A Spiritual Connection

(Y/n)'s POV

After everyone finished eating we all got everything we needed in order to start looking for clues on how to get me home. Once we had everything we went out of our rooms and began to head outside of town. While walking we heard from the locals that there have been massive mobs of Heartless in three areas. The forest, the caves, and the lakes that were nearby.

We reached the outskirts of town and we decided to split up. Lea wanted to head to the lakes, Riku and Kairi decided to head to the caves, which left me and Sora with the forest. "Remember once you defeat all the Heartless in the area meet back at the Inn." I said sternly to the others. They nodded and we all went on our separate ways.

While walking to the forest I couldn't help but blush, since Sora was right next to me. I don't understand why I'm so flustered when I'm alone with him. I shouldn't feel this way, but I do. Which brought many questions to me. What happens if we do manage to find a way back to my world? I'll lose my only friends and head back to a world where I'll be alone. And if I head back... I won't be able to keep my promise to Roxas. I promised that I would bring him back, him and his friends. I'm starting to think heading back home is a bad idea, but what can I do? Sora wants to help me, but I can't say no to him.

I then felt something on my shoulder, and when I looked I saw Sora's hand. "Hey are you okay?" He asked very concerned. "Y-Yeah I'm fine." I responded with a fake smile. "You're lying to me." I was mentally freaking out! "N-No I'm not." I respond. "You're stuttering. That's proof that you're lying." Now I was freaking out physically. "H-How did you-" he interrupted me. "Remember that bruise you got from 'running into a pole'? I know you got punched, plus poles can't make a bruise that big and dark."

I was surprised at how he knew I was lying. I thought I was very convincing with that. But I guess not and he saw right through me. "Y-Yeah, sorry for lying to you." He shook his head at me. "It's alright, and once we find you a way home I'm going to find the person that punched you and give them a taste of my fist." He said that with a smile. I sweatdropped. "Okay let's not go that far."

We then reached the forest and I felt a very sinister presence inside. I was scared, but Sora looked at me and gave me a smile. That calmed me down and I took in a deep breath. We then walked into the forest, ready to face any Heartless.

Once we walked in the sinister feeling felt stronger, and I felt I was being watched everywhere I went. I began to shiver as we walked as this was giving me chills down my spine. Sora took notice and extended his hand towards me. I blush as he's trying to console me. I looked at him and I smiled bright, and I grabbed his hand. Once I grabbed it I felt more at ease and comfortable. I felt safe when he was around.

But as soon as the moment started, it ended with a bunch or Heartless appearing out of nowhere! "Geez these things have terrible timing! They couldn't give us at least a couple more minutes?" I yelled in my mind. I got into a battle stance while Sora did the same. "Let's do this!" Sora exclaims as he runs into battle with his keyblade in hand. He began to fight the Heartless left and right and I tried to support as best as I could. "FIRA!" I yelled and a ball of fire was released from my hands. It hit one of the Heartless and it disappeared. "Alright keep going!" Sora yelled. "Right!" I yelled back. "BLIZZARA!"

Once the last of the Heartless were defeated, we both took in a deep breath. I suddenly felt dizzy, and I began to lose my balance. Sora ran to me and caught me before I fell. "Hey are you okay?" Sora asked with concern. "Y-Yeah I'm just dizzy." Sora frowned at me. "Your body must not be used to casting so much magic. You need to rest." "N-No I'm fine." I kept saying.

But out of the corner of my eye I saw something. It didn't look like a Heartless, and it didn't show anything sinister. But as soon as it appeared it disappeared. "Hey wait!" I yelled and I ran after the figure. "(Y/n) hold on!"

The figure was moving fast, but it looked really small. I could hear something flapping as I ran as well. What am I running after? I could see light and the figure was running toward it. "Hey slow down! Wait up!" I yelled, but the figure didn't stop. It then disappeared as it entered through the light. I kept running and I went into the light.

As I went through the light I saw a beautiful pond and beside it was some kind animal.

"Huh? Were you the figure that was running?" I asked and the animal turned around. "Yes I was. Nice to meet you I'm Chirithy! I was sent to meet you!" "Really? Who sent you?" Chirithy took a while to collect his thoughts. "Let's just say... it's someone who cares for you." Chirithy finally says.

I smiled. Although I had no clue who sent Chirithy, I had a feeling that they were close to me. "Well it's nice to meet you Chirithy. I'm (Y/n)." I kneeled down to Chirithy's level and reached my hand to give Chirithy a handshake. He then reached for my hand and we shook hands. I then felt a sudden surge of power flowing through me. And all of a sudden I see a strange symbol in front of me.

But after it appeared, it disappeared. I then let go of Chirithy's hand, but then I realized the same symbol was on my right hand. "What is this?" I asked Chirithy. "That sigil is for Dream Eaters, but I've never see it on a human before." I kept looking at my hand. "Dream Eaters? What are those?" I asked. "Dream Eaters are beings that bring good dreams and eat bad ones. There are two kinds of Dream Eaters: Spirits and Nightmares." I could barely wrap my head around all of this.

"(Y/n) there you are!" I heard a voice behind me. I turned around and I saw Sora. "I'm sorry Sora for running off." I apologized. He then looks behind me. "So was this the thing you were chasing?" He asked. I nod at his question. "Yes. This is Chirithy." Chirithy then went beside me. "Hi! Nice to meet you Sora!" He says as he extends his hand. "Nice to meet you too Chirithy!" Sora kneels down to Chirity's level and shook his hand. But I didn't see that Dream Eater sigil.

After they shook hands, Sora looked at me. "Please don't run off like that again." He asked me in a very concerned tone. I couldn't help but blush from his kind gesture. "A-Alright." I said quickly. He then looked at my hands, mainly my right one. "Hey don't Dream Eaters have this sigil?" He asked. He knows about them too? I wanted to ask how he knew, but now wasn't the time. "Yeah I think so."

"How did you get it?" He said with curiosity. "I just shook hands with Chirithy and now I have this." Then Chirithy went to my side. "That means we are connected!" He says energetically. "Connected? What do you mean by that?" I ask. "I did say someone sent me for you. Now that you have that sigil, we won't ever be apart! We will be together until the very end!" I was still in disbelief that I even had this sigil in the first place, and with all this information it would take days to finally understand this.

Then all of a sudden I felt a sinister presence, and it was much stronger that before. "Sora something's coming!" I yell and Sora pulls out his Keyblade. Then I see a huge Heartless will a golden round body, with spikes. It looked like a spike ball. "A Morning Star!" Sora yelled. That must be the kind of Heartless. "Chirithy stay behind me!" I tell Chirithy. I tried to get up, but I was out of energy from running and casting to much magic. "I have to do something! I have to help Sora!" "Call a Spirit!" I heard Chirithy. "Huh?" "If you call a Spirit, it can led you its strength!" He finished. I don't know how to summon it, but I'll do my best!

I began to think as hard as I could. I thought about the sigil, Sora, Chirithy, and my friends. I want to do whatever it takes to protect them! I then felt a sudden surge flow through my body. I opened my eyes and saw that the sigil on my right hand was glowing. It glowed brighter and brighter until a ball of light came out. Then all of a sudden something came out of the ball of light.

A small bat came out of the ball. "That's a Komory Bat!" Chirithy yelled. The Komory Bat went close to me and went in front of me. "Please help me! Give me strength to help Sora!" I asked. The bat gave me a nod and the sigil began to glow. The bat then flew into me and a surge of power went through my body. I felt something come out of my back and I felt fully energized! And when I looked behind me I saw that wings were on my back. I have a big look of determination and looked toward the enemy. "Alright! Now it's time to fight!"

With my wings I flew above the Morning Star and began to circle above it. I casted a trail of fire that followed me as I circled. Once the fire was in a complete circle I flew in the middle. I aimed my hand to the Morning Star. "ALRIGHT! RING OF FIRE!" I yelled and the fire began to swirl the Heartless. I saw it burn, but it wasn't done yet! "Not enough? Okay they try this! SHINING LIGHT!" A huge ball of light came out of my hands and it shines brightly. The Heartless took a lot of damage and it disappeared.

I flew down back to Sora who was in awe once again. "Woah... I didn't think you could cast magic like that." I smiled nervously "hehe... yeah neither did I." Then I saw Chirithy running toward me. "THAT WAS AMAZING!" He yelled as he jumped into my arms. "Heh thanks Chirithy." I said. Then the Komory Bat got out my body and the wings on my back faded. I turned to the bat and I smiled at it. "Thank you for your help. I couldn't have done it without you." I then nuzzled it and then the sigil began to glow, then the Spirit disappeared.

I then turn around to Sora who smiles at me. "Heh and I thought I was going to be the hero this time." He says. I laugh lightly at his comment. "You were always the hero to me." I said, but the I realized what I said. My cheeks flared up and Sora's did the same. "Heh... you're strong, but that's the second time you saved me. I should be saving and protecting you." He continued. "You saved me more than you think, I want to repay you the best I can." I said with determination.

Suddenly I felt weak. I dropped Chirithy and I fell forward. I felt exhausted, and hot. "Woah (Y/n) are you okay?" Sora asks. "So... hot... so... weak." I say with barely any energy. I felt my vision grow fuzzy and my hearing was getting dull. Sora began to talk, but I could barely make out what he says. "Hold... I'll... help... it'll... okay." I then passed out.

Hey guys sorry for the inactivity, but I'm back. Also if you play KH you know that some of the magic used are not actual magic commands in the game. That will stay that way until the end. Still I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. Anyway Comment, Share, and Vote! See ya later!

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