2: You Only Hurt Your Loved Ones
Da song is "Warrior" by Demi Lovato because- well you'll see why and le picture is Nightwing crying- again you'll see why.
For the next five months, Wally refused to talk to Nightwing, who now cried himself to sleep every single night. Nightwing still lead the team, but he wouldn't talk much except to give orders.
Meanwhile, the Alpha team watched as their fearless leader, the fucking boy wonder, was reduced to a hollow shell of his former self. Oh, and whenever Wally would grip Nightwing's forearm to report about his mission whenever Dick sent him out into the field, Dick would winch slightly. However, no matter if Dick was a trained ninja or not, the original Young Justice team saw this very clearly for they had been on a team with Nightwing for years.
"Alright guys, I have intel that Black Mantra's men are trying to steal some technology," Nightwing said in a short, cut tone- just like the one he had been using for the past five months. All of the team was there, with Nightwing in front of them.
"Are you sure about that, boy blunder?" Kid Flash asked. Everyone remained quiet as the former boy wonder looked at his past best friend. "What, you're not going to answer me? Typical bat behavior."
All of a sudden, three bat-a-rangs were thrown, all aimed for Wally. One was from Robin, one from Batgirl, and one from Nightwing.
"Yes, Kid Idiot, I'm sure about that," Dick started. "But are you sure you want to insult the three people on the team who can kill you on the spot?"
Batgirl and Robin smirked as all of the team took a step back from the three bat kids.
"Now, does anyone else have any complaints?" Dick asked, a small smirk on his face. The team shook their heads. "Good. Now, Robin, Batgirl, Miss Martin, and Aqualad, I'm sending you in on this matter. Good luck, and I expect a mission report."
The four people on the mission nodded. Nightwing left for his room without another word. Kid Flash followed him.
"Grayson," Wally called out when they were halfway to Dick's room. Nightwing stiffened instantly and started to walk faster. Kid Flash used his speed to catch up to his former best friend.
"Why didn't you put me on the mission?" Kid Flash asked. Nightwing snorted.
"It's a stealth mission. You wouldn't last a minute on it," Nightwing answered curtly and rushed toward the safety of his room. Kid Flash glared at Nightwing's retreating back. He turned around and sulked back to his room, his stomach fluttering for some weird reason.
"Report," Nightwing answered as he saw Kaldur and Megan into his room.
"There's planning to make a machine to start a storm and knock out all life on Earth." Megan answered.
"Can you hack into it?" Dick asked curtly. Megan and and Kaldur nodded, confused.
"I'll take it out as soon as it starts," Dick said in a small voice. He really didn't want to die, but the person he loves clearly would like to see him dead than to be with him. Megan bit her lip and left, tears in her eyes. She hated to see one of her best friends reduced to this, absolutely hated it. She went right to Wally's room to give the goddamned speedster a piece of her mind.
Meanwhile Kaldur remained in Dick's room. "You are not just doing this to save the world, you're doing it to get away from Wally," Kaldur stated, folding his arms and looking at the broken bird. Dick nodded and went to go grab his belt- which he had thrown carelessly onto the ground along with his gloves, mask, and boots. "Why?"
"It's the only way to make everyone happy. I close the storm by hacking into the machine in the middle so naturally, everyone's happy no one gets hurt. But I have to get in close and even if the storm ends, there is a possibility that I could die. And if I do, Wally could celebrate cause the one person that he hates the most is going to be dead," Dick answered with a quivering voice. Kaldur blinked once and set his hand on the former boy wonder's shoulder.
"Nightwing, I'm sure Wally won't be happy with your death," Aqualad said. Dick shook his head and laughed bitterly.
"Kaldur, he looks at me with disdain. He only talks to me when it's about a mission and whenever Artemis is mentioned, he glares daggers at me. Tell me, which part of that suggests that he doesn't want me dead?" Nightwing asked, his voice still shaky and filled with hurt, which did not go unnoticed by Kaldur.
Kaldur nodded. "If I cannot change your mind about this, then I wish you the best of luck, my old friend. I hope you make it back alive." Nightwing nodded and Kaldur left the room.
During this, Megan was scolding Wally. "Why the hell should I care?" Wally snorted. Megan growled. Dick was going to kill her for this, but she said it anyway.
"Because he likes you, you bastard!" Megan hiss. Now, Miss Martin doesn't cuss usually, but when she is really pissed off, she could cuss worse than a sailor. Wally's eyes went wide.
"What?" He squeaked. His former best friend liked him, and he had been making him feel like shit the past few months. Oh god, what had he done?
Wally felt his world crash around him. He had to talk to Dick, now. "Where is he?"
Megan glared at the speedster before answering curtly, "Training room."
Wally rushed out of the room and to where he hopefully find Nightwing. And there he was, throwing bat-a-rangs at a practice dummy. Wally gulped and spoke up.
"Hey," Wally said, biting his lip. Nightwing grunted in response. "So, um, Megan told me something-"
"It's not true anymore, West. Now leave me alone so I can train," Nightwing snapped at Kid Flash. Wally winched, he supposed he deserved that.
"But how do you stop having a crush on someone?" Wally asked. Dick stopped throwing bat-a-rangs and looked at him.
"It's quite easy when the person you like is a complete bastard to you, now, what did you tell me a few months ago? Ah, right- fuck off," Dick snapped at him again just as his communicator buzzed. Nightwing picked it up and frowned at the message. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a storm to stop."
Wally looked at the retreating back of Nightwing, his heart feeling as if it was being squeezed. Meanwhile, Nightwing was close to tears. Wally played it so carelessly, as if he was some sort of toy for the speedster to play with.
"Why the hell did you let Nightwing go through his plan!?" Wally snarled, his face one of complete anger.
"Like you'd care what happens to him," Robin snorted, obviously not wanting to talk to the guy who hurt his brother so much. "Besides, he told me it is the only way to make everyone happy. He closes the storm by hacking into the machine in the middle so naturally, we're happy no one gets hurt. Of course Nightwing has to get in close and even if the storm ends, he'll probably die so you can throw a party now, just don't expect me to come," the bird snarled. "You have no fucking idea how much you hurt him and now you can finally be happy 'cause there's only a slim chance he'll live. I hope you're finally happy, West, 'cause as sure hell I'm not."
Wally was out of the mountain and racing to the scene of the catastrophe about to happen before Robin could yell at him even more. He already lost Artemis, he can't lose Dick too. He just can't. And he was pretty sure that the felt something for the guy- something he hadn't even felt from Artemis. He hoped he had the guts to tell him- if Dick lived. No, Dick wasn't gonna die. He was going to live.
As soon as he got there, the storm was gone. No, he was not too late- he can't be. The ginger spotted a black clad body, struggling to get up. Wally sighed with relief and raced over to the body.
Dick smiled to himself. The storm was gone, but he was pretty sure he broke a rib or two and the poor bird was sore all over. "Dick," a familiar voice said as the person flipped him over and Nightwing felt himself being cradled within the person's arms. Said person was stroking his cheek gently. "Don't- don't ever scare me like that again."
Dick didn't reply, for he felt himself slipping into unconsciousness. The teen coughed, blood dripping down his chin which worried the speedster currently holding him.
"Don't you dare die on me. Don't you dare. I already lost Artemis and sure as hell I'm not letting you die!" Wally said, wiping the blood away as he felt the team nearing. Dick's eyes fluttered half closed. "That's- that's a promise I can keep," the injured teen choked out. Come on guys, hurry up.
"Don't please Dick, I can't lose you too!" Wally insisted, feeling he was close to crying when he saw Dick's eyes beginning to close completely. "Not- not a prom-ise I can keep," the teen mumbled tiredly, and in reality, he was tired. "Wally, I'm sorry," the teen whispered, his strength gone and his eyes just about closed.
"No, don't you dare apologize! It's my fault. My fault Artemis died," Wally insisted. Dick shook his head weakly, almost numbly. "I'm sorry that I can't hold on any longer," the bird mumbled, his vision already darkness. "No," Wally mumbled as his crush's body went limp in his arms. No, Dick wasn't dead. Not dead... Just unconscious. The speedster picked up the fallen bird in his arms bridal style, watching in horror as Dick's head fell back as if he truly was- no, West, don't even think about it. But... What if Dick ended up like Jason? Wally couldn't handle that. Pulling Dick into his chest, Wally ran to base, passing the team.
Young Justice watched as a blue and black blur whizzed by, heading towards base. "West found Nightwing," Robin muttered. "Back to base," the bird ordered, turning around and beginning to run in the direction of base, the other members following. Miss Martian, Superboy, and Kaldur ran the fastest as thus this was their leader but also their friend. One thing went unsaid between Dick's old team (Miss Martian, Superboy, Aqualad, and Zatanna) and they all agreed to it; they all blamed Wally for putting Artemis' death on Dick shoulders thus causing him to follow through with his crazy plan.
If Nightwing ever did wake up, sure as hell they were going to make sure that Wallace Rudolph West didn't go anywhere near Nightwing.
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