Ch. 12
Leila POV
"That's a little strange but if you're sure we'll find supplies.", Taehyung said.
"The supplies come here.", Bobby stated.
"Fuck that, this is my idea.", I retorted.
"We split. Depending on how much is actually there. If there aren't as much, Leila and her group gets the supplies.", Taehyung countered and I nodded. "Bobby, any objections?"
He remained silent before walking out with a scowl.
"Then it's settled. Alright so Me, Leila, Suhoon, Veronica, Bobby, and Jinnie. We'll head to the school and be back here right after.", Taehyung stated and I sighed. A familiar feeling of regret forming in the pit of my stomach as I thought about the outcome of this supply run.
"Come on, we've got some vehicles stored in the back.", he added. We followed behind him through the library, the armory and finally out the back to a fenced parking lot.
"We built the fence to keep them out. Serves it's purpose.", Taehyung said as we approached Bobby and Jinnie.
"Why a truck?", I asked and Bobby scoffed.
"Why not?"
"The school is in the middle of town. I'm sure there will be hundreds of zombies.", I said.
"The bigger the truck the louder the noise.", I spat and he frowned.
"She's right.", Veronica said and Taehyung walked to an SUV.
"How about this one?", he asked and I nodded.
"That'll do."
We all piled in the car with Taehyung driving, Jinnie in the passenger seat, Suhoon, Veronica and I in the back, and Bobby in the far back.
It wasn't long before we were traveling down the street heading to the school. The ride was silent as I stared out the window getting lost in my own thoughts. I felt someone nudge my arm and I turned to see Suhoon's worried eyes.
"I'm fine. Let's just get to school and find what we're looking for.", I mumbled and he planted a soft kiss on my temple. After awhile we came to a stop and I looked to see a small horde in front of us. Taehyung shut the headlights off with a sigh.
"There's the school but we have a small issue."
"There's a screamer in that horde.", Jinnie stated.
"A what?", Veronica asked.
"A screamer. They're all over the city, they usually don't have arms so they can't attack. All they do is let out a high pitch scream alerted other infected and giving a serious headache.", Jinnie explained and I scanned through the street.
"They bring out the big ones.", Bobby added.
"There's an alley over there. Maybe we can go around them.", I said and Taehyung nodded.
"The alley should take us right to the school. All while avoiding that fucker.", Taehyung said and I nodded before quietly opening the door. I stepped out before crouching down moving slowly towards the alleyway. One by one, the group moved to the alley avoiding the horde's attention. We all walked in silence towards the educational building, me being in the back with my head down. My thoughts started to swarm before Suhoon intertwined our fingers.
I snapped put of my daydream before turning to him with a confused grin.
"Its been awhile since we walked like this. Even if the world's gone to shit. It's nice.", he said and I smiled before looking back at the ground.
"What's on your mind?", he questioned and I shook my head.
"Nothing, just want to get to the school and get these supplies.", I said with a determined face. I hated lying to people, especially Suhoon. But I have to do this or else it'll haunt me until the day I die.
Once we made it to the school I scanned the front parking lot, scattered with zombies.
"We can get in through the back.", I whispered before Bobby pulled his pistol.
"Fuck that." He then sprang up taking down the zombies in the yard. A spine chilling scream filled the air and I scoffed.
"Are you always this stupid?"
"Way to go dumbass, now every zombie in the city will be drawn here.", Veronica sneered.
We dashed to the front door to see it was broken in. Taehyung drew his weapon and I held a knife close to my chest, ready for something to pop out.
I approached the door with caution while Veronica and Taehyung followed close behind me. I pushed open the door before walking into the dark room. I clicked on my flashlight, stalking forward to the unoccupied front desk. I walked up to the desk looking through papers in the cabinet.
"Its quiet.", Jinnie stated.
I typed quickly on the keyboard pulling up a specific file.
Room 312
I moved for the stairs before Veronica stopped me.
"The cafe is this way."
"I know, I'll meet you there."
"Leila, you shouldn't look by yourself. In case you don't like what you see.", she said and I frowned knowing she caught on.
"I'll be okay. Just go."
I continued up the stairs to the next floor. I slowly walked down the hall, shining my flashlight at the room numbers. I reached my destination and felt my heart beat quicken when I notice the door was ajar.
I stepped inside looking throughout the room. The desks were toppled over and there was blood smeared on the floor leading behind the desk. I slowly approached the front of the classroom upon hearing the sound of tearing flesh. I rounded the desk to see a zombified child eating away at a teacher's stomach. She didn't notice me so I put him in a choke hold before snapping her neck. I laid her body down and buried my knife in the head of the deceased teacher to keep her from turning. I checked the room for signs of life before running my fingers over a desk as a sigh left my lips.
I heard a scream from downstairs echo through the building and took off to the cafeteria. I ran through the doors to see Jinnie kneeling in front of a little boy.
"Its okay, were not going to hurt you. Are you a student here?", she asked and he nodded.
"Come on out, I won't hurt you.", Jinnie said and he crawled from under the table and into her arms. She cradled the young boy while checking him for injuries.
"Are you alone?", I asked him and he shook his head.
"Mr. Joon attacked some students earlier so Mrs. Lee moved our class and some others downstairs.", he explained and I looked at Taehyung and Suhoon.
"Bobby, Veronica, stay with them and we'll go check downstairs." We hurried to the bottom floor where a group of 5 infected banged on a door. Behind that door were the children screaming.
We quickly moved into action disposing of the zombies. I brought my knife down on one's head as Taehyung snapped the neck of another. Suhoon took out two and I dealt with the last stabbing him in his forehead.
"Everyone alright?", Taehyung asked knocking at the door. The door opened revealing a frightened teacher and a group of children.
"Yes thank you so much.", she bowed to Taehyung and moved to let us in. We looked down at the children huddled together.
"Mingyu and Younji went to the restroom. I was going to get them when those things came from the room across the hall. Did you see them, are they alright?", she said.
"Mingyu is fine, he's with our friend. But I thing Younji turned and I had to put her down.", I said. One of the children snapped her head up to my words before jumping up.
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