Chapter Nine - FINALE
(For this chapter, I actually made a Spotify playlist! You'll see why I did that about two paragraphs in, so I'm linking it here in case anyone would like to listen to it. I compiled it from songs Seonghwa has actually recommended and also added songs I think he would listen to.)
San rests his head against the plexiglass window of the airplane. A smile spreads across his face when he thinks about how he's meeting Seonghwa the next morning. San begins to wonder how tall he will be compared to him and if he will be the same amazing man he met in their own little wonderland. Of course he's going to be, San feels his body heat up thinking about the moment they'll meet in person for the first time. He hopes he won't be too incredibly nervous. Gosh, he really hopes he doesn't make a fool of himself in front of him.
San puts on his headphones and turns on a playlist that Seonghwa had recommended to him. Seonghwa told San that he made that playlist just for San to listen to on the plane. San closes his eyes as the slow songs start. He smiles, learning that Seonghwa likes more ballad-like songs that are easy to listen to. He finds that a few of them cause him to get a bit emotional, thinking of his love as he listens.
San eventually falls asleep on the plane, sleeping through most of the flight while the playlist plays in his ears.
Seonghwa has been feeling anxious all day, knowing that San would be coming home to Korea tonight. He's been wondering if they'll disappear from each other's dreams once they finally meet. What if they disappear tonight since San will be back in Korea with Seonghwa?
Seonghwa also wonders how close together they live since he remembers that San is also friends with Yunho. Yunho makes friends with everyone so easily. Seonghwa is so happy to have such a good friend like Yunho in his life.
That night, San finally gets back to his home. His grandparents picked him up from the airport in Seoul and he's going to be staying with them tonight. He excitedly talked to them about his plans for tomorrow with Seonghwa.
San's grandparents are happy to see their little grandson so happy and excited about something. Not that he isn't like that most of the time, but they have always hoped for their baby to find love. San's grandparents are more open than most about a lot of topics. They would never turn their grandson away for loving a man. They've just wanted him to find happiness, they didn't care what their gender was as long as they treat him well.
San unpacks some of his stuff, trying to lay out what he's going to wear to meet Seonghwa at the train station tomorrow. He's so excited to visit Jeju with him. He just knows that they're going to have an incredible time, especially since San has a few things planned for them to do when they get there. He puts his list of plans he made for them in the pocket of the jacket he laid out to wear tomorrow. He hopes that it's not too cold and windy to do anything.
Seonghwa is lying in bed that night, staring at this ceiling as he's scared to sleep and San not be there with him. He doesn't know how this whole dream wonderland they share works. Seonghwa eventually curls up on his side under the covers and drifts off to sleep, thinking of the day ahead of him.
San falls asleep that night, but he doesn't wake up in the bed him and Seonghwa normally do. He's fallen back into his previously normal dreams he had before Seonghwa. San's normal dreams are seemingly like a flashback, it being to when his parents and grandparents saw him off at the airport for his semester in America. When he gets on the plane in the dream, however, his seatmate is Seonghwa.
San sits next to Seonghwa on the plane in his dream and they connect on the plane and San winds up falling asleep on Seonghwa's shoulder for the majority of the ride.
Soon, San wakes up. Actually wakes up. He sits up in his bed at his grandparents' home and smiles. San shakes his head, guessing that he and Seonghwa's wonderland is now completed since San is back in South Korea.
Seonghwa's suspicions of them not being in their dreams together since San's close proximity turns out to be correct when he has a normal dream that night.
Seonghwa's dreams started with him getting onto the train at the KTX, he didn't know why San wasn't at the station. They had said that's where they would meet, so why is Seonghwa getting on the train already? Seonghwa sits on the train and a few seconds later he feels an intense impact and everything goes black. He wakes up in his bed in a sweat, panting hard as he looks around his room. Thank god it was just a dream.
Seonghwa grabs his phone and checks the time.
6:00 AM
Seonghwa hoped to leave his house at seven that morning so he would be able to be there a few minutes before San. He wanted to try and ease his anxiety about finally meeting him. After getting to the station, he purchases their tickets and sits where they had planned to meet.
San gets dressed in the clothes he had laid out for himself and puts on his jacket, patting his pocket with the note of activities for him and Seonghwa to do. San leaves his bedroom and goes to the kitchen, his grandma standing there cooking some breakfast.
"Sannie, good morning. Are you leaving already? I was cooking up some breakfast for us," San's grandma says, smiling warmly when she sees how nicely San is dressed, "He's a lucky boy, I'll tell you that."
San smiles big and chuckles, "I think I'm the lucky one, grandma," he goes over and gives her a big hug and kiss on the cheek, "I'm sorry I can't stay for breakfast, but I'll be home tonight for dessert. I know you always make your famous patbingsu for the holidays."
"I'll be sure to save you a bowl, Sannie. Be careful today please, and don't get into too much trouble," she laughs.
"I'll be good, grandma. I love you," San says as he walks out the door, heading to the KTX station. He can feel his heart beating faster and faster the closer he gets to the station. Seonghwa seemed like he would be tall with those long legs, but he's hoping they'll be around the same height. San can't help but smile giddily as he thinks of Seonghwa.
San shoves his hands into his pockets, the cold breeze hitting him as he walks into the station. San looks around, looking for the spot they agreed to meet at. They were going to meet at the large Christmas tree in the center of the waiting area. San spots the giant tree and starts going towards it, his breathing started to quicken, causing his breath to be more visible.
Seonghwa is sitting on a bench by the tree, checking the time.
7:15 AM
Seonghwa puts his hands back into his pockets to keep them warm. He thinks about how San should be getting here any minute now, their meeting time having been this exact time. Their tickets are for 7:25 AM.
Seonghwa looks around the station, keeping an eye out for San. He wonders what he will be like in person. Will they be the same height? His body looked so small and fit, so Seonghwa assumes San will be a bit shorter than him.
San sees a man sitting on a bench in front of the Christmas tree and he gets excited, wanting to surprise him. San sneaks up on the man and touches his shoulders, "BOO!" He giggles, but the man turns around and it is not Seonghwa. A wave of embarrassment passes over San as he realizes he just scared a stranger and he immediately begins apologizes, explaining how he was mistaken when there's a tap on his shoulder.
San turns around after the touch and it feels like his breathing comes to a halt as he stares back at the boy that's been in his dreams for all these months.
San's eyes start to water uncontrollably when he sees him, unable to withhold himself as he wraps his arms around him tightly, "Seonghwa!" San says, sounding out of breath.
Seonghwa smiles widely as San gives him such a surprising hug, but he wraps his arms around him as well, "I knew it was you right when I saw you, San..." Seonghwa whispers into San's ear, feeling all these intense emotions bubbling to the surface as he is finally physically with his love.
San sniffles and pulls back to look up into Seonghwa's gorgeous brown eyes, still keeping his arms around him, "I wish I could say the same," he laughs, still feeling embarrassed from the mishap he had, "I might've scared a stranger thinking it was you," San explains as he nervously steps back from Seonghwa, knowing they're still in public and have been in an embrace for quite a few moments longer than most common people would consider normal.
Seonghwa laughs when San tells him the story, "Oh, I know. I was wondering why you were going up to that man!" Seonghwa pulls out their tickets, spreading them to show he already bought San's.
San rubs the back of his head in embarrassment, but then he takes the ticket, "Ah, thank you, Hwa... I'll pay you back, I promise!"
Seonghwa shakes his head, "There's no need. You being here right now is the best payback I could ever receive in my life."
San feels heat rush to his cheeks and it's not from the cold. He tries to look away from Seonghwa, but Seonghwa wills his gaze back to him as he grabbed ahold of his hand and puts it into his jacket pocket so he can keep their hands warm together.
"Hwa-" San starts shyly, but he doesn't move his hand from Seonghwa's grasp or from being in Seonghwa's jacket pocket.
"Hmm?" Seonghwa gives him a joyous smile, happy that they're able to hold hands, "You're not disappearing from me this time," Seonghwa gives San's hand a gentle squeeze, loving feeling his skin against his own.
San agrees, squeezing Seonghwa's hand back, "I'm glad that we're able to be here together now..." San finishes his sentence right as their train pulls up, the time must be 7:25 already.
San and Seonghwa step onto the train and go towards the back, taking a seat together. Seonghwa is a bit wary of people looking at them before and after they sit down, knowing many of the older generation will give them dirty looks, but after seeing San in person his worries about his identity have heavily subsided. He doesn't want to feel ashamed about who he is anymore. He has a support system surrounding him that love him and will always be proud of him.
San yawns, even though he got a lot of sleep last night, being on a plane for so many hours takes a lot out of you. Seonghwa sees San's yawn, "You can sleep on the way there if you'd like, San. I'll wake you when we get there," He whispers down at San.
San looks up at Seonghwa unsurely, "I don't want us to miss the stop though. What if you fall asleep too?"
Seonghwa shakes his head, "Don't worry, I got plenty of sleep last night," he pats his shoulder for San to be able to lay on.
San complies and lays against Seonghwa's shoulder, giving his hand another squeeze, "Only for a few minutes, okay?"
Seonghwa nods, admiring the boy now laying against him. His heart pounds in his chest as everything sets in. He's finally with San. He's here holding his hand and San is about to take a nap on his shoulder. Could life get any better than this?
After a few minutes, San falls asleep on Seonghwa, making a small snoring noise, but it's not loud enough to bother anyone. After staring out the window for a while, Seonghwa's eyes begin to flutter sleepily. He tries hard to keep himself awake, but inevitably, he ends up falling asleep too, his head resting on top of San's.
Seonghwa is the first one to wake up, gasping as soon as he wakes. He hadn't meant to fall asleep, did they miss the stop? They were going to get off in Mokpo and then hop on a ferry to get to Jeju. Seonghwa looks up at the little computer saying the next stop and sees that it reads...
This makes Seonghwa's eyes widen in panic. That is the furthest they could possibly be from where they were supposed to get off in Mokpo. All of Seonghwa's sudden movement causes San to stir awake, rubbing his eyes as he looks up at Seonghwa, "Are we there yet, Hwa?" He says with a yawn following.
Seonghwa offers an awkwardly nervous laugh in response, "Well... You see..." Is all Seonghwa is able to get out before San audibly gasps.
"Seoul? That's not where we are supposed to be headed. What happened?" San asks, worry visible in his eyes.
"I might've fallen asleep too..." Seonghwa shifts his eyes, hoping that San isn't upset at him.
To Seonghwa's surprise, San laughs, "I told you not to fall asleep! I knew you would!" San pats his chest playfully as he reprimands him, "What time even is it?"
Seonghwa checks his watch, it reading 11:45 AM.
San thinks for a moment as he reads the time over Seonghwa's shoulder, "I suppose we could do something in Seoul instead, but I don't have any idea what we could do. I didn't plan for Seoul," he laughs as he pulls out the crumpled piece of paper with the plans he had laid out for them out of his pocket.
"I'm really sorry about falling asleep, Sannie..." Seonghwa says genuinely, sad that San's plans for them had gone to waste.
San shakes his head and places a hand over Seonghwa's, Seonghwa immediately brightening up from San's touch, "There will be no apologizing today, today is going to be wonderful still, I just know it. Especially since you're with me, there's no way it couldn't be amazing."
Seonghwa smiles, reassured by San's words, "I'll make sure it's the best day, San."
San lifts his hand and gently caresses Seonghwa's face, having seen most of the people on the train when they had gotten on weren't there anymore. San just needed to touch him. He's real and sitting right next to him. The biggest smile is spread across San's face, showing off his dimples as he studies Seonghwa's features.
Seonghwa blushes as San stares at him, "W-What are you looking at?" He says, flustered from San's gaze.
"It's so much clearer in person. Images in my memory can become a bit blurry as I try to remember, but here you are... So clear," San says, amazed at what he's seeing. After all, they've only ever seen each other in their dreams. Memories aren't always the most reliable for details.
Seonghwa smiles, "I see," he says, poking his finger into San's dimple, "You're so incredibly handsome in person, San."
When Seonghwa stops speaking, the train comes to a halt. They must be in Seoul already.
San and Seonghwa get off of the train in Seoul and begin to walk around the city. It's very busy today -- Seoul is always busy, of course, but today being Christmas Day, couples are everywhere. In South Korea, Christmas is a holiday for couples. San and Seonghwa keep close to each other as they walk through the crowds, a few times getting pushed into one another.
They spend most of the day walking around the city, stopping by to look in certain shops and stopping at a PC cafe for a while and San shows Seonghwa League of Legends, a game San has gotten really into recently. Seonghwa loved to see San's happy face as he played the game he loved, it makes his whole body get fuzzy and warm.
They've been wary about how much they touch each other throughout the day, even though they both clearly yearn for the other's touch. Physical affection in public is not looked upon in the best light, but San had a plan for the end of the night before they both had to get back on the train to go home.
San was pulling on Seonghwa's hand as they speed-walked through the crowds on the sidewalks, "Where are you taking me?" Seonghwa questioned as San tugged him along. Seonghwa can't help but smile when San looks back at him with the brightest eye-smile he's ever seen, his dimples showing.
"You'll see! You'll see! I remembered something that I think would be beautiful to see with you, Hwa," San replies, the cold air hitting them as they speed up. The sun had gone down about an hour ago while they were in one of the cafes, they'll have to be getting back to the station soon, Seonghwa thinks.
San spots the Banpo bridge in the distance and jumps up in excitement, letting go of Seonghwa's hand to turn back to him, "That's where we're going, Hwa!" San's eyes shine brightly as he looks into Seonghwa's eyes. San's heart seems to beat faster and faster every time he looks at Seonghwa. He can't believe he found someone as wonderful as him in the wildest of situations they could've been in. It's truly a miracle, he thinks.
The Banpo Bridge is lit up with vibrant rainbow colors as the fountain spills out of it. San has always wanted to go and see it in person, and now with Seonghwa, he has a reason to go. People have described it as the most beautiful bridge in all of South Korea and standing from here, San believes those people are right.
Seonghwa bites his lip as he sees the bridge, not being so sure about being up so high in the air, "Up there?" He swallows and continues walking with San though, surely with San there, he will be alright.
San nodded excitedly, grabbing ahold of Seonghwa's hand again to keep warm. The cold is worsening the darker it gets outside, but Seonghwa's hands feel so so warm against San's.
San and Seonghwa reach the Banpo bridge, walking up it until they get to the middle and then San leans on the edge and looks out at the cityscape in front of him. The sky is beautiful with a million brilliant stars shining down on them along with the moonlight. San admires the way Seonghwa's skin seems to glow as the moonlight hits it.
"You're the most breathtaking man I've ever seen, Hwa," San says shyly, it just kind of coming out of his mouth involuntarily.
Seonghwa blushes and smiles as he brings San into his warm embrace, holding onto him tightly, nuzzling his head into his shoulder. They stay there like that for a few moments before Seonghwa pulls his head away from San's shoulder, instead pressing it to his forehead. Seonghwa looks into San's eyes as he speaks in a whisper, "I love you, San."
San feels his skin covered in goosebumps as Seonghwa presses his forehead to his, hoping that Seonghwa can't hear how hard his heart is pounding for him. San's eyes soften as Seonghwa reveals his love for him, tears beginning to well up, "I love you so much, Seonghwa..." San whispers back, a tear of happiness rolling down his cheek.
Seonghwa lifts his hand and gently caresses San's cheek before he presses his lips to San's, giving him a tender peck. His breath is hot against San's as he slowly pulls away, but he's surprised when San pulls him back, pulling him into a more passionate kiss. Seonghwa's lips feel perfectly in place when they're on San's. San wraps his arms around Seonghwa's neck, and Seonghwa's fall around San's waist as they kiss, it feeling like they're in their own world again, their own little wonderland where it's just the two of them.
Is this how the rest of their life is going to be? Is this how they'll feel forever? San can't wait for the future to see what is in store for Seonghwa and him. With Seonghwa by his side, he knows that anything is possible.
End of Chapter Nine - FINALE
I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday <3
This was the first story I had ever written and completed, I hope the ending is alright. Thank you all so much for reading my story.
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