21 Is that Asha's Job?

Part 21 

Next Morning

Arnav went to AR early in the morning as he had a video conference. Khushi saw his room is locked. She rushed to the kitchen.

Khushi: HPJI, where is Arnavji?

HP: He went to the office.

Khushi: Why so earlier?

HP: Don't know Khushiji.

Khushi: Did he eat anything?

HP: No, not even coffee.

Khushi thought for a while. She took the box and stuffed the breakfast.

Khushi: HPJI, will you give it to Arnavji?

HP was supposed to say YES, he looked at Uditha who nodded NO.

HP: Ohh Khushiji, I want to go to the market to buy Arnav baba's medicine.

Khushi: Ohh... shall I go?

HP: Of course, Khushiji...

She came out taking the box, calling for Mohan. He obeyed her as Arnav relaxed all the control which he put at first.


Khushi entered AR with a breakfast bag. The receptionist who just arrived saw Khushi.

Khushi got stuck seeing a magnificent office. She doesn't know where Arnav would be. She asked the receptionist.

Khushi: Where is Arnavji's room?

Receptionist: Room? It's Cabin.... Not room...

She mocked.

Khushi: Ok, where is Arnavji's Cabin?

Recep: Who are you?

Khushi: I'm his wife....

The receptionist got bewildered. Her index finger automatically rose towards Arnav's cabin which was on the first floor with grand glass walls. Khushi was about to go, the receptionist stopped her.

Receptionist: He is in the video conference, ma'am.

Khushi: Video conference?

Rece: Yeah... (Pointing the hall) he is there.

Khushi: Ohh... can I sit here?

Rece: You can sit in his cabin...

Khushi: No problem. I will be here.

Khushi sat in the reception, expecting Arnav's arrival. She didn't have the courage to step into his cabin without his permission.

After half an hour, Arnav came out of the conference hall followed by many people. His legs got glued on the floor, witnessing an unexpected person in front of him. Arnav felt like his legs raising from the floor... he was flying literally. Aman's face brightened. 

Khushi stood, seeing him coming. Arnav opened the file and crossed the reception, looking at the file as if he didn't see his wife. Khushi's face drooped, seeing his ignorance. She sat on the couch again as she was not ready to leave without meeting him.

Arnav was suffocating in his cabin. He felt like he is sitting on the fire. He expected that Khushi will follow him to his cabin but she didn't. Did she leave?

He gave a look through the window and saw her sitting in the reception sadly. 

He called the receptionist.

Rece: Yes sir....?

Arnav: Any calls?

Rece: No sir... but your wife is waiting here.

Arnav: Wife? When did she come?

Rece: Half an ago sir.

Arnav: Why didn't you send my wife to my cabin?

Rece: Sir, I thought you had seen her...

Arnav: Stop guessing... what do you think of her? She is here to check the AR staff's sincerity. (The receptionist gulped) Ok... Don't show her that I called you. Send her like you yourself sending her. Then only she won't fire you.

Receptionist: Yes sir...

She went to Khushi, disconnecting the call...

Rece: Ma'am, why are you waiting here? You can go to Sir's cabin.

Khushi: But, he is busy I suppose.

Rece: No no Ma'am. He is not. Please go to his cabin.

She took the breakfast bag in her hand.

Rece: I will bring it to his cabin.

Khushi: No thanks. I will take it.

She took the bag from the receptionist's hand and headed towards Arnav's cabin.

She knocked on Arnav's cabin door. Arnav, who was waiting for her, pretended to check a file.

Arnav (looking at the file): Come in...

She walked in taking a slow and small step hesitatingly.

Arnav raised his head and looked at her. He frowned as if he didn't expect her.

Arnav: You....? What are you doing here?

Khushi: Hari Prakashji told me you didn't eat breakfast.

Arnav: So?

Khushi (showing the bag): So, I brought it for you.

Arnav: Did I ask you?

Khushi: You no need to ask me. It's my duty.

Arnav: Ohhh... Getting my signature in divorce papers also your duty?

Arnav turned his gaze to somewhere as Khushi's eyes brimmed. He stood from the seat and supposed to leave the cabin. Khushi clutched his hand. Arnav tried to remove her hand. Khushi circled his bicep.

Khushi: Arnavji listen to me once...

Arnav: What do you want to say?

Khushi: Arnavji, I know I have done a blunder mistake. But it was not intentional. I never wanted to divorce you Arnavji... not even when you married me forcefully. I didn't think of divorce. Trust me...

She cried.

Arnav: What would have happened if I didn't check the papers? What would have happened if they filed the case in the court?

Khushi (cutting him): I would have told the judge "I don't want a divorce. I want to be with my husband"

Arnav got stuck. He felt her words getting down into his heart through his ears.

Arnav (distracting her): I have a lot of work to do.

Khushi: Eat before doing that.

Arnav dragged the rolling chair and sat on it. He started working on the laptop without giving her the reply. Khushi left his cabin, looking at him again and again. He stood from the chair and looked at her through the window until she left the office. She smiled at the receptionist and the receptionist grinned at Khushi brightly in the relief of saving her job. Arnav ate breakfast while thinking about what should be done next.


Khushi saw Arnav talking with a man in the living room. Arnav looked at her and switched his gaze immediately. Khushi went to the kitchen and came with coffee. She served it to the man.

Man: Thank you Mrs. Raizada.

Khushi smiled at him.

Arnav (shouting): Hari Prakash...

HP zoomed from the kitchen.

HP: Jee Arnav Bhaiya...

Arnav: Call Khushi's Chottima.

HP: Jee...

Khushi looked at Arnav perplexed. Why is he calling Vidya? Vidya came to the living room with Reshma.

Arnav: He is my lawyer Mr. Roy. I had transferred the Gupta house into my name.

He kept the stamp papers in which he and Khushi signed. Khushi looked at him surprisingly whereas Vidya and Reshma shocked.

Arnav: These are the documents..... Khushi and her husband sold the house to Arnav Singh Raizada...

Vidya: This is injustice. That is the only property we have.

Arnav (cutting her): My wife has... it was her property. According to her father's will, it belongs to her and her husband. You will get a share, only if her husband is ready to give you. That is ME...

Vidya gulped hard.

Vidya: We have nothing other than the house. But for you, it's nothing.

Arnav: Who said? You have a very intelligent mind to separate a couple. How dare you played your cards with me? How brilliantly you made me sign in the papers? Will you do the same with your own daughter too? How cheap you are... What do you think? Am I brainless?

Vidya: Please forgive us. Please mercy on us.

Arnav: Mercy? Do you know the meaning of the word? Feel happy, I'm leaving you doing nothing. I can keep you behind the bars for your whole life. Don't forget that. Before I do anything horrible, leave my home.

Vidya stood like a statue, not knowing what to say.

Arnav: After here, you shouldn't step into Delhi... forever.

Vidya: But...

Arnav(cutting her): I shouldn't see you again. Run...

He warned and about to leave, he stopped hearing Reshma.

Reshma: It's not us but your Chottima who manipulated us for the divorce. She said she will give us two crore. We just post our mind in that....

Arnav looked at her wrathfully and she zipped her mouth. Is all Asha's job? His anger touched the peak. Keeping the document in his pocket, Arnav left RM furiously. Khushi somewhat understood that he is going to Malik's Residence to encounter Asha.

To be continued...

Next update on Inkitt

Expressive Eyes

Vidya sat on the couch, hitting her own forehead.

Vidya: What can we do now?

Reshma: We shouldn't have agreed to Asha. Because of her, we have lost our house.

Vidya: Yes... as Arnav signed the documents, we would have got our house easily. We spoilt it.

They stood squeezing their hands.

Vidya: Seeing his extreme wrath, I thought, he throw Khushi out of his house and we will get two crore from Asha. It seems he won't let her go from him...

Reshma: That's what I'm also thinking. He is mad it seems...

To read the above update, use my inkitt link dearies...

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