims to show how science and technology have influenced the work of
• The research aims toanswer two questions. First, what causes the disease? Second,
is it possible to find a cure?
• In this study, we aimed to record the number of birds who returned to the same
woodland for a second summer.
set out to do something to try to achieve something. You use set out to do
somethingespecially when talking about someone's original aims when they start to do
• The organization never achieved what it set out todo.
• The first chapter sets out toexplain the origins of modern science.
• The authors set out toshow how men's and women's language are different from each
in order to so that someone can do something, or so that something can happen:
• Tests were carried out in order to findout if the drug had any side effects.
be intended to do somethingif something is intended to do something, it is
done for that purpose:
• The course is intended to provide a basic introduction to molecular biology.
• The dams were intended to control the flooding which affects the river in winter.
be supposed to do something / be meant to do something to be intended
to have a particular result or effect. You use these phrases especially when something
actually fails to achieve what was originally planned:
• The film is supposed tobe a serious drama.
• The scheme was meant toimprove the city's image
2. Words meaning aim or purpose
aim noun[countable] what you want to achieve when you do something:
• The main aims ofthe project are as follows.
• The main aim ofthe study is toinvestigate the way in which young people deal with
the stress of exams.
• The bank achievedits aim ofattracting 50,000 customers by the end of the year.
• One of the aims ofthis chapter is toexplain Freud's theory of the mind.
• My aim in this article is to examine ways in which the present system could be
• A cure for cancer is our ultimate aim. (=the most important aim, which you hope one
day to achieve)
purpose noun[countable] the reason why you do something, and the thing that you
want to achieve when you do it:
• He did not tell them about the purpose ofhis visit.
• The main purpose ofeducation is tohelp people to lead satisfying and productive
• The main purpose of the changes is to reduce costs and improve the service to
• The United Nations was established for the purpose ofprotecting basic human rights.
• The information will be used for research purposes.
• Many plants from the rainforest are used for medical purposes.
objective noun[countable] the thing that someone is trying to achieve, especially in
business or politics:
• The policy has three main objectives: firstly, to increase food production; secondly, to
improve the distribution of food; and finally, to improve the diet of ordinary people.
• The principal objective ofany company is to make money for its shareholders.
• The government is unlikely to achieve its long-term objective of cutting CO2
goal noun[countable] something that a person or organization hopes to achieve in the
future, even though this may take a long time:
• It took Mandela over forty years to achievehis goal ofa democratic South Africa.
• The company's long-term goalis to be the market leader in this type of technology.
• World leaders have setthemselves the goal ofgetting rid of child poverty.
target noun[countable] the exact result, often a number or an amount of something,
that a person or organization intends to achieve:
• The University is expected to reach its target of 5000 students next September.
(=achieve its target)
• They failed to meettheir target ofhaving a computer in every classroom.
• He sethimself the target ofraising over $1 million for cancer research.
intention noun[uncountable and countable] something that you intend to do:
• Their intention was tosail on February 10th, but bad weather made this impossible.
• She went to Hollywood with the intention ofstarting a career in movies. (=that was
the reason she went there)
• Rafsanjani said that Iran had no intention of developing nuclear weapons. (=they
definitely did not intend to do this)
• The reader can never be 100% sure of the writer's original intentions.
• It wasnever their intention toencourage people to break the law.
• It is not my intentionhere togive a detailed account of all the events that led up to
the war.
mission noun[countable] something that a person or organization hopes to achieve,
which they consider to be very important and forms the basis of their activities:
• The agency's mission is toprovide medical and psychological help to victims of the
• Our mission is toeducate people about the disease.
• The students are on a mission torecord and preserve the history of their area. (=they
are trying hard to do something, because they feel it is very important)
the point noun[singular] the purpose of doing something and the reason why it is right
or necessary:
• The point of the experiment is to show how different metals react with oxygen.
• People sometimes find it difficult to see the point ofstudying subjects such as Latin at
school. (=they find it difficult to understand why it is necessary)
• He felt that his critics were completely missing the point. (=they failed to understand
the most important purpose or reason for something)
ends noun [plural] the result that someone is trying to achieve, when this is bad or
• Several politicians were accused of trying to exploit the situation for their own ends.
(=use it in order to get advantages for themselves)
• The terrorists will do almost anything to achieve their ends.
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