Another Day, Another Event
A few hours later
(Y/n)'s POV
"So you're in a world called Kingdom Hearts, and your job is to fight dark beings called Heartless and husks called Nobodies?" I asked while lying on my bed facing the screen. "Yup. And the Heartless are weak to these weapons called Keyblades." Sora said. I raised my head. "Keyblade? What does it look like?" I asked with curiosity in my eyes. Sora looks at Riku and nods. "Alright I'll show you!"
Sora opens his hand and something appears in his hand. A huge key appears with a yellow handle with a keychain that has some kind of silhouette of some character I can't remember at the moment. And at the tip it looked like it had a key head. "Woah... that looks cool!" I yelled out. Sora smiled and so did Riku. "Wow I learned so much about your world. It's amazing. Much better than my world..."
While speaking I looked at the clock. "Oh crap! I need to get to bed! I have school tomorrow. I'll see you guys later!" I waved bye and Sora and Riku did the same. I got up from my bed and walked toward my screen and I reached for the power button on my TV. But before I clicked it I hesitated. What would happen if I turned off the screen? Would they still be awake? What if I turned of the PlayStation? Would they forget about me? Those questions scared me.
I slowly reached from the power button, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it because I didn't know what could happen. I looked at Sora and Riku who both gave me a confused looks. Then Sora's face brightens as it seems he just had an idea. "Oh wait! Hold on I know what to do!" He summons his Keyblade and taps the screen with it. The screen turns black and the PlayStation turns off. "Huh I guess that's one way to turn things off..."
I went to my light switch and flicked it off and then went to my bed and got under the covers. As I laid in bed I thought of what happened today. "Meeting Sora and Riku was pretty cool! I didn't think that they could talk to me like real people! My parents really outdone themselves! And out of meeting them all, Sora seems to be the best by far! Maybe after school I'll talk to them again..." After a bit my eyelids began to get heavy and slowly I drifted into sleep.
A few hours later
Darkness...'s all I see. It's cold, empty, and soulless. I only found myself here a couple of times before. But this time it felt... more sinister. I felt something move from under me, the darkness was swirling and moving and becoming some strange monsters. Once they were formed they began to chase me and tried to attack me. I ran and dodged their attacks, but they wouldn't stop. Then I suddenly lost all my energy and I fell to the ground. I turned around and the monsters got closer and closer. They jumped and began to attack.
Then all of a sudden a bright light came from above as the monsters were attacking. Some person cloaked in black came from the light and repelled the monsters. They fought with a Keyblade that looks exactly like Sora's. They slashed and and stabbed the monsters and eventually killed them all.
Once the monsters were gone I felt my energy return, and I finally pushed myself to stand. After I got up I walked to the person that saved me. "T-Thank you for saving me..." The person then turned around and took off their hood revealing their face. It was a boy and he had blue eyes and blonde spikey hair. "W-Who are you?" I asked. The boy smiled at me. "My name... is Roxas." Roxas huh? "That's a nice name. Nice to meet you Roxas! My name is (Y/n)!" I gave a big and bright smile. I've just made a new friend!
Roxas gave me a big smile and I felt the darkness leave all around me. Light was beginning to come through. It was warm, nice, and comfortable. It was like a warm hug. Slowly my vision began to blur. "Huh? Roxas what's going on?" My vision then went total white.
My eyes were open. I was laying on my bed with the sun shining in my (e/c) eyes. I blinked a couple of times and looked at my alarm clock. It was time to get dressed for school. "Ugh... kinda wish summer was here right now." Summer was still a couple months away, which means a couple more months of suffering.
I got up from my bed and began to get ready for the day. I went into my bathroom and went to take a nice warm shower. I turned on the water and the shower head turned on releasing the water. I put my hand in and the water slowly warmed up to a comfortable temperature. I took off my clothes and entered the shower.
The water hit my body slowly warming me up with the heat it was giving me. I relaxed and tried to get my head around what type of dream I had. "Roxas... why does that name seem familiar? I feels familiar to me somehow..." Thoughts kept running through my head as the water kept hitting my bare skin.
-Meanwhile in (Y/n)'s room-
3rd person POV
As (Y/n) was in the shower everything in his room was silent. "Sora what are you doing?" "What do you think Riku? I'm seeing if he's awake!" The screen suddenly turned on with Sora and Riku looking through. "Where is he?" Riku asked. "I don't know Riku. I thought I heard his voice." Sora said. "Maybe he left?" Sora looked down at his feet. "M-Maybe he did..."
Noise then could be heard outside of (Y/n)'s door. "Huh?" Sora picked up his head and looked through the screen. Then the door opened. The boys ducked in order to hid themselves. "Ahh... that felt good..."
Sora's POV
Wait that voice... is it? I began to stand up and I saw him... but... I kinda wish I didn't right now. My cheeks began to flare up is embarrassment. I saw (Y/n) in front of me with only a towel wrapped around his waist. "Let's see what should I wear..." he said not even noticing me. He went to his closest and picked up a (f/c) shirt and jeans. He then went to his bed, but before he did... "Huh?" (Y/n) was looking at me. My cheeks flared a crimson red and I noticed (Y/n)'s checks did the same. "GAH! SORA WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU PERV?!" I began to panic and I could barely function. "Ah I um! AHH IM SORRY! I'LL LOOK AWAY!"
I closed my eyes tightly trying to avoid seeing (Y/n) in just a towel. I then slowly heard rustling and although it was a bad idea I slightly opened my eyes. I looked and saw the window I use to talk to (Y/n) was black. "Hey why is the window black?" I asked. "You know exactly why pervert!" (Y/n) yelled. "Hey I'm not a pervert! And I had no intention of seeing you like that!" I yelled back. Silence filled the area. Then slowly the thing the covered the window was taken off and I saw a fully clothed (Y/n).
"Y-You didn't see anything did you?" He asked rather embarrassed. "N-No I didn't see anything." I replied and (Y/n) let out a sigh of relief. "Well that's good, but please don't just pop out so suddenly next time okay? At least give me a heads up next time." I nod. "Alright I promise!" "Hate to interrupt this touchy moment..." Riku popped up behind me and (Y/n)'s checks went red again. "R-Riku?! Did you..." Riku shakes his head. "No. Unlike Sora the pervert here, I keep my nose out of other people's business." My face went red from embarrassment. "I'm not a pervert!"
"*snicker*" I heard someone snicker and I saw (Y/n) snickering. "Pffft... hahahahahahaha!" He began laughing and my cheeks flared up again. "His laugh sounds so adorable!" "Hahahaha... Thank you guys! I haven't laughed like that in so long. Thank you!" I smiled. He then looks away and looks somewhere. "Oh crap I gotta get to school! Bye Sora! Bye Riku!" He waved goodbye and me and Riku did the same. He then grabs his bag and puts on his shoes and leaves the room.
(Y/n)'s POV
I left my room and went to my front door to leave my house. I grab the doorknob and open the door. I walk out of my house and close the door. I begin walking to my school which is a few blocks away. As I was walking I passed by some of the students from the school. I looked away and tried to avoid eye contact. I can hear them talking about me. "Oh look it's that kid who's parents ditched him." "Oh him, he's such a loser." I can hear them talking and I try to tune them out.
I eventually reach the school and go inside still avoiding eye contact. I walk the hallways and find my locker and begin to put my stuff inside. I kept my planer, phone and pencils with me. I closed my locker and went to my first class.
-Timeskip to final class (look I'm lazy okay)-
My final class came and it was the worst one yet. This is where my bully named Budo comes and harasses me. He was the one that always messed with me even before my parents disappeared. He was always a jerk ever since middle school.
During class he kept staring at me and he had a mischievous look on his face. I try to ignore him but I can feel his stare burning holes in the back of my head. Still I tried to focus in class, but all my head could think about right now were my new friends. "Their just video game characters. If the school or Budo hear about this I'll never hear the end of it!" And before I knew it the final bell rang.
I grabbed my stuff and left the classroom as fast as I could. I walked to the direction of my locker and grabbed my bag. I put everything inside my bag, close my locker and head to the exit of the school. But before I could reach the exit I was confronted by Budo. "Well well well, look at what we have here? It's the little boy who's parents left him." I dismissed his comment and tried to keep walking, but he kept blocking my exit. "Aw it seems little miss lonely wants to leave. Well that isn't happening." Budo'a goons blocked the passage behind me. "Budo what do you want?" Budo smirked. "What do I want?" He walks closer to me and I take a step back. He kept getting closer until he was only inches away from me. "I want to see you cry. Right. In. Front. Of. Me." "GUH!" Budo punches me in the stomach and I lie on the ground. "Come on little boy... CRY!" I get up from the ground with my hand covering my stomach. "No... I'm not going to give you the satisfaction of you trying to make me cry." Determination and strength fills me. Budo is taken slightly aback, but regains his composure and tries to punch me again. I dodged this time and kept dodging his onslaught of punches. He eventually got tired and laid on the ground weak. "Now if you'll excuse me I'll be on my way..." I say leaving the school and Budo.
I walk my to my house feeling good about myself. "Wow I never stood up against Budo before. I wonder why?" Then I realized something. It was because of my friends. Sora, Riku, Kairi, Lea, and Roxas. During that time although it was faint I felt them beside me. It's because of them I managed to stand up to Budo. "Thank you my friends. It means a lot that you were with me."
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