3 - What If The Hero

Tubbo wasn't an idiot, he noticed how hostile Tommy and Ranboo began to act towards one another. When they sat on the couch, Tubbo had to sit between them, or none of them would sit (Or, they'd fight.). Tommy kept eyeing Ranboo, as if the other would try to do something. Ranboo did the same.

Sometimes either of them would shift slightly when they thought Tubbo wasn't looking, making non-verbal threats constantly. Tubbo pretended not to notice each time, keeping an eye on the two Walkers. He asked both of them in private about what they were exactly (Wood Walker? Cave Walker? There are types of Walkers? History never taught that. How many types are there? Apparently alot. Tubbo never wanted to encounter a Fire Walker.)

"I'm a Wood Walker." Tommy had said, shrugging. "Simple as that. My territory is the Boreal Forest, named for it's harshness. I'm it's guardian."

Tommy had showed his wrist to Tubbo, shifting between human and Walker forms to show the marking. He had a leaf that looked painfully engraved onto his wrist, while in human form, it looked like a tattoo. 

"Each Walker has a unique print carved onto their wrist. It shows their past and their family." Tommy had explained, "Mine means I'm descended from a famous Wood Walker, Leaf. The lines here-," He pointed a claw- "Show my name. Tremble." Tommy looked away, grumbling, "I hate that name."

When Tubbo had asked Ranboo about it, he gave a more detailed explanation. 

"Oh, well, I'm a hybrid." He gestured to the way he had a bat flying infront of a moon engraved into his wrist. "See, the bat is a unique symbol, showing I'm related to Bat, the Cave Walker. The bat not only represents my blood, but it also represents my natural speed." Ranboo paused, letting Tubbo take in the information.

"And the moon represents Aster, one of the first Moon Dwellers." Ranboo saddened slightly. "She was my immediate mother. Walkers reproduce by rituals, and the first walkers are made by humans summoning demons. A new, flat-lined- Flat-lined meaning no family- has a pentagram, or some kind of satanic symbol. Eventually that dies out if the walker reproduces. Walkers are forbidden to preform rituals with Walkers of other breeds. My mother was... Strongly disliked by her tribe, to say the least. She didn't make it."

"But!" Ranboo instantly shifted moods again. "I'm valuable! I'm worth millions in the Walker World. I could just go into a society and instantly be trapped and sold, hung in a cage on display for all of eternity, but I'd rather not."

Tubbo was interested on how little was said, yet Ranboo managed to spread it out over longer sentences. Clearly there was something he was hiding, there must be. Walkers are legends, famed for being able to gift wealth and good fortune. Sometimes you'd find a city that's been around for thousands of years, and you'd see a wishing well with a Walker carved onto it. Or, if you were like someone named Vegas, you'd find a well in the middle of the forest, overgrown with age. And if you were crazy like Vegas, you'd reach out and push the poison ivy aside, digging through plants even I couldn't name, just to see the Walker's delicately carved face.

Vegas was always a special one. Always lost in vwoops head and daydreaming of monsters.


The next day...


Tubbo woke up to two very aggravated Walkers, circling each other in the main room. Their tails lashed and their teeth were bared, but that vanished as soon as Tubbo cleared his throat. When he announced himself, the Walkers froze for a second, jumping over themselves to shift back to normal and pretend to be very interested in a conversation.

"Right? Isn't that weird?" Tommy asked, not looking at Tubbo yet.

"Totally, very weird." Ranboo tilted his head backwards. "Oh, hey Tubbo, good morning, just me and Tommy having a normal conversation."

"Yeahh," Tommy chimed in, "Me and Rammy, yep."

Tubbo stayed quiet, lifting his eyebrows and crossing his arms.

Tommy and Ranboo's forms fell slightly, and they winced, exchanging a glance, before hate flashed in their eyes. It was clear they shared the same exact thought; "You did this."

"Alright, that's it, explain to me the entire story. Don't just stay mad at each other, dickheads! I will not be able to go on another day with you two quarreling." Tubbo hissed, throwing himself in a comfy chair before they could protest. "Starting with Ranboo. Tommy, go outside or something, just in case you interrupt or try to match his story but differently."

"Wha- fuck you, Luna. Who the fuck names their kit Luna? Shit name." Tommy grumbled as he walked outside, going somewhere into the yard. If he had to guess, Tommy would try to climb the tree, or use the swing. Tubbo waited until he could no longer hear footsteps, and did finger guns to Ranboo. "Alright, go."

"Um, okay, so, uh, well, it started when..."


"-And the prick's been stealing my friends since!" Tommy explained, his tail lashing dangerously. "He- he took the critters! How can someone be so cruel? I couldn't give a fuck about ones outside of my territory, but the ones that are inside mine, I know everything about! I love them! They're my friends! He can't just... Do that! It's like, a law! If he was a Wood Walker, he'd understand." 

"Well, how many is he taking and when?" Tubbo asked, tilting his head. 

"All of them, every week!" Tommy hissed, his tail coming to a halt. "It's not my fault he chose a shitty dimension! He should've considered his lack of food! He sacrifices the animals to some kind of god, Tubbo, he is insane!"

"Woah, woah, woah, both of you left the sacrificial shit out, what?" Tubbo stumbled mentally. 

"Yeah, he cooks some of them and eats 'em, but then he keeps some alive and burn them alive, looking to the skies like he just gave them t- wait, the first thing I said about Ranboo being a cave-dweller was that he kept sacrificing animals." Tommy looked at Tubbo.

"What? No," Tubbo tried to think back, tilting his head. "No, no, you didn't, you simply called him a cave-dweller, that's it."

"Oh, god, you're turning into Ranboo of the Dream SMP." Tommy groaned, his ears folding against his head. 

"The sacrificial thing is weird. I'll maybe try to ask about it," Tubbo nodded, trying to come up with a way to approach the subject without sounding stupid or suspicious. Come on, how do you ask if someone's been doing rituals and sacrificing live animals?

That's definitely something Tubbo might want to work on.


Who's Vegas?

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