Unlucky Sacrifice

Powder was going through a mental breakdown.

"A-All I want to do is help them!" She cried into your arms, curled into your stomach, mind going haywire "We can help! They just won't let us!"

"Shh. It's okay, shhh.."

Her crying wasn't going down. At some point, possibly five minutes in, she began to beat herself up. Hitting her head, screaming, pulling her hair, kicking, and even torn off the head of the monkey. Chucking it at the wall as it bounced and rolled off elsewhere. Now it was playing on its side, no head at all.

"Why do they leave me!? Why!!??"

"Powder, don't hurt yourself! I-I'm here! You're okay! Look!"

She was going through it, even though your words were not helping. Nothing was helping. She kept hitting her head, sobbing, and now she held her bag of trinkets above her head. Going through her feelings tenfold. Even gasping for air for all her crying and screaming.

Now you're up, trying to take the bag away from Powder, yet she won't let you "Powder, breathe. I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere. Just...I need that bag."

She didn't give it.

Instead, so overwhelmed, slams that sucker on top of the monkey. All the content pours out as Powder collapses onto the ground, holding her head, shielding it. All you can do is be there for her. Help her calm down.

But the problem was something weird caught your eyes.

These weird, blue gem looking balls the size of marbles come pouring out. There were many of them. Some kind of blue flickering sizzle of electrical electricity appears and evaporates. The sound alerts even Powder.

"....I can help them.."

"Waite, what?" Your pulled to her side instantly, her tears were gone within seconds, now she plucks each marble up and into her pocket "Powder, what are those things?"

"I....I'm not sure how to explain this."


"Okay, okay! It's, well, not of this world?" She guessed, knowing the prior events, began to fiddle with her shoe lace "I, uh, blew up a building by accident in Piltover...with these..."

Blew up a building!?


All the enforcers were down here in search of somebody, anybody, to make an example of. A crime that will easy those on the top side once sent to rote behind bars. Ekko managed to eave drop on Vander, Benzo, and they enforcer lady that night. A unknown deal between Zaun and Piltover along with the crime committed. One of the Kiramens buildings, a house of power and richness from top to bottom, was blown to bits and demanded the criminal to be put to justice.

That criminal wasn't an adult but a child.

They were here for Powder.

No one else.

"Okay! I got you some things to use! This to zap people and this to throw and BOOM! Suckers haha!" Powder, getting things for you to use, excitedly told hold of your hand, pulling you 

towards the stairs "Come on! Let's go save our family-"

"They are here for you, Powder. No one else.."

Vander's pipe still was in your pocket, grasping it to examine. Powder staring down at it as your thoughts about this grows.

"We can go. But I...I be the watch out. You're more capable than me to fight.." You're not looking directly at her anymore, thinking out the plan of what will work "...Use those things however you see fit. This place may be flooded with enforcers or bad guys. If it comes to it, I'll take the bullet 

for everyone.."

Powder frowns, holding your hand tighter, trying to convince you to join the fight "I know Vi told you to take care of me and Ekko, but, how can you take care of us when you can't go take care of things yourself? (Y/N), please. I'll give you one of these, just, please don't let me do this alone.."

Those weird marbles glow like no other. Other worldly things. A pulsating magic source of sorts. Powder held one out for you to take, to use as a weapon against them. Willing to give you something so destructive to save everyone, unknown to the damage that will soon stain their very lives forever.


The utter joy in those deep blue ocean eyes sparked with life. From that moment, Powder began to pull the weaker link with her. Using short cuts to locate the others, and once we found them, we both followed them from the shadows of the underground. Here to save what will soon be unsavable.


"There has to be another way.."

Powder, finding a place to climb, shook her head down at you from above "No...sadly, this is the only way."

This place was abandoned. A shrouded place of burnt history and devastation. However, it is a good place to make into a hideout, from top to bottom, no one willing to check such a place. It was scary looking, too. Yet, with Powder so far up now, carefully join her in climbing these lanky nailed in wood planks. Creaking as the two climb up further, and if one plank so happens to give on either one of you, it would be a quick death from this high up..

The girl with a mission paused, eyes widen at the sight from within, now more encourage to climb faster up this not so safe area "(Y/N), we have to hurry! Come on!"

She was ahead of you by three planks up. Now, your is able to see what she saw through the open peep hole. Powder was right. They were trapped in a corner, planned from the start, now nowhere to run as the enemy corner them in. They were stuck with no way out.

Now, climbing with all you got, did your best to catch up to Powder. No matter the amount of splinters you've gained on the way. The goal was to save your family. Not loose them like you 

lost yours two years ago. Not again.

Your worst fear about this situation happened. Powder had little to no to respond as she had to save herself from falling. A plank of wood gave up on her from below, almost failing because of it. The plank falls, turning and flipping downwards, that dodging it was not easy to do. The edge of that falling plank collides with your upper left side of your unprotected forehead, the pain it cause was not a pleasant, wounded burning sensation, the impact almost made the weaker link loose their grip. Powder stares down at you from above in horror but relieved you're not falling down with it.

"(Y/N)!? Are you okay!!?"

She tried to climb down only for you to start climbing again, pushing forward. Within a few more seconds, you're now passing her without a word.

Powder figured you're mad at her, climbing as she tried to apologize "I-I'm sorry that happened! I didn't think that will--"

"Powder, I forgive you." Your words made her smile, only to falter at the large gash wound on your forehead, bleeding and surely to leave a scar "Come on! To the top!"

Ruckus was happening from inside the building. That was enough to snap Powder back into reality, climbing faster with caution. The two here to prove they were ready. That Vi was wrong in every single way possible.

And they each did.

Powder now beside you as ya'll once again find a peep hole to see what was happening inside. It was Vi. Both children watch from where they were as Vi used Vander's Gauntlets to kick every one of those goons asses. She was giving it her all in every way she could, being ganged up on by them but still prevailing. Powders eyes trained on Vi as yours was towards the little room behind her. There sat a beat up Vander, chained to a chair, as Mylo used his lock picking skills that he never planned to use under pressure. You even saw Claggor in the corner of it all, pipe in hand, stabbing and trying to carve out a way to get out from there.

"What is happening to him??!"

Your confusion changed to horror upon what was happening below. This blonde fool drinks this weird, creepy viel of purple stuff that glows. Screams of agony as well as weird not so normal marks form onto his skin, staining him permanently as his very being changed into something out of this world. A monster. A big, blood craving brute of mass muscle and power.

"What the hell?!"

It was not in Vi's favor. No matter how much she fought, a fifteen year old verse ten grown adult goons, she believed her fighting skills could take this monster.

The monster that killed Benzo.

But she was wrong. Vi got on the railing, ran as fast as she could, jumped in the air with the intention to strike it down from above. Ramming iron gauntlets into this bastards thick inhuman skull. Only she was the fool for thinking she had any chance of winning this. It reacted quickly, so swift and calculated, that now Vi was at its mercy. A large hand held her by the neck. Squeezing the life out of her from so far above the ground.


Instinctively, not caring what happens to you no more, took hold and pull out this metal rusted pole behind Powder. Snapping off with two pulls with added body weight. The blue haired girl didn't have a chance nor reacted in time as your body forced itself through the windowless window. With a sharp edge rusted pole in hand, from the angle you needed the most, to save Vi from choking to death by this beast.

"No! Silco! Let her go! This is between you and me!"

"You had your chance."

So, with a deep breathe, ran like hell to the edge. Two hands death gripping the pipe above your head, jumping high and powerful enough to back stab this son of a bitch down.

And it worked.

But it came with a cost.


The thing didn't like that you made him let go of Vi, who coughs and tries to get far away, as she and everyone you loved dearly watch helplessly as your in the grasp of this monster. The pole that pierced his lower back was pulled out with a war cry. Gasping for air to which was never prepared with the exact pole to be pierced into your stomach. To even scream was not going to stop the endless nerve shocking pain as it did it again over and over. Plunging in and out on repeat. Till your blood decorates the middle of this metal bridge crimson. Your eyes dulled once it was done with you. It held your deceased form by the neck, up in the air, and let's out a laughter mix war cry.

(Y/N) was no more.

Worst of all, it all happened right in front of Powder...

Silco only knew of the children by the various spys and traders. No one mentioned this one. A more slim, bony child. No one said a thing. Possibly with a good reason to.

Claggor couldn't take it, his little sister was gone too soon. Mylo, oh poor Mylo, could not believe what he witnessed. Yes he treated you like shit but there were times he cherish those moments, many rare times. He couldn't mourn yet for he had to get Vander out. He can't cry now. Vi told you to stay put. To not follow her at all. All she can think about is that you risked your life to save hers. You're dead because of her..

Vander was in a mixed of feelings. Angry, upset, mournful, and now blinded by the sheer pain of losing one of his children.


She was horrified and in mourning for one of Vander's kids, the one who didn't deserve it at all, fixed herself up at her name being called. Now at the side of Silco. The man she betrayed Vander for.

"Retrieve that child's dead body."

Every part of her said no. But that look in Silco's eye say otherwise. It was a command, not a favor. Vander now sorta free, screams at Sevika for getting near his deceased child. The beast threw your corpse to the ground as Vi crys, crawling back to those who are alive. Lucky enough to slam and lock the door. The thing that killed their love one now there to kill them too.

Sevika torn off this curtain, in respect for the child she got to know over such short time, carefully draps it on top of your body. She went to grab another only to step on something, she lifts her right foot up to find Vander's pipe.

He must have gave it to this child, unknown to their fate...

She picks it up. Doing as ordered from her new boss. Two curtains wrapped around the deceased child. Carrying the corpse in arms back to Silco.

"What now?"

"Simple. Send this child's corpse to Piltover, as a warning to never step foot in Zaun. Ever."


Isn't cruel enough that you died this way? So young as well?

She can't do anything but obey. Sevika sucks up every weak emotion she had to fulfill what was commanded of her.

But she couldn't do it yet.

Powder stuff three marble into the monkey "Please, you have to work. For me. For (Y/N).." to which she turn the key and let it go.

It made it far, the anticipation growing too thick. The beast paused his actions upon the sight of it. A monkey toy that ceased to work. Yet, with all that happen next, Powder plan works only with a heavy cost.

Sevika reacts fast, forcing your corpse into the arms of Silco, before pushing into safety away from this mysterious weapon. It destroyed everything it touches. This explosion took away her entire left arm.

All the shimmer he made was half destroyed, the lab destroyed. All of Silco's work down the drain.

That night, all lives changed in such disastrous ways. Death on the full moon night, a fire set ablaze for anew, death of a father infected with shimmer, and the betrayal of responsibility and sisterhood.

But most of all, so many unkept favors. Neither ever stood a chance.


Had to fix it and realized all chapters I made were clustered together, not as I like it to be, so it's fixed now.

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