One Night Stand You - Part 1
{The title is taken from One Night Stand You by Beauty School Dropout. This chapter does have some slightly mature content in it for the plot of the story so please don't be weird about it. This was supposed to be a one shot but now I'm almost 20k words in so it will eventually get posted as its own book.}
"Come on Remus, live a little," Lily pleaded for what felt like the hundredth time that night.
"Lily, I told you that I'm fine. Why must you insist on pushing?"
"I have James, I want you to have someone."
"Sometimes I miss when you hated James Potter's guts."
"You don't mean that."
"I mean it when you don't accept that I'm fine! I'm not heartbroken, I'm not grieving, he was just an arsehole who cheated on me," Remus explained slowly, once again.
"I want you to be happy."
"I know you do Lily, you're just pushing too hard. I'm going to get a drink."
"Oh thank God James is here! I was worried he wouldn't be able to find your location," Remus said sarcastically. "Bye then."
Remus hunched down and lost himself in the crowd quite easily. He didn't need this tonight. He's sorry, but if you need another person to feel fulfilled and happy, Remus thought that maybe that required some personal reflection. He didn't need another person to be happy. Some days he just thought it might be nice not waking up alone.
He was near the bar when he heard it. A loud, barking laugh, akin to the sound a dog might make. Remus thought he quite might like to hear that sound again. Looking up, he made eye contact with the man as he began making his way towards the bar, towards Remus.
The laugh left Remus smiling at the other man. When he caught Remus's eye, he watched as the other man dragged his eyes over Remus's frame. Remus straightened his posture, and the other man's face lit up in delight. With a lazy smirk, he approached Remus.
"Hi there. Can I buy you a drink?"
"I feel like I should be the one asking you that."
"How about," the other man began, stepping right up to Remus, hand placed on his chest, "I buy the first drink, and then you buy the second."
"If I can get your name."
"Sirius Black."
Sirius extended his hand to Remus, who grabbed it, kissing the top of his hand.
"Remus Lupin. A pleasure to meet the brightest star in the sky."
Remus didn't think the other man could light up more than he already had.
"What's your pleasure Remus?"
"I'll drink just about anything."
"Come on then."
Grinning over his shoulder, Sirius grabbed Remus's hand and pulled him the rest of the way to the bar.
"So wolf wolf, what is it you do?," Sirius asked with a grin as they snagged a table in the back corner of the bar.
Laughing, Remus shook his head at Sirius.
"Other than howl at the moon? I'm in my last year of my master's program."
"Oooh, can I guess what in?"
Remus nodded, taking a sip of his drink. He liked it, but he wasn't surprised.
"Oh, there are so many options. I immediately want to say History or English, but I think that's the sweater giving me those vibes. You also strike me as someone who would major in education. But I think, it's something in the field of science. Final answer."
"You would be correct. I won't stand for the sweater slander."
"Who said I didn't like your sweater? I think I could fit in there with you, we'll have to try it sometime."
"And just what would you be doing with me in my sweater?"
"I think I'll leave that up to your imagination for now," Sirius flirted, twirling his hair around his fingers.
In what universe had Remus entered that such a beautiful man was giving him the time of day?
"What do you do then? Something with the arts?"
"You would think that wouldn't you?"
"I would think tattoo artist maybe. You look like you're good with your hands."
"I promise I'll show you just how good my hands are later. I'm a mechanic actually."
"I might have some parts that need checking," came out of Remus's mouth before he realized what he was saying.
Sirius laughed, that lovely laugh that had drawn Remus to him in the first place. Shaking his head, Sirius covered his mouth when he noticed Remus watching him.
"Don't do that, I love your laugh."
"It's not too much?"
"I don't think you could ever be too much."
"Other people would say differently."
"I don't think you could ever be too much for me," Remus corrected. "What shall I get you to drink?"
"Do you dance Remus?"
"No, I don't, but you can ask."
"Would you like to dance with me?"
"With you, yes."
That's how Remus found himself, in the corner of the bar, with a beautiful man draped around him, his hands on Sirius's hips.
"I thought you couldn't dance!," Sirius said in surprise, laughing as Remus spun him around.
"I said I don't dance, I never said I couldn't."
"You're full of surprises. I like that."
Remus forgot all about Lily with Sirius in his arms. They talked, they laughed, and they danced, and Remus couldn't remember the last time he had felt this free with another person.
"Do you want to get out of here?," Sirius asked, pulling Remus against him by his belt loops.
"I'd like that," Remus decided.
"Mine or yours?"
"I'm a 10 minute walk away."
"Yours it is then," Sirius decided, tugging Remus towards the door.
"You don't even know which way we're going!," Remus replied with a laugh, directing Sirius the correct way.
"The journey is part of the fun Remus," Sirius retorted, swinging their intertwined hands between them.
"I agree."
Remus twirled Sirius around right in the middle of the sidewalk. They walked in silence, only broken by quiet giggles as Remus would suddenly spin Sirius around, or grab him by the waist and dramatically dip him, sharing soft smiles and stolen glances on the way to Remus's.
"Oh my God, it's Fortescue's! Have you been? I've been wanting to get ice cream here forever!," Sirius said wistfully.
"Let's get ice cream then."
"But aren't we... you know," Sirius gestured with his hand.
Remus snorted before shaking his head and dragging Sirius down the block to the shop.
"Who says we can't have ice cream first? I never got to buy you that drink."
"Fuck it. I like how you think, Remus."
Remus got them their ice cream, and Sirius couldn't stop smiling.
"This was worth it. Prongs is going to be so jealous."
"My best mate, practically my brother. Blew me off to get ice cream here three times for his girlfriend, if you'd believe that. It was most certainly worth the wait, this is fantastic!"
"You should take a picture to send to him the next time he asks to go and inevitably blows you off."
"Oh my sweet Remus, you get me. Here you go."
Sirius posed and made silly faces, and Remus couldn't help but laugh. On a whim, he texted himself the pictures of Sirius while Sirius's phone was unlocked. This man was not going anywhere on Remus's watch.
"Remus, you've got some ice cream on your face."
"Oh, sorry."
Remus flipped the camera to look at himself, but before he wiped the ice cream away Sirius's mouth found his, and Remus's thumb found the photo button once more.
"Just as sweet as I thought you'd be," Sirius whispered, his thumb swiping across Remus's bottom lip.
"I'm taking you home now," Remus replied, kissing Sirius again.
They walked quickly through the streets, only stopping to push each other up against walls or street posts.
"Sirius, I'm just up the road," Remus panted, head tilted back as Sirius kissed along his neck.
"Stop being so addictive then."
Remus flipped them so Sirius was the one pinned against the wall.
"Says the Greek god down on earth."
Sirius shivered as Remus's teeth grazed his collarbone.
"Let me take you to bed?"
"I've been waiting since the first time you smiled at me."
Sirius went back to kissing Remus's neck as he fumbled with his keys in the lock. Once they finally got inside, Remus slammed his hand against the wall, trying to turn on the light.
"There we go. Sorry, shoes off here."
Sirius laughed, removing both his shoes and his jacket.
"Can I get you a drink or-"
"Remus please stop being such a sweetheart and manhandle me into your room."
"Right, that can be arranged."
Sirius blinked, and suddenly he was thrown over Remus's shoulder.
"You asked me to manhandle you."
"Keep it up, fuck."
Sirius rolls his hips, grinding into Remus's shoulder. When they got to Remus's room, Remus threw him on the bed.
"Remus, if I don't see what's under your sweater I might just die."
"There's scars-"
"And I will trace every single one with my tongue. Off. Now," Sirius demanded, grabbing the bottom of his sweater and tugging upwards. "Fuck me, you have tattoos. I'm going to trace those too."
"As if I haven't been waiting to get my hands and tongue on your tattoos. They've been teasing me all night. Your shirt and your sinfully tight trousers need to go I'm afraid."
"I'm glad you noticed my trousers. They're my pulling pants."
"Well, they worked."
"Almost, you're not on or in me yet."
"You want to bottom then?"
"I didn't realize I had options," Sirius replied, pulling Remus, wearing only his boxers now, to lay on top of him.
"I always top, but it never hurts to ask."
"You'd bottom if I asked?"
"For you, I would," Remus admitted, caressing Sirius's face.
"Right now I'm asking you to get your fingers inside of me as quickly as possible. Where's the lube?"
"Top drawer, condoms are next to it."
Sirius grabbed both, then pulled Remus down to kiss him again.
"I could kiss you forever," Remus whispered, speaking the words onto Sirius's lips. "Can I take these off?"
"Yes please."
"How do you want me? I can take you from behind, on all fours, your back?"
"My back. I want to see you."
"Lift up your hips. Good boy."
Sirius moaned as Remus removed his underwear, put a pillow under his hips, and praised him.
"Such a good boy. Tell me, what do you want?"
"Anything," Sirius begged. "I want you to touch me."
"Where shall I touch you? Here?," Remus asked, caressing his face.
"Your lovely neck it is then."
Remus licked, sucked, and bit along Sirius's neck as Sirius ground up into him.
"Please open me up, I need you."
"Thank you for using your words, that's exactly what I wanted. Breathe for me yeah?," Remus reminded as he grabbed the lube. "I'm going to open you up so well for me."
"I can take it."
"Oh I believe you can, you look like a size queen. But I want to see all the pretty faces you make when I open you up, just like that, and you would never deprive me of that right? You want to be good."
"I'll be so good for you," Sirius promised with a gasp, bearing down on Remus's fingers.
"I know you will. I'm going to see just how bright the brightest star in the sky can shine. Do you have a safe word?"
"Color system. Red is stop, yellow slow."
Remus took Sirius apart slowly, opening him up as he kissed down his body.
"You have such beautiful thighs. Can I mark them up?"
"Please. I want to think of you tomorrow."
"Once I'm done with you, you're going to be thinking of me always, even when the marks fade. You'll be calling me back to replace them."
"Big words from someone who hasn't even- fuck Remus!"
Remus hummed around Sirius's cock in his mouth as he crooked his fingers once more, making Sirius yell his name again.
"You're starting to get mouthy on me Sirius. The only words out of your mouth should be my name, please, and thank you, along with some begging."
"Thank you for sucking me off. Please don't let me cum until you're inside of me."
"You thought I was only going to get you off once? Oh, my sweet boy. I hope you had no other plans for tonight."
"Try me," Sirius challenged.
Oh, Remus would enjoy breaking him.
"Remus please, I can't!"
"Oh, but you look so pretty when you come undone," Remus said patronizingly, clicking his tongue.
"You haven't even cum yet. Please let me get you off."
"I don't know, I think I can get two more out of you."
"Remus, please let me make you cum. I'll be so good for you, I promise."
"You have been good haven't you?"
"Yes Remus, please," Sirius begged.
"Okay, where do you want it?"
"I want you inside of me, but I want you to cum in my mouth."
"I can do that for you," Remus promised, brushing the sweaty curls off of Sirius's face before kissing his forehead.
By the time they were finished, Sirius was a whimpering mess.
"Color Sirius?"
"Feeling green. Sex is red," Sirius mumbled, burying his face in the pillow.
Remus ran his fingers through Sirius's hair as he came back down.
"I didn't know I could cum like that, fucking hell Remus," he said a few minutes later.
"You did so good for me. I'll get you some water."
"Right through that door. I'll be right back."
"Thank you."
Before getting Sirius water, Remus stripped and changed the bed. Filling two glasses, he left them on the nightstand. He fished their cell phones out of their clothing and plugged them in to charge. With a roll of his eyes, he answered the text from Lily that had come in an hour ago reassuring her that he was safe, but that was all. He got some clothes for himself and Sirius to change into, and was just about to knock on the bathroom door before it opened.
"Come on you, a quick shower before bed. I just changed the sheets."
"I'm... staying?," Sirius asked in confusion.
"Do you want me to call you an uber? It's late, I figured you could just stay the night. Is that... is that not allowed?"
"It doesn't matter 'what's allowed' anymore actually. We've broken most of the one night stand rules anyway, why not break one of the last ones?"
Sirius got Remus off again in the shower as payback, and Remus snogged him against the wall. Once they were finished with their actual shower, Remus toweled Sirius off and gave him some pyjamas to change into.
"Right side or left?"
"Left, but it's your bed."
"Perfect, I like the right side. Under the covers, in you go," Remus instructed, turning off the lights. "Your phone is plugged in on the nightstand by the way, in case you wanted to update Prongs. Do the LED candles bother you? I know some people like to sleep in darkness, I like a little bit of light."
"No, I like the light. Not a big fan of complete darkness. Childhood trauma and all that."
"In that case, let me just, there."
Remus had clicked on the lights strung up and around his bookcase.
"That's quite nice actually," Sirius replied, a soft smile on his face.
"I'm glad. Goodnight Sirius," Remus said softly, wrapping an arm around the other man, kissing the top of his head.
"You are something so special Remus Lupin," he whispered, moving closer to Remus in the muted darkness.
"So are you Sirius Black."
Sirius had trouble falling asleep in most places, especially new ones, but he was out in a few minutes, head resting on Remus's chest.
Remus took a bit longer to fall asleep, marveling at the wonderful man that was lying in his bed.
"I'm going to be keeping you around," he promised out loud.
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