Chapter 11: Back-Up for Backlash!
The last Smackdown before Backlash has gone off without an issue, the crowd here in Lyon are loving it while Hailee sat up in a box with Brandi, Zac and Liberty, their talking about how Hailee and Tristan met, it was of course Brandi's idea for Zac to have that party and introduce him to someone so she's feeling pretty good about it right now...
... They stopped their chatter when Tristan's music hit though giveing out a better reaction then when Cody did, Brandi made a note of that, she's pretty sure Hunter's going to do something with them both soon anyway, there's no way he's going to keep them apart when their his two top stars on the Blue brand right now, Tristan wasn't as focused on that as she was though, walking out the curtain with confidence in his step...
... Tristan walked down the ramp, excited about this, he's never been in front of a French crowd quite like this before and with what's to come, their going to love it, all he wanted to do was take his time, high fiving and hugging his way to the steps, climbing up them and stepping into the ropes, picking up the waiting microphone as he went.
Tristan: Bonjour Lyon...
Tristan learnt a little French before coming over here, he was going to be spending a few days here, not learning how to have a basic conversation would have just been rude and inconsiderate, the fans seemed to enjoy it, however he can't speak that much in their native tongue so he let them respectfully know.
Tristan: ... Si cela ne vous dérange pas, je vais revenir à l'anglais...
Tristan just said that he's going to go back to English, he knows how to great people, ask them if they can speak any English and if they have something that he might need, the real basic stuff, he could have learnt more but the fact he can speak as much as he can is actually a miracle, it surprised Zac who made a little dig about him barely being able to speak english properly, Hailee just chuckled it off while watching her boyfriend walking around the ring.
Tristan: ... Now, tomorrow night, I face Logan Paul in my first ever WWE fight for the United States title...
Tristan's name will join some of the greats to potentially win a title on his in ring debut in the WWE, Pat Patterson did it, Tristan's grown up to know him and loved him like a wacky Uncle, if he can join that man then he'd be honored and that's the difference between Tristan and Logan Paul, Logan generally doesn't care about the WWE of its history, he just cares about being viral, Tristan however, lives for these small moments standing in front of a sold out crowd just talking.
Tristan: ... Just take that sentence in for a second. Logan Paul, stands between me and my family's Legacy. Call me what you like but I'm a fan of those odds.
It's hard not to see Tristan as the favourite going into this bought, he has the experience, the athleticism and the crowd behind him, there's no chance anyone here is looking to see Logan Paul defeat a Von Erich on his first ever match-up inside the WWE, now Tristan was going to start paying Logan Paul his due till he decided to interrupt him...
... Tristan sighed while looking down to the matt as the crowd booed the entire time, even louder then the music is which is a really good thing, his song sucks, say what you'd like about his in ring ability, his music sucks, it's just a bundle of noises and Tristan will be happy when it's out of the WWE, and hopefully wrestler, forever.
Paul: You do a lot of talking, you know that? For a man who talks so much about his family...
Logan didn't even wait till he was in the ring to start running his mouth, Tristan would have figured he'd at least get in the ring first but apparently now, then again, he's not complaining since the guy's music isn't playing no more, making his ears very thankful, at least Logan walked and talked so it's not just a waste of time.
Paul: ... You have no idea what real family is. Me? I do. I'm married, I'm going to be a father.
Logan finally climbed the steps and joined Tristan in the ring, Tristan has heard this all the time on Social's and other things, just because you're married and have a kid on the way doesn't make you a family man, being there day in and day out does, Tristan is so fed up with it, he doesn't care about the script and just throw it out the window.
Tristan: Oh yeah, that's right. Congrats. But I think I speak for everyone here when I say. Poor kid...
Tristan looked around the room before looking back to Logan when he said "poor kid", Hailee covered her mouth styfulling her laugh, Zac and Brandi though were happy to laugh, no one likes Logan Paul except the people around him that are paid to love him, Tristan's also no one to hold back the punches and since this might be his last chance to hit him with words, he's not holding back.
Tristan: ... No, no. In fairness, she is a beautiful woman and for the life of me, I can't work out how you of all people snagged her, congrats...
Tristan isn't a complete idiot she is a beautiful woman, he's seen pictures and stuff, it's really hard to miss them, for some reason since he's in a rivalry with this man, the people seem to think he wants to know everything about his life, he doesn't care to be honest, what matters to Tristan are the people around and Wrestling, also gaslighting his opponents.
Tristan: ... Then it dawned on me. You only nailed her down because everyone else had already nailed her right?
Logan didn't seem to like that but the sold out crowd in Lyon did, they found it really funny, Tristan chuckled to himself, microphone in right hand and left hand outstretched indicating to everyone having already slept with his wife, it's a gag that Logan Paul has had to live with for a while and he's not getting away from it here, no matter how many times Hunter told him not to bring it up, Tristan works for the fans and they are having a blast.
Tristan: Easy "Point Break" I'm just playing. To be honest, I'm just surprised you even here. I figured you'd rock up tomorrow fresh off the jet.
Tristan was being honest now, he generally thought that Logan would no show here and just rock up to the Arena when he could be bothered, another reason Tristan doesn't like this jackass, he's a joke to what they do as a profession and an embarrassment to what they stand for, they don't do this to get their shit product slapped in the middle of the ring, they do it because it was their dreams, not a hobby.
Paul: No, I'm here. I came here to shut you up for good. See... I got myself a little help...
Logan actually took it back to the script which made Tristan smile, it made him think that he couldn't hang with them whatsoever and he can't, he can brag about anything but he hasn't got what it takes to be in the WWE longer than a few appearances a month, he lacks the charisma...
... Tristan stepped back a little while Austin Theory and Grayson Waller stepped out, just like Logan, their not very popular here in Lyon, Tristan didn't run, not even when Logan tossed away the mic implying their going to jump him, Tristan doesn't doubt they will but instead of leaving, he just squatted down as the WWE Tag Team Champs approached the ring, a little quieter then Logan Paul did.
Tristan: Wow, you have friends, I'm shocked. Look everyone it's the Three Stooges. It's Dumb, Dumber and Dumbest from the Down Under...
Tristan chuckled to himself while the crowd did as well, Logan's dumb, Austin is dumber and it's pretty obvious who the other one is, Grayson and Austin talked smack to Tristan though but he can't hear then since they haven't got a mic, it's just a little trash talk but Tristan just needed to keep them talking for a little while.
Tristan: ... You don't listen do you Logan? You said I do a lot of talking but apparently you don't listen all that well.
Logan shrugged, the US title in his right hand while the other two are still holding their titles as well, Tristan sighed while rubbing at his head, Hailee, Zac and Brandi are all watching wondering what's going to get him out of this mess, they don't want Tristan to tell him because that will ruin the fun.
Tristan: What's the one thing I've been talking about since I got into this company?
Tristan is trying to make them see what's going on, the crowd seemed to pick up on it since they cheered a little, Tristan pointed them out but Logan Paul, Austin Theory and Grayson Waller still didn't seem to get the picture, so Tristan stepped a little closer to them all, making sure to look Logan Paul in his stupid fucking face.
Tristan: Family.
This seemed to make the penny drop with everyone else as the building cheered, even Zac and Hailee did with Brandi, Liberty cheered too but mostly because everyone around them was, Tristan smirked as Logan Paul started to worry, so did the tag team champions as they kept looking over their shoulders, which they should have been.
Tristan: And you're right. I do talk a lot but that's only because I'm stalling right now...
As soon as he said this, two guys jumped the tag champs, distracting Logan Paul long enough for Tristan to throw the mic into his face, it wasn't long till all hell broke loose and a rumble had broke out, the two covered guys keeping Austin and Grayson busy while Tristan dealt with the United States Champion.
Clearly being in over their heads, the champions tried to get out of there, Logan Paul getting out first but leaving the US title behind, Grayson was next but he did it by leaving Austin behind, Theory seemed to realise what his team mate had done but before he could compute what's happened, he bumped into the trio standing behind him, Tristan with a smile while the guys stood either side of him.
Austin tried to talk them out of it but it didn't work, the masked men charged him and kicked him to the ground, really brutalizing one half of the champions, Tristan just smiled and watched while Logan Paul and Grayson Waller did nothing for their friend, the bigger of the two grabbed Theory and pulled him to his feet before throwing him at Tristan, Tristand held him making sure Logan's watching...
... With Austin now down and out, Tristan stood to his feet, the masked men behind him him, the taller to his left and shorter to his right, Tristan smiled a little before holding his right hand up into the Iron Claw, the crowd cheered but just got louder as the other two copied his actions then tugged down their masks/hoodies, showing it was his brothers Ross and Marshall the entire time.
Tristan smiled to his brothers as they took in the WWE reaction the the Von Erichs being in the WWE, Ross and Marshall aren't fools and know their only here because of Tristan's work, it was him who got the WWE interested and it was him who convinced Hunter that the entire Von Erich family is going to be a big moment for the company, Ross and Marshall now get to see Tristan's mic skills live since he grabbed the microphone with his left hand and the US title with his right, looking dead at Logan Paul.
Tristan: Tomorrow Logan. You have 24 hours left with this title. Make it worth something because when I'm done with you, you'll have a face your wife wouldn't even sit on!
Ross and Marshall laughed while patting Tristan's back and shoulders, he wasn't joking though and kept a serious face while lifting the US title up to the camera's and the crowd, never taking his eyes off the Champion who's to his right on the ramp, Ross and Marshall put the Claw back up before Tristan dropped the title, leaving the brothers to celebrate that the Von Erichs are finally in the WWE... together...
{To Be Continued!}
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