The Finale Entries (29/08/21)
The time had finally come along, after many weeks of hard and dedicated work from each team we have made a long journey to reach five remaining teams, all of which have been placed in the results!
Please tag your partners asap when/if you see this first! ❤️ it saves us a lot of time. —>
I'd firstly like to say that everyone's entries were very emotional for this final prompt, and I myself, who is sufferable of mental health appreciated reading each one. This is why I'd like to share everyone's entries within the final results before we begin, in hopes it may help others, and make them feel a little less alone too.
(You're welcome to skip this chapter if you wish not to see the final entries and host reviews.)
In no particular order:
Team 21 : Two Seconds of Winter — @ColeReveal & @stormsinjulyy-
hanging on
i am spellbound.
the domineering, manipulative tug of the knife
that drags across my wrist is a drug,
inducing what is left of my shattered senses.
it intoxicates me,
satisfying my ever-hungry greed
for an end,
an escape from this tragically tortured
i am sisyphus.
the claimed victim of an
unceasing punishment,
linked permanently to
a boulder that devastates and
crushes every glimpse of hope
that manages to uplift my
i am caught,
entangled in a deadly mass of
despondency that drags me down,
plummeting into the depths of the unknown.
i flail,
searching and begging
for something to lean on,
and cry my own river of plaintive
when will humanity open their ignorant eyes
and tear away this chosen blindness?
when will they see our attempts
as something more,
not merely a selfish call for
do not dismiss our needs,
our unannounced pain.
do not falsely accuse us
of faking,
or simply calling the spotlight
onto our own
we can unanimously agree that
each member of humanity is
not insignificant.
so why do hundreds of
of us perish every
lost to nothing
but the harrowing beliefs
that we do not have a place
in society.
that we are nothing more
than a trivial,
excuse of a person.
and sometimes,
worst of all,
we believe that
we are not enough.
how many more lost souls
will it take
for our voices to finally
for us to stitch up
the torn seams
of the quilt that once
held us together?
with every passing second
that we remain indifferent,
a shattered father's breath
is stolen away.
a struggling child
dances to their last song.
and that withdrawn,
insecure boy from
the third period
has ceased his cries
from deep into the
so stand.
open your eyes
and spread the
awareness that suicide deserves.
make it be known that
suicide is not the answer.
your life is not a mistake.
you were meant to live,
to breathe,
and to enjoy the simple
gifts of existing.
please don't commit.
you are loved.
do not let suicide
pull you away from
all the things that you are
capable of.
Personal Host Review:
I've absolutely adored watching this team grow and learn throughout each week that came through. This team seemed to work very well together, and each week proved so. The graphic artist has shown some spectacular skills throughout the competition, and has proven that a design doesn't always need to be layered with imagery to have the effect they're trying to portray. The writer has also shown wonderful skills throughout the competition. They've improved plentiful on their prose and grammar, and have provided some really strong writing pieces supporting their partner. Well done!
Team 26 : Artsy Duo — @sereneur & @monique0912345
Empty streets. Ghost towns. Isolated homes. Masked faces. Virtual uprisings.
Those phrases are reminiscent of a horror dystopian novel, but instead of being outlandish fiction, they are, unfortunately, humanity's reality—our new normal.
The first cases of the Covid 19 pandemic were first reported in November 2019, and since then, our lives have never been the same. At the very least, it distorted our collective sense of normalcy, and at most, it took and still takes millions of lives. There are over 208 million cases and over 4.37 million deaths recorded around the world.
The newly discovered coronavirus named Covid 19 by scientists is an infectious disease that has impacted the globe. Every person who contracts the virus develops different symptoms and degrees of sickness. Some will have mild or moderate symptoms and will recover without special treatment. While others, well, never recover.
This virus is mainly transmitted through droplets when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or exhales. These droplets fall onto floors and surfaces. Therefore, someone can become infected by being close to someone who has this virus, by breathing in the virus, or by touching a surface that has been contaminated and touching your eyes, mouth, or nose.
In response to its high rate of contamination, governments put in place several health measures and guidelines worldwide. Stay Home, Save Lives. Wear a Mask, Save a Life. Wash your hands. Social Distance. Six feet apart.
Some of these measures are still in place while others have been slowly lifted due to the emergence of the Covid 19 vaccine. Currently, Sydney, Australia are on their second lockdown, and it is the strictest one yet. They are battling the Covid 19 delta strain with cases of over 400 and a few deaths daily. The lockdown consists of not being able to leave home. Only one person can leave home for groceries. You can only leave home to work and exercise but only within 5km of your home. A lot of people haven't seen their family in a long time.
This pandemic impacts everyone, and life will probably not be the same for a long, long time. Or ever.
For one, there are many people that should be on this earth today that aren't anymore due to the pandemic. Some lives were taken by the virus itself. Some were taken by domestic violence that climaxed as a result of lockdowns. Some were taken by poor mental health and suicide. Some were taken by inadequate health facilities or a lack of treatment for other health conditions as hospitals focused more on Covid patients.
And for those that are still on this earth, many are grieving. Some are grieving their loved ones who have passed. Others are grieving their lost routines, lost jobs, lost time, lost health, lost opportunities, lost connections, and lost accessibilities.
We must recognize this collective state of mourning and the harm the pandemic has inflicted and continues to inflict in all areas of our lives. But, unfortunately, many individuals are becoming increasingly numb to the pandemic, and it isn't hard to see why.
We're dealing with an "unprecedented/uncertain/un-whatever-the-hell-this-is" health crisis while also existing in demanding systems that require us to act as if things are normal- even when they're not. In addition, there are still many social injustices and issues going on worldwide that demand our attention. And of course, there are the daily responsibilities (eat, work, school, bills, chores, etc.) we must attend to in order to survive. And we have to juggle all of that during a pandemic.
So, no, you're not alone in this, and yes, it's okay not to be okay.
As new variants of the virus arise, many people are living in fear of contracting this virus. Some cannot even see their loved ones who are sick or dying. A lot of people miss their families but are stuck in their current suburbs or states. The pandemic surely isn't over yet.
It will take a while before we can ever think of going back to normal. Social distancing and wearing masks are ways to ensure we stay safe and defeat this virus. And while vaccines may not guarantee you will not get the virus, it is the best way to ensure we all are protected. It is a way to move forward and restore hope for a world that won't be "normal" like before, but even better than it was pre-pandemic.
Breathe In. Breathe Out. Wear a Mask. Wash your hands. Stay indoors-or outdoors if you can. Get Vaccinated. Grieve. Heal. Give a Virtual Hug. Do something safe that makes you feel alive today. Help others. Repeat until we've all made it past this.
Personal Host Review
This team has been incredibly versatile throughout the competition, and I've absolutely loved every single one of the designers graphics of which they have all landed the prompt very well. As for the writer, they seem very compassionate about the writing they've provided to their competition, and it's a knowledgable that they've utilised their time well throughout. I admire the research and passion with this duo, and they seem to have worked really well together all throughout the competition. Well done!
Team 25 : ZELORA — @otophile & @9ice_for_what
You Are Not Alone
Imagine this.
For several years, life has treated you unfairly. You feel that nobody likes you, your family is struggling economically, and academically, you're lagging behind; your teachers have given up on you. You have a friend who supports you nonetheless and tries to make you feel better. Yet, you believe that hope is gone.
What even is the essence of your existence anymore?
You barely remember what you are taught in school everyday yet you seem to never forget the bullies and their words because they leave lasting marks on your heart.
Days turn into weeks and weeks turn into months. It is now 11:37pm on a Friday night. You are seated on the bathroom floor, a knife in your right hand. You are ready to put an end to all the suffering. After tonight, there would be no more bullies. After tonight, your parents' financial burdens will be reduced. And after today, your teachers would not have to worry about explaining to the principal why a student keeps failing.
Of course we know a knife only does what it is told so you point its dangerously sharp edge at your chest and take what you would like to call your final breath. As you dig the knife into your chest, the scarlet blood lashes over the bathroom walls and floor, painting the scene in which you would be found dead. You are recreating the death scene in a play you starred in not long ago, except that this time it happens in a bathroom and it is not a murder.
Just like that, you become nonexistent.
One less problem in the world.
Or so you think.
It's now 8:46am on the day after your death. Your father is very happy this morning. He just got accepted for a job that pays well and he plans to spill the beans about it at breakfast. Your mum is still getting dressed while your dad is setting the table downstairs. Soon, your mum comes downstairs and they settle down. They never eat breakfast without you whenever you are around so your mum yells your name several times from the living room.
You don't answer.
She laughs at your silliness and makes a joke about how you're probably hiding or something knowing that you have never been a heavy sleeper. Little does she know that you've gone into an eternal sleep. Your mum does not find you in your room so her next stop would be the bathroom of course.
She opens the door and her eyes widen at the sight in front of her - the blood of her own child. She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath hoping that when she opens her eyes you'd be awake and tell her she was hallucinating.
But you don't.
She finally finds her mouth and screams, dropping to the ground and taking your lifeless body in her arms. Your dad comes over to see what happened and is beyond shocked to see you on the bathroom floor. Together they cry over your lifeless body thinking about where they went wrong and how they are going to use their hands to bury their only child.
It is now Monday. The whole school knows about your death. The students think it's sad that you took your own life, they wonder if there was anything worth fighting for. The bully is not remorseful- they think you are weak for giving up just like that. Your teachers are terribly unhappy about this because they always told you that you had potential. They feel like there is more to the matter. And your friend?
They are missing. They went missing right after the news was communicated to them. They probably don't know how to react.
The day of your funeral is here. Your extended family, classmates, teachers and other people are present. Everyone is dressed in black and is here to mourn your death. You lie still, in a casket which will soon be six feet under. Your nose and ears are plugged, blocking you away from the reality you never were in.
Now it's time for people to give their speeches. Your parents come up first. Everyone thinks their speech is going to be the longest but they are wrong. Why? Your friend shows up. They are dressed in a black that is darker than all the shades of black present at the funeral. Their bloodshot eyes are covered by sunglasses and their face looks colorless. Your friend talks about how your friendship saved them from suicide. They were on the verge of taking her own life when you showed up and made them see the good things in life. Not only that, they say you left an impact on people.
This is true.
A boy in your class stands up. He calls you an angel. He says he was your tutor and on this particular day the month before, you saved his life without knowing it. That day you suggested that the tutoring went on in school and not his house where it usually took place. His house burnt down that day. He lost his parents, but he is still standing.
This is true.
A woman stands up claiming to be your boss. She says that you have been one of her best workers because you manage to put a smile on customers' faces. A good number of people you have served are present at this funeral. They can testify to this. Though the sad truth is that nobody knew you had a job.
One after the other, people stand up, saying the little things you did that left a mark on their hearts. People that you never thought would remember you did. Even that family in the alley that you give alms to.
In a flash, it is 7:46am on the one-month anniversary of your death. Your parents arrive at the graveyard and move to the one that has your name on it. Other people are there to see you- your friend, your drama teacher, and even the bully from months ago. They all hold different things in their hands. Some with flowers, some with your favorite books and some with pictures of you leading the drama team to victory. It really is a sad day for them.
Now your parents are home. The mailman arrives with a package for their deceased child. With all the sadness in their heart, they take it and go into the house, which is devoid of happiness. Your parents are ageing faster than normal. Inside that package, it's a letter accepting you on scholarship into their acting school. They bow their heads and cry, wishing you were alive to see it.
Now before you give up on life, think about what the consequences will be. Think about the people that would be affected by your death. Your parents? Siblings? Friends? Okay so what if you have none?
How about all the food you never tasted? The books you wanted to read? The movies you wanted to watch? The places you never visited?
No matter what it is that you are going through, suicide should not be an option for you. Yes, there will be painful moments in your life when you will feel like hope is lost. It will turn your life around in a matter of seconds. But let me tell you something: you are never too lost to be saved. You will not allow yourself to be a victim. Instead, you will stand tall and show people that you survived life's uncanny ways.
You know, the semi-colon is a powerful symbol that is used when one wants to end a sentence but decides to keep on going anyways. YOU are that person, and that sentence is YOUR LIFE.
Keep on pushing because there is light at the end of the tunnel. Be the light in the darkness. You can make a difference; believe me now. Hold onto every possibility because for every reason there is not to live, there are a thousand reasons more to live.
Live, so that they can see that their words don't affect you.
Live, so that people can see that you are strong.
Live, so your enemies can leave.
And live, so that they can know that it's a game of two players - you and the rest - and you are going to win.
Suicide is real. Every 40 seconds, the world loses someone important. If you know someone who is suicidal or at a breaking point in their life, do not be afraid to reach out to them. Talking to them about it may be difficult, but it helps. Be there for them no matter what it is. Don't criticize them for feeling this way but try to give them another view on life.
You now have a choice. You can give up. Or you can redefine your reasons for living.
What direction are you taking?
Personal Host Review
This team has never failed to amaze me with their work ethic. They've shown a spectacular understanding of the entire competition, and have never faltered despite a task found difficult. I admire this team for their hard work, and for their chemistry between one another. It sounds like they have gotten along very well, and both participants have shown some incredible skills and knowledge throughout the competition. Well done!
Team 8 : Elvoxen — @_Foxicious & @rithvik11_master
An innocent child is born into this beautiful world,
Sculpted by the various perpetual superior forces
Of the vast expanse of the borderless universe.
A very negligible entity relative to what exists beyond,
Millennia old light enters the tiny fragile gems;
Through which this soul shall merely observe the might;
Of the gargantuan light of the interstellar,
Unpolluted, Unbiased, and Unified
Gazing the stars only meant to be seen, untouched
Thoughts of life only meant for serene peace.
The adventurer lands her first step triggering a storm
And finds herself engulfed in the sands of time.
"The world is a dangerous place, Stella," Papa says;
But it is also beautiful, I claim, lost among the stars.
Little did I know, this was just the beginning of my life;
contaminated by the irrational bias of meaningless reason.
"All of nature's creation, they should be beautiful, right?"
Papa only wished if that was true, letting his tear traverse
His worn-out face which had endured war, abuse, and slavery
"Mama would have been here if that was the case."
Her pleasing black eyes glittering like the stars beyond;
Rivaling her stellar beige epidermis upon;
The void black hair so orderly braided on either side
Amidst the rule of the chaos of the Stellaris;
Her divine gentle smile reflecting her unbiased thoughts,
Or the fishy foreign eyes of a relatively unusual color;
The skin tone native to a certain piece of a continent,
The black of her hair being loyal to her humble origins,
The uplifting smile buried under senseless hatred.
She is not a human, She is an outlander they say,
Classified by her beliefs in a superior force;
Judged just upon her attire, her nature of birth,
Her place of origin, yet on the same planet as they.
'Why would someone sharing the same soil of this
Planet call me an outlander?' She yearns.
An ancestry line different from they, they say;
Such a bold assumption to not consider her a human.
Contemplating the origins of all humans,
They should realize, that they are all related,
But they are afraid to admit it.
A language different than hers, conveying
The same thought as theirs, yet,
A weird world where she witnessed
Mere weaklings claiming to be strong;
So weak to discover and embrace the truth;
Imposing their will on the weak and inferior,
By their own random classification.
They decided to call themselves kings, rulers, gods
And drew out boundaries that never existed.
All because they considered each other outlanders
Unwilling to share what the world offered to all of them
Unwilling to live under the same roof
Far below the serene state of the stars above
Burning themselves out to light the skies around
Humans would not survive if they were stingy as they
Do they not realize that they could never conquer them?
Civilizations fall, swords driven into each other's hearts
Many valuable thoughts lost in the process of cleansing; the pure
Sands of gold turned into a crimson river of rage, anger, and hatred
Just to serve a random man's lust for power and authority
People are driven by perception - that they serve different gods
Invading lands, plundering materials, killing each other, oh lords!
None of them had ever seen their one, yet they claim they are right
Do they not serve a single god, just in different ways?
Are they too afraid to admit that they belong to each other?
Are they too afraid to let go of their pride and feel humility?
Not at least once they have attempted to observe a mind
Through someone's eyes filled with the same life as theirs?
Indeed, they are afraid that they might be wrong
They are guilty of serving an irrational cause
All they need to do is stop for a moment, and think
About their place in the world, and they shall discover
That they will be no different
Than the ones they had stabbed
An insultingly very short time of life they have
But the best they could do is this?
When love is in the air, and beauty everywhere
To embrace and enjoy, rejoice and rejuvenate
Living life in desolation is what they do the best
Emerald of lush green trees covering the entire earth
The sapphire of ocean pleading into the skies
The sun, the moon standing guard to the realm
Many many sightly species of living beings to embrace
Yet Forests swept and burnt, Marines massacred and contaminated
The Sapphire of Ocean and Skies engulfed in plague and black
Our fellow friends butchered without mercy,
What would I expect from these creatures who kill their own kind?
Denying the help of the sun by blocking the skies
With the black plague of theirs; warming up the oceans
And blame the moon for directing the tides at their invasions
of oceanic territory. Blaming is what they do the best.
One man stripping away the wealth of the planet;
For his pathetically short life,
Pushing people into starvation of air and water;
For generations to come.
Every single balance of the world disturbed,
So beautifully crafted it was, these savages!
They consider themselves to be intelligent;
From my point of view, they are the least.
Modernization, Globalization, Technological advancement,
The glorious golden era of humanity, oh what a joke!
Pushing the tipping points of the world's ecological systems;
Because those belong to their land-
Did I draw the borders around the globe to call it 'theirs'?
They were given a home to live in, with everything they ever needed!
I may not be able to save them if this mortal attitude of theirs
Lives on like a parasite to all the fabrications they have done so far.
'Humans would only unite when a much greater power
Appears to suppress them, threatening their survival.'
They went on to play their old game, which they had mastered
Across time and space, for their entire existence
The ashes of the green they have burnt resurrected
Into an intent of revenge, raining down arrows of corrosion
Convincing lord sun that they are not worth being protected
Summoning the wrath of the ocean and human erosion
Are they the real threats to humanity?
While their greed and envy kills their own
Their lust and wrath revoking peace
Their gluttony and sloth invoking poverty
With eternal pride fueling them all?
Claiming possession of what lies within me
The lands, the oceans, the skies, Mere mortals
powerless enough to live a life in harmony
Among the million diverse species they massacred
And another billion guardian trees they chopped down
They continue to annihilate each other
As they are unwilling to accept each other
Unwilling to give a thought about each other
Unwilling to appreciate the unique qualities I have given,
To every one of them; Lost in glorious
purpose, they never have time to ponder.
Heaven is already given to them, yet they seek one
After their passing, annihilating the one behind
Are they to remain completely ignorant of all these
While their silences' laughter slaughter them?
I have given you the ability to hate
But a purpose to love what is around you
Let go of pride, Let go of greed
You will see there are things only to love
I have given you the ability to annihilate
But a mind to think, a workspace to contemplate
Let go of hatred, Let go of hostility
You will see that there are things only to ponder
I have given you a place in the dark
But light to fill every corner of the void
Had I been as ambitious as you,
Do you think you would have existed?
The warmth of the person you love
Amidst the cold of the world around you
The warmth of the star, your skies
Amidst the void of the space around you
Do you think one of them would make sense
If the other has not existed?
The sky rains down, sprout the saplings
I rain blessings down, forging the sprogs
The lands giving a home to both
While the oceans feed the sky with rain
And the trees grow, summoning upon the skies
Do you own any of these, while I forged them all?
Order and dust, that's all you are
Where does your pride come in,
While you are a part of me,
among everything else?
Summoning the wrath of mine like they
I should end this realm, resurrect them as
Peaceful barren lands. Yet I am not them
To not appreciate the beauty of life
Symbols of holding hands, standing among other
Fragile tears of newborn, embrace of warmth
Reaching out to their fellow innocent creatures
Driven by sympathy, empathy, justice, freedom
Overshadowing the darkest shadows they created
Tranquil, serene, pure thoughts of the young; hope.
They are summoned to restore peace and balance
Born from dust, Fade into dust, understanding nature
Few among them possess the purest love
Not even my reaches, my million stars
My eternal power shall rival them; Perhaps
that is their truest form, power of eternity
Walls of language, color, culture, religion, at
End of your time, do they hold meaning?
After your time, pass on your world to the young
Realizing you had did the same from your elder
End of your time, they will live on.
One god, One need, One yearning for love, One origin,
Never divergent from anyone else, then why are you different?
End of your time, you can only cherish how you have lived.
Personal Host Review
I really appreciated the work that this team had provided all throughout the competition. They had a couple of hiccups, alike lots of other teams, but it never stopped them or disheartened them for long. The designer has shown some incredible graphic skills that have left my jaw dropping, I was always excited to see what would be next from them. I am also very proud of the writer, for they are not a veteran to writing, and coming into this competition has proven their skills have improved tenfold throughout each entry they provided. Well done!
Team 15 : Evily — @BleuSaphir51 & @royaltyir
Together We Rise
It's been quite a while
since we've all stood together.
However, it's time we do it again,
If we want things to get a lot better.
All of our lives have been impacted
by this cycle of unending violence.
It's time we speak up now.
We can't let each other suffer in silence.
The killing of our people has gone way too far.
One away does not bring enough justice.
We have to stand up and fight,
and bring more attention to this crisis.
The lives of our people are at risk.
Every day we hope to see another.
We all have to stand up and fight
For the lives of our sisters and our brothers.
This is for all of our black lives,
Our LGBTQ, our trans, everyone.
If we stand together,
They'll have no choice but to reward us with freedom.
We all are being targeted.
We all need to band together.
This is the time, this is us now.
We cannot sit down again, ever.
It doesn't matter who you are,
Your race, sexuality, or ethnicity.
Together we will rise
From all of this poisonous toxicity.
We all have to stand up,
not hide in disguise.
We are one in this issue.
Together, we will rise.
Personal Host Review
This team had a strong start throughout the first half of the competition, energetic to learn, and to do well of which they both really have. The designer, like all of the other designers mentioned has shown some amazing abilities throughout the competition, and with the support of the writers own abilities, they've made a wonderful team together. Well done!
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