World of Journey

Here are some fun facts and questions about the Arula series that I had put together for you guys throughout the journey that I have creating this series. So I hope you guys enjoy!

What gave me the idea for this series?

This series went through two rewrites. The original story for Arula was actually posted on Wattpad several years ago shortly after my Secrets Lie Within book was completed. I had only posted two chapters of the book before I decided to scrap it and forget about it entirely. When I first came up with the idea, I had always liked the idea of someone traveling to worlds through portals, and the idea of maybe the world they are traveling to, they had created it, and was known as "the Creator" as you hear Karma be called throughout the books. It was first deleted because as I typed the third chapter, I struggled greatly to see where this story was going and decided to stop writing it. Now what made me come back to it? A couple summer ago, I was sitting in my basement watching a show on Netflix called "The Shannara Chronicles". If you have never seen the show, it is basically about elves, dwarves, sorcerers, and humans and some type of war (I stopped watching the show after awhile). But as I was watching, this story that you have now read popped back into my head, because the show reminded me of my story (mostly because it had elves and dwarves in it and so did my story). And all of a sudden, a new reformed idea came into my head for this story and as soon as that episode ended, I jumped onto my computer and started writing what you now know as "World of Worlds".

Different Plot:

I had an entirely different plot for this series at first. As you know, book one was about the evil King, Termis, enslaving all the Clans. At first this was suppose to be the main adjective for Karma and her friends to accomplish throughout the series. But the more I begin to type the first book the more I realized that I couldn't type five books based on this one journey. There were too many plot holes that I could not fill in and too many of "what are our heroes going to do now?". So I came up the idea that, dethroning Termis will happen all in one book, then the rest of the series would have do with Karma dealing with issue in different Clans and places throughout her world. I felt pretty good about this, all up until I wrote the epilogue with our mysterious person at the end of book one.


Names are usually either really hard to come up with, or they come to you easy. When creating most of my unusual names, all I really did was take random pronunciation and sounded out whatever came out of my mouth. For an example, Dagner. When creating our lovable dwarf's name I took the first half the word dagger, so dag, and ended up pronouncing a name like dag-ner. Similar to dagger, I replaced the er sound with a n-er. Same goes for the towns and places with this world. Like Yunalla, the spite village. Took the random pronounce of young and Ella, but ridding the o and g from young and making it yun. Same goes for the name Arula. I took the world Are and the letter u and added the la to make Are-you-la; Arula.

Now making regular names, like Karma, Omar, Mika, Hope, and Jason, I had different reasons for those names. Karma's name actually originated from a dog's name. One of my good friends has a golden retriever dog named Karma. And I had never knew of someone, or some thing, called Karma. So he told them when I asked him about it, "karma can be good or bad, so you never know which on Karma (the dog) will be". And it stuck with me and when it came time to create Karma's name, my friend's words popped into my head and I loved it every since. Now Omar was a name I always wanted to use. The name floated from story plot to story but it never stayed long. Until creating the elf character, Omar was a name I thought fit perfect for someone who was an older brother or brother like figure. And when I created Omar, the name fit perfectly. Mika and Hope were both names that I came up with on the fly when writing the chapter about Omar's family being taken away from him. And funny enough, Mika's name also sort of originated from an animal. A cat this time. I had a cat called Meeko a couple years ago and he would always join me in the computer room when I did my writings. So when I came up with Mika, I basically did a female version of the name Meeko. And like I said before, Hope was a name that had randomly popped in my head. Jason was a name that I actually liked and wanted to use. I have a mental list in my brain of girl names and boy names that I really like and save most of them for stories that can put them in. And Jason was one of those names that I basically pulled out of a hat.

Lester's Purpose:

Now Lester wasn't part of story until the end of book one as I mentioned in last section. He was kind of a after thought. In World of Worlds there was part where Karma thought she was being watched, at first I wasn't going to a liberate anymore on that, it was just suppose to superstition or paranoia on Karma's part. But as I reached the end of book one, I thought back that moment and asked myself, "but what if Karma was really being watch?" So then came the weird rat-bat creature I came up with who was supposed to be Lester's little spy, and along came Lester whose name I never really at first mentioned until World of Light. (Bet you never caught that, uh? Go back to the part where Omar and Mika were talking about the safety of Arula.) So yes, I slowly incorporated Lester into the series and as our main villain.

Another idea had also popped into my head concerning Lester and Jason. As I was writing the series, I thought about Lester's and Jason's relationship. I thought about revealing that Lester was Jason's father who had ditched his family when Jason was young. As mentioned in World of War, Jason's father had left when he was just a kid and I never explained further on that. I thought about going back to that and revealing where his father had gone to... Arula. But unfortunately, the more I thought about it, the more I went against it. As much as an interesting twist it would have been, I had to think about Karma and who already was a hot mess after discovering the truth about her being a Creator of Arula. I couldn't allow two emotionally unstable characters at this point in the story. Jason needed to be there for Karma and help their relationship grow. 

Mika's and Hope's Purpose:

In my original writing, Mika and Hope were not the series. But as I was writing World of Worlds and was bringing you into Karma's and Omar's journey together, I slowly begin to see a small error. I pictured a bunch of my readers "shipping" Karma and Omar together (and trust I bet most of you did), and that was something that I did not want. They are strictly friends. So when Karma and Omar saved the sprite Agla from being sold at a slave auction, I took that moment to create the characters Mika and Hope. They were a way to prevent any shipping from happening between Karma and Omar. Because right from the start of series, I had always planned on Jason coming into Arula and have Karma and Jason have a relationship together.

Though I am sad to reveal that I did wish I had done more with Mika's character. I actually do like her character and was a great aspect to Karma's team, but most of the time I put Mika in the position of keeping an eye of her child, Hope. Which is why in World of Beauty, I made Omar fall sick. I wanted to give Mika the spot light as much as possible but I also had to make sure that she wasn't negating her daughter just to go off on some type of journey. Which is why of course I made sure that Hope was put in a safe location in book four before I had Mika go on a life threatening journey.

Original Death:

Ok, so, originally, Dagner wasn't suppose to be the one who died in World of Fire. At first I wanted it to Omar. I figured as much since he and Karma are close friends and would die protecting the Creator/his friend and his family and clan. But I scrapped it almost immediately. It wasn't fair for me to kill off a very close friend of Karma's, not mention leaving Mika a widow and Hope fatherless. I couldn't bring myself to kill him off, but I knew I had to kill someone off and sadly enough, Dagner was the next choice. He was twice as loyal and more than willing to die for his world, clan, and friends. It a tough decision and I myself felt sadden as I wrote his death.

Original Traitor:

To be honest, I really felt bad for Dagner. I originally planned for him to the traitor instead of Yuza. I felt that having a traitor in Karma's group would have more of an impact and later on Dagner would have his redemption for betraying his friends. But I thought it was way out of his character to betray his friends even if the cloaked man had threatened him in someway or form. So I used a character that would be trusted by Karma but would not have too much of an impact, since she already had to  deal with creator fact and all.

Creature add in's and out's:

There are a lot of creatures in Arula, and sadly enough, not all of them made it into the final cut of my story. I had made tons creations of creatures that I wanted to add into this series, but there just wasn't enough time to do so. (If you were here during the first post of "Arula's Inhabitants before I hand drew all of the creatures, then you would have seen some the creatures that were suppose to be in the story, like the Fruz. It was suppose to be a weird frog, chameleon, hummingbird creature that I thought about and found a google image of one and called it that, but unfortunately I couldn't find a place for him in the books and was scrapped from story.) To replace some other creatures that were dismissed from the story I created the hormel that Karma and co. ride in World of Fire. As much fun it was to create so many weird and exciting creatures, I ultimately had to make very tough decisions on which creatures stays and which ones go.

Small Town and Houses:

I had always liked the idea of living in a small town where you can walk to and from school or to the store and work. My town is small, but nothing that is in complete walking distance, sadly enough. So I always like to put my characters into small towns because that's what I've always wanted to live in. So Lake Side Valley was created.

The house that Karma and her family grew up in was based off of my grandparents house. My grandparents live in a neighborhood where they have woods behind them. As a kid I had always wanted to go and explore those woods, but was never allowed (too dirty and the occasional ticks). So I imagined that there was this whole world in those woods and that's when I came up with the idea to have an abandon treehouse where Karma often visits in the book.


So, if you have read this series from the very  beginning, (the unedited version) I've mentioned  the clan's tongues A LOT, but I never actually had a set language for the clans. When you read the parts when they are talking in their own tongue, I just italic the parts so you knew that they speaking in a different tongue other than English, but it just wasn't the same. so during this book, World of Fire, I've decided to actually had different languages to the story. After watching the Hobbits and (for the first time) the Lord of Rings series, I had saw that the elves or the orcs would speak in a different tongue and it made me think that I really need to add that into my story. But not knowing how to exactly create a language from scratch, I've decided to take already existing languages and combining some of them together to create one tongue of each of my tribes. I did this because I wanted you as the reader to experience the Clan's culture. And adding language is one major thing that helps. In order to you understand what languages my characters speak its this,

Elves- mixture between Italian and French

Dwarves- mixture of Scottish gaelic and german.

Dragons- latin

Goblins- mixture of Spanish and English

Ogres- mixture of African and India

Sprites- mixture of Italian and Spanish 

Humans- of course English

Alternate Ending:

At first I had a set ending on how to wrap up the series. Like the first book, the villain's end would happen at the throne room. Originally I had Karma fight the cloaked man there. While the cloaked man was reciting the words, a distraction came (Angel attacking him) and Karma was able to run up to the book and close it shut to prevent the titans from coming out. She then there would have fought Lester and by some way either killing him or defeating him (I had not work out the fine details of that part yet). Our hero wins! Yeah! Karma got to keep her book and continue on creating which led to an extra part of the final chapter where you see Karma getting up in the middle to draw in her book only to find out that the book was completely finished and Karma was no longer the Creator.

I had this ending in mind for a long while now. But that changed very quickly when I got to the final scene. In the spur of the moment, I switched up tactics. I made a quick decision, much like Karma, to destroy the book to officially prevent any of the titans from escaping and had a better set plan on how finish off our villain. And with that change came the epilogue.

Since the first book I've planning on how to write the final epilogue. Something that help wrap up the series. My first idea was Dennis, Karma's younger brother. Dennis would discover a letter written by Karma explaining her planned disappearance and the world she created. This was an ending that I had hoped would bring some closure to Dennis as he excepts this and looses his grudge against his sister.

Another epilogue ending was at the farmhouse where a young boy was exploring his grandparents house shortly after their death (yes morbid I know). He along with his parents and aunt were cleaning out the old house. The young boy ends up finding a book (karma's book). Which brought up a lot of questions. Boys father discovers his son and the book and starts to remember the fond memories of Arula, having to grown up there. Then starts to tell the boy about the girl and the magical book.

Now I got stuck because I like both but needed an ending that would suit my series and wrap it up nicely. In the end I decided with the farmhouse ending, but instead had two brothers explore their grandparents attic, and having their grandparents bring much alive. It was an ending that I was satisfied with on both accounts and I hope you like the final cuts as much I did.

So what is next?
Editing- I will be spending most of my time editing this series and my other series. For the most part book one and two of this series has been fairly well edited and to what wanted it to be. Those two will go through some minor editing as I know there are some grammar, misspells, and word missing in those two books, but boom three up until book five there will be major changes. I know that I've neglected editing and putting forth the effort in those books. Unfortunately dealing with school and having a crappy computer at the time, it was torment to write the books (especially with a computer that lagged insanely). Not only that but I didn't put what really wanted to in those books, for instances, in book three part two where I introduced Jason there was supposed to be more chapters where you get to explore Karma's hometown and get to knew Jason a little bit more before I shoved him into Arula. But I was so excited to get him into Arula and have him in the situation that I wanted him in, that I just fast forward the process. I really want to spend the opportunity of doing what I really want to do. Another thing I want to edit is the characters. I have also neglected the characters and have shamefully forgotten to put in the characters, such as Shari and Yuza, I've kept forgetting to add them when they were suppose to be there. Which is why I killed off Yuza as quickly as I could. But I do want to go back and add those characters in where they're suppose to be added. And not that but of course fixing the grammar, spelling, and missing words errors.

Books- unfortunately this will be it for me as far as putting out any more new books on Wattpad. Right now I am in college and just can't keep up with school and writing on here and along with dealing with my own personal life. I wish to take a break from Wattpad, but do not fret, my books will still be available for you all to read and I will still be on here editing this series and my other ones as well as reading some books on here that I've been wanting to read. I hope that once I have found a good spot where I can breath, I hope to return to Arula and write a collection of short stories about the residents of Arula. But for now, I am sticking to editing the series and my other series rather than writing anything new at the moment.

Special Thanks

I would like to thank my friends and family for expiring me to write and helping me create characters and worlds. I would also like thank the people who made my wonderful covers for me (those listed below made my old covers, but they are great designers and I loved the old covers they had made for me):
World of Worlds- -Rinii-
World of Light- cellowarrior13
World of War- bradford_bad_gurl1
World of Beauty- noxed-up
World of Fire- {unfortunately the wonderful person who did this cover is no longer on Wattpad, but I would love to still thank you for making me this awesome cover}

So thank you all for making me my covers, they are wonderful and I love them!

I also want to thank you guys. Without you I wouldn't have the courage and determination to keep writing this series. So thank you. I hope you guys enjoyed reading this journey as much as I enjoyed writing it.

I hoped that you guys enjoyed this little fun facts page and the Arula Series.

Until next time!


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