Chapter 13
Would You Still Love Me The Same?
Chapter 13
You can!
Asna's P.O.V
"I love you much more than that habibti! And you may have him!", those were the best words I have ever heard from her mouth.
Each time I had asked her to repeat it, it gave me shivers and I got a wierd feeling in my stomache.
Once I had left her embrace I asked her, "Asma I need your help". She was confused and asked back, "yeah what?"
I really needed to ask her how I was going to tell this to ma and baba. So I asked her, "umm yeah so how am I going to tell this to ma and baba?". I wanted Shabeer to be with me always but I still didn't know how to face my parents. That was the most dreadful thing in my life.
Asma interrupted me in my thoughts as she replied, "Don't worry Asna you can do it, if you like him you have to face it and I'll come with you when you talk to them. Don't ever forget I'm with you and specially Allah is with you!".
Those words just made my day from the way I was feeling all this while. Sudden confidence got into me and I was ready to face anything on behalf of my life in future.
"Aww Asma I know you are always there for me! Jezakallahu khairan habibti!", I say as I hug her again.
Then Asma asks, "Shall we go talk to them now?". I reply, "No Asma not yet I need to think a little and prepare myself, so we'll do it tomorrow lunch time in shaa Allah! K?".
"Yeah sure in shaa Allah habibti! Anyways I need to go now because I need to prepare with my clothes for tomorrow, since it's our last day", Asma said the last few words with so much of worry within her.
Though she refused to show it out, I knew it because I knew her better than anyone.
"Aww habibti I know you're going to miss collage terribly but you have to face it one day, all of us have to, I'm sure you'll get over it soon in shaa Allah because you are stronger than anyone I knew! Don't worry!", I say as I move towards her and face her directly.
"Jezakallah Asna anyways I'll make a move now! Bye, see you tomorrow at lunch", she says as she winks at me and move out of the room.
"Wa antum fa jazaakum Allahu khairan! See you at lunch as well in shaa Allah!", I say to her as I peep through the door and close the door shut when she leaves. Then get back to collage work.
These days I had a lot of things to concentrate about, my education, my career life and my future. It stressed me out to think of all of this but I knew I had to deal with all of this.
The morning had passed on faster than I could imagine and it was already lunch time. Lunch time was really long though, with the table so quiet though ma, baba, Asma and myself were present. We had eaten with much calmness filled inside the room.
The only awkward thing about lunch was the constant nagging of Asma as she wanted me to speak out. I had just kept quiet and ignored Asma because I was too frightened to say anything.
"Umm yeah Asna, well why did you want us to have lunch together? Is there anything special you need to tell us?", ma asked.
I was frightened by the way she asked but I knew I had to face them somehow and this was the time for it. And since I was the one who forced them to come have lunch together I had to say it to them.
I drifted out by my thoughts as I heard this. "Is it something to do with your marriage?", baba asked with a smirk across his face.
I knew it. I knew it so well that someone would figure out my thoughts. Was I so obvious? Oh my Allah! I can't believe this.
"Umm yeah baba kind of, but it's not really marriage but I figured out a person who I thought would be a great husband to me and a greater father to my children", I said with much un clarity in my voice.
I realized Asma's face giving an 'Are you serious' look when I spoke to her. I know I told her the entire thing but still, I was over my limits when I spoke. I realized this when ma and baba as well stared at me for some time.
It was getting awkward than I could ever imagine and oh Asma she didn't help me. I got furious at her but then I thought she might have not over come her shock yet about the last thing I mentioned.
I wish I never said that.. and I wish I could go back to my past and erase it but since I couldn't, I had to face it.
"What?", were the only words that left my mom's mouth. Oh Allah seriously couldnt there be any better thing for ma to ask me.
The situation got even awkward because baba didn't give any reaction nor did he utter a word.
I realized I had to say something and I began. "Umm yeah ma, I like someone and I told about it to Asma as well!", I faced Asma and continued "Isn't it Asma?".
I realized Asma turning her face towards me with a confused expression and then as I repeated my question again she replied, "Oh.. uh... mm.. yeah yeah!".
By that time everybody had turned towards Asma and started concentrating on her. Right then Asma immediately turned towards me. I gave a pleading look at her and she finally decided.
She wiped her mouth and hands on her serviette as she began speaking, "Yeah I know all about it and I guess she made a good decision ma. I know it's your right to say this but since she decided to bring it to me first, I thought about it and yeah I think it's a good decision baba. But it's up to you'll!".
She said facing them and ended facing me. I mouthed a thank you to her. She smiled and left to wash her plate.
I was afraid because I didn't know what they were going to ask me and it got worse since Asma had also left.
"Hmm we'll talk about it and let you know little later in shaa Allah k?", baba said as maa took there plates and headed to the kitchen as well.
I couldn't say atleast an okay because I was confused and afraid of what they thought about it. I was scared they'll say no, I was afraid of how I will be able to forget him. When I over came these thoughts I headed to the kitchen and then left to my room.
I made wudu and did my luhur salah. I made alot of dua. I knew Allah would help me at all times and I knew He would give me whatever he thought was good for me. And now I was ready to face and accept anything and say Alhamdulillah because it's what Allah had planned for me.
It was already time for Asr and ma and baba had asked me to meet them. I performed my asr prayers and left the room.
As I was heading to my parents room, on the way I decided to take asma with me as well because she would be a big confidence for me.
So as I dropped down on her door I eneterd it without any permission, "Asma would you come with me to baba's room?". "Yeah sure habibti give me a minute", she said as she cleaned her table and came out with me.
On our way to their room I mentioned a quick thank you to her for lunch time and for accompanying me right now.
"Oh Assalamu Alaikum my sweethearts! Come in", ma says as she see myself and Asma enter the room.
We wait in the room for few minutes till baba had finished his prayers. Once he was done baba started speaking as he took a seat opposite myself and Asma.
"Umm so Asna are you ready for marriage?" As he asks me I immediately reply, "Yes baba I am, I haven't finished collage but you'll know I'm not intrested in it and yeah I have my own job as well and that is why I think I am ready".
"So yeah we decided that you have our permission to marry", baba says as he looks at ma.
At that moment I wished I could run out of the room, scream on top of my lungs and do a victory dance.
I wanted to thank them both but baba cut me short as he said, "But we still don't know who it is and yeah would you tell atleast now?".
Before I could say the name, Asma stopped me as she started, "Umm... baba you'll definitely like the person and yeah you know him and his father very well... and ma you love his family as well.. but don't be disappointed once she says who it is please".
Asma ends as she turns towards me and smiles at me expecting me to talk, "Umm yeah baba and ma it's Shabeer that I like". I immediately look down because I didn't want to face their reaction.
"Wait.. What? Then what about Asma?", this was the first question they had asked. Both in unison.
"Don't worry about it baba, we are not intrested ine each other becuase we are very differnt and we don't suit each other. Remember ma I told you I was going to meet Shabeer yesterday", as ma shook her head Asma continued "That's what we spoke about and yeah so we are no more to be married and since you like their family and they like us, let Asna marry him!" Asma ended.
I was shocked by the last few things she mentioned, I never knew that she had already spoken to Shabeer but I was quite happy since one part of my mission was accomplished.
Ma and baba thought for some time and then baba spoke drifting us all out of our thoughts, "Since she is ready to marry and since we know there family well and since we like both boys and since Asma doesn't want to marry him, you can! isn't it?", he said as he faced ma.
I quickly turned to look at ma and ma nodded as well.
I was extremely happy. I smiled brighter than bright. I could feel my heart beating faster than I could imagine lost in the immense happiness.
"But Asna remember we need to make sure Shabeer like you too and also remember you have to marry after Asma k?", I was happy and I knew I could wait.
I replied, "Oh yes no problem baba and ma! Good night! Assalamu alaikum!".
I left with Asma and as I headed to her room, I hugged her tight and said "Thank you so much and I love you Asma!". "Aww no problem habibti", and then I head to my room.
Assalamu alaikum warahmathullahi wabarakathuhu!
Hope you guys had patience!
I'm so sorry everyone..
I know you'll aren't patient enough..
But tada you were able to!
Isn't it a victory? Lol ;P
Anyways hold on till next update!
Coming soon!
But sadly it'll be in a weeks time most probably..
Don't be sad please!
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Hugs and kisses,
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