Find What Was Lost

(Y/n)'s POV

As I walked through the Gate, that was filled with light, with Sora I felt comfort, but also a sinister presence that felt all too familiar. I mustn't let my guard down because if I do I could run the risk of losing my life or someone else's. I look to Sora who still has a soft smile on his face, giving me a comforting gaze. I smile back, assuring him that I'm alright, and I'll be careful. The light that was surrounding us then disappeared and I could the familiar world from my visions. Here we are... The World That Never Was.

The world seemed to have no sunlight shining on it and it was dark, only to have something close to neon lights, lighting the place. Now that we're here we have to find a way to get me home, but my goal is to find my parents. "Okay everyone let's split up!" Riku said, and I know where I should go. "Riku, let me and Sora check the castle. And once you guys check the surrounding area, you guys can follow us?" I said, and Riku nodded. We all then went our separate ways in order to find any clues.

As me and Sora walked to the castle, Sora was looking me with concern. "Is something wrong Sora?" I ask him. "How did you know that there was a castle here?" He asks. I don't want to lie to him. "I It saw in my vision and my dream. I feel like something important is there. So I have to check it out." I said. Sora then grabs my hand and rubs it gently his thumb. "Alright then." "There's also something else..." I said a little worried then Sora gave me a worried look. "W-What is it?" He asks. "I-I think my mom and dad are here..." I said softly and scared, worried of how Sora will react. His face that was once filled with worry now had a determined look. "If that's the case then we have to just find them. I told you that I'll help you find them and that I'll get you home. And if they're here then I can reunite them with you." He said with a determined smile, which made my heart my heart skip a beat. "T-Thank you Sora." I said as we reached the castle.

Once we were inside we decided to look around. I called Chirithy to help us with our investigation and we began to examine every hallway of the castle. Everything was white and there was nothing out of the ordinary, but I could still a dark presence nearby. Then after an hour of searching I found a hallway all too familiar. The hall was covered in hearts wrapped with thorns and I could see the door with two hearts covered in black. "Sora..." I call him and he comes to me with Chirithy near him. I point down the hallway and he looks to it. "This is what I saw... and I think my parents are behind that door." I said. "Yeah they're there! I can sense them!" I hear Chirithy say. I look to Sora and he gives me a nod. He takes out his keyblade just in case something comes out of the door. "Chirithy get behind me." Sora said and slowly we all walk to the door.

As we walked to it the door, the dark presence got stronger and I felt nervous. What is behind the door? I have to open it in order to find out. I now stand in front of the door, slightly shaking from fear. Sora places his left on my right shoulder, assuring me that everything will be fine. I hold his hand with my right and look at him with calm smile. I then remove my hand and I reach toward the door and slowly I open the door.

Once the door was open I could still see my mom and dad trapped in the spheres of darkness. Sora, Chirithy, and I walk into the room scanning the area for any possible threat. Once there was no threat I run to the spheres and Sora and Chirithy follow. We stand right in front of them. "These are your parents?" Sora asks and I nod. "They were the ones who sent me to you!" Chirithy said. "Really Chirithy?" I ask. "Yeah I've known your mom for a long time and the people before her. She entrusted me to you, so I can watch over you." Chirithy said. "I see. So that's what you meant when you said they were close to (Y/n)." Sora said and Chirithy nods. I smile but I then turn back to the spheres. "Sora I tried using magic to free them, but it didn't work. So can try using your keyblade to free them?" I ask. "Yeah! Let me try!" And Sora slashes the spheres with his keyblade but it leaves no damage.

"Nothing!" I said out-loud. "If the keyblade won't work then what can we do?!" I yell. Then an idea comes to my head. "Hold on..." I said to myself and Sora looks at me with confusion. "Sora I might have an idea, but you may not like it." I said and Sora gives me a worried look. "W-What is it?" He asks. "What I try casting Blizzaja again and you hit the spheres at the same time? It might work!" I said but the worried look on Sora's face didn't change. "Are you sure? Last time you weren't able to control it, and you got knocked out." He said as worry laced his voice. "I know but if I don't do this then my mom and dad will be gone! I can't let that happen!" I said. Sora then walked to me and put both of his hands on my shoulders. "Are you sure you want to do this? I don't want to lose you." He said with concern. I nod and said "I'm sure. I promise I'll still be here. Standing." I said as a confident smile crosses my face. Sora sighed and nodded in response, telling me that he will stick by my decision. I then went to the farthest side of the room and prepared myself.

"Alright Sora are you ready?" I ask and Sora pulls out his keyblade, and gets into his fighting stance. He nods and then I begin to cast magic. "Alright BLIZZAGA!" A huge shard of ice came out and hit the spheres and Sora hits the spheres as the ice made contact. "BLIZZAGA!" Another shard hits the spheres and Sora attacks. "BLIZZAGA!" And another huge shard of ice hits the spheres and Sora attacks once more. A burst of energy then flows through me. "I can do this! This isn't just about me and Sora, this is about my family! I'll do whatever I can for my family!" The energy the flows through me heads to my hand and I clasp them both together and point them outward. A massive shard of ice appears, radiating a cold and powerful aura. I look to Sora and he gives me a nod, telling me he's ready. "Alright here we go! BLIZZAJA!!!" I yell and the massive shard of ice grows bigger and suddenly more massive shards appeared right beside it. The power grew stronger and stronger, I felt like I couldn't take it, but I can't give up! I muster all my strength and push that power away from my hands the all the shards of ice hit the spheres and Sora hits them with his keyblade as each shard hits them.

Suddenly light began to radiate from the spheres and cracks can be seen. The cracks grew deeper and light began to escape and then the spheres broke, dealing my mom and dad from their dark prison. I fall to the ground, exhausted from using that massive amount of magic, but I push myself up and unsteadily run to them. "MOM! DAD!" I yell as I see them wake up. They look at me and all I could see was relief and happiness in their eyes. "(Y/N)!" They both said as they opened their arms up and I landed right in their arms and they wrap me into a hug. "(Y/n) you saved us." My mom said with tears in her eyes. I look at her and smile as tears fall from my face. "I didn't do it alone Mom. I had help." I said as I look to Sora who was smiling at me. My mom and dad smile to him and motion him to come to us. Sora nods and comes to my mom and dad who then pull him into the hug. My mom then sees Chirithy, who she then motions to join us as well.

The hug lasted for what felt like forever. It's been awhile since the felt my parents warm embrace, and I missed it so much. I felt safe in their arms, and I was so happy that I found them. I then look at them with a huge smile on my face. "Mom, dad I would like you to met Sora." I said as I look at Sora who looked at me with his goofy smile. "It's a pleasure to meet you Sora. Thank you for taking care of (Y/n) and keeping him safe." My dad said and Sora keeps smiling. "It was no problem Mr-" Sora was then cut off. "Please just call me (D/n)." "And please call me (M/n)" both my mom and dad said and Sora rubs the back of his head in embarrassment.

"I'm glad (Y/n) was able to make a friend. He was so lonely before this. So thank you for being a wonderful friend toward him." My mom says which kind of made me nervous, I wanted to tell her who me and Sora really are. "Mom, Sora is more than a friend." I said. "Oh like a best friend?" She said and I shook my head. "No more like... boyfriend..." I said softly, but the look on both my mom and dad's faces was proof that they heard me. I was scared of how they would react, maybe I should have kept my mouth shut. I closed my eyes in fear of what they would say but I then felt my head being rubbed. I open my eyes only to see soft smile from mom and dad, and dad was rubbing my head. "That's wonderful." Mom said. "Really? You're not disgusted?" I asked and they both shook their head. "(Y/n) you are allowed to love whoever you want to love. As long as they make you happy, then we are happy. Weather it's a boy or girl, as long as they love you, we are fine." My dad said and I felt tears trickle out of my eyes. They then both pulled me back into the hug and I felt their warm embrace again. They then release me and Sora, and look to Chirithy. "It's good to see you again Chirithy. My mom says. "It's good to see you again (M/n)." Chirithy responds. "Thank you for keeping (Y/n) safe as well." She said with a smile. "It was no problem."

After mom and Chirithy finished speaking, me and Sora got up and helped them both get up. Once they were standing we all walked to the door. "Now let's get home!" My mom said but I have to do something first. "Mom wait..." I said and everyone turns to me. "Before I can go I made I promise to someone, and I intend to keep it." I said which made my mom and dad really confused. "Okay what was the promise?" They asked. "I promised my friend Roxas that I would bring them back."

I look to Sora who had a slightly shocked expression on his face. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you Sora but you were so focused on getting me home, I just didn't have the heart to tell you." I said. Sora shook his head and opened his mouth. "It's fine. Besides I kind of knew from the start. Me and Roxas are one remember?" He said. "Yeah I remember. So mom, dad before we go please let me do this?" I ask them. They both look to each other and nod. "Alright. We'll support you." A small smile appears on my face. "Thank you." We then all continued to walk to the door.

Once we reached the door we were about to open it, until I felt a dark presence from behind. I turned around and I saw a huge wave of darkness that was coming fast behind me. There was no time for everyone to react, so I pushed my mom, dad, and Sora out of the room. And as I pushed them I saw the scared expressions on their faces and the door was closing. Tears fell from my eyes and I mouthed the words "I'm sorry..." as the door closed


Hey guys hoped you enjoyed this chapter. Again sorry for not uploading but I want to make a short announcement. For the time being the uploads will halt and I have exams next weeks and I must study. I want to thank you guys for your patience, and thank you for enjoying this story. So he sure to Share, Comment, and Vote! I'll see y'all later!

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