
{ Flashback warning! If you've read the Introduction, you already know this book has references to noncon NSFW, violence, death, and other mature themes.

I still try and give a warning, though. Love you all, and enjoy the start of this story! :D

-Soki <3 }

When a white van pulls up to someone, the door slides open, and people jump out, the first instinct the average person has is to run. Run, let their feet hit the sidewalk over and over, and get away at all costs. But what about when it happens twice? Three times? What happens after someone loses count?

The arms around him, throwing him inside the musty back of the van, they became a regular occurrence. And with thin, scrawny limbs... it was exceedingly difficult to get free. His blonde hair was yanked, emerald eyes filled with tears, and no one could help.

Ash was twitching while he was tossed onto the front lawn, narrowly missing the toys that littered it. His breathing was shallow, and he couldn't move. His muscles were stiff from trauma, and he was leaking white liquid from any hole he had. He could taste it, smell it, feel it. It was everywhere, even staining his tattered clothing.

" Ash?"

It was all muffled, everything distorted. How anyone could live like that, Ash didn't know.

Tires screeched down the street, and he was helped to his feet even in spite of his knees trying to give out.


Ash shot awake, drenched in sweat and his hand flew toward the nightstand. A pocket knife weighted down his palm as he armed himself, looking around the room frantically. It took a few seconds for him to come down and realize his nightmare. No one was there. There was only a ceiling fan and the smell of food from downstairs.

He ran a hand through his hair, trying to calm down. It was time for school, after all. For once, he'd managed to wake up on time, so he wouldn't be strolling into his first period five minutes before its end.

His past, the dark... dark... past. It could be hard to stomach, but as a 17 year old, he was stronger. Ash could fend for himself, and anyone who touched him was sure to have a broken hand or worse. That was just how it was, how he lived. And somehow, he'd come to accept it.

Groaning, Ash rolled out of bed. It creaked and he threw his comforter aside. Time for a shower, and some cleansing of his mental state.

" Ash! Get down here and eat!" Was shouted from downstairs, and by that time, Ash was laying around in his towel, wet and tired. He rolled his eyes.

" Coming, old lady!" He yelled back, clicking his tongue at the end of it. Quickly, he glanced to his curtain to make sure it was shut. Really he'd just tacked a jet black blanket up to the window, wanting to make sure that nobody would see him.

One long sleeved black shirt, some socks, a pair of ripped blue jeans, and a green flannel later... he was dressed. He ran a quick comb through his hair, brushed his teeth, and then went toward the stairs. Walking down them, the smell of bacon and eggs became more strong.

Childish laughter was heard from the kitchen, and Ash yawned while shuffling in.

" Michael, eat your eggs." Jessica told her son, pointing at him. And the boy, who was wearing a red shirt and was sporting a bed head, pouted.

" Hey, Ash, good morning."

Ash pulled out a chair at the dining room table, plopping down and resting his face on the table cloth. He grumbled a response, and a plate was sat down in front of him. The glass clinked and Ash sniffed while sitting up.

" Someone's tired. Were you up late again?" Max asked the boy, and Ash nodded.

" When am I not?" He muttered.

Ash heard his foster father sigh in response, and Jessica, his foster mother, slapped his shoulder.

" You need to sleep! God!" She scolded and stuck up her nose. " Why can't you just get five hours? Two a night is going to kill you."

" Are you sure it won't be all your nagging that kills me?" Ash scoffed. " Go on, keep it up. Maybe it'll accelerate the process."

" Enough of that. Someone your age shouldn't be talking in such a way." Jessica folded her arms. She loved him, but damn, Ash was a handful.

Ash dug into his eggs and began to eat, thinking about what the day would bring. What was next? He was sure he'd be dragged into something by Shorter or someone else, and if that wasn't enough, it was raining. He could hear it pelting the roof and dripping off of the siding. Humidity was present in the air as well, despite the dampened conditions.

New York rain was gross and made Ash feel depressed.

" Right." Ash scoffed. " Because someone like me has absolutely no idea what he's talking about."

" You're still a ki-"

" Don't you dare call me a kid!" He raised his voice, glaring at her. He realized that he'd yelled, then tried to rein it in. With Michael at the table, he needed to watch himself.

Max shook his head and took a seat. Ash. Their foster boy. They'd taken him in at fifteen, when he'd made his way through the system, accumulated charges, and already been involved in a fair amount of crimes. It might've seemed crazy on his and Jessica's part, but Max saw something in Ash. No. He didn't want to swoop in and be the hero, and he didn't need the check from the government. It was just... he knew no one else would take Ash on.

Truly, the teenager was troubled. However, he wasn't broken. His intelligence was something not comparable to his peers, and his looks were far above average. And best of all, Ash still had hope. He wasn't a stone cold criminal, despite the path he was walking.

There was an awkward silence that took over the room, and Ash continued eating his breakfast. It wasn't great, but it also wasn't awful. Max's cooking was pretty standard, and he was grateful for it.

" I'm out of here..." Ash stood up, finishing everything and chugging the orange juice that had apparently been poured for him. He rinsed the plate and left it in the sink.

" Ash!" Michael called after the other, getting off of his chair and running after the other with his short and stubby legs. Ash turned around, raising a brow. Before he knew it, the small boy was crashing against his hip and hugging him.

He chuckled, lifting him up and giving him a real hug.

" Do good." Michael told him, smiling. His baby teeth were radiant and his blue eyes glimmered with hope for the other.

" You got it." Ash gently smiled, setting the other down. He had to admit, he was a kids person, and his little bro was too cute. He'd spent enough time with him to get attached.

Max followed Ash to the door, leaning against the wall while the other tied his bright red sneakers.

" What is it?" Ash asked him, looking up. His platinum blonde hair shaded his face, and he seemed tired.

" Be safe." Max spoke. " I don't want to see you coming home with any new bruises tonight."

" Better that than chained up in some sicko's basement, wouldn't you say?" Ash aggressively tied his shoes. The city was a dangerous place, and leaving for school wasn't exactly his priority. He went through the motions, yes, but defending himself and making sure he wasn't followed was something always in the back of his mind.

" Ash..." Max sullied with sorrow.

" What? It's fucking true. Shoved in a van? Kicked to a pulp in some back alley? Held for ransom? Which is next? I'm curious." Ash spat. He got his shoes laced up and stood, rolling his eyes. " It's all I'm good for."

" That's not true. You have your grades, and when you get to college, it all will change." Max insisted, and Ash plucked up his backpack from the bench by the door.

" Whatever you say." He escaped out the front door, shutting it behind himself. Shoving his hands in his pockets, he double checked that his knife was there. In that part of town, he could never be too careful. It wasn't as bad as the inner city, but at night, going out alone was something people avoided.

Ash walked down the sidewalk as rain slowly dampened his clothes, and his shoes became wet while trudging through puddle after puddle. He hated the rain. It was always more difficult to be aware of his surroundings, or hear if someone was coming up behind him.

Unless they weren't trying to hide.

" Assshh!" Was called in the distance behind him, and Ash turned over his shoulder. Had he not known the voice, he would've already pulled his blade.

He stopped walking.

" Shorter, you're early." Ash remarked, and his purple haired friend could be heard chuckling as he approached.

" You too." He replied, giving Ash a friendly fist pump once he reached him. The two were walking together after that.

They'd been friends for years, each one willing to trust the other with their life, no questions asked. When school days were so ridden with shitty situations, finding one good friend made it worthwhile. Well, maybe two. Skip was probably already at school, waiting for them.

" Have you heard anything yet?" Ash asked him quietly, not wanting to chance anyone hearing him.

" No. Things have been quiet." Shorter replied, seeming to get more serious.

" Damn it... I don't like this guy."

Ash's... group... as many people referred to them as, had a monopoly over the school for the most part, but that didn't mean things were easy. A man named Arthur, one who had been in Ash's gang for a while and had come under Ash's suspicion, was an issue. He felt as though he was going to betray him and cause problems. Not only were there child traffickers to worry about, but people like him as well.

There had been subtleties going on for a month and Ash had his eyes on him, knowing it was just a matter of time before a type of coup would happen. And of course Ash hadn't told Max and Jessica about it, because holy hell, that woman would've panicked.

" I know... but at least in the school we're safe. Well- safer." Shorter said, and Ash grumbled something to himself while they continued on. He had so many things to worry about, being as people looked to him as a 'boss', and counted on his authority. It was crazy! There were high schoolers, as well as people in their early twenties who would report to him for various reasons.

It wasn't like he'd asked for any of it, though. He was going to get revenge on all the people who'd wronged him. The only reason Ash was still pursuing an education in the first place was because of Max, who made it clear... he would no longer serve as a father figure if Ash didn't study. It didn't matter if he'd already received a world class education. Max wanted him to go to college. Still, Ash didn't believe him about not being a father anymore. That guy was too soft.

As the pair arrived at school, Ash was already sick of that day. He wished that he could've gone home, maybe mulled around the house or taken a walk. He would've wanted sleep, but slumber had proved to be quite the impossible task for him.

There was always a group of Ash's guys waiting by his locker. Whether in the morning, or right after first period when the leader usually arrived.

" Ash." Someone said, and Ash looked down, seeing that Skip was standing there. The poor freshman was so short that Ash had a crook in his neck after talking to him.

" Hey." The blonde greeted, then noticed someone unfamiliar amongst the people. He double took him for a moment, his green eyes beading.

" I have someone I want you to meet." Skip smiled, shoving his friend forward more. The dark haired boy, the one Ash found himself still staring at, tripped a little and laughed awkwardly. He scratched the back of his neck, looking to Ash. His cheeks were somewhat pink, but it wasn't noticeable unless someone was looking for it.

" This is Eiji Okumura. He's here on the exchange program for a year." Skip explained.

" From?" Shorter asked, and Ash was still busy analyzing every little thing about the other. He seemed warm, but not so sunshiny that it was irritating. His smile wasn't fake, and it was beyond Ash why anyone would come to New York if they looked like him, so innocent.

" I'm from Japan." The boy spoke, nervous. He seemed shy.

" Eijirou, huh?" Another of the guys asked. Ash and everyone else knew him as Alex, but the foreigner didn't. He was still friendly, however.

" Yeah, it's a common name in my country..." He smiled. Ash decided he was nice enough. The innocence didn't seem fake, though he had met people like that before. It was usually so easy to see through, but not this one. 

" Well, Eiji, nice to meet you." He said, taking in the other's hazelnut eye color. " I'm Ash."

Eiji smiled, gripping the straps on his backpack. He was wearing an orange letterman jacket, as well as some blue jeans and basic sneakers.

" Do you mind if I ask a question?" Eiji inquired, and for whatever reason, Ash wasn't suspicious of him. Most newcomers were kept under close eyes for every millisecond they were near Ash, but not Eiji. 

Everyone looked at Ash, and the Japanese male was evidently confused. It was like they wouldn't speak until Ash said so. They wouldn't breathe, wouldn't even look at anything or anyone.

" Go for it." Ash said.

" Why do so many people stand by your locker?" Eiji innocently asked, and Shorter chuckled awkwardly. They totally weren't in a gang fighting against a drug cartel, the mafia, one of their own members, and still somehow making it to school. No. Not at all.

Ash smirked to himself for a moment, chuckling softly. People like Eiji, he didn't come by them often, especially not in New York.

" Don't worry about it." Ash assured. The last thing he needed was for Eiji to get tangled up in his affairs. For one, he was only there for a year, and two, he wouldn't last two seconds in a fight by the looks of him. No gang stuff for him.

" Ash is just popular." Shorter chimed in, sliding his black sunglasses down the bridge of his nose, glancing to the leader. " Right, blondey?"

Ash rolled his eyes at his friend.

" I guess you could say that." He remarked. Not in a good way, but Eiji didn't have to know that. Part of Ash wondered why Skip would introduce him in the first place, but still... he didn't complain.

" I'm Shorter, by the way." Shorter said, reaching out and offering his fist to the Japanese boy. Eiji was confused at first, extending a flat hand like he was going to shake it. Shorter laughed and accommodated.

The first bell rang, warning the students that class would start in five minutes.

" I should get to class." Eiji said, smiling at Ash and everyone. " Nice to meet you all."

" I'll find you at lunch." Skip told him, and with that, Eiji turned and headed down the hall.

When he was gone, there was a momentary silence.

" Skip, why did you befriend him?" Ash asked, and everyone besides Shorter could be heard gulping at that. He wasn't accusing him so much as he was curious.

" Well... he's in a lot of my classes. He's foreign, so I figured since he doesn't know anyone, I could talk to him." Skip stammered. After that, Ash was beginning to understand. He wasn't angry, just praying that nothing would get him involved.

School wasn't safe from gang activity, not with people undercover. Papa Dino, a boss, and also the person who owned Ash for many years, had a number of students at the high school who were there to keep an eye on, and torment Ash and his people. It was just to make sure Ash never got out from under his thumb, not to cause war.

But things were quickly getting there.


Lunch was a time that was confusing for any student, especially in the early parts of the year. Where to sit? Who to sit with? What to eat?

But for Ash... it wasn't about that. It was about putting up a fight.

" A message from Papa-"


Ash felt the wind get knocked out of him as he was shoved to the wall, then he glared at the three jocks. They'd cornered him in the back of the school.

" Keep up this stupid school gig, and he'll take you again." One of the husky males threatened. Ash smirked to himself.

" I'd like to see him try." The blonde retorted.

Punch, punch again in the gut.

" Piece of shit... I don't know what he sees in you."

" I do..." One of them bit his lip and leered down at Ash, who was hunched over.

" I'll never go back there..." Ash spat. If it had only been a sex ring he was fighting, he would've taken Dino down a long time ago. However... the drug market was bringing more people into the picture, and making it more complicated.

" Heed our words, asswipe. We're coming for you."

Ash caught another strike, and he already knew his nose was bleeding when he felt some blood dribble onto his shirt.

They left him after that, and he braced himself on the wall while standing up. Man, were those guys lucky that they were in school. Stabbing people on school property? Frowned upon last time he checked.

He wiped his nose. Thankfully it wasn't gushing blood or anything. He had lunch to get to.

Ash swiped some napkins on the way into the cafeteria, walking toward the table his people sat at. It was more like a section at the back of the room, and a group of tables they'd claimed.

" Ash, you're late. Are you okay?" Skip got up and ran over to him, and all the guys began to look over.

" I'm fine, Skip. You've seen me way worse than this." Ash assured, and his seat was left untouched. Nobody ever dared to sit at Ash's chair, which was in the center.

Ash looked around the table, then to his left. There sat Eiji, who'd paused in the middle of eating his sandwich.

" Ash? Is that blood?!" He went into his backpack, panicking a little.

Everyone seemed to give Eiji a weird look. Had the guy never seen- oh wait. He didn't have the kind of upbringing as the rest of them.

" Yes, but I'm fine. It's pretty much done bleeding anyways." Ash reiterated.

" Was it them again?" Shorter asked Ash quietly, and the leader nodded. Yet another warning, but not from Arthur. Dino's guys on the inside, promised money and jobs for him the second they graduated.

So much for having a simple day.

Ash jumped when he felt hands on him, and he nearly reflexed the person, but the hands were soft. It was Eiji, taking a wet nap and wiping his face.

Everyone cringed and waited for Ash to yell at the Japanese boy for touching him, but it didn't happen.

" Can't be walking around with a blood stained face all day..." Eiji told him, his lips tugging up into a smile. Ash looked at him with inspecting eyes, somewhat wide. This boy. He'd never met anyone so nice before.

Little did he know, his life was taking a turn. And it was just that kindness causing a butterfly effect.

{ Ah shit. Here we go again.

Nah, who am I kidding? I love them UWU.}

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