Deep Dark Past

Sora's POV

"Hold on okay! I'll get help! You'll be okay!" I say to (Y/n). He closed his eyes. I got to get him back to the others! "Chirithy help me put (Y/n) on my back! I'll carry him!" Chirithy then tries his best to get (Y/n) on my back. He called some Spirits and they helped him. Once he was on, I immediately began to run out of the forest. "Sora wait up!" I heard Chirithy, but there wasn't any time to wait. I kept running until I was out of the forest and even after that I kept running till I got to town.

While running I saw Kairi, Lea, and Riku waiting at the entrance of town. And as I got closer I could see the looks of fear and worry on their faces. I slowed down as I got near the entrance. "Oh my god! Sora what happened to (Y/n)?!" Kairi yelled worried. "We were fighting a Morning Star and he was casting a lot of magic. I think he wasted most of his energy from casting it." I said. "But that shouldn't happen. When we cast magic our energy doesn't deplete." Riku said concern. "That's the thing Riku, he isn't like us. He doesn't have the Keyblade, and he isn't as strong as us." I said as I turned my head to see (Y/n). "He's different."

They all looked at me and (Y/n) with concern. They are really worried. "Well come on let's get him back to the Inn. He can rest there." Lea said. We all nodded and headed our way to the Inn.

A few minutes later we reached the Inn and we all decided to head into me, Riku, and (Y/n)'s room. Once we went inside I went to our bed and placed (Y/n) on it. Everyone was worried about him. I hope he wakes up soon. "Hey Sora..." I turn to Riku. "Yeah Riku?"  "Why does he have the Dream Eater sigil?" I look to (Y/n)'s right hand and I see the sigil. But I didn't know how to answer that. "I can answer that!

I turned around and I saw Chirithy behind me and the others. "Who are you?" Kairi asks. "I'm Chirithy. (Y/n)'s companion." He said simply. "Okay, so why does he have that sigil?" Riku asks. "Oh I gave him that sigil." Riku's eyes widened. "What why?!" Chirithy took in a deep breath and started to explain. "The reason why is because I was told to. Someone sent me to be (Y/n)'s companions and they told me to give him the ability to summon Spirits." Then something caught my interest. "Chirithy you said that someone sent you. Who was it exactly?" I asked.

Chirithy took a moment to respond. "All I can say is that they are close to (Y/n) and care for him very much. So much that they can't bare to see him alone or hurt." I took that in and began to think of who could have sent Chirithy to (Y/n). No one else knows about him so who could have sent him. "I hope he wakes up soon." Kairi says. "Yeah I hope so too." I respond.

(Y/n)'s POV

Darkness is all around me again. Every time I close my eyes I see it. But this time I actually see light. It felt warm and soothing just being in it's presence. I slowly began to walk to it, feeling more at ease as I get closer. Slowly I grew closer and closer until I felt something holding my hand.

I turned around and I saw Roxas holding my hand. "(Y/n) don't walk there!" He urged me. I looked at him and he seemed distraught, and then I realized what that light was. I moved away from the light as fast as I could and slowly the light faded away. I sigh in relief and I turn to Roxas. "Thank you Roxas for saving me." He smiled at me. "You're welcome."

I smiled back at him. It was good to see him again. But then I looked down at my hand and he's still holding it. A light blush coated my cheeks. "Um... Roxas you're still..." he then noticed. "Oh sorry!" He said as he let go of my hand. "I-It's okay Roxas." I say with the blush still on my cheeks. I want to change the subject. "Hey Roxas, if it's okay I would like to get to know you more." He looks at me with confusion. "Really? What's with that all of a sudden?" "I just want to know you better. Is that wrong?" I ask. He shook his head. "Alright then let's head somewhere where we can chat." I tilt my head in confusion. "But isn't here fine?" I ask. "It is... that is if you want to be surrounded by darkness." I shook my head and shuddered. "Yeah let's go somewhere else."

We then walk a bit and suddenly the surroundings begin to change. The darkness began to leave and in its place was a town square filled with the light from the sunset. "Where are we? I don't recognize this place?" I ask. "This is Twilight Town." Roxas says. "Twilight Town? Was this where you lived?" I ask. "Only for a few days."

Roxas then pointed to the clock tower in the town. "Let's talk up there." I look at the clock tower and nod. "Sure let's go." We slowly reach the clock tower. The town looks desolate and I haven't seen anyone. "Roxas is this place real? It doesn't feel like it." He turns his head at me as he keeps walking. "Well this isn't the real Twilight Town. This is just a memory." "A memory? But I don't remember being here." I said. "Well Sora has been here and so have I. This Twilight Town is my memory of it." I began to understand. "Oh I see. I guess since you and Sora merged you are a part of his memories." He nods and we get closer to the tower.

Later we managed to reach the tower and we reached the top. We went to the ledge where we can see the setting sun. We both sat down on the ledge got comfortable. I began to look at the sun. It looks so beautiful. I suddenly felt my shoulder get tapped. I turn and see Roxas wanting to give me something. "You want some?" He asks me. What he was trying to give me looks like ice cream. I nod and he hands me the ice cream.

I grab the ice cream and I give it a lick. It tastes a bit salty, but after that it has a sweet taste. "Mm... this tastes good. What is this?" I ask Roxas. "It's Sea Salt ice cream." I kept licking the ice cream as he talked. "It tastes so good." I say as I keep licking the ice cream. "So what do you want to know about me?" Roxas asks. "I want to know more about your past. What did you do before you merged with Sora?" I ask.

Roxas took a moment to collect his thoughts and began to speak. "I used to be in a group called Organization XIII. It's a group filled with nobodies and we  did missions to help us find clues to regain our hearts. But little did we know that is was just a lie." My eyes widened. "A lie?" Roxas nods. "Yeah. It turns out a Keyblade Master named Xehanort was using the organization to be his 13 vessels."

I was shocked. So this Xehanort person was the true master behind Organizational XIII. "Although I didn't hear clearly I heard something about '7 lights, 13 darknesses.' It was hard to hear clearly." 7 lights, 13 darknesses. That sounds so familiar. Like.... THE X BLADE. Xehanort must be the key to get me home!

"I see... Roxas you have been through a lot." He turned to me and gave me a small smile. "Yeah, but that's behind me now. All that matters now is being here with you." I blush slightly. "Roxas that was cheesy, even for you." I smirked. "At least it made you blush." He said bluntly. "S-SHUT UP!"

We both laugh and we both finish our ice cream. "Well now that you know about me. I want to know more about you." Roxas said. "Are you sure? I think it might be a little um... depressing." Roxas shook his head. "It's fine. It won't bother me." I sighed and then took in a deep breath.

"I lived with my mom and dad all my life, but for most of the time they weren't there. They were often at work and almost had no time for me. Many days I was alone, with barely anyone to talk to. When I first started school I didn't have many friends. I tried my best to make some, but those that I make friends with either leave me or forget me. When I was in middle school I was bullied because the others began to find out that my parents were often at work. They said that I was 'just a trophy' or 'I didn't matter to them.' I know those aren't true but it didn't make the bullying go away. Once I reached high school the bullying was minimal, but when my parents disappeared it got 10 times worse. I was physically abused and verbally tormented. It was hard to keep my composure. But as soon as I was in this world all worries went away. It felt like I was free from all the troubles from my world. So I'm kinda happy that I came here."

I look at Roxas and I could see he was fighting back tears. "Wow... that must've been hard." He said with his voice a bit shaky. "It was. But it's thanks to Sora and the others that I've managed to overcome those things. You're included in that Roxas." I said. He smiled at me and gave me a big hug. "Thank you for telling me. I'm glad I got to know you more." I hugged him back and said. "And I'm glad I got to know you more. Thanks for listening to me."

Sora's POV

It's been a few hours since (Y/n) was placed here in the Inn. And he still hasn't woken up. I look at him and I see his face. His face looks so cute when he's asleep. But strangely I somehow feel closer to him. I feel like I know him a bit more now. "Heh... thanks Roxas." You always know when to help. Hopefully (Y/n) will wake up soon. And until then I'll be right here... waiting.

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