Onward to a New Future

Narrator's POV

(Y/n) who once stood still inside the pod is now awake all thanks to Sora. He was able to move and finally see his boyfriend after being apart from him for so long. Much like Sora at the time, everyone else was filled with happiness as tears of joy fall on their faces after seeing (Y/n) finally wake up from his slumber. Ansem quickly opens the pod so (Y/n) can get out. But once the pod was open, (Y/n) starts to move and with him not moving in a couple of weeks, he was unable to walk to the best of his abilities. He then stumbles and falls only to be caught by Sora. A smile goes on (Y/n)'s face for he finally feels the warmth of his lover. He was then embraced by Sora who held him tightly and shortly afterward give (Y/n) a long and passionate kiss that was full of love.

The two boys continue to kiss until more footsteps were heard going toward them. They both pull apart and see everyone else going toward the two and enveloped them both in a massive group hug. (Y/n) couldn't be happier, he was with in his boyfriend, family, and friends embrace and (Y/n) couldn't have felt more loved. After walking through a tunnel full of darkness, he finally reaches the light at the end of the tunnel. After a couple of minutes of hugging each other they released but still kept their warm smiles on their face, (M/n) and (D/n) still have tears of joy streaming down their faces and they couldn't help but hug (Y/n) again. "I'm... I'm so glad you're okay!" "We through we lost you! Thank god you're alive!" Both the parents say as the tears continue to go down their faces. The wielders couldn't help but smile at the family, for they were finally together once again.









A few weeks have passed...

And the time was gone so quickly. During those weeks, (Y/n) went through physical rehabilitation due to all of his time being in a coma for a couple weeks. It took some time for (Y/n) to be able to walk and run as normal, but with the help of Sora, his friends, and his family, he was able to get back to normal in less than 2 weeks. After his rehabilitation, he spent time with Sora and the others. He learned more about Roxas, Xion, Naminé, Ventus, Vanitas, Aqua, and Terra. He learned about their past and all the struggles they went through, and after that they all got rather close.

Everything was peaceful, no heartless attacks whatsoever. It was so surreal since they all have been through countless battles, it was nice to finally relax and unwind. That was the way it was for the remaining weeks...

If only it could stay that way...

However, all good things must come to an end. Recently, Yen Sid had contacted the family and keyblade wielders about the current situation regarding (Y/n)'s world. Everyone quickly went to the Mysterious Tower, and were ready to hear the news. Which brings us to now.




"Thank you all for coming here on such notice. Before I speak of the subject I wish to talk to you all about, I must first say that you seem to be doing much better (Y/n). I assume the rehabilitation was a success?" Yen Sid asks. (Y/n) nods and speaks. "Yes Master Yen Sid, I feel much better thanks to it." Yen Sid smiles. "That is wonderful to hear." Yen Sid then turns to the center of the room. "Now, I have called upon you all today regarding the situation of (Y/n)'s world. As of the last time we spoke, I said that (Y/n)'s world was being engulfed by darkness and it was impossible to send him home. However, ever since of (Y/n)-Xehanort's defeat, the darkness in his world began to disappear little by little. And as of today, the darkness that once held that world captive is now free from it's hold. Meaning that (Y/n) and his parents can finally return home."

Everyone was still and silent. (Y/n)'s face looks conflicted and everyone has a sad look upon their faces. "I understand that this will be hard. You all have forged bonds that are stronger than steel. But alas it seems it is time to part." Yen Sid says, his eyes showing the sorrow he feels. (Y/n) looks at his friends and to his parents, he knows what's waiting back home. Nothing but torment. He know's Budo is still there, along with the endless teasing and humiliation of the other students. Not only that, he doesn't know how long he's been gone in his world. He may have missed almost 2 months of school and is far behind the other students. He's scared of going back home, especially if it means leaving behind the people he has come to know and love. Still a decision has to be made.


"If it's not a problem, I would like to go."

(Y/n) turns to the voice he hears and sees Sora who has moved forward slightly. "Sora...". "I understand that you and (Y/n) have been together for some time now. But you are needed here, to help protect the worlds." Yen Sid says to Sora. "I know, but I also know something else. (Y/n) needs me. I may not know much of his world, but I'll follow him there no matter what. That's where we met after all. And after what we've been through, it's safe to say that it's better to be together than apart." Sora says while looking at (Y/n) with a smile.

"I want to go too!" Roxas said with a smile

"Me too!" Ventus says.

"Same here!" Vanitas says.

"I'll go as well!" Xion says.

"So will I!" Aqua says.

"Us too!" Riku and Kairi said.

"I'm coming along too!" Axel says.

"And me as well!" Naminé says.

"We're staying together, no matter what!" Terra says.

"Y-You guys..." (Y/n) was in awe to see his friends wanting to come with him to his world. It brought him to tears. "You all would give up everything.... just for me?" (Y/n) asks the group. "(Y/n), if it weren't for you... all of us wouldn't be here. So of course we would." Roxas says to (Y/n), whose tears of joy keep streaming down from his eyes. "Thank you..." (Y/n) says as he tries to dry the tears.

"So you all feel this way?" Yen Sid asks and everyone nods. Yen Sid sighs and a small smile creeps into his face. "Very well. I expected this to happen. Which is why I will allow you all to join him." Everyone gasps and is perplexed on why Yen Sid allowed them to go to (Y/n)'s world. "If you don't mind me asking, why are you allowing us to go Master Yen Sid?" Aqua asks him. "Over the course of the past weeks, Chip and Dale have been checking the worlds for any Heartless activity. As of (Y/n)-Xehanort's defeat, all of the Heartless have disappeared and have not been seen since. I even had they check the Realm of Darkness and even there was little to no Heartless. And given there are no other threats at the moment, I allow you all to go with (Y/n)." Yen Sid finishes and everyone smiles.

More tears went down (Y/n)'s face. He couldn't help it, for he didn't have to lose a single thing if he left. And with new friends leads to new strength, the strength to continue onward. This meant so much to him, cause for now and forever (Y/n) is not alone. (M/n) and (D/n) hold their son's shoulders, giving him a message that "this is what they want". (Y/n) acknowledges it and finally stops crying and dries his tears. His heart was light and filled with love, it was so amazing it was almost impossible to describe.

"E-Everyone.... Thank you." (Y/n) uttered those words and everyone came together for a group hug. All the love that can be felt sighing this group was strong and unbreakable. Nothing can shatter their resolve and their unyielding compassion for one another. They then release each other from the hug and head outside, with Yen Sid following close behind.

(Play the track above)

Once everyone was outside, they each brought out their keyblades and pointed forward. Everyone through about (Y/n)'s world with all their heart and beams of light shot out from the tips of their keyblades. The beams converge to reveal a keyhole that shines brightly. Everyone then walks toward the keyhole but (Y/n) stops everyone. "(Y/n)? What's wrong?" Riku asks. "Everyone... before we go, I have to say something." (Y/n) then takes a deep breath and looks at the wielders.

"First off... I want to say thank you. You all have given me so much support and love ever since I met you all. You picked me up when I fell down, gave me comfort when I was scared or uncertain, made me laugh when all was bleak. You guys are the best friends that I can ask for, in all honesty I don't deserve you guys. But... when you all did your best to save me, I knew that you had my back through thick and thin. And I am glad that I met you all, you gave me so much hope when I thought it was lost. And hearing you all wanting to come back with me filled me with so much joy. Beyond this keyhole is my home... I don't know what lies ahead for us, but I know that we will get through it together. So... let's walk though with our heads held high and face the future together!"

Everyone smiles at (Y/n) and (Y/n) smiles back at everyone. Sora then walks toward (Y/n) and extends his hand toward him, to which (Y/n) holds Sora's hand gently but firm. They were certain that this was the path they want to take.

And so they all walk toward the keyhole and the closer they got the brighter it glows. With no hesitation in their mind and actions, they walk through to be bathed in light, onward to a new life, a new world, a new home.

They were together and that was all that mattered no matter where they were. For as long as they had each other, they could face any obstacle the future would throw at them.

End of Book 1

Hey everyone it's me. I'm so sorry that this took so long to come out, and I thank you all for being so patient and kind while this was being made. I am grateful for all of your support. I do have a sequel in mind for this story, so I hope you look forward to that in the future. And thank you for reading this story all the way to the end. I'll see you all soon. See ya soon!

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