Adjustment Period
(( I heard someone liked sprinkles of fluff to distract from their hate for Dino. Soki at your service, bestie.))
Having things be awkward was never what Eiji had wanted. He knew that there would be a period of adjustment, and that was only natural, but he couldn't help but shun it. All he wanted to do was cast any doubts aside and love Ash with everything he had. They were different from other people.
He looked up at Ash as he let the water out of the sink, having just finished the dishes for the night. The blonde was just emerging from the back bedroom, wearing some of the pajamas Eiji had gotten for him a few days earlier.
" You coming to bed?" Ash asked him, drying his hair with a towel. He'd just finished washing himself up, staring at Eiji with an endearing gaze. Maybe he didn't realize it himself, but the expression he had was one of love.
Eiji flicked off the kitchen lights and nodded.
" Yeah... I'll be right in." He said, smiling slightly.
Ash could tell that something was off with Eiji, and so he let the towel rest on his shoulder, coming to stand before him.
" I know this is all a little... weird... but... I think it's best we finally told each other how we feel..." Ash said. He put a hand on Eiji's shoulder and mustered a smile, and in his eyes Eiji knew that he was serious.
Reaching up and putting his hand over Ash's, Eiji felt better. That was a relief to hear.
" Me too..." He replied.
They both stayed silent for a moment, but once they realized that they'd been looking into each other's eyes for way too long, they both blushed. Ash turned away and coughed to himself, heading to the bedroom, and Eiji basically had no choice but to follow him. Even if he was flustered, that wouldn't change the fact that they shared a room.
Eiji was already wearing comfy clothes to sleep in, and he crawled into his own bed soon enough. Still, though, Ash's lamp was on. He wondered what the other still had on his mind.
Ash's face was tinted red as he turned over to Eiji. He may or may not have been building up the courage to ask him something. But how the hell would he do it?
" What is it?" Eiji asked him, pulling one of his pillows against his chest. He was too innocent for his own good and it was clear just from the way he sat.
" I was wondering... maybe... could you try sleeping in my bed tonight?"
Eiji's eyes widened slightly, but not extremely so. He hadn't been expecting that one, being as Ash had always been so reserved about things like that.
" With you?" The Japanese male asked. " I don't see why not..."
Ash scratched the back of his neck.
" I sleep better when you're beside me, Eiji..." He confessed. " Man... I never thought I would actually tell you that..."
" Me either..." Eiji chuckled, making Ash purse his lips and blush more. He'd never really been good at hiding it when he was worked up, and this was no exception.
Grabbing his pillow, Eiji set it beside Ash and got onto his bed next to him. His legs were straight and he leaned his back against the headboard of the bed.
It really was like a scene from a sitcom with both of them sitting there like that. Eiji glanced over at Ash, almost like he wasn't sure what to do next. And that was because he had no clue. Absolutely none.
" Want to... um... watch some TV before we sleep?" Ash asked. He had never been good at being romantic or showing his feelings like other, more normal people. But then again, he wasn't normal at all.
Eiji nodded, handing over the remote from the nightstand. Ash scooted a little closer to him, making it so they were shoulder to shoulder, then switched on the TV. He really hadn't ever watched much of it before, but now that they had this condo, it was available to him. Why not?
There really wasn't much on, but they turned on Ghost Adventures for the hell of it. It wasn't really about the show, but more for the background noise before bed.
Eiji thought about everything that had happened that week, and he really didn't know what to make of it. Ash returned his feelings, but to figure that out, it had taken nearly being auctioned off. And on top of that, Eiji had even told his parents about falling for someone in America! He'd nearly forgotten. It made him nervous to think about, and he stiffened up when it crossed his mind.
Ash glanced over and noticed Eiji's posture changed.
" What's on your mind?" He asked.
Eiji had to think about his actions before he spoke. He was wondering what Ash's reaction to that would be, but then he remembered something. Ash had never judged him for his actions, not seriously. He could tell him anything in the world.
" I told my parents about you, Ash..."
Ash's eyes bulged and he felt his heart jump out of his chest. In Japan, he knew from his studies, that was an extremely important milestone. Declaring love was one thing, but when parents were brought into it, things were ten times more serious.
" Eiji... you did?" He asked.
" Yeah... I talked to them on Skype just before we moved in here... I didn't mean to, it really just slipped out, but I said that I had to stay because I fell in love with someone in America..." He confessed. It really had been an accident, and that was true, but Eiji really didn't regret it.
" Did you say my name?"
" No... I don't think so. They still think you're a she, so that's another thing." Eiji nervously laughed to himself. Yikes. He was worried about telling his parents, but he knew if he gave them time to get used to the idea, they would accept whoever he fell in love with. It just might've taken a while, and that was fine.
Ash laughed to himself, leaning over by Eiji's face and batting his eyelashes.
" What, you want me to show up to Japan in heels and a skirt?" He joked, making Eiji snicker even more.
" Yeah, totally." He replied sarcastically.
Ash laughed out loud. He swore that he'd never been so happy in his life when he was with Eiji. He never felt so safe, confident, or accepted anywhere else before. The adoration he had for him was something that he'd never had with anyone else ever.
" We'll figure something out, Eiji..."
There was a slight tension between them as Ash thought about cuddling closer to Eiji. He'd never been a physical person until Eiji showed him how amazing it felt. Even a hug or sleeping beside someone was practically concentrated joy for him.
Eiji turned over to Ash with a small smile on his face, looking upon him fondly and not scared at all. There was never a moment when he feared him, even after all the people he'd watched Ash gun down.
" I'm just happy you're considering coming back with me, Ash..." He told him honestly. It was really something that Eiji wanted. More than his scholarship or his track season, or even college. He didn't want to have to part with Ash, ever.
" You're too important for me to not think about it..." Ash replied, and his cheeks had heated up by then. " Even if I didn't go with you... I'd still be worried sick about you... it would drive me crazy."
Eiji's eyes beaded and he almost felt compelled to make a move. But he was too shy to do anything about it right then. He only stared at Ash, hoping that the other would know what to do to cut the tension.
Sliding his arm around Eiji's shoulder, Ash pulled him closer. He leaned his forehead on Eiji's and smiled to himself. Being so open with someone felt relaxing, and he knew that he could get used to it.
Eiji felt his heart flutter and he moved to lean against Ash's side. He closed his eyes and Ash pulled Eiji completely against himself. And as they eventually got sleepy, the TV was turned off and the lights were out.
Ash draped his arm over Eiji as they began to drift off, and the Japanese male scooted back against the contour of Ash's body. He loved being so close against his side.
Ash fell asleep faster than ever before, comforted by the warmth beside him.
" I was sorry to hear about the passing of your brothers... Ash is a difficult one..."
" Truth is, Mr. Golzine... I don't mind it. They are vicious snakes I'm happy to have banished from my world."
Dino rose a brow at the young Chinese gentleman across the dining room table.
" I see... well, I am happy you've found peace in their deaths, Yut-Lung."
Yut-Lung smirked to himself.
" Thank you... now... back to business." He said, taking a sip of the fine wine Dino had served him.
" Yes, please. You have inherited three fourths of the Lee family fortune... and what you do with it is up to you." Dino said. " However, I feel like if you continue the alliance between the Lee's and myself... it would be mutually beneficial."
" First and foremost, Eiji Okumura dies." Yut-Lung said, flipping his long ponytail over his shoulder. " This is nonnegotiable if I'm going to continue on the Banana Fish project." If it was only the drug concerned, Yut-Lung would've already pulled out. But it was more complicated with Ash and Eiji still alive.
Dino chuckled to himself.
" You hate him just as much as I do, I see..."
" Why does someone so powerful as Ash bow down to him? From what I've seen, he's an ignorant foreigner lacking common sense..." Yut-Lung went on, finishing the wine that had been poured for him.
" I used to wonder that myself... but you must see what's going on here." Dino replied, and Yut-Lung waited for him to elaborate. " Ash clearly is smitten with him."
" Why?!" Yut-Lung exclaimed. " To think he would fall for someone so... mundane... so common..."
Dino was amused, liking the way that Yut-Lung thought, even at such a young age. He wasn't even 20 yet.
" Let me ask you something, Yut-Lung..." He began. " Are you aiming to kill Ash as well?"
" Well of course. He's a threat to the project. If he goes to the press, we're all finished..."
" Alright... so we're on the same page. However, if I may... I would like to be the one to end Ash. On my terms. You're welcome to watch as I strangle the life from his smug little face... but I would like to be the one to do it." Dino smirked to himself and swirled the wine in his own glass.
" So long as they're both dead and suffer through it... I love the idea."
Dino was impressed, happy with the agreement. But the real question was... who would they get to kill Eiji for them? Arthur was dead.
" I have an idea about a few people to call in... I'm sure Ash remembers him." Dino chuckled. " He'll handle Eiji."
" Would I know this person?" Yut-Lung asked.
" I doubt it. I'll have to make some calls... but I'm happy we've come to terms."
" What about Shorter Wong? He'll surely become an issue soon..." Yut-Lung chuckled. " Such a shame, too... I know he's a great fighter and would make a wonderful addition to my bodyguards..."
" He'll need to die as well. He doesn't have many places to hide since the bombing of Chang Dai..." Dino explained. " It'll only be a matter of time... but he's not the main priority. I'll be sure to call you when I have my forces organized..."
Yut-Lung thought back to his time with Ash and the others. He especially despised Eiji, the way he called for Ash's name instead of help. It was disgusting to watch Ash pander to him.
" Thank you, Mr. Golzine..." He snickered to himself, looking to the side.
" What's so comical?"
" I just remembered... back when I sent them to you. Eiji doesn't know how to yell for help. He only yells for Ash..." He sputtered and failed to contain his laughter. " It's pathetic."
" Quite pathetic... he won't be yelling for anything once he's dead."
Rattling. Shaking. Panting.
Ash shot up in bed in a cold sweat, breathing heavily and trembling. He was jolted from his sleep, but once he realized where he was, he slumped against the headboard of the bed.
" What is it?" Eiji rubbed his eyes, sitting up. He'd been shaken from his sleep as well, staring over at Ash drowsily. But once his sleepy vision cleared, he saw the tears that had been smeared on Ash's cheeks.
Nightmares again.
" Ash..." Eiji murmured, carefully reaching and putting a hand on his shoulder. And Ash turned over to look at him, still trying to get a grip.
" Sorry for waking you up... you don't deserve my bullshit..."
Eiji shook his head.
" Don't say that. It's not your fault..." He said in a soft voice, pulling Ash into a hug, kneeling on the bed and keeping his arms around him. And as they stayed close together, he could feel Ash's shaking go away. It happened slowly, but still, it was progress.
Ash's heart rate slowed and he reminded himself of where he was. The smell of Eiji's shirt... the soothing feeling of his arms, he felt calmed by it all.
He leaned against Eiji's chest and let himself stay there.
" I'm here for you, Ash... forever..." He whispered, running his fingers through Ash's blonde hair.
Ash pulled back to stare into Eiji's eyes, and they were still dark and beautiful as always, even in the moonlit room.
" What did I do to deserve you?" He asked, wiping his eyes. Eiji reached and massaged Ash's cheek with his thumb, smiling lightly.
" Nothing." He said. " You don't have to do anything, either. I'm here to stay with you. Always..."
Ash pulled Eiji back into a hug, mainly because he knew that if they sat there like that, he would've wanted to kiss him. And that would've been a big step.
Eiji kept his arms secured around Ash, almost like he was trying to protect him from an unseen force. He knew that it was his purpose... to protect Ash from the world and himself. Maybe that's why he came to America. God had plans for him, or so Eiji believed.
They eventually went back to sleep, tangled up with each other underneath the covers. Ash had encased Eiji and enveloped him, and Eiji had snuggled against Ash's chest, having both of his arms around him. They were safe for the night, and safe with each other.
But how long would that last?
(( How could I ever end a chapter without at least a little cliffhanger? Pshhh. Be right back.))
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