Chaahat's dreaded past!!!💔
__aaaarya__ Thank you for suggesting the perfect song for Chaahat's pain 🥺💔 This one brought tears when I heard it while I was writing this heart wrenching chapter...
It's Marathi...but the lyrics are perfect to describe her pain... I love it when my readers feel my character's pain as much as I do❤️ it makes me feel I'm hitting the right chords ❤️ Love you Aaru 💖
Neiv's POV:
Making her sleep on a comfortable bed after her vulnerable breakdown I turned around and looked at everyone who were right now in the bedroom where I made Chaahat lie down. She cried and slept in my arms in the car and I had brought her back to the resort.
I could see a hundred questions on everyone's face. But I had more questions than everyone else there!!! Specially after what Chaahat said while crying to sleep...
'Dadda I hate that Woman!!! I will never forgive her!!! Dadda take me with you...please take me'
We're her last words!!! It was killing me whenever I recalled the last line...She wanted to go to her dad!!!
Everyone kept looking at Chaahat and were scared for her...but I didn't want it to be discussed like that!!!
So I just announced...
'I need to talk to Chaah's please leave'
I saw everyone left except Bela Masi, Mahir uncle and Nandini aunty.
I looked at Nandini aunty and said ...
'Aunty I don't mean to insult's just that... For Chaahat Mahir uncle and Bela Masi are her if you could please'
I didn't mean to insult her but what Chaahat told me that her mother killed her father. I didn't know the depth of those words in any I choose to ask her to leave without any hesitation...
While she was leaving I saw her exchange looks with Bela Masi who patted her back and hugged her.
'I May sound rude Mahir uncle and you definitely didn't like me asking Nandini aunty to leave Bela Masi...but Chaah told me her mother killed her father!
Now that's a big one!!!
I'm sorry but I had to...'
To which Bela Masi held her hands on her head...While Mahir uncle back hugged her...
'Mahir ji...I just don't understand... She still blames it on Nandini ??? She's 31... I thought time will heal my girl...'
Mahir uncle rubbed Bela Masi's shoulders...
While Bela Masi looked at me and said...
'Neiv... Aadi's death was an accident !!! ' her voice was cracking...
To which Mahir uncle hugged Bela Masi and made her to sit...He offered her a glass of water...I knew Bela Masi was close to Aadi uncle...I don't remember much but I remember when we used to meet up for Rakhi ...I used to see Bela Masi would tie Rakhi to Adi uncle...
After sometime.. Mahir uncle circled his arm around me and took me to the terrace area of the resort home...
Mahir uncle kept looking at the green jungles of Bandipur forest and began...
'Chaahat entered Bela's life when she had no one ...
Not even me...'
I looked at Mahir uncle...he had a far away look...
'I had seperated from Bela due to our misunderstandings then...
When... Bela lost our first child... Chaahat was born on the same day as our child was...who died the same day...
A broken Bela was comforted by Nandini and Chaahat who had been placed in her arms...
Then Bela stayed in Australia with Aadi, Nandini and Karanjit uncle who was Aadi's father...
Chaahat was the ray of light in Bela's life
Practically Bela's first baby... The reason why she loves Chaahat more than Musky, Mihir or Maan...
First child you see...' I saw tears glistering in Maahir uncle's eyes...
'Everything was going well...
Bela and me we got remarried, we had our kids...our world and Chaahat stayed in Australia with her mom dad and her grandfather.
But as she had a special attachment for her SonaPie...she would make sure to call Bela regularly... Slowly she got closer to me too.. I from Mahir uncle became MyPie to her...
That's how we are SonaPie and MyPie to our baby girl...
Everything went fine until when Chaah was 11 and slowly her phonecalls stopped
1 day...
2 days...
A week...
A month...
Bela called Aadi who avoided her calls and Nandini who always termed to be busy...
Chaah would come to India for every summer vacation... that year she didn't come!
I and Bela heard rumours about 'The Garewal couple' seperation.
But Aadi always termed it to be a silly rumour...
Until one day when we got a call from Karanjit uncle who was shivering on the phone call...
And we got to know Aadi died in a car accident last night...And we were shocked.
We took the first flight to Australia...
Where we saw Aadi's last rights were already done...
Everyone was mourning while we saw Aadi's huge photograph in the middle of the living room and in a corner I could see Nandini...then Nandini Bhabhi for us was silently pouring tears, while Karanjit uncle looked broke...
We consoled both but the first thing that came out of Bela's mouth was...
'Where is Chaah? And how is she'
Only for our surprise we saw Chaahat sitting in a corner not shedding a drop of tear post her dad's death.
A mere 11 year old was in a trauma.
She had seen Aadi breathe his last and after that she went blank...
Bela hugged her tried to console her...even slapped Chaahat to bring her out from shock...
But then she was in a state of deep shock.
She was under treatment for 15 days after which one night she woke up screaming loudly...
While I and Bela ran to her room and she hugged Bela saying..
'SonaPie dadda died... '
I ran to her and hugged her
'Im there na Baccha for you...I'm also your dadda...I'm here are my daughter'
I consoled her and she probably felt the fatherly comfort in my chest and slept on my lap that night...
That night like Bela turned her mom...I turned to become her father figure...
I found my most sweetest daughter 🥺❤️ yet in the most vulnerable form...
We thought she was healing until the very next morning...
We heard things being broken in her room..
She was behaving like she was possessed. When we saw she had broken everything in that room...
From mirror to the glass table... Clothes...
That room looked scary for a 11 year old child's anger... It was unbelievable...
And the anger was focussed towards someone who entered that room that morning...
Nandini...her mother...
When I and Bela approached her... she said...
'Tell this woman to get out of my room.. my life...she killed my dadda...she killed him...'
And next second she held her head and she fainted...
Imagine Neiv...a mere 11 year old hating the sight of her own mother...
While Bela and me had no other go but to confront Nandini herself...
And she broke the news that...
There were issues between her and Adi... they had a huge fight on the day of his death.. It's the first time Aadi slapped Nandini and was so angry that he left the house...
Chaahat saw them fighting... and saw the rage in which her father left...
She followed him...
Aadi boarded a car and began driving rashly...
Chaahat ran on the streets trying to stop her father...
But the next second her world came crashing...
She saw her father meet with an accident!!!
It was a brain injury...
She cried and prayed to her favorite god Lord Ganesha whom she always carried in her pocket and also had a chain with Lord Ganesha's pendant in it...
But little did she know there is nothing beyond fate and destiny...
The minute she saw her father stopped breathing..
She covered her lord Ganesha's idol and chain in a small red cloth and digged it under the mango tree in her backyard..
She didn't cry a drop and would stare at her father's picture day and night.
She blamed Nandini of his death.'
Mahir uncle concluded...
While I heard a voice from behind
'Why are you hiding the most important details from him MyPie?? ' and we were shocked to hear Chaahat's voice..
She was standing at the entrance of the terrace..
While Mahir uncle looked at her with eyes filled with tears...
'Tell him about that women's extra marital affair MyPie!!!
Tell him!!!' she said in a angry yet croaking voice...
While I was shocked 😳
'I have seen them as the most loved couple in public parties, in functions, press meet but at home since I was 8 year old I saw my parents fight like cats and dogs...
I initially spoke to Daadu about it that I don't like it...
To which Daadu told me... 'Its silly...they fight because they love each other'
I wondered how this was love..
It was my dad's birthday... I saw my father slap my mom...
I hated my dad that very minute ..but when I heard my mom announced..
'Do anything you want Aadi...I love that man...You and this marriage can go to hell'
And I was shocked...
I saw them fighting... while suddenly I heard mon say...
'I don't care Aadi... either divorce me nicely or see you in family court...I can't live with you...I love someone else...he's more important to me and I love him...
And as far as the child is concerned you can keep Chaahat..I'll keep this one' while I was shocked to know my mom will be giving my father a divorce and she didn't want me...
My dad ran out of the house... took his car with him...
I froze to death seeing a car bump into my father and my father was lying in a pool of blood only to leave me alone!
She was the cause!!!' she said and I saw her eyes poured fresh tears
I wondered if there's more...
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