Ch. 9
Leila POV
I gripped the steering wheel as I sped through the highway entering the city. My mind racing matching the speed of my heart beat. I bit my lip keeping the scream that tried to escape my lips at bay. I passed by some looted liquor stores and flipped cars. The city itself looked a lot worse than the infection.
I drove until I reached the now abandoned clinic, slamming on the breaks before getting out. I ran inside with an empty backpack before searching the shelves for supplies. I found gauze and a few medkits behind the lobby desk. Making my way to the child care section I searched before finding bottles, large cans of baby formula, baby cereal, diapers, wipes and even a beginner crib.
I fell to my knees before letting out a pained cry. Hot tears rolled down my cheeks as I curled up into a ball on the floor, pushed away memories flashing back. I could hear footsteps but couldn't find the strength to move before they reached the run I'm in. I sat with my knife at the ready just in case.
"You hurt?", a voice asked and I turned my head as the flashlight examined my face.
"Leila?", Suhoon rushed to my side and pulled me into his chest. There I just cried. I cried into his shoulder while he rubbed circles on my back.
"What happened to you?", he asked.
"We found this woman. She was alone, we took her in and she was pregnant. But we didn't know how far along until she gave birth. She died Suhoon, I could've helped her but I froze. I didn't know what to do. It's like my mother all over again.", I cried and he kissed my forehead.
"Leila, what happened to your mother wasn't your fault. You were young, you didn't know what to do."
"I don't know anything but how to run away. I ran from that, I ran from you, I ran from the baby she trusted me with.", I mumbled and he caressed my face. "I'm sorry Suhoon. I shouldn't have left. I should've stayed. I know you hate me right now but-"
"That's enough Leila. I would never hate you and you out of everyone should know.", he whispered and I sunk back into his chest.
"Suhoon. Want me to go back?", a voice asked and I looked behind him to see a guy standing in the doorway.
"Yeah. I'm gonna stay with her. She can't be alone right now Hongseok.", he said and the man nodded before walking towards the door.
"If they asked anything, tell then I left.", Suhoon added and Hongseok nodded again.
"I have to get this stuff back to them. And I have to find gas, I have to find more-"
"I'll help you. You don't have to do everything by yourself.", he said and I took a deep breath.
"I feel like I do. Her death will forever weigh my down. Just like my mother's did all these years."
"You don't need to. Now come on.",
I nodded as he helped me off of the floor. He held onto me as I fixed the backpack on my shoulder. We went out to the car before I tossed the bag on the back seat. I moved to get in the front seat and Suhoon stopped me.
"I'll help you find gas another time. Right now there is a newborn that needs that formula.", he told me and I nodded quietly. He got in the driver seat while I hopped in passenger. He crunk up the truck before driving us back out of the city.
"How did you get over it? After I left.", I mumbled as I rested my head on the window.
"Truthfully, smoking.", he laughed and I gave a small smile.
"They can still kill you.", I said and he hesitantly held his hand out. I intertwined our fingers with a smile as we rode out of the city limits.
Kreme POV
Cradled the crying baby as Jungkook ran a hand through his hair.
"What do we do? We don't have anything for a baby!", he began freaking out and I shushed him.
"With you screaming, the baby is just going to get more upset.", I said and he started pacing the room.
"The baby needs formula. Yoongi and I can go to the store and see what we can find.", Veronica said before the sound of the gate opening reached our ears. Footsteps ran inside before Leila came into view while shaking a bottle. I gave her the wailing baby and watched as she fed her the bottle. The baby got quiet and I let out a sigh of relief.
"There is a god.", I said leaning on the wall.
She rocked the baby as she opened her eyes to look up at her."
"You feel better now?", Leila asked with a smile before handing hmthe baby to Jungkook. His eyes went wide as she stood with her hands on her hips.
"Burp her.", she stated as he stood confused.
"Put her on your shoulder like this and pat her back.", I instructed while helping him maneuver. He softly pat her back before she let out a small burp with the contents on the formula all over Jungkook's shoulder.
"Why is my back wet?", he asked as Leila and Veronica attempted to hide their laughter. Someone else entered the room and I recognized him as the man from a few weeks ago.
"Let me help you.", Leila said cause the man to smile at her. I narrowed my eyes as he backed out of the room. I followed behind him to catch him getting ready to walk out the gate.
"You're doing this to her a second time?", I questioned and he turned to me.
"She safe here that's what counts."
"No what counts is that she has you to keep her sane. How she came back, smiling, that's not how she left. I'm not letting you leave." I said and he scoffed.
"Really? You're going to stop me?", he asked and I crossed my arms.
"Not me.", I replied.
"What are you two doing out here?", Leila questioned and I smirked.
"You're friend here was just about to leave.", I said and she stared down at her feet.
"Of course he is.", She mumbled, walking away. He glared at me and I shrugged before grabbing his gear.
"You're one of us. Whether you like it or not. You make her happy. Regardless of your past, she makes you happy too.", I said walking away.
"You're right.", he muttered and I turned to him.
"Go after her."
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