[Name] sighed as he looked down at the female in front of him. Ryuko was currently leaning against him with a rather happy expression. [Name] had began to sneak out to the park more than before now that he was caring for Sapphire. While he didn't mind going to the park it seemed like Sapphire loved going to open area for whatever reason.
"You just don't know when to quit do you," [Name] said as he looked at Ryuko. He knew why he felt the need to go against his instincts and why he rapidly came here to see her. However he couldn't understand why she felt the need to rapidly go against her instincts. After all from what he saw the others didn't seem to be that friendly towards him.
At least in his situation he's managing to more or less keep it a secret. she however seemed very upfront with what she was doing. He just couldn't comprehend why. "I'll quit whenever I want to," Ryuko said with a smug look as she looked up at the male. "Or whenever you want me too," Ryuko said as she looked at the male in front of her.
"In that case," [Name] said as he looked at the female. "please continue," [Name] said letting him be honest with how he felt. A rather rare occurrence ever since he had lost his memories. Ryuko smiled hearing this and continued to lean against the male's chest.
"You know, you could always switch sides if you want. I'm sure the others wouldn't mind," Ryuko said as she looked up at [Name] with almost pleading eyes. She knew if she could convince him to switch sides then the process of getting him to remember who he was would be a lot easier in fact it would be almost too easy.
"Maybe your teammates wouldn't care but something tells me mine would care a lot, and the last thing I need is to lose someone that I was starting to care about," [Name] said as he looked at the female in front of him Ryuko sighed hearing but nodded nonetheless that was more or less the answer that she expected at this point. [Name] then looked up and noticed that the sky was beginning to turn a bit dark.
[Name] sighed seeing this and looked at the female in front of him. "I need to go," [Name] said as he looked at Ryuko. She sighed hearing this and nodded as she stood up.
"Of course," She said trying to sound happy but it was very clear that she rather disappointed. She knew that it was always around this point that [Name] left. However it never made the action any easier for her. Ryuko smiled as she looked at the male and leaned forward to kiss the male and she was once again met with some slight disappointment when [Name] raised a hand to stop her, however this was also more or less the result she had come to expect from the male.
"I don't think so," [Name] said as he looked at the female. Ryuko once again forced a smile and nodded as she looked at the male. "However," [Name] began as he looked at the female and leaned forward placing a rather quick kiss on her cheek. Ryuko blushed when he did and she felt her heart begin to race. She was a bit embarrassed because they had done something simple like that ever since they first began dating.
"I hope that will be enough to satisfy you," [Name] said as he looked at the female in front of him. Ryuko raised her hand and placed it where [Name] had kissed and smiled as she thought about it.
"Yes, thank you," Ryuko said as she leaned forward and quickly kissed [Name]'s cheek as well. This time it was [Name]'s turn to blush as he looked at the female in front of him a bit confused and mildly embarrassed.
"What? I need to return the favor don't I?" Ryuko asked as she looked at the male in front of her. [Name] seemed a bit confused hearing this but nodded nonetheless.
"I suppose that make sense," [Name] said as he looked at the female in front of him. Ryuko smiled hearing this and began to run away make her way back towards the house she lived in waving at the male as she did.
[Name] watched as the female slowly faded from sight and he turned his attention to the small blue haired female that he had come to the park with. [Name] then began to walk over to the child that at the moment was playing with a few of the others. "Sapphire it's time to go home," [Name] said as he looked at the child.
She nodded hearing this and began to walk towards the male waving to the others as she walked towards the male that she had been spending the past month with. As they began to walk home [Name] found himself thinking about the female that he had spent most of the day with. He knew where she lived and where her friends lived, and while she would provide a bit of a challenge for him he was certain he could kill her if her tried.
Yet for whatever reason something was stopping him. He wasn't sure what it was but for some reason he just couldn't bring himself to do it. [Name] had been so lost in his thoughts that he hadn't noticed when Sapphire had began to reach for his hand. [Name] jumped a bit when she did clearly startled by what she had done and when he turned to look down at her he saw her smiling at him.
[Name] felt a slight pain in his heart and [Name] found this a bit odd since while it was pain it didn't really hurt, in fact it was actually kind of comforting. Was she the reason why? Was Hideo right when he said that she would teach him how to care for others again? Whatever the case was at the moment [Name] didn't care because at the moment he was actually kind of happy.
When [Name] reached the building that he had been staying in he managed to once again sneak into the building. When they did [Name] sighed and once again found himself so distracted that he failed to notice that Sapphire was walking towards him. She let out a tired yawn and placed her head on [Name]'s lap. He stared at her for a few minutes before she began to fall asleep.
[Name] once again found himself thinking about Ryuko. [Name] sighed and looked at the roof as he began to pet Sapphire. As he did unknown to the male Ryuko had just arrived home and was now looking for her best friend. "Mako, I'm back," Ryuko called out as she entered the house. As soon as she said this Mako burst out of her room and began to make her way down the halls in her usual over the top fashion.
"Ryuko you're back, how did it go? Did [Name] remember who he is? Does he still think he's evil? Is he going to fight for good because he realized how madly in love with you he is! Is he going to-" Mako began only for Ryuko to shoved a steamed bun in her mouth that she had gotten on the way home for this exact scenario.
"We didn't really get anywhere, the only real difference is that he kissed me on the cheek today," Ryuko said as she watched Mako chew the food she had been given. Mako gasped hearing this inhaling the food she had been eating as she did.
"Ryuko that's huge, the means you're making some progress!" Mako said as she looked at Ryuko. The female smiled slightly hearing this knowing that her friend as right. Ryuko then began to walk towards a small room that Zero had made for himself. She opened the door and saw the twins bouncing up and down hitting the roof and then the floor.
"Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow," The two said in unison as they continued to hit the floor and roof.
"What's wrong with them?" Ryuko asked as she walked toward Zero.
"They may or may not have touched something I told them not too," Zero said as he looked at a small bottle of what appeared to be perfume. Ryuko turned to look at the two hearing this as they continued to bounce.
"You're just going to leave them there?" Ryuko asked as she looked at the male in front of her.
"Yeah, I'm not turning them back to normal until they learn they're lesson," Zero said as he looked at the bottle of perfume. Ryuko sighed hearing this and nodded as she began to walk around the room. He had managed to make quiet a few inventions since he had been released from the hospital.
"Could you get them to stop? Listening to them is kind of annoying," Ryuko said as she looked at the male. Zero sighed hearing this and turned spraying them with the perfume that he had been looking at. When he did the two hit the ground with a solid thud however this time they didn't bounce once again.
As soon as they did one of them sprung up from the ground and darted towards a floating orb clearly having not learned his lesson. "What's this?" Xerxes asked as he pointed the floating orb in front of him causing it twitch randomly. "It looks like a doomsday device or something," Xerxes said as he looked at the ball.
"It is," Zero said as he continued to work on the bottle of perfume.
"Wh-what?" The two said in unison.
"It is a doomsday device, and it's got a lot more power than you'd expect," Zero said as he looked at the two in front of him.
"I don't think we shouls trust you with this," Xerxes said as he looked at Zero.
"If you want it then take it," Zero said as he sprayed the liquid in his mouth. "The stupid thing keeps malfunctioning anyway," Zero said more to himself than anyone else
"You know typically that's not somwthing you want to hear when it comes to a doomsday device," the two said in unison as one touched it and it began to beep rapidly. "Oh no!" Xerxes said as he looked at the orb. "Don't worry," The other finished as he grabbed it and began to run out of the room with it.
"We'll save the day!" The two said as they began to run down the halls.
"Should we be worried?" Ryuko asked as she looked at Zero.
"No," Zero said as he looked at the female. "Because it's not a doomsday," Zero said as he looked at the female. "And now everything tastes like the color purple," Zero said as he looked at the perfume bottle. "Still needs work," Zero said as he turned and once again began to work on the bottle.
"What is it then?" Ryuko asked as she looked at the male.
"It's a device that compels everyone within a fifty foot radius to make a grand feast and give a twenty minute speech while only being able to speak in Limericks," Zero said as he began to walk around gathering a few ingredients.
"Why would you make something like that? It's useless," Ryuko said as she looked at the male.
"I thought it'd be funny," Zero said as he looked at the female in front of him. "But on the bright side it'll keep them out of my hair for about at least twenty minutes," Zero said as he began to pour more chemicals into the perfume.
"You know you're kind of mean whenever you put your mind to it," Ruko said as she looked at the male. Zero smiled hearing this and nodded.
"Yeah I know," Zero said with a smile as he looked at Ryuko.
"On a more serious note, what are we going to do for the fight?" Ryuko said as she looked at the male. Zero sighed hearing this and looked at her as the perfume began to boil seemingly on it's own.
"I guess there's no point in trying to hide it anymore. Gather the others and I'll explain the basic plan," Zero said as he looked at the female. Ryuko nodded hearing this and Zero watched as she walked out of the room. Zero sighed seeing this and reached for the bottle of perfume and once again opened his mouth as he sprayed the perfume this time causing a large explosion that sent him down the hall. He immediately bounced back up with a smile and his face charred black. "Alright now we're getting somewhere!" Zero said with a smile as he walked back into the room.
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