Who is Jiju
Pragya: " Okay Pari, get some rest, for now, we will do everything first thing in the morning".
Preeta: " I will rest Di and listen to everything you say, but first I must meet my munchkins, I know they are asleep but still I just need to see them".
A smile passed on both Ajs and pragyas face as they thought of their children.
AJ: " Off course they will be super excited in the morning to see their Maasi.
The trio walked up to the nurses floor to find the twins fast asleep.
Preeta:" Wow Di, they have grown so much, I can't wait to play with them tomorrow. "
For a short while in that little nursery Preeta forgot about the terrible night she had, lost in the light of her niece and nephew, she smiled truly.
The trio closed the door and went off to their rooms.
Pragya sat with her sister until she fell asleep before returning to her own bedroom where her husband was waiting for her, he smile as she walked into the room and opened his arms and she walked right into them. He was her safe space, her savior, her best friend,
Arjun Kapoor, her childhood best friend who went through alot of life with her, and then went off to Australia to build their business, and came back as her knight to rescue her.
Arjun: " Don't worry Baby, we will fix this" .
Pragya" I know we will but it still won't change the pain she has already felt, let's get some sleep, I have a feeling tomorrow will be a long day."
Arjun and Pragya woke up to the sound of laughter, they showered and got dressed for the day before leaving their room Pragyas phone rang she stopped to answer it.
Caller: " Di, something happened, I dont know where Preeta di is, i cant tell mama she will worry".
Pragya:" Calm down rajdhani express, shes with me and we cant hide this from mama, we will be coming home later today, so just stay calm till then"
Pragya calmed her little sister down and assured her that she would take care of everything before going downstairs, where she found her sister and children in fits of laughter.
Pragya: " So excited for Maasi that you both forgot Mamma,"
Krish Arjun Kapoor: Son of Abhigya but knows Arjun as his dad. Twin of Kyra older.
Kyra Arjun Kapoor.: Daughter of Abhigya but knows Arjun as her dad, twin of Krish younger.
Kyra: " Offo mumma, you are always saying Maasi is the same as Mammas,and how can I forget you my cutesy mumsy" .
Krish:" Yes mamma, who can forget their beautiful mum."
Pragya smiled as she hugged her kids.
The announced to everyone they would be going to the Aroras to talk to Sarla ma.
Preeta was very nervous as to how her mother would react but her di and jiju assured her that all will be well.
So the kids and adults left to the Aroras.
The classy Mercedes pulled into the small area the Aroras lived in, people around were all wondering who it belonged to for fancy cars were not often seen in their area, the driver drove them right to the door of the house Sarla Arora raised her daughters in and the occupants disembarked and rang the doorbell.
Janki who answered the door was slightly shocked to see the oldest Arora sister at the door but she was also extremely happy she hugged Pragya and Arjun and doted on the kids and called out to Sarla to see who had come.
Sarla hurried into the lounge shouting at Janki that she was raising havoc and even the neighbors would hear her but she fell silent when she set her eyes on her first born daughter, tears of joy rolled down her cheeks as she looked at her child for the first time in 4 years.
Pragya:" Will you just cry and stand there Ma or are you going to hug me"
Sarla rushed and grabbed her daughter into a bone crushing hug.
Sarla:" Oh my darling child, how are you, how have you been ,it's been so long. "
Pragya:" MA we spoke on Video call a few days ago ".
Sarla:" Oh its not the same as having you here in my arms, and oh Arjun, come Beta. "
Arjun stepped foward and bent to take his mother in laws blessings, while she blessed him and grabbed him into a hug.
Krish/Kyra: " Oh hello does anyone remember that we are here too. "
Sarla looked behind Arjun and saw her grandchildren for the very first time, she beamed they were absolutely adorable, she stepped foward and bent down and opened her arms, the two children ran to her crying Nani.
She felt complete, seeing her grandchildren.
Then she noticed Preeta and looked at Arjun and Pragya a bit confused.
Pragya: " Krishi, Kyra why don't you go find Shrimaasi I the room.
Kyra:" Mum, you can just say you want to have adult talks"
Everyone laughed at her and the kids went of too search for their maasi. While the adults took a seat.
Sarla: " Preeta, what are you doing with your Di, and where is Karan"
Preeta looked at her mother and started crying, her sister went to her and hugged her.
Arjun: " MA, Karan didn't marry Preeta for love, he married her for revenge, he abandoned her in the middle of the road after they left here".
Sarla: " What. That's not possible, he loves her, we all saw him propose to her".
Pragya: " No MA, what you saw was a pretense, what he wanted you to see."
Sarla:" But Pragya we have to go talk to him, what will people say if she comes back here even after being married".
Pragya:" Mama I love you but your ways of thinking are backdated, do you really want another one of your daughters to go through the same pain I did, being constantly blamed and questioned by the very man who swore to love, protect and trust her, how much must I sister sacrifice ?. Peoples opinions should not matter, my sisters self respect is more important. "
Sarla was abit taken aback as her daughter had never spoken to her out of turn in her life but there was a truth in what she said,their family had already gone through this with the Mehras and a bit of it with the Luthras and it had to stop, she had to support her children to be stronger, Pragya had been in hell with her marriage, it gave glimpses of happiness that were just a fantasy.
Sarla: " You are right, what should we do".
Pragya: " The first thing we are doing is getting this marriage to be void, she was tricked and abandoned, Karan Luthra will curse the day he decided to mess with my sister. "
Sarla looked at Pragya, there was a fire within her, a strength she hadn't seen before, long ago she knew her daughter was strong for everyone else but today she saw her daughter was also strong for herself, she suddenly felt a burst of pride for this young woman who had endured much but had risen through it.
Pragya made a call and gave some instructions then turned to her mother.
Pragya: Someone will come in a while with all the paperwork it the meantime let me go find Daadi and Shri.
She went to her Daadis room.
Daadi:" Pragya my baby, you look amazing come give your Daadi a hug".
Pragya hugged her grandmother and introduced her husband and the 3 of them chatted a while before Pragya went in search of her younger sister, she found her in their room chatting to the children. Shristi upon seeing her sister jumped up and ran to hug her Di, to Shristi she somehow knew that seeing her Di would mean everything would be okay.
The family spent some time together and laughed and chatted when the door bell rang and man in a suit walked in.
Raman Bhalla: lawyer and friend of Arjun and Pragya.
Raman: " You summoned me Bhabiji " he joked.
Pragya: " Oh Bhabiji just you wait", she went and pulled his ears.
Raman: " Ah okay I'm sorry, please forgive me. I have done everything you asked all the paperwork is I order, we all set to go. "
Pragya: " Good. MA, you, Shri, daadi and Jankima get packed, I will leave the kids with you, when we return we are leaving to our home".
Sarla: " But Pragya"
Pragya: " No buts, everything is arranged. Let us just get this thorns sorted out."
Pragya,Arjun,Preeta and Raman left.
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