Chapter 08
Would You Still Love Me The Same?
Chapter 8
You like... who?
Asma's P.O.V
Asma: Assalamu alaikum warahmathullahi wabarakathuhu! Shabeer did come to meet me.... Thank you so much for the flowers! Means alot.... but yet you aren't forgiven....
I end the text message as fast as possible. I didn't text Saajid ever since the day Shabeer arrived at the hospital and requested me to text him because I didn't have the heart to text him.
But since Shabeer asked me to, I had to do it someday but I got the heart to do it only after four days had passed... But I was glad I did it because I didn't want to keep worrying about it anymore!
Once I was done texting, I started with my morning exercises. I had to do this daily as the doctor had asked me to do it. It was a must since I had my head damaged severely after this accident.
Once I had taken a break after a fifteen minutes of continuous excersise, I headed towards my phone to check if I had recieved a message from him.
And like I guessed there was a text.
Saajid: walaikum salaam warahmathullahi wabarakathuhu, I'm glad you liked it..I mean the flowers! ! (: btw y cnt u forgive me? :(
As I read the last part, I felt a tad bit guilty for not forgiving him. But then I thought again, how can I ever feel sorry to a person who put my life in danger?
So before I changed my mind to forgive him I switched off the phone and continued my excersises. Then there arrived Asna with a huge tray of varieties of food!
I was dead tired after the excersises and was mentally praying I wanted to eat something. And there it was right infront of me. Toast with grilled chicken, roasted fish, boiled vegetables and hard boiled eggs.
It was my favourite meal. Just before I prepared myself for the meal, I said "Alhamdulillah!" And began eating.
I and Asna had a lovely sister time together while having breakfast and then she decided to leave.
When I insisted in helping her with the dishes, she didn't allow me to atleast carry the dish to a short distance. She thought it would make me tired.
I was very glad to have a sister like her, she was there with me throughout the past few days. She helped me in every possible way.
She was not the only one. Ma used to help me as well, she use to make all my favourite dishes to change my mood.
Baba use to come to me and encourage me when I was in hard times and he used to recite the Holy Quran on behalf of me.
I couldn't read anything for a week because my head was damaged hard and the doctor asked me to not strain my eyes due to any cause.
And on the other side Raahim visited me whenever possible. Everyday after collage, she came over to spend time with me because she knew that I hated being lonely.
I was thankful to Allah at all times for the best people in my life.
Shabeer visited me once in a while as he was forced to either from his parents or from Saajid.
I was not really interested in Shabeer as I didn't have any feelings towards him but I didn't want to accept this fact. I never wanted him to go out of my life because he was my first choice and I didn't want to feel like my choices are wrong.
I got frequent messages from Saajid but I didn't take any attempt to text back.
My life was being better with alot of new people but at the same time it was getting complicated. At times I felt my heart say something and at the same time I felt my conscious say something else.
Once I came out of my thoughts I decided to change into better clothes because people had been visiting me throughout this entire week.
I say Alhamdulillah as I move towards my closet to pick my dress. I picked up a dark black and white striped skirt, an off white top and a plain black hijab.
I was so happy as I was released from this tiny jail also known as 'my bed room' and was allowed to move freely back again from tomorrow. I hated staying in my room for too long because it made me think too much.
I picked my dress and went into the washroom. As I was in the washroom I heard ma scream from downstairs, "Asma, some people are here to visit you! Come down soon!".
Who was here to visit me today? I thought as I slipped out of the washroom finally. I headed straight down with Asna's assistance.
As I reached the final step I got a greeting from Ma. "Assalmu alaikum habibti, see who is here to visit you!" Ma says as she grins at me.
I immediately turn my head to face who has arrived as I was so curious. I smiled and lowered my gaze instantly.
Saajid and his mom, Aasiya aunty had arrived. I was really happy to see them. Aunty couldn't visit me because she was abroad the past few days and had arrived here only today.
"Oh Asma, Assalamu alaikum! How are you sweet heart? You feeling any better? I missed you so much!", she says as she hugged me tight as tears roll down her cheeks.
I hug her back as I reply. "walaikum salaam warahmathullahi wabarakathuhu aunty, I'm much better and I'm glad you're here to see me! And I missed you too", I was so glad to have a mother in law like her.
She is the Best!
As we were lost in each others arms, mom cut in "Asma make aunty sit and you'll talk to each other! I'll just go get something for them to eat!", she tells me and then she faces Asna "Asna help me in the kitchen please!", she takes Asna and moves towards the kitchen.
I take aunt's hand and head towards the sofa to talk to her and as we move there, Saajid immediately get up and walk away towards the front door to give us space. That entire time Saajid had been acting wierd.
We spoke for some time about random things. I realized about Aasiyah aunty, she was a very loving mother to her children and was going to be an even more loving mother in law.
I was never ready to be married to Shabeer but I was ever ready to be Aasiyah aunt's daughter-in-law, because I knew she would definitely treat me like her own daughter.
Then after lunch and evening tea they had left.
I crept into my room immediately as I was so tired. I was sad that Shabeer couldn't make it to meet me since he was busy with his meeting.
But I was happy as well because he was so boring and not intrested when I talk. Totally opposite compared to his mother. As I was in bed I thought about Saajid, he was so worried that I hadn't forgiven him.
I took out my phone and decided to text Saajid since I felt bad for him and I didn't want people begging for forgiveness from me. I decided to forgive him finally.
Asma: Assalamu alaikum warahmathullahi wabarakathuhu Saajid! Sorry for upsetting you all these days! So here you go.. YOU ARE FORGIVEN! (: This is what you wanted right?
I then decided to pray my maghrib prayers before it was too late. Once I was done with prayers and dhikr I headed towards the phone again.
And I wasn't surprised to see as I had recieved a message from Saajid.
Saajid: walaikum salaam warahmathullahi wabarakathuhu Asma! Yessss!! I was awaiting these wonderful words from you! Jezakallahu khairan Asma! (: and I promise you I'll never ever look at you again nor will I talk to you unless it's necessary! Bye..
I was so happy once I read his words. While I was smiling at the phone like an idiot Asna bounced in to the room and sat beside me.
I put the phone aside and asked her, "Ya habibti! What's wrong?". She then replied, "Nothing is wrong, just came over to see you".
I realized she was in no good mood and that she needed some good advice so I said, "oh don't lie to me, I know you way more than you can imagine!". I squeeze her hand and continue "If you don't want to tell anything, it's totally fine with me! But remember I'm always there to help you and that you can tell me anything at any time".
She said before I could continue anymore, "It's not like I don't trust you or don't want to share it with you, but.. but this is different".
From the way she spoke I realized that whatever she was going to say was very important and I felt like she thought it would hurt me once she says it.
"If you think whatever you are going to say is important, then say it before it's too late", I say as I rub her back.
"Hmm okay I'll tell it but please don't misunderstand me.. I don't know but I can't bare it anymore and I have to say it to you", she says as she turns away from me, walks towards the room door and faces the window.
"Tell me what is it habibti?", I tell as I run towards Asna and hold her shoulder lightly from behind.
"Hmmm so..... uh.. yeah.. so uhh.. please dnt misunderstand okay!" She stops as I request her to continue, "so yeahh.. I'm so sorry but... uhhh I think uhhh.... I like him".
I was shocked but I knew if I change my expression she wouldn't tell me anymore so I controlled my self and asked her, "Like whom?".
"Uhh yeah sorry Asma uhhh.. yeah.. so I think I like... uhh Shabeer", she stops and turn towards me with tears.
I was extremely shocked that it took me more like a minute to reply, "You like... who?"
Assalamu alaikum warahmathullahi wabarakathuhu!
I'm extremely sorry about the late chapter!
But I hope you guys liked it!
Hoping to update in two days in shaa Allah!
Till then,
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Love you all!
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