Nightmares and Shadows
(Long chapter warning!)
???'s POV
"Dark Chirithy, is everything set?" I ask him. "Yes master, the shadows are ready to be launched at your command." Dark Chirithy responds. I then felt a slight sting of pain. "Argh..." it was noticeable but it only lasted for a second. "Is something wrong master?" Dark Chirithy asks. I took a moment before responding. "Saïx has been defeated, which means Sora and the others are almost here." I said. "Then we need to be ready!" Dark Chirithy exclaimed, but I merely shook my head.
"No... let them come." I look to my right hand and see that the dream eater sigil. The sigil That was once pink and pure, was now dark and frightening. The sigil then began to glow and from what appeared were Nightmares, specifically Nightmare Meow Wow's, Komory Bat's, and a few Tyranto Rex's. A smirk goes onto my face. "My beloved Nightmares, I have a mission for you." The Nightmares listen attentively. "Go out and stall Sora and his companions. Go drain their energy before the final battle." They nod and leave the room. HE then goes through me. "Still I wonder how this will have an effect on Sora? Maybe he'll fall to darkness or will he continue to struggle in order to save something that is unable to be saved? Only time can tell and sadly time is short for both him and I."
Sora's POV
There were only 6 of us left: me, Riku, Kairi, Naminé, (D/n), and (M/n). With this many people left it's going to be a bit more difficult if we have to split up anymore, but even if that's the case we have to keep going. The hallways we kept walking through still has dark at the far end, even now I still can't make out what's on the other side of the hallway. And now that we're past Saïx, I'm worried to who we'll face next. Is it another Organization member? Is it a massive Heartless or Nobody, is it a person controlled by Xehanort? These questions filled my mind, unable to find the answer to any of them.
I then felt a hand on my shoulder, which snapped me out of my trance. I look to my side I only to see Riku who was giving me a reassuring smile. "Don't worry Sora. No matter who we face, we'll be a step closer to saving (Y/n)." A small smile creeps on my face. "Heh. You're right." That put me slightly at ease, but in a place like this you can't get too comfortable. Suddenly new enemies appear with black on their bodies along with some other noticeable features that contained different color. These enemies are very familiar. "Nightmares!" Riku and I yell, but these Nightmares were Meow Wow's Komory Bat's and Tyranto Rex's. Riku, Kairi and I readied our keyblades and went into battle.
The Nightmares attacked. The Meow Wow's bounce around, creating shockwaves that can push us back. The Komory Bat's created sound waves that could make anyone deaf and defenseless, and the Tyranto Rex's just charge at us, destroying everything in its path. Everyone dodged their attacks and me, Riku, and Kairi attacked back with our keyblades. The Meow Wows and Komory Bats were easy to defeat, and so we turned our attention to the Tyranto Rex. It was very durable but after we hit it around ten times it disappeared.
"Why are Nightmares here? No one in the Organization uses Nightmares." But then it hit me, only one person I knew could summon Dream Eaters. "Oh no..." The only person that can summon Dream Eaters is... (Y/n). "Does that mean... I have to fight him?" I immediately shook my head from the very thought, but it just kept coming back to me. "If I fight (Y/n)... what will happen to him? I don't want to hurt him." I couldn't stop that thought from coming back to me.
"Sora." I turn around and I see both Kairi and Riku behind me. "Don't freak out Sora. It won't do anyone any good." Riku said, but I couldn't calm down. "Sora, I know this may be hard to believe... but we may need to fight (Y/n)." Kairi said, but I shook my head. "No I refuse to believe that!" Then both Riku and Kairi put their hands on my shoulders. "Sora listen. If we have to fight (Y/n), it may be the only way to save him. You have to be prepared to fight, even if you don't want to." Riku said. "Don't think of it as hurting (Y/n), think of it as saving him from the darkness, even though that may not change that fact that you're fighting him, you'll have a better mindset on the reason why you're fighting him." Kairi said. I took a moment to process their words, and I nod in response. "You're right. Think of it as saving (Y/n)." They both smile at me, giving the boost of confidence I needed to continue onward. I nod at them and turn back around, continuing to walk down the hallway.
Eventually we come across another door, similar in size as the other doors, except the symbol on it was the Nightmare sigil.
My heart was beating incredibly fast, for behind this door was (Y/n). I just hope he's safe. I turn my head to the others, who each gave me a nod. They are all ready to go, so I took a deep breath and slowly opened the door. The room was in complete darkness, I couldn't see anything in the room. We continued to walk into the room, then the door suddenly closed behind us.
I then see golden eyes, staring at me in the darkness and slowly light began to fill the room. I then see the person I was in love with, looking at me with his golden eyes, and beside him was Chirithy but he was purple rather than silver "(Y/n)!" I then run toward him. "Sora!" I then felt something pulling me back, and when I turned around I see Riku pulling me from behind. "R-Riku let me go!" I tell him. "Sora look at his eyes! Did you forget what that meant?!" He yelled at me "No! He has to be in there! I refuse to think otherwise!" I yell back at Riku and he lets me go.
"Heheheh..." I heard laughing but it was a very menacing laugh coming from in front of me. I look at (Y/n), who was still laughing but it sounded much deeper. "(Y-Y/n)?" I question myself, wondering if it was really him. "Hehehehe... The boy (Y/n) is sadly no longer here." I know that voice. "Xehanort! What did you do to (Y/n)?!" I yell at him, seeking an answer with my fists clenched. "There is no need to be so aggravated, (Y/n) is perfectly fine, however his body and mind are now my own."
"What?! You are going to release my son this instant!" (M/n) yelled. "Tsk, tsk, tsk. I'm afraid that's not possible. Your son makes a perfect vessel, his connection to both darkness and light was something that I could not ignore." Xehanort said. "New vessel?" (M/n) yelled. "Yes. Of course when the Gate opened in your world, both you and your husband seemed like wonderful candidates to be my new vessels. But when (Y/n) saved you, I felt a strange surge of power within him. This gave me an opportunity too perfect to pass up. For you see this boy contains a powerful connection to darkness." Xehanort continued. "Explain yourself Xehanort!" I yell.
"Such disappointment. I would assume the lover of (Y/n) to be more keen on how his loved one felt. I guess I will provide some enlightenment. (Y/n) has been harboring a massive darkness deep inside him. At first it was small, but slowly it festered and grew until it slowly ate away at him. It become so strong I had no choice but to make him my vessel."
My eyes widened. "N-No... that can't be true..." "Sora don't listen to him!" Riku yelled. "His power was beyond my expectations, he is a far better vessel than you, Sora. You should be grateful that I'm taking him and not you. For you have a better purpose than being with him." My eyes widened and anger filled me. "What did you say?" I said darkly. "Must I repeat myself? You have a-" "I know what you said, and you're wrong! (Y/n) is that best thing that has ever happened to me! My purpose is to be with him until the very end! And you aren't stopping me from saving him!"
A smirk then went on Xehanort's face. "Heh. Very well. Since you seem so insistent on saving him, I will indulge you." He then summons three portals of darkness and three figures that looked like Ansem, Xemnas, and Young Xehanort came out, except they were black and have yellow eyes.
"These new shadows are prototypes that are meant to retain a human form and the power the human possessed before their heart was lost. These may be early in development, however they are meant to act like they have a mind of their own." He then looks at Chirithy. "Not only that..." he then moves his hand toward Chirithy and suddenly Chirithy grew in size.
"You will be facing Dark Chirithy's true form!" They all lined up and went into a battle stance. "Hehehehe! I hope you all survive!" Xehanort then disappears and leaves us with Dark Chirithy and the shadows. "Everyone be ready!" I yell and we all take out our keyblades. "FOR (Y/N)!" I yelled and we ran into battle.
(Play track above)
The shadows of Ansem, Xemnas, and Young Xehanort immediately charged at us. Shadow Ansem was casting lasers that began to shoot at us as we moved around. Shadow Xemnas, charged at us with his hands holding his sabers made of light. Shadow Xehanort, uses his keyblade and attacks us head on. I then look at Dark Chirithy, who seems to moving all around the place. I look to Riku, Kairi, and the others. "Guys split up!" I yell and we each spilt up. Riku took Shadow Ansem, Kairi took Shadow Xemnas, and I took Shadow Xehanort. (M/n) took (D/n) and Naminé to the farthest corner of the room and created a barrier around them, to keep them safe from danger.
I then return my focus to Shadow Xehanort, who now changed his keyblade into some kind of whip. It lashes the whip at me and right before it could hit me I dodged out of the way. The shadow keeps lashing the whip as a very fast pace, I wouldn't be able to dodge them all so I blocked each lash. I then heard growling behind me, I turned my head to see Dark Chirithy behind me, raising his arm to attack. I tried to turn around but when I tried to block Dark Chirithy's attack, I felt a lash hit my back and for a moment I was frozen. "W-What?!" I moved my eyes to see that Shadow Xehanort hit me when I back was turned. I then look back in front of me and I see Dark Chirithy swinging his arm at me, unable to block I felt the attack at full force, knocking me towards the wall.
"GAH!" I hit the wall and landed on the floor, the impact was so hard I began coughing up a little blood. "Oh no. This can't be like before..." my mind then returns to the day the swarm of Heartless attacked the Heart Festival. Their attacks were far stronger than the others, and looking at the shadow in front of me it seems to be similar to the Heartless from that day, much stronger and smarter than the others. I shook those thoughts out of my head, for now isn't the time to focus on memories. I then push myself up from the ground and I stand on my feet, holding my keyblade tightly in hand.
"You're not going to stop me from saving (Y/n)!" I then charge back into battle.
3rd Person POV
As Sora charged back into battle, Dark Chirithy began to move around the room again mainly toward Riku and Kairi, who were facing the other powerful shadows. Riku was facing a massive bombardment of lasers coming from Shadow Ansem, while Kairi was continuously dodging and blocking all of Shadow Xemnas's attacks. Each were doing fine on their own, but then Dark Chirithy jumped between them and caused their guard to be lowered, which lead the shadows to attack them when their guard was down. They both sustained injuries, nothing too severe but the injuries they have drained their energy.
Sora, who saw all of this happen, immediately ran toward Riku and Kairi. "RIKU! KAIRI!" He yelled as he ran, not expecting Shadow Xehanort to hit him from behind, to which it did. Sora was so focused on Riku and Kairi he didn't realize that Shadow Xehanort would attack him, so when the shadow attacked him, he was pushed into Riku and Kairi, causing them all to stumble and fall. A massive opening was made by the Destiny Trio, and Dark Chirithy once again appeared. This time he grabbed the three keyblade wielders tightly in his hands and spun around at a fast speed. Once Dark Chirithy was fast enough, he released the three wielders, causing them all to slam into the wall with each of them groaning in pain.
It didn't stop there. Shadows Xemnas then stood in front of the trio and shot multiple lasers, hitting the trio multiple times. The trio were hurting from all of the attacks, and their painful groans could be heard louder than before. It was a painful sight for (M/n),(D/n) and Naminé to see. They were stuck in the barrier (M/n) created and if they stepped one foot out of the barrier, the shadows and Dark Chirithy would immediately attack them, leaving them in the same condition as the Destiny Trio. It seemed that the trio has met their match. Sora looked up at the shadows, the fatigue beginning to settle in. His eyelids were beginning to get heavy. "I'm sorry (Y/n)... I failed to save you. Please forgive me..." Sora then closed his eyes, preparing for the final blow to be dealt.
A familiar voice can be heard through Sora's mind. The voice sounds familiar. "(Y/n)?" Once Sora said his name, it was as it seemed time stopped and only Sora was able to move. A ghostly figure of (Y/n) then appears right in front of him, reaching down to help him up. Sora took his hand and pulled himself up, but he was still confused by this. "(Y/n)? Is it really you?" He asked but (Y/n) shook his head. "No, this is just my spirit." He simply said which gave Sora much concern. "Spirit?! Are you dead?!" Sora asked very worried but once again (Y/n) shook his head. "No I'm not dead. Xehanort said he controls my mind and body, but he never said my soul and heart." A small smile creeps on (Y/n)'s face while Sora breaths a sigh of relief. Sora then recomposes himself. "So you did all of this? How?" He asks. "I used Stopza. While Xehanort was possessing me I was able to learn several different types of magic. I was unable to do anything else except for this."
Sora gave a small smile to (Y/n) and held his hand. "(Y/n) I promise I'm going to save you." He said with confidence, to which made (Y/n) smile as well. "I have no doubt about it." (Y/n) then looks at Riku and Kairi, who were still both frozen in time. "But it seems you're going to need some help." (Y/n) said and then he focused his power on the trio. Suddenly a massive aura of green surrounded the trio, and all of the wounds the trio sustained disappeared. "I just casted Curaza on you, Riku and Kairi. But I just used the last of my power. I won't be able to stay in this form for long." (Y/n) said as he started to fade. "(Y/n) just hold on a little longer." Sora said and a smile crawls onto (Y/n)'s face. "I will. Now go kick some shadow butt!" (Y/n) said and he disappeared from sight. Stopza's effects then wore off and everyone was able to move again.
Sora then slashes his keyblade at the shadows, causing all of them to move back. Once all of them moved away he then bent down and helped Riku and Kairi up. Sora then explained what happened and how their wounds were healed, and once they understood they each got back into their battle positions and once again charged into battle.
Kairi casts Thundaga and manages to stun the shadows and Dark Chirithy for a few moments. Then Sora and Riku use their strength summon two keyblades that which combined into one.
They both focused their power and slashed the shadows with full force. The keyblade cut through the shadows like thin pieces of paper and knocked Dark Chirithy to the wall, which caused him to revert back to his previous form. The keyblade then disappeared and the trio shouted in victory. The trio then look to (M/n), (D/n), and Naminé, who were out of the barrier. (D/n) and Naminé have the trio some potions and ethers to regain their strength. Once their strength fully returned they turn to the center of the room.
A figure stood in the center of the room, clapping slowly. It was Xehanort. "Very well done young wielders. I wasn't expecting you to survive and defeat my shadows. I am very impressed." Sora took a step forward and looks at Xehanort. "You have no more tricks up your sleeve Xehanort. Now release (Y/n)!" Sora yells however laughter can be heard coming from Xehanort. "Did you think I would release (Y/n) so easily?" A dark aura then surrounds Xehanort. "You are sorely mistaken! This boy is far to perfect to give up! So if you want (Y/n) back..." Xehanort pauses mid sentence and the dark aura the surrounded him grew stronger and engulfed him. The aura then slowly dissipated, only to see...
Elemental arms that sprouted from (Y/n)-Xehanort's back. The top right bearing fire, the top left bearing ice, the middle right bearing wind, the middle left bearing lightning, the bottom right bearing light, and the bottom left bearing darkness and in the center was (Y/n)-Xehanort, with the nightmare sigil his chest. The light and dark arm raised (Y/n)-Xehanort's body, almost as if they were legs. Fear washed over the six as they saw the monstrosity that looked over them.
The six looked at (Y/n)-Xehanort with determination in their eyes. They all know what they have to do.
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