To A World That Never Was

That night...

(Y/n)'s POV

In the darkness I see my visions once again. I'm back at the castle, however my Spirits weren't here to guide me this time. That shouldn't stop me, I have to find out what happened! I decide to look around, trying to find anything that looks familiar. I continue to walk down the halls, and every door I come across I open, only to find empty rooms, storage, or complete darkness. This entire castle seemed like a maze that I as unable to get out of.

Nothing was familiar to me and I felt lost. The thoughts of my vision continue to flow through my mind. "A-Am I going insane?" Whatever I saw in that vision is driving me crazy with massive paranoia. What happened to my parents? Why are they here and why did the dark aura surround them? "At this rate I'll never be able to find any answers. I have to think of something." I thought.

Suddenly a cold chill surrounded me. A familiar presence felt nearby. It felt like... the presence of Heartless, but no Heartless have appeared in the castle. "Something isn't right here..." I need to focus on that energy. I close my eyes and focus on that dark energy, and I could feel something being revealed to me. Once I opened my eyes I see a trail of dark mist on the floor, they seem to be giving a path. I decide to follow it, and I take note of what I see. Hearts covered by what seems to be thorns cover the halls, giving off a sinister aura. And eventually I run into a door, that shows two hearts covered by black.

I gulp worried to what I might find, but I have to muster the courage and enter. I take a deep breath and I go through the door. When I enter I see the room I saw in my vision. The floor that seemed to be made of stained glass with columns all around the room. "This is where I saw them, but if that's the case... where are they?" A dark presence then draws near from behind, I focus and turn around with flames in my hands, only to see my parents surrounded in dark spheres. "MOM! DAD!" I yell hoping they can hear me, but they couldn't open their eyes. I run toward the spheres and attack them with my magic, but when I hit them they didn't break. I continue to try to break it with different magic, but nothing seemed to work.

I felt so helpless, I can't break them free. "I'm sorry mom, dad. I can't free you." I said being on the verge of tears. "(Y/n)..." I heard my name being called and I look up. I see two spheres of light coming out of my parents, and heading out of the spheres of darkness. "Mom? Dad? Is that you?" I ask them. "Yes sweetie it's us." My mom's sphere said. "You're alive then! Thank God!" I said with a relieved smile. "Not for long..." my dad's sphere said. My smile faded "W-What do you mean dad?" I ask.

They were silent, but only for a moment. "The darkness... is consuming us." He said. "We're running out of time. Soon we will both become Heartless." My mom said. "What?! How?! Why?!" I said, wanting answers from them. "Listen, we had no idea this could happen. Just know that we're sorry for this." My dad said. "It's fine dad, but please explain!" I ask desperately. My mom decides to explain. "Kingdom Hearts is real. The worlds that surround it are real. Our world is one of those worlds out of many... and I should know." She said. "Huh? What do you mean mom?" She sighs and continues. "I'm not from this world, I'm from another world. I-I was a keyblade wielder. I was sent on a mission by my master to save this world from darkness. He said it would be hard because it was a world of both light and darkness, but I took the mission regardless. Heartless on our world we're invisible to many, only few could seen them, they were like phantoms. My mission was to take out the major Heartless on earth and the remaining Heartless would vanish into the world of darkness. I managed to complete my mission and afterward was when I met your father. And when I saw his I knew I would love him till the ends of the earth and beyond. I never went back home, and I'm glad I didn't."

"Wow... that... is a lot to take in." I said. "Your mother told me this a few months after you were born, and trust me it was hard to take it all in." He said. "So if that's how you came to earth, then how did you get here?" I ask. "The controller we used to test the game somehow made my power flicker, which caused a Gate to open into our world. Heartless took that chance to enter our world and because of that was how he got here." My mom said. "They how can we get home?" I ask, but I got to response.

I then hear dark growls in the distance. "What was that?" I say a bit scared. "They know you're here! You have to leave now!" My moms says with fear. "B-But I have to get you out!" I yell. "No! You have to leave! It's too late for us!" My dad said. "I can't leave you!" I yell with tears streaming down my face. "(Y/n) please listen! Don't look for us! Just stay away and stay safe!" My mom says. "I-I LOVE YOU GUYS!" I yell. "WE LOVE YOU TOO (Y/N)!" Then the spheres went into to me and I was surrounded by light.

"GAH!" I wake up in cold sweat and tears, gasping for air. "(Y/n) are you okay? Did you have a nightmare?" Sora asks me, but all I could do was nod. I'm still in shock at what happened, it felt so real. I look to Sora who was worried for me, he moves close to me and pulls to me into a hug. I felt tears go down my face and I sob quietly on Sora's shoulder. He puts his hand to my back and rubs it. "Don't worry... I'm here." He says but I continue to sob quietly. "Was it about your parents? Like from what you saw?" He asks me. I pull back and look at Sora, giving him a nod. He pulls me back into the hug and gives me kisses on my forehead. "Don't worry... we'll find them." He says. "We leave tomorrow, so we should get some rest." I nod and I lie down along with Sora. He gives me a warm smile and wipes my tears from my face with his thumb. I smile back and I close my eyes, while holding Sora tight.

The next morning

Everyone was outside the Inn and everyone held bags with supplies. "Is everyone ready to go?" Riku asks. Everyone nods except me. "Is something wrong (Y/n)?" Riku asks. I shake my head. "Yeah I'm fine Riku." I said. Sora looks at me with a worried expression in his face. "Look I'm fine guys. I just couldn't sleep well last night. That shouldn't stop us from following what could help us." I said but no one responds.

"Well then... if you guys are ready then let's go." Riku says pulling out his keyblade, opening a Gate. Slowly everyone walks through one by one. I walk toward the Gate and reach out for Sora's hand, to which he holds. We look at each other and give each other a soft smile and then we both walk through the Gate, our next stop The World That Never Was.

Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Be sure to Comment, Share, and Vote. See y'all later!

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