Apart But Whole

Sora's POV


I immediately ran to the door as it closed and before I could re-enter, it closed on me. I banged on the door and I pushed it with all my strength, trying to make the door open, but it didn't work. "It won't budge!" I yell. I kept banging and pushing the door despite this, I can't let him be consumed by darkness! "Sora." I kept going and I started to tire a little but I kept going. "Sora!" I kept going and I could feel bruises beginning to form. "SORA!" I stopped pushing and banging and I turn to (D/n) and (M/n).

"I'm sorry to say this but we have to go. This door won't open for awhile, and if we stay it may be likely that we encounter Heartless or Dusks here." (M/n) said. I look to my feet, she has a point. If we stay we would have to fight and with only me I'll get outnumbered like last time. "Sora let's head back and think of a plan." (D/n) said. I look up and turn to them, giving them a nod of agreement. So we then head back to the entrance of the castle. "I'm sorry (Y/n). But don't worry, I'll be back. Just wait for me."

Once we got outside I saw Riku, Kairi, and Lea waiting for us. "Sora there you are!" Kairi says but then they see (D/n) and (M/n) behind me. "Uh Sora who are these people?" Kairi asks. "Oh this is (D/n) and (M/n), their (Y/n)'s parents." I said and I saw their jaws drop. "Wait your his mom and dad?" Riku asks and they both nod. But then I see Lea looking around. "Sora where's (Y/n)?" He asks me and I look away from the group, while I feel a hand from (D/n) and (M/n) on each of my shoulders.

"(Y/n)'s trapped." And Riku, Kairi, and Lea's eyes widened from shock. "Trapped?! Then we have to save him!" Kairi yelled but I shook my head. "We can't. The room he's in is locked and we can't get in. From what (D/n) and (M/n) told me, we're going to have to wait for a while." I said to them, and the all had sadness in their eyes. "Then what are we going to do?" Riku asks and it got me thinking. "I-I don't know Riku." I admitted.

"We go get Roxas."

I turn to (M/n). "But how can we do that?" I ask her. "An old friend of mine is in Castle Oblivion in The Realm Between. He can help us get Roxas back." She says. "Excuse me for asking but why should we bring Roxas back?" Riku asks. "(Y/n) made a promise to him. And (Y/n) always keeps his promises no matter what. Plus he can help us defeat any Heartless or Dusks that we may come across here again." (D/n) says. "And he'll be able to see Lea again." I added. That put a smile on Lea's face, which lead to Kairi smiling too. Riku also had a small smile on his face, guess he really wants Roxas to come back as well. "Alright then. Then our next stop is The Realm Between." Riku said and pulled out his keyblade to open the Gate to Twilight Town. Each of us went through the Gate, one by one, and before I got in I looked back at the castle. "Don't worry (Y/n). I'll come back for you." And then I go through the Gate.

As I pass through the Gate, I can only feel the memories that me and (Y/n) spent together. And knowing he's alone with who knows what, it scares me. I just hope he'll be alright. I was so focused on my thoughts I didn't realize that I was in The Realm Between. "So we just have to make our way to the castle?" Riku asked. "Yes. And once we're inside let me handle the rest." (M/n) said and we all nod in agreement. Then we walk to the castle, eventually going inside.

Once we were inside we followed (M/n) the entire way. Until we reached the room that I was all too familiar with. The room with the pod that I was in for a year. We then enter the room until I saw a figure in the room. The figure turns around and I see a familiar face. "Hello Ansem. It's been awhile." (M/n) said. "Wait how do you know Ansem the Wise?" I ask her, she turns to me and responds. "I have my ways." Ansem then looks at her. "(M/n), to what do I owe the pleasure of seeing you again?" Ansem asks her. "Ansem, we need your help to bring back Roxas." She tells him.

"I see. Riku, do you still have the data I gave you?" Ansem asks. "Yes. It's right here." And Riku pulls out a chip containing the data. "Perfect. Now please come with me." Ansem tells us and we follow him, in order to enter a room that looks like a lab. "I am going to need everyone's help for this. Each of you will play an important role. Are you all ready?" Ansem asks and we all nod is response. "Very well. Riku, I am going to need you to pull the lever on the far wall when I give the command. Kairi I will need you to be in the pod with Sora." He says. "What? Can I ask why?" Kairi asks. "Remember you have Naminé with you. We can as well make her come back with Roxas, not only that we can even bring one person who is long forgotten." Ansem says. "So we can bring back Naminé and others close to us?" Kairi asks. "Yes I believe we can." Ansem responds. "Axel I will need you in the pod as well, you contain fragments of the memories of a lost friend. With your memories we can bring her back." Ansem says, and Lea responds with a nod. "(M/n) and (D/n) I will need your help to activate the chambers here. Each will need to be activated one by one, and I'll need yours help to do so." Ansem continues and (Y/n)'s parents nod. "And Sora, I believe your role is clear." Ansem says and I nod. "With that, we can start."


Everyone looks at me. "J-Just how many people are we bringing back?" Ansem took a moment to respond. "We will be bringing back Roxas, Naminé, Xion, and Ventus." He says. "Okay Roxas and Naminé I know, but who are Xion and Ventus?" I ask. "Xion is a creation from the Organization who contained your memories when you were in your slumber. And Ventus is a keyblade wielder from a decade ago. His heart is in yours, Sora." Ansem answers me. "I happen to know Ventus. My friend Aqua talked to me about him whenever I came to visit her." (Y/n) says. "Yes and Aqua has finally managed to bring Ventus here. He is in one of the chambers, the far one to the right." "If that's the case then where is Aqua?" (M/n) asks. "Aqua is currently resting right now, she's been working hard nonstop to get this to work." Ansem responds. "I see. Once this is done I'll have to check in her." (M/n) responds. "Now then... are there any more questions?" Ansem asks and the room was silent. "Good. We have work to do."

Narrator's POV

And now it begins. Sora, Kairi, and Lea get inside the pod, each has closed their eyes so they can prepare for what will happen. Back in the lab, Ansem has placed the chip containing the data into a holder, allowing the data to be transferred to his supercomputer. (M/n) and (D/n) began to activate the chambers one by one and eventually all were activated. The data was then fully transferred to the supercomputer, now the project can go underway.

Ansem then told Riku to flip the switch, to which he did and the power began to go on. Ansem began to type in code and pressed buttons along with it. The pod then began to glow as he continued. With that, the chambers began to glow as well and one by one each chamber was filled with a glowing ball of light. These were the hearts that were inside Sora and Kairi. The third chamber, which is supposed to be Xion's, was filled with a small ball of light and surrounding it was blue fragments that seem to look like crystal shards. These are the memories Lea and Sora have about Xion, this will help Xion come back. And Ventus's heart immediately went back into Ventus and slowly he began to stir.

The process continued and slowly but surely the hearts were beginning to stabilize. Then each heart began to materialize it's own body. Roxas, Naminé, and Xion will soon be whole. The project was now complete. Roxas, Naminé, Xion, and Ventus are in the chambers, sleeping. (M/n), (D/n), Ansem and Riku took one one person and took them to a room so they can rest. Sora, Kairi, and Lea then walked into the room. And they could see the four being taken to a room. And after all of that, fatigue began to set on the remaining three, and so they rested for the day.

The next day

Sora's POV

I woke up a bit sad, because (Y/n) wasn't with me. I was moving so much last night, I almost fell off the bed. Normally I wouldn't be like this because I had him in my arms, to make me feel safe. But he's not here, and I have to save him.  "Please be okay (Y/n). I'll be there soon". I then get up from bed and I head to the lab. When I walk in I see Roxas, Naminé, Xion, Ventus, Kairi, Riku, Lea, (M/n), (D/n), Aqua, and Ansem waiting. "Good morning. Did you sleep well?" Ansem asks and I give a slight nod. "That's good. Everyone else is here, so Sora please tell everyone else what is going on." Ansem tells me. I look at Roxas and he looks very worried. I then took a deep breath and began to explain everything.

By the time I finished explaining Roxas had a tear coming out of his eye, Naminé was scared, Xion was worried, Ventus was concerned, and Aqua was hurt. "I can't believe it. He sacrificed himself to save you." Roxas said as sorrow began to take him. "He wanted to bring you back Roxas, as well as the others. He made a promise to you and he kept it." (M/n) said. "It's still very hard to believe that he got trapped." Xion said. "I know it is, but it's the truth." I said. "Which leads for me to ask you five something..." I said and everyone turned to me. "Please... will you guys help me save him? He means the world to me... and... I wouldn't bear it if I lost him. Please help me save him?" I ask the five. They look at each other, and after a bit of talking they nod. "Of course we'll help save (Y/n)." Aqua says.

"He's helped us all, not just Roxas. If it wasn't for (Y/n), then I wouldn't be here with Aqua right now." Ventus says while giving Aqua a hug. "He's done so much for us. He brought us back. We're here now, because of him. I want to repay his kindness." Xion said. "I can tell he means a lot to you, and after everything you've done for us Sora, of course we'll help you." Naminé said with a smile. I then turn to Roxas, who was wiping away his tears. "Roxas? What about you?" I ask. He finished wiping his tears and gave me a look of determination. "He made promise and he kept it. Only a true friend would do that. I said it was impossible, yet he managed to find a way to bring us back. I'll be forever grateful for him, so I'm going to help you save him. Nothing will change that." Roxas said.

A big smile went on my face. "Thank you everyone." I said and small tears of joy began to fall. I wipe those tears, because we still have a long way to go. "Now that we have that done and out of the way, let's talk about a plan to save (Y/n)." Riku said and we all began to talk about ways to save (Y/n).

"The castle will no doubt will have Heartless and Dusks everywhere. We'll need to be very careful and we can't lose each other. We will have to stick together till the end." Riku said. "Most of us are keyblade wielders, so we can fight them, however those who can't are going to hold items for us, so that way we won't we tired for when we save (Y/n). Naminé and (D/n), you'll carry potions and ethers. Everyone else will need to be on guard for any attacks and you must fight to the best of you're abilities. The Heartless and Dusks there will be incredibly strong, so don't lower your guard and you have to protect Naminé and (D/n) at all costs." Riku finished and everyone nodded. "The castle will be very big but we need to keep an eye out for a door with black hearts. That is where (Y/n) is being kept." I said and everyone nods. "Alright. Let's stock up."

???'s POV

"Looks like they managed to bring Roxas and the others back. This will be very... very interesting. Won't it... Dark Chirithy?" I ask him. "Yes (Y/n). And when they arrive we will show them just how dark you truly can be." He says. "Hehehe... it won't be easy for them. Nightmares, Dusks, Heartless, and Unversed will be there to stop them. Master Xehanort has made it completely sure they won't get close. After all he's appointed people to prevent their progress." I said. "Yes. Vanitas, Terra, and Saïx will do very best to protect you." Dark Chirithy said. "Indeed. So come Sora..." and then I feel HIM through me. "I would love to see you fall, my thirteenth vessel..."

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