Chapter 7
I quickly faced her. "Wait a second, I'm doing what?"
She placed her hand over the mic, turning to me. "Listen, I know you're confused and angry right now, but I need this one small favor from you."
"I'm sorry, Mrs. Abernathy, but I didn't agree to sell out my body like some hooker."
She rolled her eyes. "Don't be so dense, obviously I'm not really going to give you away to one of these perverted old bastards-"
"I don't think that's really your choice to begin with." I cut off.
She glared at me. "I'm not finished yet."
I looked down. "Right, sorry."
"Obviously I'm not going to pawn you off like some hussy, but they don't know that. These people have more money than you'll ever make in your life and I'm willing to split a small percentage with you for playing along, what do you say?"
I rubbed the back of my neck. "I don't know... this definitely doesn't feel right."
She leaned in closer, whispering furiously. "Listen to me, girl, you will not ruin this. Wether you do it for free is up to you. But, I will not let some wannabe, righteous, burnout screw me out of my money. Is that understood?"
'Ouch, that one stung.'
I looked down. "Yes, ma'am..."
She gave me a stern nod before turning her attention back to the crowd. "Sorry about that. Anyways, as I was saying. To anyone out there who wants a night with this lovely young lady, you better dig deep because bidding starts at five-hundred-thousand. Any takers?"
A mass amount of hands immediately shot up.
"Seven-fifty now, do I hear eight?"
As the number continued to climb, I spotted Katrina's disappointed face in the crowd.
'Yeah... I guess she's right.'
"One million, do I hear one-"
"I'm sorry, I can't do this." I cut off.
She faced me, an angry expression on her face. "What'd we just talk about?"
Fear spread through my gut, but I was determined to stand my ground. "I-I don't care... I said I'm not doing this and I meant it."
She took a step towards me, causing me to take one back. "Trust me, you do not want to make an enemy out of me. I can make your life a living hell..."
As she continued her barrage, the fear in my gut quickly turned to anger and that anger quickly boiled over.
For seven long years I woke up early every morning just to go to a shitty job for shitty pay. I was never late, I never missed a day and this is what I get in return? After all that time, all the shit I dealt with, I just couldn't hold it back any more. I finally just snapped.
"For the love of god, would you please just shut the fuck up!" I yelled.
The room immediately went quiet. So quiet you could hear a pin drop.
Everyone's attention turned to me, but I was to pissed to care.
My breathing was heavy as I took a step towards her, causing her to take one back.
I stuck my finger in her face. "Listen closely, just because I work for you, doesn't mean I'm your whore. I can live with the fact that you're a stuck up, evil, bitch who doesn't deserve the life she has. But, I will not tolerate you using me to rip off sick children for your own personal gain. Is that understood?"
A look of pure anger crossed her features. "You're treading on thin ice, Miss Porter. I suggest you come up with a damn good apology and fast if you want to keep your pathetic job."
I shook my head, a slight laugh escaping me. "You know what? You can take that job and stick it, 'cause I quit!"
Then, I turned on my heel and walked off the stage.
'Welp, you really went for it.'
People moved out of my way as I stalked towards the exit. All except one.
Beverly scoffed, giving me a disapproving look. "That was quite the spectacle. I guess you really are dumber than you look.
'Ugh... No point in stopping now I guess.' I though to myself as I flashed her a smile, snatching her drink from her hand.
I took a long sip before splashing the rest of it in her face. "There's your fucking refill."
She closed her eyes, her mouth hanging open in disbelief.
I patted her shoulder before continuing my path to the exit.
Katrina stood next to the door, a wide grin on her face. "Damn, I didn't know you had that in you."
I shrugged. "I guess I'm just full of surprises."
She smirked. "I guess so."
A slight smile tugged at the corner of my lips as I ran my eyes up her body. 'God, she's beautiful...' I thought.
I could feel my heart rate picking up as I looked deep into her eyes. "Fuck it."
"What-" She started.
But, I cut her off, pulling her into me for a deep kiss.
I could tell she was surprised. But, she grabbed my waist, pulling my body tight against hers.
A warmth ran through every inch of my body as she ran her hands up my back.
I ran mine up her shoulders, tangling them in her hair, deepening the kiss in the process.
After a long moment... and I mean long, we finally pulled apart.
I flashed her a smile, my breathing heavy. "Wanna get outta here?"
She returned it. "Hell yes, this yuppie horse shit is starting to make me sick."
I just laughed before taking her hand in mine and leading her through the door.
As we walked down the front steps, we noticed a lone figure sitting at the bottom, a lit cigarette between her fingers.
I turned to Katrina. "I'll meet you at the car."
She nodded before walking off.
I sighed before sitting down next to Lilith.
She took a quick side glance at me before looking down, releasing a sigh of her own. "I guess I owe you an apology, huh?"
I shrugged. "I mean, you did try to have sex with me in my bosses house... a couple times."
She let out a slight chuckled. "Right... I'm really sorry about all that... I just thought, because of the auction, that you were some kind of hook-"
I put my hand up, cutting her sentence short. "Hey, no harm, no foul."
She smiled slightly. "Thanks."
I patted her shoulder before getting to my feet. "Well, good luck in your future endeavors... just, uh, remember to hear the lady out before making your move, ok?"
She chuckled. "Sure thing... see you around."
I gave her a small nod before turning and heading towards my car.
"Everything ok?" Katrina asked.
I nodded, taking a quick glance back at Lilith. "Yep, just tying up loose ends."
"So, we can go now?"
I laughed. "Yeah."
We got in the car and I started it before looking over at her. "So... do I still have to pay you?"
She chuckled. "How about you kiss me like that again and we'll call it even?"
A light blush formed on my cheeks. "Sounds fair to me." I replied.
She smiled as I leaned over the center console, meeting her lips for another steamy kiss...
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