41- Odette

I don't think you care to hear about our long perilous journey from Montana to New York.

All you need to know is we are exhausted because it took four days...

We check into our hotel, a cozy little place just around the corner from Times Square.

I throw my suitcase on one of the cushy beds and admit, "I still can't believe my parents would let me travel alone with you to New York City."

Chris chuckles. "We've been home alone together a million times."

"Yeah but that was before our 'status changed,'" I say sarcastically, using air quotes.

Chris shrugs. "True. I'm just glad they let us. They can trust us. We're big almost-college kids."

Odette lets out a big sigh.

"What the hell are we gonna do for college?" I ask.

"Gee, Odette, we came here to get away from worrying about all that," Chris says, coming over and putting his arm around me.

I remember the countless times I'd popped in a quick word about our Africa trip since we started dating... And I remember the one time, I had admitted that a big piece of my heart was still there-and that it doesn't show signs of going away...

I think about bringing this up again. Telling him that maybe if I go back I'll better be able to find closure or maybe... My life is there.

I'm so torn.... Africa felt like home... Kids like Ayana could be my whole world. But Chris... Chris and all the girls... They....

"I... Eh, you're right," is all I get out of my mouth...

He kisses my cheek and rubs my shoulder.

"Let's get some sleep," he suggests. "Tomorrow we've got seats for the hottest show on Broadway!"

I smirk at him and his big dopey grin.

"I don't understand how you afforded all this-"

"Women and your worries!" he teases.

I furrow my eyebrows and start laughing, mostly in confusion. "Wha... What the heck is that supposed to mean?"

"You're always worried about... How things happened and you get distracted from the fact that they did. We're in New York City, just embrace it!"

"Don't tell me what to do," I snarl sarcastically, before breaking character immediately and collapsing into a puddle of laughter on the bed, unable to stop myself.

"For the love of my good family name..." Chris chuckles.

For some reason-probably having to do with the fact that I'm near delirious with exhaustion-this statement makes me laugh even harder.

"Your good family name???" I practically screech, not even knowing what's wrong with me anymore. "Who said your family had a good name???"

Chris sticks his hand in his pocket and watches me fall apart in front of his very eyes. Tears are spilling out and my sides hurt so bad but u can't stop.

My vision is blurry so I don't see Chris move but before I know it he's on the other side of the bed, whacking me with my pajamas.

"Someone needs a good night's sleep," he teases, the smile bright on his face.

I take a deep breath and wipe my eyes. "You're correct," I sigh. Then I mischievously smirk and say, "Which is a rare thing to happen."

Chris just shrugs and says, "True," and it takes all of me to not launch into another five minute laughing fit.

"Anyway, can I have the shower first?" I ask.

"Go for it."

"Thanks. Can't wait for tomorrow!"


Even though we went to bed at an unholy hour, we were still up at seven in the morning, ready to explore the city before the show started at two.

We went to Central Park, and Chris let me spend loads of time shopping-and no, not at Forever 21. We were in the Disney Store, and the M&M store... Stores like that. The cool kid ones.

Anyway, throughout the whole day, I couldn't for the life of me think what that other "surprise" could be.

But finally, something is able to distract me-we walk into a Broadway theater and are about to watch Hamilton!!!!

I can hardly-oh who am I kidding-I CAN'T contain my excitement. I'm literally slipping into the theater and into the row where we are sitting.

We're two rows from the front of the balcony.

"Well, this ain't bad at all!" I say, convinced I'm going to pee my pants from excitement.

Tmi? Sorry.

Anyway, Chris just smiles and wraps my fingers in with his. "If you like it from here wait till we get the chance to walk on it."


I jerk my head to face him and if my eyes bulged anymore I think they'd fall out.


He just sits there, laughing. I can't tell if he's happy cause I'm excited or if he's happy cause he enjoys watching me lose my marbles.

But of course, being us, we were two minutes from being late. So the lights go down... And I feel like I'm going to explode from excitement as that opening sequence plays.


The show ends and I can't even get up because I'm just so happy. Chris stands up and says, "Well, that was great."

"Great?" I challenge. "It was fantastic."

He chuckles and sends me a curious glance. "You had too much excitement for one day? Should I cancel the second surprise your sister almost spoiled?" he teases.

"What?!? Noooo!" I reply, shooting out of my seat.

He grins. "Let's wait for these people to file out. Then we go talk to a stage manager named Mike. He's required to watch us but don't worry, they'll have one lady from the cast walking around the set with us and-"

"This is a THING?" I screech. "I can't breath..."

"We'll find some oxygen honey, you're about to meet Eliiiiiizzzaaa!"

Aw! He sang the word Eliza! Wait-


"Yes ma'am!" Chris announces.

He takes my hand and practically drags me down the stairs and into the main theater, while I try to find my own feet.

I can't help but notice the there's a lot of color rushing to Chris's cheeks. Like... A crap TON... That only happened when he's nervous...?

I'm sure I look pink as anything too though. My heart thumps inside my chest as I am led up the stairs to a BROADWAY stage about to meet one of my favorite actresses...

"Hi there!" Phillipa freaking Soo says.

"Hi," I squeak. "You were absolutely amazing today!"

She gushes, "You all are too sweet!" Who do have the pleasure of meeting?"

"Oh umm... I'm Odette! This is Chris."

We both shake her hand...

I'm literally going to die! Best way to die though; dying from happiness ain't that bad at all.

"Are either of you a involved in musical theater? Like as an actor?"

I blush and raise my hand a little. "I have been. I do love it."

She smiles at Chris and then at me.

"How would you like to learn some of the steps for my character, Eliza?" she asks.

I grin wider than I ever have in my life.

"I'd love that!"

I grin at Chris, whose face... Suddenly seems to have been drained of all color?

I quickly mouth, you ok? at him and he's quick to smile and nod.

Still a bit concerned, I follow Phillipa to stage left and Chris backs up a bit. I face the thousands of chairs out in front of me and smile.

"Look into my eyes and the skies the limit I'm helpless!"

Phillipa slowly sings one of her sons and goes through the simple, yet loveable dance moves.

Embarrassed, I slowly go through it.

She applauds me enthusiastically.

"You're a fast learner!" she says. "Now, in just a moment we're going to turn around and head back. But not till I say ok?"

I nod and smile bit this is slowly getting creepy. The next voice that reaches my ears is Chris's.

"Now... Before you turn around. There's a lot that I need to say before you slap me in the face or something. Yes, your Dad knows and no I didn't go against his will..." He chuckles a little and.... I don't even know what to say. This is all so unreal and I've got a big feeling the biggest surprise is yet to come.

What is happening?

"You can turn around now honey," Phillipa says.

Slowly, painfully slowly, I turn around. And about flip my you-know-what.

Chris has an open box in his hand... And he's down on one knee.

I gasp and bring my hand to my face, just about ready to bawl like a baby. Chris... Chris... It's too soon don't...

"I know we're young Odette. I know we've still got a lot to discover about ourselves and each other. All I'm asking is that you'll say us to us. Because even if we've all been dating for a year and half, we've known each almost all our lives and there's no one I'd rather spent the rest of my life with."

My eyes are waterfalls and I'm shaking uncontrollably.

"Listen Odette, I know the one thing that makes you question us, is Africa. Even when we don't talk about it I see it in your eyes, I feel it in your very presence. So Odette, I got us jobs working at the same school we were volunteers at this past summer.

Whenever we say "I do" doesn't matter to me. If we need years more, I'm ok with that. Just promise you'll be mine... Always."

I'm shaking so bad... My heart is beating out of my chest... I can hardly breath... So I just nod... Because this... Is so perfect.

Finally I squeak out, "Yes!"

I can feel his nervousness melt away as he slowly stands up. I help him hold the box as he struggles to get the ring out with one hand. Once he's successful, he slides the simple yet priceless diamond ring on my finger.

He wipes the tears from one of my cheeks and I barely notice Phillipa and the random stage manger clapping for us.

Chris smiles and teases, "You're a big softie inside aren't you?"

I let out a whimper and whine, "It's your fault Chris, it's your fault!"

He laughs and we hold each other close and share a kiss.

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