Perfectly Florist

"You're looking to buy something, right?" A little red-haired girl with a tooth gape smile nods, shy and unsure what to do.

She was such a sweet little girl, holding your hand as you walked her around your small store. A tug stops you to find those gunmetal eyes on a bouquet of sunflowers, adoring the large flower similar to our sun up in the sky. Shining bright as always.

Picking it up with your free hand, kneeling down to the level of this child, hand it to her with a kind smile a mother would give to encourage their own child. That tooth gape smile made your day as the child ran off with it for free. No payment at all.

"That kid just stole your flower."

"I know." Your smile grew as the child ran to give those flowers to her mother, the yellow petals matching her gown, warms your heart at such goodness "Losing one flower bouquet won't hurt anyone. Besides, aren't you not a fan of my hobbies, Viktor?"

He snorts, eyeing the flower decoration in your hair "Flower science isn't my cup of tea ya know. Besides, I have a favor to ask of you."

Viktor never asked you or anyone for favors. Not sure what it is, nod your head. (E/C) eyes sinking deep into ember brown eyes, exchanging your light unknowingly into his weaker ones. Instinctively, he averts his eyes away. Knowing if he stares to long he will not be able to say a single word. Your head tilt to the side, as soft and confuzzled as it was, was just the push needed to help Viktor say what he needs to say now.

"I,hrmm, w-would you join me at our lab tonight? To show you a-around and, well, yeah.."

A hum of thought left your lips. Thinking about it. Viktor fears of rejection rises every millisecond by the silence, only for it to stop when your hand selects a flower from your set up. Now before him to take.

"I'll love too! Would you pick me up or will I hitch a ride there?"

Viktor, amazed you accepted his offer, mumbles to himself "..Lucky me..."

"What you say?"

"I-I said,uh, I'll send a carriage to pick you up. Just be ready at sunset to depart!" Viktor quickly states as he accepted your flower of choice, a marigold, to which you smile and clap in joy.

Little time was shared with the two as more people came into your store. Viktor took his leave as you chatted with couples, teenagers, and little ones about flower choices and price range. Very sweet, more like skeptical people.

Well, that was till someone you never seen before enters your shop.

A woman adorns with gold hair pieces, make-up, and black and gold clothes. A chocolate skin goddess that graced your flower shop with such etheral elegance. A glimpse of her light hazel eyes that shine similar to divine ichor, or perhaps a daffodil, took an interest in tulips. Holding one in her fingers so carefully as she sniffs it. Admiring such a flower.

The purple tulip that represents royal admiration and elegance..

It seems she caught your lingering stare from across the store, holding the tulip as her eyes keen your way with interest "These tulips, how much are they?"

"Five flowers for ten and a full bouquet for twenty-six." It was easy to get to her without little ones running around, now reliazing she was taller than yourself by two inches.

"I see..." Her hand delicately place the tulip back, now handing you a sack of coins, heavy and true, she smiles slimly upon your puzzlement "I'll take these tulips, those peonies, and the rest of these begonia's. Will that be a problem madam?"

Actually, it won't be. All these flowers needed good homes to be sent off before they all began to wither away. This helps so much. She must be sent down to you from the heavens.

"No problem at all, my lady! My question, however, is do you need assistance? My shop closes within the next hour, and I don't mind helping lend a hand."

Your offer was something she rarely gets from owners, she had people to do it all for her, but this was new and intriguing for her. She just handed you 2,045 in tokens and now offer a lending hand after work hours? She didn't know much of these local trades and stores, and from all that she could have roamed right into blindly, her blind whims led her to an intriguing florist shop owner that fails in recognizing who this person was before them.

"Oh, well, do I need to pay more for assistance?"

"Not at all, in fact, how much is in this sack?" It was heavy, meaning alot was inside, calculating it all "I'm quite curious since it's a tad heavy is all."

She eyes it, pulling out a gold rim hand fan with marble gold cloth, opening it swiftly without hesitation, using it to swoon the owner "For all those flowers, about 2,045 total."

She overpaid it.

That's okay. You're good at math.

"Okay, where would you like me to drop everything off at?"

She fans her hand fan slowly, not hot at all in here, testing this flower owners patience "In various rooms within the high council tower. It's so..dull." Her voice stoops low, rolling her eyes at the memory, now admiring the lillies "Desperate need of a touch of life."

A small 'Ah, I see..' was said. The lady in gold expected the flower owner to catch on by now. There are so many hints. Only for the flower owner to blindly toss every one of her obvious clues away like flies. Dodging the fact she is a member of the high council even when she mentioned the location and rooms, too. In fact, people are spreading rumors right now. Like a blazing wild fire. Not once have those (E/C) eyes look up and find their shop empty and hollow the moment she stepped in. Only they were inside the store as the others all left in such a hurry. Most likely, out of respect or dead shock for one of the council members to be here too.

It made her wonder if your kept locked away under a bridge, not knowing a thing about anything. Honestly, that's would make so much sense..

"Isn't that the fan technique?"

She stops fanning, now eyeing the (H/C) woman before her "...yes..How did you know-?"

"My father, well adopted father, always was approached by various women trying to tempt him with their fans." You're now picking up the tulips, heading to the desk to prepare them for travel, still rambling on how you knew the technique "He is a smart man and answered my question about it. Never have I thought someone would use that on me, well, I'm flattered!"

The tulips were prepared. Now for the begonia's. The lady in gold held her now closed fan, watching this intriguing florist return back with eight large crates of Begonia's, finding how quickly and swiftly your movements to prep these flowers for this long trip to the high council tower. Soon, went past her again to grab ten crates of Peiones to prepare as well. She finds it amusing that your not tired nor slowing down over running back and forth which seems to be extremely heavy boxes. She even follows you to the back of your store, setting each item in classic wagon but no engine or animal to pull it. Confusing her by the thought of how your going to transport all this there to the high council in time.

"I'll go ahead and close a tad early. Did you travel here with anyone?" Your voice was so cheerful, the lady in gold shook her head, still quizical on how you'll transport this all there.

It was quite easy to close the store. Everything prepped for tomorrow. Now back with the customer who ordered half your store, rubbing your hands together and stretching a bit.

"How are you going to transport all this? I see no animal to assist.."

You laugh, seeing she was so quizical about your way of work "An animal nor engine is needed madam!" Soon held a hand out to her, to help her sit on the wagon herself "Here, let me help you up."

She had no clue on how this was going to work, yet seeing how confident you were, took your free hand. Assistance up onto the wagon. Sitting there with no idea about what will occur and baffle the living shit out of her.

You walk over to the front, take a second to prepare for the journey, make sure your able to hike in this dress, then take hold of the wood handles. It would be impossible to lift this much alone but the lady in gold was proven wrong. The wagon was now moving in a consistent speed, slow and steady, wide eyed to find this florist could in fact carry and pull this much weight.

The impossible has been proven to be possible.

"It's quite nice today isn't it?" The streets were crowded with people, and because of this, decide to venture the longer route "Are you okay back there? Do you need anything miss?"

What she needs is to know how the hell are you defining the laws and physics so damn easily. Most importantly, how long had this going on, like, what training did this florist do to achieve such a goal?


"I-No. Not at all...J-Just take your time." She was stunned beyond belief, already hiking up a hill soon to cross a stone bridge, her thoughts wonder on even in her words "If I remember correctly we never exchanged names."

Laughter fills the quiet street, your laughter, a few enforcer taking their sweet time now bamboozled by a woman caring a wagon full of flowers plus a member of the high council. Smiling brighter and giggling to yourself as they each watch the two pass like this was normal to see on day to day basis. Not once move a muscle but bicker about it once fully pass them. Now up the small bridge over a river, life below it living freely.

"I should have introduced myself before even mentioned a helping hand. My sincere apologies, madam."

"You're forgiven." She turns her head to the water below, something about this florist laughter made something flutter inside, something small and forgein, eyes of yellow daffodils set back on the (H/C) woman not a second to waste "I'll start first than, my name is Mel Madarda."

The abrupt stop at the top of the bridge was not planned by either side. Mel was lucky to even not fall off the old classic wagon, but now, the florist stares at her with a mixture of shock and suprise. Mouth agape slightly too.

"Is there a problem?"

Quickly you fixed yourself, now more back to reality, nervous and down right stupid "I-urm...No. I'm fine now, just, sorry for not knowing who you are sooner, my lady."

Mel, seeing you do in fact know her, rest her elbow on her leg, now holding her face up with her hand quite amused "It took longer than I expected it to. Your forgive. Now, what is your name or should I call you 'Florist Girl' for now onwards?"

That wouldn't bother you considering your hobby is being hands deep into the dirt and, well, the earth bending abilities. No one's knows that side of you so all is good.

A cloud certainly been lifted from your shoulders, (E/C) eyes now reflecting the sun merely as your smile stays true, answering the member of the high council "Thank you for your forgiveness! My name is (Y/N) Kirammen, one of the members of House Kirammen!"

A house?

This florist who is covered in dirt, strong enough to pull and lift over possibly five hundred and nearly twenty pounds due to flowers and herself, and scarred be a member of house Kirammens?

Actually, no one mentioned a (Y/N) Kirammen. This is her first time hearing this untold information.

"...A Kirammen you say? Do you have proof to your words?"

A nod was her answer. Not long a pendant of the Kirammens household was in her own hands, twinkling a bit due to the sun above.

It was real.

So, this florist was a hidden unknown house of Kirammen.

Never did she expect that of all things..

"The sun is nearing lunch hour, so it be wise to get moving once again." You say, onced given back the pendant, lift the wagon full of flowers and one high lady with it, now speed walking unlike before "And due to finding out I'm a member of the Kirammen family, please do now spread it out like butter. I wish no one to know. I like my quiet little life."

Mel, who has thought about it, hums out a soft 'As you wish..' now thinking about how odd, intriguing, and abnormal this mysterious Kirammen was.

Mostly your strength.

Niether said a word after that, simply enjoying this odd but peaceful stroll, taking several turns and passing pilties every once in a while. Making their way to the high council tower before lunch arrives.


Mel kept her word and kept it to heart.

Many enforcers officers tried to help with the flowers, most baffled by the sight of you pulling such a heavy thing and parking it, only for Mel to deny their helping hands. The moment Mel was helped down safely to the ground your quick to start picking up boxes like it weighs like nothing. Stunning, shocking, and bewildered all those guarding this place.

The lady in gold gladly brought you inside and showed you how dull it truly was inside the tower. In your eyes, not much involved with Kirammen things, found this place so marvelously beautiful. It made you wonder how Mel feel like it was to dull but decided not to ask, as a helping hand and owner of a flower store, gladly help out to set up everything and find places to set it all.

A lot of trips were made, Mel sipping some ginger turmeric tea, as she watch you work and perfect each flower bouquet set up. Blending the flowers to place about.

Lunch would be great only this took threw and two thirds of an hour of your time. Like, a water break would be nice but not yet. Still got more to go.

"Quite motivated much?"

"A helping hand is a helping hand, lady Madarda." Six bundles of bouquets were done, and with how much left, possibly eleven more to go "Now, where shall these one go? To the halls? Maybe the meeting room?"

She thought about it, shaking her head as she got up from her chair "I know a place that needs some sort of color. Follow me." to which you did, all bouquets set in an empty box to carry, following her clueless like a lost puppy.

Doors push open to reveal a bedroom lacking much color. Mel gesturing for you to follow inside to close the doors. Now locked inside.

"Those flowers can be placed anywhere you see fit. Take note, this is my room so if one of my belongings are gone you can wish that flower store goodbye."

Mel said that as if your some sort of theif. Only to say nothing as your now placing each one to a certain spot, analyzing the area and angle, before adjusting to move on to the next area. In the end this room will smell like flowers and be more lively to Mel.

That's when, on the last one to place, noticed the balcony. An idea popped into your head a few seconds later. Now eager to do what you wish to do.

"I have an idea on what to do with the rest of those flowers but I need to head down there, may I?"

She had no clue what your doing now, eyeing your quiet hyper excited self, just to give you the go ahead to unlock the door and scurry down to your wagon. In your wagon was things you knew that could be of use so you filled it with dirt and soil. Mel had found a book to read, just about done with chapter two, as the florist came back to enter the patio. Lingering eyes observed your hyper and eager self running about from this room and back with the crates of leftover flowers.

The book was now set closed shut on her lap, sitting on her bed, seemingly sparked interest at how quick and handy you are. Trimming and sorting flowers into bar latched pots. Now fully proud of yourself to fulfill your idea and vision, all done for today finally. Being able to take a breathe and relax a bit. Maybe more.


The book was set on the bed, Mel now stood beside you, her fingers gently graze the leafs of the Begonia's.

"Perfect. Perfectly well done."

That was great news. Only, as your about to depart, a paper form was shoved into your dirty soiled stained hands.

"Uhh...what's this?"

Mel smiles, her eyes trained on your mysterious scar, hands intertwined behind her back lazily "For your hard work and, well, a part time job offer."

That was entirely unexpected...

"Part time as iinnn?.."

"Assistance with files, phone calls, calendar based events, but mostly help moving stuff around." She rants it all, naming whatever comes to mind, now her eyes set on you "Your pay will most likely be beneficial to you and your business. Benefits included."

"On what days do I work?"

"So you accept?"

"Just need to know what days to juggle my flower hobby."

"Afternoon shifts 12 P.M. to 6 P.M. every Monday, Wesnday, Friday, and Sunday sharp."

"Okay, how about the pay?"

"Weekly pay every Thursday with starting salary of $45 for two weeks and standard pay of $60 after. Including payed training as well."

As a Kirammen this amount of money is nothing but crumbs to feed peasants, but as an owner of a flower business and hidden from public eyes and ears, this was a wish come true. Who wouldn't want to have such a job with such a good pay salary? This is very much needed and beneficial as it is.

Mel watched as you given her the paper, signed and everything. Now fully eager to start in three days.

"...I didn't even tell you the benefits yet."

"You got me by salary pay and weekly." You blurt out, now gathering empty boxes to leave "I'll be taking my leave now! I'll see you later lady Madarda!"

She smiles slimly, tossing the signed papers to her desk. All boxes were down stairs and in your wagon. Satisfied with today and a new job on top of it, soon pull the wagon out and to your store.

Today was not a bad day. Mel now more interested in finishing her book to only find a small sack of money there beside it. She eyed it, thinking it was left there by mistake, only to find a note set beneath it. So, she read it.

By the time you read this, I may be done with the job and gone. Your cost was actually $985.00 so I took time to return the amount you should use for another day.

It was nice meeting you, and I hope to see you again soon!


(Y/N) Kirammen

"What an odd soul.."

Mel wasn't wrong. You're something more than what she thinks you are, way more..

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