*at the farm of the Folk Family. The Father is mad*
-They have already got 6 Country Styles. It is not good for us. Anyone, have you any idea? -asked the Father. Everyone was silent
-You useless lazy worm! -said the Father
-Do not worry you beef, I will be done with my job which will defeat the precures soon. -said Mary
-Maybe we need more data about them. They would tell me thir secret if I could show myself as their friend. -said Joseph
-One idea. Okay, I do not care, go Joseph! -said the Father. Joseoh disappeared
*Joseph was on Lovely Hills. Hollie, Lily, Dorothy, Dan and Martha walked on the street. They saw Joseph*
-It's Joseph! He wants to destroy the city again. Let's go girls! -said Dorothy
-PRECURE! WORLD AROUND CONNECTION! ~The soldier of the strong soul! Cure Courage! ~The soldier of the humanism! Cure Kindness! ~The soldier of the bright life! Cure Freedom! HERE WE FLY! WORLD TOUR PRECURE! -transformed the girls
-Fight, again? -asked Joseph from them
-What's with you? Don't you attack? -asked Kindness
-I don't want to fight anymore! I left my family, leave me alone! -said Joseph
-Is this true? -asked Courage and she retransformed to Hollie and went to Joseph
-Look out Hollie! It's a trap! -said Kindness
-Listen Joseph! I can't believe in you but I want to hear your story. -said Hollie
-I told it. I ran from home because My Father always hit me. -said Joseph
-Hit you? It's terrible! -said Hollie. The others retransformed too.
-Tell us everything about you father! If you talk to us, we'll believe in you. -said Dorothy
-I need not to tell you anything. -said Joseph
-Hey girls. Maybe he's saying the true. We should help him. -said Martha
-I don't know. Be careful. -said Dan
-Hey Joseph! And what will you do now? -asked Dorothy
-Have you got accommodation? Have you got money? Have you got job? -asked Lily
-I do not know anything about them. -said Joseph
-Okay, I'll help you. -said Hollie
-Yes, good job me! -thought Joseph
-You really want to help me? -asked Joseph
-Yep! Firstly we'll find you an accomodation. -said Hollie
-I know a cheap hotel in the near. I'll call them. -said Dorothy, she called them after that went to the hotel room
-Where we are? -asked Joseph
-It's your home now but we'll find a better for you. It's a temporary solution. -said Lily
-It is beautiful. I have never been as beautiful room as it is. My room was so dirty and small. -said Joseph
-You think? Mine is better. It's too simple. -said Hollie
-If you're ready, go to shopping! -said Dan
-Shopping? What is this? -asked Joseph
-You need food and clothes. -said Dorothy
-Oh, so I must to find food for myself. -said Joseph
-Not find, buy! -said Lily and went to shopping
-Firstly buy some clothes. Your's very dingy and conspicuous. -said Hollie. They went to the clothes shop.
-A white T-shirt and blue jeans always good combination. -said Lily
-What are these funny clothes? -asked Joseph
-Funny? You haven't got style. -said Dorothy
-In this shop there're the best clothes. -said Dan. He tried them
-It is casual. I can move better. -said Joseph
-You looks like a different person. I never thought you're so handsome. -said Hollie. Joseph's face turn to red
-Okay, hurry before they catch us. -said Joseph
-"Catch"? What do you mean? -asked Dorothy. Joseph ran from the shop in the clothes. The shop assistant called the police and caught Joseph.
-Sorry for him, he won't do this again. Please forgive him! -said Hollie and the others to the police officer
-What's his name? -asked thr police officer
-Joseph Folk. But he came from abroad, he doesn't know the laws in there. -said Hollie
-Stealing is forbidden in all countries. -said the police officer
-He won't do it again. -said Lily. Joseph wathed them
-They caught me and didn't hurt? What is this? -asked Joseph to himself. The police officers came out, they went to Joseph
-Why did you want to steal the clothes? -asked Dorothy
-It is usual at our farm. -said Joseph
-So you mean "find" as steal? What kind of farm do you live. I was in some different farm but I've never heard this. -said Dorothy
-But if you must not do this, how will the clothes our? -asked Joseph
-We have to buy it. -said Hollie
-What does it mean? -asked Joseph. They went back to the shop and Hollie paid them.
-If you want to buy them, you have to pay, it's legal here. This is my present for you but in next time you have to pay with your own money.-said Hollie and gave the clothes to Joseph
-Next is the food. -said Lily
-Do we have to buy the food too? -asked Joseph
-Yeah, we have to pay for all product. -said Dorothy. They bought some food and at the hotel they made them. They ate
-This world is very different. -said Joseph
-Yeah. But it's a honest world. Everyone works for money and starts in the beginning. Everyone has chance for a good life, if you want, you can do anything. But you must to see what is legal. -said Hollie
-What is legal? -asked Joseph
-Thing which gets problem to other people. These things are forbidden. -said Hollie. Joseph went to the toilet
-He is very strange, his culture is very different from ours. -said Martha
-Yeah. But I can't forgive him that he wanted to kill Hollie. -said Dorothy
-Yeah. I'm not believe in him but if we can turn him to our side, the Folk Family will be weaker. -said Hollie
-But we ggave to be more careful. -said Dan. Joseph went to them
-Can you teach me other things? -asked Joseph
-Yeah. You must to learn a lot to live in this world. -said Martha
-Okay, I'll show you my job! -said Hollie and a few hours later they went to the AquaWonders.
-The originals AquaWonders is closed because of the weater but we have an aquapark inside too. -said Hollie
-So we can try them now. -said Dorothy
-Yeah, but we have to hurry, I work today. -said Hollie and arrived there. Lily, Dorothy, Dan and Martha bought tickets.
-Why you buy these papers? -asked Joseph
-You have to buy it too if you want to go inside. -said Lily
-What kind of place is this? -asked Joseph. And they went inside.
-I have never see a place like this. -said Joseph
-Here you can try waterslides and you can swimming. A very nice place. -said Martha
-Let's try the slides! I don't know where is Hollie, but let's enjoy this time! -said Dorothy and they tried all slides.
-It was very good. I have never tried these things. But I have a strange feeling now. My heart is beating so strongly. -said Joseph.
-It's the happiness. A very nice feeling. -said Dorothy
-Ah, there is Hollie. Next to the swimming pool. -said Martha. They went to her
-Oh guys, there you're. -said Hollie. A little boy went to the pool.
-Look Mommy, I can swim! -said the little boy and went inside the pool but he couldn't swim. He's drowing
-Ah, poor boy. He will die. Fool kid. -said Joseph
-What're you saying? He wanted just try this pool. -said Dorothy. Hollie jumped to the pool and saved the boy
-Why? It is his fault, Hollie should not save him. -said Joseph
-It's my job. And if someone in danger, people help with them. It's normal in this world. -said Hollie. His mom went to him, said 'thank you' to Hollie and hugged the little boy
-And his mom wasn't hurt him? What a strange world! -said Joseph
-No! Your world is strange! All people has emotions, the love. It isn't a duty, it's a natural thing between two people. -said Dorothy
-Emotion? And how get I emotions? -asked Joseph
-Take your hand on your chest. If you feel your heartbeat, you have soul and also emotions! -said Hollie. They went to home. Joseph is in his room and writing the thing on a paper.
-I will take this to my Dear Father. And it will be a helping for my grandmother. -said Joseph. Suddenly he startec to think about Hollie and his face turned to red. Next morning Hollie, Lily, Dan and Martha waited him in the hotel
-Good morning? Why are you waiting for me? -asked Joseph
-We want to show you another thing, which helps you to understand what is the true love. -said Hollie. Joseph brushed again and went to Dorothy's performace.
-Dorothy is a prof violinist. Her play is full of emotions. -said Hollie. They started listen her. Joseph started to feel the love and the happiness. His eyes started to glittering. Hollie smiled.
-I must not! I am a spy, I must not feel these things. I am a member of the Folk Family! Their enemy! -thought Joseph
-I must to go! -said Joseph
-Where? -asked Dan. But Joseph disappeared. While he went on the street, he met with Jake
-That's you! Who wanted to kill me and Cure Courage! -said Jake
-Ah, I remember you. -said Joseph
-I saw you with Hollie and her friends. Just know, if I don't know who're you but I won't forgive if you hurt them. They're my friends! -said Jake
-You rich toff! I hate this world and you too! -said Joseph
-What're you planning? -asked Jake
- MODERNISATION OVER! GO YOKEL, USE OUR GREAT POWER! -Joseph did a Yokel from an old woman. It attacked Jake. At this moment Hollie and the others were hurried to Joseph. They saw Joseph and went to an alley
-PRECURE! WORLD AROUND CONNECTION! ~The soldier of the strong soul! Cure Courage! ~The soldier of the humanism! Cure Kindness! ~The soldier of the bright life! Cure Freedom! HERE WE FLY! WORLD TOUR PRECURE!
They went and beated out the Yokel
-Cure...Courage? -asked Jake
-You betrayer! I always knew we shouldn't believe in you. -said Freedom
-I could trick you easily. I could get a lot of information about your power. So thank you very much! -said Joseph
-You're a very depraved person! -said Cure Kindness
-I do not care your strage philosophic. -said Joseph. The Yokel attacked them. They jumped out from it, but Courage didn't notice an attack, Jake saved her
-It's dangerous, instead of this, run! -said Courage
-I won't let him to hurt you again. -said Jake
-My wish is protect everyone's future. Fight my destiny! Girls, let's finish with this betrayer! -said Courage
-OPEN THE WORLD! LET'S TOUR! ~The light of the volition! It's the Netherlands Style! Opstaan om te leven Wilskracht! Precure Eeuwige Hoop Splash! ~The power of the love! It's the India Style! Apanee Taakat Dikhao! Precure Mahaan Pyaar Splash! ~The godness of the happiness. It's the Italy Stlye! Cantando Fate! Bel Songo Splash! -they defeated the Yokel and Joseph disappeared.
-Hey, you have to be more careful. Don't deal with that boy, he's evil and dangerous. -said Courage
-You said I shouldn't think about your business but I truly love you. -said Jake
-Our world are different. But you can find me in your world too. -said Courage and they went out. Jake was suprised.
*At the farm of the Folk Family*
-I got a lot of information of the source of their power, my Dear Father. -said Joseph
-And what is that? -asked the Father
-The most difficult emotion in this world: the love. Their love for the world and all people. -said Joseph
-I do not know what is love. But we have to destroy it. Our only emotion is the fear. -said the Father. A strange teenager girl with white hair, grey dress and white skin went to them.
-I am ready for the action. -said she
-Who are you? -asked angirly the Father
-Do not be mad you beef! She is my perfect magic. -said Mary
-I surely will defeat them! -said she
From the next episode:
-The weather will be colder and colder. We need to accustom to it. -said Dorothy
-Snowman, snowball, snowboard! We can do all sports. Let't tour in Russia! -said Hollie
-It's so cold! -said Dan
-But who is this girl? -asked Lily
Because everyone can become a honest person
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