The Heart Festival

(Y/n)'s POV

"S-Sora come on slow down!" I say as Sora kept pulling my arm right out the door. Once we got outside I could barely keep up. "Sora slow down!" I say a bit louder and Sora hears me and he slows down to a stop. He then let go of my arm and blushed. "S-Sorry I got a little excited." He said a little sheepishly. "I-It's fine Sora. It just caught me off guard." I said still a bit shaken by his burst of energy.

"So what do you want to do?" I ask. Sora looks around and must have seen something because he grabbed my hand again and pulled me. "Woah!" I say as he pulled me. He took me to some kind of board and they had posters on there but there was one that caught my eye. "Hey look..." I say and I grab the poster that was on the board. The poster showed some silhouettes of people dancing under the moon. "The Heart Festival?" Sora said. "What's the Heart Festival?" I ask. "It's a celebration. People come to this to show that they care for people. Some people actually confess their love to others during the festival." He said with a smile. "Wow... hey Sora maybe you and me can go to this festival? It might be fun!" I said with a smile on my face.

Sora's POV

"Sure! Let's do it!" I say as the smile on my face grew bigger. "I know my plan for tonight, and hopefully he will accept my feelings tonight." I thought. This will be the perfect night to confess to him. I hope he'll accept my confession. "So is this festival like any other? I mean is there some kind of special clothes the people wear to this festival?" He asks me. "Well I don't know... I never been to the festival. This will be my first time participating in it." I said and I saw a small blush form on his cheeks. "R-Really?" I nod in response.

"W-Well what are we doing just standing here? Let's go!" He says and he begins to pull my arm as he slowly runs. "W-Woah now I see what it feels like to be pulled like this." I say and I hear (Y/n) chuckle a bit. He slowed down so I could catch up and then he turned around to face me. "So now you know what it felt like. But I hope I didn't hurt you." He said. "No you didn't. I'm tougher than I look." I said with pride. "No kidding. I didn't think you were that strong when we first met." "Well did I meet your expectations?" (Y/n) slightly chuckles. "You surpassed them easily."

I felt my face heat up when he said that. It made my heart skip a beat and I felt butterflies in my stomach. "Well let's keep going Sora. The poster said it's being held in the plaza, so let's not waste any time." He said and I nod in response, still feeling those butterflies in me. We then walk side by side with our hands so close they graze each other ever so often.

We then reach the plaza and we could see the various stands that starting to set up. "Oh I guess we did come a bit early so no wonder it's not ready." (Y/n) said with a little bit of disappointment in his voice. "Hey don't worry. We can do something to past the time." I said hoping to bring up his spirit. "Really? Like what?" He said as he turned his head to me, and looked at me with his pretty (e/c) eyes. "Well... umm..." I could barely think of anything and I looked around to think of something, then I found a food cart. "H-How about we get some food?" I said last second. "Food?" I then heard his stomach rumble. Blush went on his cheeks and he was embarrassed. "Y-Yeah food sounds good."

We walk to the nearby cart and we order a couple of the burgers they were selling. I pay for the burgers and we walk to a nearby by bench and sit down. "Wow I didn't think there would be food that I would be familiar with here." (Y/n) said. "I think most worlds serve this stuff. What other kinds of food are in your world?" I ask while taking a bite of my burger. He then takes a bite of his and chews before he starts talking. "Well there's pizza, chicken, and steak just to name a few." He said then he took another bite. "We have all those foods here. I guess our worlds are more similar than we thought." I said as I took another bite. "Y-Yeah..." (Y/n) said as he finished his burger. After that I finished mine and then me and (Y/n) walked around to kill some time until the festival starts.

A few hours later

We arrived back at the plaza a few hours later and the stands are all set up and beautiful heart shaped lights filled the streets. "Wow! It's beautiful!" He said with his entire face beaming. "Yeah it is. (Not as beautiful as you though)" "Huh? I'm sorry I didn't catch that." "I-It's nothing." I said as I blush slightly. "Oh okay. Well let's not stand here. This festival isn't going to enjoy itself! So let's go!" He said with a burst of energy as he ran to the festival. "W-Wait up!"

I ran after (Y/n) only to lose sight of him. So many people were here and I could barely see five feet in front of me with all the people in front of me. "(Y/n)! (Y/N)! WHERE ARE YOU?!" I yell hoping he could hear me. I listened carefully but I could only hear the words of all the people walking around the festival.


I heard screaming but it wasn't coming from the direction (Y/n) went. It was coming from behind. I turn around and I see a swarm of Shadows heading towards the festival. So many people are here and if the Shadows harm them they could kill them! So I run toward the swarm and summon my keyblade, and tell everyone to evacuate. The people listened and they ran away from the festival leaving only me and the swarm. The swarm sees me and begins to charge at me, and I prepare myself for the attack.

The swarm attacks by launching Shadows at me from all directions. I use my keyblade to fight off those Shadows, so they won't cause panic by spreading. I kept attacking and the swarm launched itself to me, I dodged the attack but then the shadows from the swarm separated and there were so many Shadows. I was surrounded by them and I couldn't get anywhere. Soon the Shadows began to jump at me one by one and every time they jumped I would kill them with my keyblade. Then more kept jumping toward me and I tried to hit them as fast as I could, but then more kept jumping and it became faster and faster. I couldn't hit them all!

When they jumped they gave me slight scratches not big enough to bleed, but they did hurt and with every scratch I felt my strength fade. Slowly I was getting more weak, barely having enough strength to stand. I fought Shadows a lot but these Shadows are different, they seem to be smarter than the other Heartless. Have I really met my match?

I kneeled down weak from the energy sucking scratches and I could barely stand. I can't defend myself being so weak, I think this might be it. I could hear the growls of the Shadows getting closer, getting ready to do their final attack. I closed my eyes preparing for the worst.


I heard a familiar voice calling my name, and I open my eyes to see who it was. The Shadows were confused who was speaking and looked around. Then a huge blast of fire came from abound destroying a handful of Heartless. And then I see (Y/n) right in front of me. "Sora are you okay?" He asked very concerned. "Yeah I'm fine." I say weakly. "Don't worry I'll take care of this!" He says with determination and goes into battle fighting the remaining Shadows. He casts massive amounts of magic like Bllizaga, Thundaga, and Firaga just to name a few. And with magic blast more Shadows were being destroyed until there were none left.

He then walked toward me and reached his hand out to me. "C'mon let me help you up." He says in kind manner. I reach for his hand and he helps me up. "Woah... that's a lot of cuts." He says a bit worried. "I-It's nothing..." I say trying to act strong. "Sora don't lie to me. I may be new to fighting Heartless, but those Heartless were much stronger and smarter than the other ones. You don't have to be strong for my sake." He says concerned. "But I have to be strong... so I can protect you. You mean a lot to (Y/n)... I don't know what I would do without you..." I say with a shaky voice.

"S-Sora..." he says sounding a bit surprised. "What I'm trying to say is..." I hesitate worrying if he loves me the same way. I take a deep breath and ready myself. "I love you." I finally said it feeling all the weight that was on my heart disappear.

"Sora... you have no idea on how I feel the same way." I look at him surprised. "What?" "When I first met you I felt really happy, because I was alone for so long I was happy to have someone by me. You made laugh, you cared for me, and you comforted me when I was scared. You were there for me when I was attacked and you were there for me when something bad happened. I couldn't imagine what life would have been like without meeting you, if I haven't met you then I-"

(Y/n)'s POV

I was cut of when something warm touched my lips. My eyes widened to see that Sora was kissing me. The kiss was full of passion, and slowly I closed my eyes and kissed back with the same amount of passion. I felt myself melt away into the kiss and I felt weak, but in a good way. I felt happy and I felt all of my concerns drift away.

After a few minutes of kissing, Sora broke off and there a brief moment of silence until. "I love you Sora." I said with a big and genuine smile. "I love you too (Y/n)." Sora said with a soft and gentle tone. "So are we official?" I ask Sora. "Of course. Did you forget the reason of this festival?" He says. "No of course I didn't forget." I said blushing slightly from embarrassment. "Good. Although this wasn't how it was supposed to happen." Sora says a bit upset. "Hey don't worry besides I think you accomplished your goal." I say with a smirk. "Oh? Why is that?" He smirked back.

"Because you have stolen my heart. And my heart is all yours."

Hey guys I'm sorry it's been so long since I updated this book. I've had school and I've been busy but I'm gonna try my best and keep updating for you guys. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and don't forget to: Share, Comment, and Vote. I'll see y'all later!

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