Final Battle to Freedom

Narrator's POV

The final battle to free (Y/n) is ready to begin. The wielders and their increase in numbers have taken their battle stances and (Y/n)-Xehanort stands imposingly in front of them with his appendages back to full strength. However this time he is surrounded by a dark and powerful aura, and he won't be so easy to defeat. The appendages now glow with a dark and ominous aura, which increases their strength and durability.
"No more holding back! I'll be sure to scatter your bodies and blood all over this room!" (Y/n)-Xehanort says as the dark aura surrounds him. The wielders, now 10 in all are in their battle stances. "Alright everyone! No holding back! This is our only chance left to save (Y/n)! So let's give it all we got!" Sora yells and everyone nods. "I'll bring you back this time!" Roxas says. "I won't lose another one to the darkness!" Aqua says. "I'll make sure you don't meet the same fate!" Terra says. "I'm not letting this old man take you away!" Vanitas says. "We have to stick together, no matter what!" Ventus says. "We promised we would get you home! And that's what we'll do!" Riku and Kairi said. "My son is coming back to us! I won't let you take him from me!" (M/n) said. "He has kept us going as we went through hell and back! If it wasn't for him, our lives would be meaningless!" (D/n) said. "No matter what, regardless of the circumstances, we'll save you!" Naminé said. "(Y/n), you have saved me so much. Now I'll save you!" Sora said and everyone began to charge at the enemy.
"Hmph! You think some petty words will be enough to save him?! I'll show you that it's meaningless!" (Y/n)-Xehanort said as he fires massive magic blasts of fire and ice. The wielders  use their keyblades to slash through the magic attacks while the support team, (M/n), (D/n), and Naminé gives everyone a ether to replenish their power. "Everyone! Each of (Y/n)-Xehanort's appendages has a elemental weakness! Exploit that and he'll be weak for a while!" Sora yells and everyone nods. Everyone focuses on a different task. Aqua and Terra decide to take the fire appendage. Ventus and Vanitas will take the lightning appendage. Roxas, Xion, and Axel will take the ice appendage. Riku will take the light appendage. Kairi will take the dark appendage. And Sora will take the wind appendage.
Each have their targets in their sight and one by one they cast their spells at their targets. (Y/n)-Xehanort however already predicted this and braces himself. The spells each hit their respective targets and each of them had a spark of hope, knowing their attacks weakened him. But... they hear (Y/n)-Xehanort chuckling. His laughter gets more loud and dark. "Did you honestly believe I would let that happen again?! You must be more stupid than I thought! Observe!" He then shows his appendages and each of their placements have changed! "Each of your elemental attacks hit the appendage of the same element, making them far stronger than before! I must thank you though, and to say thank you. I have a gift for you." He then jumps and plants his appendages to the six pillars in the room.


Power began to flow through (Y/n)-Xehanort's body. His body was now glowing a red aura. "He's going to use Zetta Flare again!" Aqua yells. "Then we just all get together and brace it!" Sora says. "We almost got blown away from that attack, we can't survive another one!" Terra says. "Then what can we do?!" Sora yells with worry. "I have an idea." Vanitas says and everyone looks at him. "If we can remove his appendages from the pillars, he will have to stop charging his power in order to land safely!" Vanitas says. "You have a point Vanitas. But how will we get up there?" Ventus asks. "We use wind magic and use the draft to get up there as fast as we can!" Vanitas says. "Alright! Everyone go after a appendage!" Sora said and everyone nods. With that they use Aeroga and launch themselves to each of the 6 appendages.

Each wielder took a different appendage and began slashing the appendages with their keyblades. Each hit they land, the appendages loss the dark aura that was surrounding them and shows them the element each had. With that, the wielders then use their most powerful spells against the appendages with their elemental weakness. With the spells that keeping hitting the appendages, (Y/n)-Xehanort notices that they are getting weak with each hit. "Get off of me you meddlesome wielders!" But right before he could attack to get the wielders off him, the appendages lost their strength and immediately last their grip on the pillar. "What?! NO!" (Y/n)-Xehanort then starts to fall so he tries to use his appendages to try to land, but he can't move them whatsoever. "No! It can't be! DAMN YOU ALL!" He said as he fell. He tried to move his appendages so he could land, but given their weakened state he was unable to move them at all, causing him to hit the ground hard, landing on his back. He gasps for air and coughs from the impact, not realizing that the wielders now have him surrounded.

"You're surrounded Xehanort! Now give up and release (Y/n)!" Riku commands. (Y/n)-Xehanort looks up at the wielders with anger in his eyes. He keeps trying to move his appendages, but to no avail. "You're weak without those appendages of yours. Just give up and make it easier on yourself." Vanitas says. A slight laugh was then heard from (Y/n)-Xehanort. "Weak you say? Oh how wrong you are." He says. "What are talking about? You can barely stand!" Aqua exclaims. Another small laugh left (Y/n)-Xehanort's lips. "Tell me... does the light disappear when darkness swallows it whole?" He asks. "What are you talking about? What does this have to do with anything?" Sora yells. "Of course not, in order for there to be darkness there must be light. The light perseveres regardless of the strength of the darkness. And much like the light in that scenario... I PERSEVERE AS WELL!" And as (Y/n)-Xehanort said that, a burst of darkness was emitted, pushing the wielders away from him. He then uses that energy to form a keyblade made entirely of shadow. Similar to Sora's Kingdom Key.

"I may be without my full strength, but that doesn't mean I can't kill you!" (Y/n) Xehanort yells and rushes the wielders. His movements were incredibly fast, be a second too later to react and you would be done for. He slashes at the wielders, heading to a different target each time he slashed at a wielder. The wielders began to struggle with this speed and almost found it impossible to keep up. Each slash got faster and faster, leaving almost no time to react and eventually each got hit one by one. First Terra, then Vanitas, Axel, Xion, Roxas, Ventus, Kairi, and Aqua. These wielders fell with one major wound on their side, not enough to bleed massively, but enough to sap their strength and stop them from fighting. (M/n), (D/n), and Naminé immediately went to attend the wounded, but as they tried to treat them, they were open to a attack from behind. (Y/n)-Xehanort trues to attack the three supports but before he could reach them, he was stopped by Riku and Sora. (Y/n)-Xehanort scoffs and attacks the duo with various slashes, each one almost making contact with their skin. But on one slash to knock them back, Sora and Riku attack together to stop his attack. The attack makes contact with (Y/n)-Xehanort's skin and he falls to his knees. He coughs a little bit of blood and tries to make himself stand using his imitation keyblade.

"You little..." (Y/n)-Xehanort says as he struggles to stand up. "It's over Xehanort. It's time to stop, you can't be beat." Riku says. "Now get out of (Y/n)!" Sora yells. (Y/n)-Xehanort then laughs. "What's so funny?!" Sora yells. "Did you really think after all of this, I would give him up? You must be more stupid than I thought." (Y/n)-Xehanort says. "What?!" "If you really want me out of (Y/n). There is only one way to do so... and that is..."

"To kill me..."

"What?! Kill you?!" Sora yells. "You're lying Xehanort!" Riku yells. "It's no lie. As long as I have a hold on him, I will control him. But if I were to no longer have a connection to him, he would be free." (Y/n)-Xehanort says. "But... if we kill you... that means..." Sora hesitates to finish the sentence. "Yes. In order for me to finally leave (Y/n)...

"You're going to have to kill him as well."

"What?! No! I won't do that!" Sora yells. "Pitiful Sora... you let your emotions control the best of you. If you don't kill me, I'll haunt you with those memories you spent with (Y/n) and you will suffer for eternity. Can't you see? It's the best choice to kill me." (Y/n)-Xehanort says with a smug and weak smile. "Don't listen to him Sora! He's trying to trick you!" Riku exclaims. "Nothing can save him, unless you kill him... for only death can one truly be free." (Y/n)-Xehanort says and he begins to laugh manically.

"You're wrong!"

The three turn their heads to Aqua, who was just finished getting treated. "When I had to fight Terra, he was under the full control of the darkness. But as he remembered the time we spent together he was finally able to fight back against the darkness and return to normal! You just have to make him remember the times you spent together! Show him the memories you spent with one another!" Aqua exclaims. Soda and Riku nod and then back to (Y/n)-Xehanort. Sora then breaths deep and walks toward (Y/n)-Xehanort

"Remember when we first met?" Sora asks as we walks. "Huh?" (Y/n)-Xehanort then feels a massive headache. "GAH! What is this?!" He yells as the memory returns.





"Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you!" The boy said.

I got up from the floor. "It's alright I'm fine." I said. I realized that is was the boy from the screen that was talking. I looked at him seeing his blue eyes, and brown hair. "Sorry about that." He rubbed the back of his head. "W-Who are you?" I asked. "Oh my name is Sora. What's your name?" Sora asked. "My name? My name is (Y/n)."





"What is this?!" (Y/n)-Xehanort thought. "And remember when we went to the Heart Festival?" Sora asks getting closer. Another headache starts and it's more painful than before. "AGH!!!"





"Wow! It's beautiful!" He said with his entire face beaming. "Yeah it is. (Not as beautiful as you though)" "Huh? I'm sorry I didn't catch that." "I-It's nothing." I said as I blush slightly. "Oh okay. Well let's not stand here. This festival isn't going to enjoy itself! So let's go!" He said with a burst of energy as he ran to the festival. "W-Wait up!"





"S-Stop it!" (Y/n)-Xehanort yells. "Keep going Sora! It's working!" Kairi yells and Sora nods. "Do you remember our first kiss?" Sora asks as he got even closer and this time the headache was more massive. "AUUUGH!!!!" (Y/n)-Xehanort's scream was more excruciating this time.





The kiss was full of passion, and slowly I closed my eyes and kissed back with the same amount of passion. I felt myself melt away into the kiss and I felt weak, but in a good way. I felt happy and I felt all of my concerns drift away.

"So are we official?" I ask Sora. "Of course. Did you forget the reason of this festival?" He says. "No of course I didn't forget." I said blushing slightly from embarrassment. "Good. Although this wasn't how it was supposed to happen." Sora says a bit upset. "Hey don't worry besides I think you accomplished your goal." I say with a smirk. "Oh? Why is that?" He smirked back.

"Because you have stolen my heart. And my heart is all yours."





(Y/n)-Xehanort was now breathing hard. The pain from the influx of memories was becoming too much for him to handle. "S-Stop it! STOP IT SORA!" He yells with anguish and pain. Sora was now directly in front of (Y/n)-Xehanort "I know you're in there (Y/n)! I'm here for you! Fight Xehanort and come back to us! To me!" Sora said as he hold (Y/n)-Xehanort's shoulders. (Y/n)-Xehanort is struggling, struggling to keep control. He feels his grip being loosened. "N-No... can't.... lose it now..." (Y/n)-Xehanort says as his breaths become more quick and short. "I love you, (Y/n)."

"NO! SHUT UP!!" (Y/n)-Xehanort yells and raises his keyblade to attack Sora, who was too close to react. The keyblade was inching closer to Sora, close to hitting his skin. Then a slash could be heard.





A short and quick gasp was uttered from (Y/n)-Xehanort's lips. It was Riku who slashed (Y/n)-Xehanort in order to protect Sora. "(Y/N)!!!" Sora yells as (Y/n)'s body fell toward the ground. Sora quickly catches the (Y/n)'s body and holds him close to his chest. Darkness was then seen leaving (Y/n)'s body, he was now free from Xehanort's control. Sora's eyes then began to fill with tears and he hugs (Y/n)'s body. A thump was then heard on the ground. And when Sora dries his eyes to see what it was...

He sees a Paopu Fruit, still fresh, uneaten, on the ground.

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