Chapter 14
Would You Still Love Me The Same?
Chapter 14
Never knew!
Recap of chapter 10 end!
Today was going to be awesome with Ahsan and myself spending sometime alone at Starbucks.
Saajid: I'm on my way! Be there soon!
I text Ahsan as I leave home but when I was there he hadn't still arrived. I was looking around and realized the manager talking to a muslim girl in a strict tone.
Since I couldn't bare the sound and because I wanted to help her out I decided to walk towards her.
"Hey salaams! Need any help?", I ask her before she could turn to face me.
And as she turned I was so astonished!
"You!", she said to me.
This chapter would be a continuation of chapter 10. Hope you've understood my recap! And just wanted to tell you guys that chapter 10 was supposed to be chapter 12 while chapter 11 and 12 were supposed to be 10 and 11 respectively. I know its a bit confusing but cope up with it.
Asma's P.O.V
"You!", I said to him quite shocked. I never ever expected him to be here. Its going to be very embarrasing if he gets to know what happened.
'Ya Allah please help me!' I tell to myself.
Saajid kept quiet for sometime and then asked, "What's up Asma? Can I help?". I didn't know what to say, I was confused. 'Do I tell him and get embarrassed infront of him or do I not tell him and wait forever fighting with the manager?'.
No I'll tell him because there is no other option and I know he would help me for sure. While one part of me said no, I forced myself to say him the story.
"So yeah I need help!", I say facing him and move my gaze to the ground immediately.
"Yeah what can I do for you Asma? Tell me!", he asks eagerly.
"Umm yeah the thing is.. I uh... came here with my friends and uh they had gone... umm to the car and I had forgotten to bring my purse and I.. I told the manager that I'll go get the money but he says no and he thinks I'm gonna cheat him", I say it as fast as possible and end with a shaky voice.
He listens to me calmly and then without uttering another word to me he talks to the manager. I go closer to them to kind of here what they spoke.
The only words I got were, "Uhh sir uhh I'm sorry..... I want do it.... we don't need the money sir!", the manager says.
I didn't understand anything though I tried to. I didn't understand why the manager had spoke to Saajid with a lot of respect and why didn't he want the money?
Was he so mad at the manager that he scolded the manager? Did he know the manager? I surely had to find out soon!
As I was lost in thoughts Saajid came towards me and spoke, "Problem solved!". For once I was happy about what Saajid had done. Alhamdulillah I said to myself and thanked Saajid, then we headed out of the restaurant together.
"So Asma I'll make a move", he says as he smiles at me and headed towards the restaurant back again.
I follow him inside as I call out, "Saajid!". He stops moving and immediately turn towards me. "Ummm yeah thank you soo much for the help Saajid! It was so sweet of you! I'm glad you helped me out today", I conclude.
"Wa antum fa jazaakum Allahu khairan and no big deal Asma", he winks and head to his table. I felt a total different opinion of him in my heart that moment.
As he walked towards the table I screamed as I waved at him, "Bye Assalamu alaikum warahmathullahi wabarakathuhu Saajid". He looks at me, smiles and then move towards his table.
'Why did I just do that?', I think as I walk towards the car.
Who was that manager? Was he friends with Saajid? Cannot be because the manager was frightened of Saajid.. Then who was he? How did Saajid change so soon? Why do you care Asma? Do I really care? No I don't! Just stop it Asma.. Just leave it....
I had a mini fight with my conscious while I lay in bed later that day. Asna interrupts me from my thoughts as she enters the room.
"Hey habibti! What are you doing?", Asna asks me. I turn towards her and reply, "Nothing really, just resting!". I couldn't do any of my work as I had lost my concentration due to what had happened today.
"Oh okay", she says. "Anything you want to tell me?", I ask her as I knew she had come here to say something.
"Umm yeah ma and baba wants to meet you right now okay?", Asna says. I realized there was something wrong going on from Asna's voice. I was in no mood to meet my parents but as they had requested I decided to meet them.
"Asna right now I have to pray! Will you tell them that I would pray and come please?", I ask Asna as she stood from the bed to leave.
"Yeah sure habibti! Assalamu alaikum! ", she says and leave the room as I reply "bye thank you and walaikum salaam warahmathullahi wabarakathuhu!".
I went straight to the washroom as Asna left and took ablution to perfom my salah. I prayed, did dhikr, recited a bit of the Quran and headed down to my parents room.
While I walk down to their room I think of what they wanted to talk about with me. I prayed silently that it shouldn't be anything bad and I enter their room.
"Assalamu alaikum warahmathullahi wabarakathuhu maa and baba!", I say as I finally enter their room.
"Walaikum salaam warahmathullahi wabarakathuhu habibti! Come here dear!", baba says as he makes space next to him on the bed.
As I move on the bed next to baba, maa joins us well. "So maa and baba why did you call me?", I ask them both.
"To tell you something very important!", baba says as he looks at me and then at maa.
'Oh no please don't tell me it's something bad!'. As I overcame my sudden panick baba says with a smirk, "Don't worry dear it isn't anything bad".
'Phew.... Alhamdulillah!' I say to myself. "Then what is it baba?", I ask as I was so curious to know what it was about.
"Umm the thing is dear don't get annoyed or angry over us.. it's just that we want the best for you", maa says as she smiles widely at me.
'Oh no where was this leading' I thought. "Tell me maa I'm curious to know!", I say squeezing maa's hands while looking at baba.
"Well we found another groom for you!", maa says.
Wait! Was that what I expected to hear? No way would I try someone again so soon. Before I could tell them about it baba cut me short.
"Well Asma you need to think a bit... it's kinda serious.. and just because one wasn't right that doesn't mean everything wouldn't be right.. so try again habibti and please try it atleast for the sake of Asna habibti.. only once you are married could she marry dear..", baba ended with pleading eyes.
While I stay sitting on the bed and thinking maa stated, "please give a try ya habibti Asma".
Now how could I say no to them? Ya Allah help me please!
"I'll think about it and let you know later tomorrow baba in shaa Allah! Would that be okay?", I ask baba as I had no choice but to tell them that I needed time. I decided to say no to them maybe later tomorrow.
"Yeah sure habibti take your time", maa says. I leave their bed to head off to my room and baba stops me as he states, "Don't you want to know who it is dear?".
"Yes I would like to", I say with a fake smile on my face as I didnt want to make them disappointed.
"Aww maa shaa Allah my daughter is intrested", baba says as he looks at maa and then continues while looking at me, "He is Akeel dear.. my friend's son.. he is such a good boy maa shaa Allah! If you want to know more about him just let me know Asma okay?".
"Yeah okay sure baba in shaa Allah. Assalamu alaikum warahmathullahi wabarakathuhu!", I say and leave immediately away from the room as tears had formed in my bright blue eyes that instant!
Assalamu alaikum warahmathullahi wabarakathuhu!
I know this update is extrememly late..
I promise to give regular updates from today onwards.
Hope you enjoy this chappy..
Its very short but I promise the next chapter would be longer in shaa Allah!
Let's see who Akeel is in the chapters to come..
Looking forward for your Comments,Votes and Shares.
Love you guys!
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