Chapter 03
Would You Still Love Me The Same?
Chapter 3
Finally met them!
Asma's P.O.V
The night passed on so fast and it was already the next day. I was feeling awkward to go downstairs since I approved of marriage. But however I knew I had to go whether now or later. So finally with a little bit of confidence I made my way downstairs. It was so hard to maintain myself from smiling like an idiot because from the time I told ma that I agreed, I've been smiling like forever.
As I was about to get down from the staircase I saw baba standing midway. He hugged me so tight and wished me congratulations for my decision. "Jezakallahu khairan baba", I say trying to control myself from blushing.
"Wa antum fa jazaakum Allahu khairan and by the way when I heard the good news I directly went and spoke to them. They were so happy for the fast response and decided that you'll could meet maybe this Sunday in shaa Allah", dad ends as he waits for my response.
"Oh sure, in shaa Allah baba", I say happily.
"But habibti you need to take someone with you when you go in shaa Allah", he says as he winks at me.
"Yeah baba I decided on taking Asna and Raahim with me", I say because I think I would be comfortable with both of them around.
I wanted to take Asna with me because I know I gain enough confidence to talk when she is around and I decided to take Raahim because she was the only person who had the guts to talk to a non-mahram because myself and Asna would freak out when we see an opposite gender person itself.
"Oh that's good okay then carry on with your work, I'll let you know the time and place later today in shaa Allah", baba concludes and leaves.
"Yeah okay baba in shaa Allah", I say and leave to my room to get dressed since I was already late.
Because today turned out to be a happy day I decided to spend some time dressing and since it was the last day before exams I had to wear something nice.
So I took out my favourite dull gold top and a frilled peach skirt to match with this. And I got an off white hijab to wear to match the combination of the skirt and top. I dressed so neatly and put on light make up and went down.
As Asna see me she screams out in delight and run towards me to give me a hug, "Awww looking so pretty maa shaa Allah! May no evil eyes fall upon you ever!"
"Aww jezakallahu khairan habibti", I say as I wipe away fake tears from my eyes.
"Wa antum fa jazaakum Allahu khairan hayaatee, haha and stop with the teasing I was just being so straight forward", she says as she winks at me.
"Haha okay okay I need to leave before I'm too late, so bye Assalamu alaikum warahmathullahi wabarakathuhu and pass my salaams to ma and baba as well", I say as I leave.
"Walaikum salaam warahmathullahi wabarakathuhu habibti and yeah I will tell them in shaa Allah", she says as she waves her hand at me.
Collage was awesome today as all the teachers let us free as it was the last day of studies before the final exams began. So we had an awesome time with friends as it was the last day to have chit chats with friends before the exams.
So since I had only Raahim to talk to and since I had so much to tell her I decided to take her out for coffee and straight from there to home. Because I didn't find her I decided to text her.
Asna: hey.. salaams come to my locker, I'm waiting for you (:
I had been in class for few minutes till her reply came back.
Raahim: hiiiiii :) wasalaams habibti. Y suddenly? :/
I replied,
Asna: just come let's go out for coffee.. I'm waiting! (:
Then instantly I got a reply back.
Raahim: I'll be right there give me 2 minutes. :)
Once I read her message I left the class and headed to my locker and saw her waiting for me.
"Assalamu alaikum warahmathullahi wabarakathuhu hayaatee, by the way you look so beautiful in pink", she says as she hugs me.
I hug her back and reply "walaikum salaam warahmathullahi wabarakathuhu and jezakallahu khairan", I say as my cheeks turn bright red.
Then I dragged her from her hand as I say, "let's head to Starbucks before it's too late". And we leave to my car.
"Aww how much I love Starbucks and never get fed up of it though I've been here a million times", Raahim says as she stand directly infront of Starbucks and looks into it with deep thought, I drag her back from her thoughts and say, "oh c'mon in before its too late hayatee". We go in before she gets into her dreamworld again.
"Two chilled chocolate chip milkshakes please!", I give the order even before the waiter could talk as I was so excited to tell her what happened at home the night before and this morning as well.
"Cool down habibti the world didn't end yet why you so tensed up", Raahim says as she realizes me being so curious and nervous.
So then I narrate to her the story. In between I got a few calls from Asna and I knew she would call me for some unnecessary reason and just interrupt our conversation, so I decided to answer her once I was done with all what I had to tell Raahim. So finally when Raahim started commenting on all what I was saying I decided to check my inbox because the phone has been vibrating throughout.
My eyes blew up when I saw the phone.
"Oh give me a minute habibti", I say to Raahim as she sips on the milkshake with a delighted face.
I start reading the messages.....
Asna: Assalamu alaikum u there?? :) (1)
Asna: I have something to tell youuu! (2)
Asna: Asmaaaaaa answer the phone habibti (3)
Asna: Answer the phone for God's sake Asma! (4)
Asna: Will you at least reply to my messages habibti (5)
Asna: your in laws are here to see you, are you coming or not!! (6)
When I read that, on the spot I payed the bill to the counter and grabbed Raahim's hand and left to my car. "Will you drive Raahim please and take me home immediately please", I say with a regretting expression on my face, without another word she starts driving the vehicle when I decide to calm down and read the rest of the messages.
Asna: I hate you!! :'( pick up the phone please! (7)
Asna: why can't you answer me are you angry with me?? :( (8)
Asna: tell me are you angry?? (9)
Asna: Helloooo!! (10)
Asna: last tym um gonna try will you reply please!! (11)
Asna: I'll kill you when you come home I'm serious! :'''( (12)
When I saw it I smiled but I still had a wierd feeling within me. I decided to reply to her before she dies with fear that I wont be there. Lol
Asma: walaikum salaam warahmathullahi wabarakathuhu hayatee.. chill chill I'll be there soon.. don't kill me plsss and I'll be there in two minutes tym in shaa Allah! Just open the back door so that I could come in because thy might be infront nuh...
Instantly I get a reply back.
Asna: Oh My Allah Alhamdulillah! Finally I got hold of you! Come home soon.. and come in from the front door cuz u dont look bad with your dress today.. ;) and we cant wait for long till you change cuz they've been here for so long so make it fast.
As I read her message I realized I can't make it through the front door alone so I decided to take Raahim home with me for company.. so I told her to accompany me and told her the entire scene... I was so excited to meet my to be husband maybe.. I was scared too but I was happier than that.
I look down as I enter through the front door. I made sure I looked perfect before I entered. Throughout my journey inside home I decided to hold on to Raahim's hand. I was squeezing her hand and made a mental note that I should ask sorry from her later on.
"Oh Assalamu alaikum habibti, I guess this gorgeous girl in pink dress is your daughter Asma", the lady says as she looks at my mom while I blush with pride about myself.
"Walaikum salaam warahmathullahi wabarakathuhu aunty", I say still blushing and looking at the ground.
"Oh perfect muslimah I guess Maa Shaa Allah, you have brought up your daughters well Aasiyah", she says to mum while I look at a smiling Asna and wink before no one noticed us.
While I was looking at the ground I realized there was only two new pairs of legs and I knew it was 'his' mom's and dad's, but where was 'he' I was wondering. When I decided that he must be in the washroom or maybe in a business call.
Before I could even think anything else the new aunty also known as Shahana replied, "sorry habibti, my son couldn't make it here today because he had gone on a business trip to India, but he asked me to give this to you!" And she hands me a heart shaped box.
I accept it as mom asks me to and I say, "Jezakallahu khairan aunty".
"No problem darling, anyways we have to leave now. Shabeer says that he would meet you on Sunday at Starbucks at 3 in shaa Allah", she says as she gets up from her seat. The thought of Starbucks and that I know his name lights up my mood and I immediately think that he was a fan of Starbucks and we were going to be a wonderful couple one day.
I was interrupted in my thoughts when ma says, "why don't you have something and go".
"No Aasiya we'll come on another day with Shabeer in shaa Allah and have something, okay Assalamu alaikum!", she says as she moves toward the entrance.
"Walaikum salaam warahmathullahi wabarakathuhu, fee amaanillah, hoping to meet you'll soon in shaa Allah", ma says as she hugs Shahana aunty and meanwhile dad hugs uncle and they leave.
Raahim says that she has to leave and hugs me and goes back home.
"Phew", I say as I sit down and everybody sits down around me and mom starts the conversation. "Hmmm I don't like this marriage to happen", ma says as baba, Asna and myself stare at her with our mouth open wide for few seconds and we reply in chorus, "why??????".
Assalamu alaikum warahmathullahi wabarakathuhu!
Hope you'll like this longer chapter that I wrote for you'll.
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