{A Wolfstar Hallmark inspired AU: it's a blizzard; Sirius stumbled into the cafe Remus works at and promptly turned his world upside down}
Remus typically prided himself on being observant. He was hard working, focused, and determined. When you put all of those traits together, it was a recipe for success. Unless of course, Remus stuck his nose in a book while sitting behind the counter, waiting for his shift to end at Cozy Cups. The jingle of the bell was always enough to pull him away from his story, but unbeknownst to him he hadn't had a customer in over an hour. As he finished the last page of his book, the door flung open, bringing in an icy breeze and-
"Are those snowflakes?"
"Mate it's been a blizzard out there for an hour. Everywhere else is closed, I'm just glad you're open."
"We never close," Remus replied with a snort before remembering himself as he put down his book. "Sorry what can I... get you?"
Remus momentarily lost himself as the beautiful stranger messily ran his fingers through his hair, shaking out the snowflakes that had landed there.
"A black coffee is fine, thank you."
"Coming right up."
Remus busied himself with making the drink, and then started his own cup of tea before pulling two chocolate pastries out of the case.
"There you are."
"I didn't order a pastry," Sirius remarked, a smile playing at the corner of his mouth.
"It's on the house."
Running a hand through his hair, Remus walked over to the door and peeked outside.
"What the fuck?!"
The whole street was blanketed in white and there wasn't a soul around. The customer's footprints couldn't even be seen anymore.
"I know right? Bloody temperamental weather. This is not the flurries that were predicted."
Remus jumped, leaning against the door in shock as the man stood behind him, peering over his shoulder.
"Sorry, erm, Remus? Is there a Romulus around?"
"My cat. I fear for my life everyday," Remus replied with a bored, deadpan expression.
"I'm Sirius."
"And you think you can take the piss out of my name Dog Star?"
Sirius grinned, looking up at Remus through his lashes.
"Has anyone ever told you that you have poor customer service skills?"
"Not even once in my life. I'm a delight."
"Yeah, I can believe that."
"I'm sorry, I'm just... there's absolutely no way that I can get home now," Remus apologized.
"You and me both Remus. Fancy some company or do I need to sparingly drink my coffee so you don't kick me out? I don't like cold coffee but I'll suffer through it if it means I get a chance to spend some more time with you."
"You don't even know me."
"But I think I'd like to."
"Are we in a Hallmark movie? Am I being punked?"
"Why would this be a Hallmark movie?," Sirius asked, scrunching his nose in confusion as Remus began to pace.
"Oh please. Small town coffee shop, there's a mysterious blizzard, the most beautiful man I have ever laid my eyes on just happens to be looking for a place to shelter from the mysterious storm and I'm the only one in here because I didn't notice the snow because I was reading my book? Classic Hallmark movie plot!"
"Well then my lovely Remus, I hope it is a Hallmark movie," Sirius replied with a grin, elbows resting on the counter, chin in his hand.
"Why is that?"
"Because then you and I get to go on a date after this, we fall in love, and then we get married."
"I... you... we- what?"
"I think this is our first date actually. Yes, I'll say it is. Sirius Black," he continued with a grin, offering his hand to Remus.
"Remus Lupin," he replied, face heating as Sirius caressed Remus's hand with his own.
Sirius didn't let Remus's hand go. Instead, he gently pulled him around the counter and into the chair next to Sirius.
"So future love of my life, tell me about yourself?"
"You're something else, do you know that?"
"I've been told. Are you currently in a relationship?"
"Do you have any inclination towards men?"
"Is there a warrant out for your arrest?"
"Then you're perfect for me! You have legs for days, your eyes are absolutely captivating, and you have a warm smile. I'm more of a dog person but I'll accept that you have a cat."
"What did I get myself into?"
"You got yourself a boyfriend," Sirius replied confidently. "If you want one," he added after a moment of silence.
"You know what? Fuck it. You're my boyfriend then. I love chocolate, that's the most important thing for you to know about me. I like my tea strong. I love to read, my favorite genre is mystery, and I love to guess the endings and plot twists. The last show I binged was The Good Place, the finale made me cry. My birthday is March 10th, I'll be turning 22. I'm currently majoring in education at uni and pursuing my masters degree. My dad died when I was young, my mam still lives in Wales, so it's just Romulus and I."
"I teach art and music classes every week at the community center. I don't like to read because nothing ever holds my attention for too long, but I like being read to. I love watching romantic comedies, I hate horror movies. Found family trope is my favorite. My parents are physically alive but they've been dead to me for years, I'm disowned. I have a younger brother, we don't get on like we did when we were kids but we're trying. Dark chocolate is my favorite. My birthday is November 3rd."
They sat in silence for a few moments, just taking in all of the information they learned about the other.
"So... what do we do now?"
"Snog?," Sirius asked with a wicked grin.
"In your dreams, I don't kiss on the first date. My favorite color is green."
"I think my favorite color is the shade of your eyes. Before that I would've said black, but I've been dealing with the argument that black isn't actually a color for years."
"Can you cook?"
Sirius physically winced at the question.
"If you fancy catching food poisoning. I cook enough simple things to survive. I live with my best mate slash found family brother and thankfully he knows how to cook or else I'd be fucked."
"You still could be," Remus offered, the words tumbling out of his mouth before he had time to process.
"Why would I...? Oh Remus. Remus! I've corrupted you already. That works wonderfully for me, I prefer to receive anyway. Can you cook?"
"Luckily for you, I can. Are you hungry?"
"I could eat."
"Any allergies? Foods you hate?"
"No allergies, I just eat a limited amount of red meat. I absolutely detest pickles though. Anything pickled really."
"I love pickles, so I'll just steal them off all of your sandwiches then. Problem solved."
"A match made in heaven really."
Sirius watched as Remus went about preparing two chicken sandwiches.
"If you need to charge your phone or anything of that nature, do it now. I'm not sure how long it'll be until we lose power. It will happen, I'm just warning you now."
"I guess we'll have to figure out how to conserve body heat."
"You really just say whatever's on your mind don't you?," Remus asked curiously.
"Sorry, it's a problem of mine."
"Don't apologize for who you are, Sirius. My last boyfriend loved to play mind games like a child and I had to guess what his problem was. Communication is a big thing for me."
They sat on the couch, with Sirius sitting right next to Remus.
"Tell me about your needs in a partner."
"We already discussed communication. They need to be able to make me laugh. I'm a very serious person- don't you dare make that joke- so I need someone to help balance me out. I need someone thoughtful who remembers something that I like offhandedly and does it for me without being asked. I'm not very nice to myself during exam season so I need someone understanding who can pull me away from all of that and get me out of my own head.
I'm not too bothered by looks honestly. Or gender for that matter. As long as you have a good personality and a good heart that's all I care about. I don't like when people make others feel bad for the way they are or the things they like. The world is already shit, why are we contributing to that?"
"I think I've already fallen in love with you," Sirius replied with a happy sigh.
He had been joking at first, but he was going to completely lean into this. He was brought here for a reason, and he thought that reason was Remus.
"I had a very shitty childhood obviously so I think I try to overcompensate now. I have a very loud and abrasive personality that a lot of people think they can handle, but they can't. As soon as I laugh in a room, all eyes are on me because I'm such a big personality. I know I'm easy on the eyes so a lot of people try to pick me up but I don't like casual hookups. I need substance.
I need someone who doesn't try to dull my sparkle, but someone who embraces me as I am. I can work myself up quite a bit when something triggers me and takes me back to a time in my life I don't want to revisit, so I need someone who can just hold me and we can sit in silence and it'll be okay. I'm gay and that took a lot of figuring out because I hold no attraction to women no matter how much I tried to convince myself otherwise.
I love my job, I love working with kids and I want to adopt or foster my own someday. I always said that if I could help at least one kid growing up, then maybe all of that suffering that I went through was worth it to help prevent another kid from going through what I did. Being able to make a difference, no matter how small, is what gets me out of bed in the morning."
"I want to adopt one day too," Remus admitted, pulling his knees up to his chest. "I want more than one. It's so lonely being an only child. I had my best mate Lily growing up who's essentially a sister to me, but it's not the same you know?"
"Oh how I love found family," Sirius said wistfully. "So, do I pass? Do I meet your needs for a partner?"
"Somehow, I think you do. I'm very quiet and reserved. I like that you have a bright personality because I'm more reserved. I enjoy sitting and observing, I don't need to be the center of attention. I'm quite content blending in, but I think you'd make me want to shine."
"You shine in your own way Remus."
"I think you'll be a wonderful boyfriend, Sirius. This is just mental. I would never agree to something like this. I'd probably have had myself institutionalized if this happened a week ago. You're just so... you."
"I request your phone number before you decide that you've changed your mind."
Reaching into his pocket, Remus handed Sirius his phone after unlocking it. He watched Sirius type his phone number in, and then he furrowed his eyebrows as he watched Sirius mess with his hair this way and that.
"What are you doing?"
"I need a hot contact photo but my hair isn't cooperating," Sirius huffed.
"Come here."
Sirius shifted so that his legs were thrown over Remus's lap. Remus ran his fingers through Sirius's hair, gently untangling his curls.
"You have such nice hair."
"I don't let just anyone touch it."
"I'm sorry I should've asked-"
"Nah, I was hoping you'd fix it. I like having my hair played with," Sirius replied with a happy sigh, leaning into Remus's touch.
"Much, thank you love."
"Anytime darling," Remus retorted.
"This Lily of yours keeps blowing up your phone. Oh, now she's calling. Good thing I saved my contact photo first, that would've been tragic."
"Thank you," Remus replied, answering the call. "Hey Lils."
"Remus, are you alright? You said you're stranded at the cafe?"
"Yes, I'm alright. It's not my choice of places to be mind you, but it'll do for now."
"As soon as the roads are cleared I'll come and get you. Are you alone?"
"No, I'm with my boyfriend."
Sirius cuddled up into Remus's side with a grin, his legs still splayed over his lap.
"BOYFRIEND?!," Remus heard James scream in the background.
"Oh hello James, fancy hearing your voice when Lily was supposed to pick me up earlier today. I wonder why she forgot?"
"James?," Sirius called in confusion.
There's no way-
"James Potter if you scream into my ear one more time so help you and everything you love."
"I love Sirius, but apparently so do you!," he accused.
"He's alright, I met him about an hour ago," Remus teased, wrapping an arm around Sirius to pull him closer.
"Remus, have you hit your head?"
Remus ignored her to focus on Sirius who was mumbling.
"What, Sirius?"
"I'm bringing you with me to play the lotto. This IS a Hallmark movie! Our best friends are in love, and we'll be in love soon too!"
"Who said anything about love?," Lily demanded. "We've only been on a few dates."
"You can count forgetting me as another date then, but now I've got a date of my own so I guess I can forgive you this once."
"James and I have been trying to get you two to meet for months!"
"James does not have good taste in men," Sirius mumbled into Remus's neck.
"Hey! How was I supposed to know Gilderoy was a narcissist?"
"All the man did was talk about his name and his family as if I was supposed to know who he was and be lucky he agreed to go out with me. It makes sense that Remus is Lily's friend because I trust her character choices more than yours."
"You've wounded me Sirius. I don't think I'll pick you up anymore."
"I'll take care of him, don't worry."
"Remus John Lup-"
With a laugh, Remus hung up on James and put his phone on silent.
"Found family huh?," Remus asked with a chuckle.
"It was too late to return him I fear. Can we keep cuddling on the couch like this? I'm cold, and this is nice."
"I should boil some more water before we lose power, hold on."
It was a good plan by Remus because soon enough, the power was knocked out.
"Have any candles to set the mood?," Sirius asked with a grin.
"I'm going to bring you to the staff room. I had the heat cranked up in there earlier so we should stay warmer there. Let me just lock up."
Sirius provided a helping hand where he could without even asking, and Remus appreciated it. Maybe this whole thing wasn't as crazy as he thought. Lily was always telling him to be more adventurous and step outside of his comfort zone.
"All set now love?"
"I think so. Now we just need to wait out the storm."
"Whatever shall we do in that time?," Sirius inquired airily.
"I could read to you?"
"Yeah, I think I'd like that."
Curled up on the couch in the staff room with Sirius pressed into his side, Remus wondered how he ever thought he didn't want this.
"You're thinking very loudly."
"Hmm? Sorry, happens sometimes?," Remus apologized.
"What are you thinking about?"
"Us. I had sworn off relationships last year thinking I'd just focus on my studies, but I don't think I realized how lonely I was until now. This is very nice. Don't get me wrong Lily can be quite affectionate, but it's never felt this..."
"Right? Honestly I was just taking the piss earlier when I came in, but I just feel so drawn to you Remus, like I'm meant to be here. It feels like you're the one I've been waiting for," Sirius replied earnestly, brushing a curl off of Remus's forehead. "Is that bad?"
Could anyone fault Remus for kissing Sirius after that?
"Our first date is over," Remus decided.
"What- mph."
Neither man could tell you how long they stayed wrapped around the other. Time felt infinite as they held each other, kissing playfully and sharing soft giggles.
"Can I take you out when the snow melts?," Sirius asked, kissing along Remus's jaw.
"I'd love that. Where to?"
"Wherever you want to go. When are you free next?"
"Friday through Sunday but I think I could squeeze you in any day really. You're worth it."
"I can't Friday, I'm setting up an art gallery for my students but-"
"I'll come with. I'd love to support you."
"Yes Sirius."
"I should've stumbled into this cafe a long time ago."
"I think us finding our way to each other is perfect as is," Remus replied, pressing a kiss to Sirius's collarbone. "Is that a tattoo?"
"Yeah, I have a couple."
"Fuck me, I love tattoos."
"I thought we established it would be the other way around?," Sirius teased. "I'll give you a tattoo tour when I'm not at risk of hypothermia."
"I just have two tattoos."
"Have you ever thought of getting anymore?"
"I have, yes. I have this stick and poke of a lily on my ankle for obvious reasons, and then on my wrist I have the phases of the moon."
"Shut the fuck up you do not!," Sirius exclaimed, jumping up from the couch and taking off his jacket. "Let me see!"
"I keep it covered by my sleeves for work, hold on. There."
"We're getting married. This is fate Remus!," Sirius declared as he threw his hair up into a messy bun. "Look at the back of my neck!"
"What the absolute fuck. Pandora?"
"It was Pandora!"
"Did she tell you-"
"That I would know the man of my dreams when I met him? Yes she did! I can't believe this. My Moon, my Moony."
"My Star. The brightest star actually."
"I'm glad we met on our own. We'll have the best getting together story out of all our friends."
"Better than James kicking a footie ball and having it hit the back of Lily's head. I thought he was dead right there."
"You were there?!"
"I saw it happen from afar. I scooped her up and brought her to get it looked at."
"You're the reason why James yelled at me! I was admiring your back while you carried her away and she flipped James off over your shoulder. It was love at first sight for him I think."
"It took... many more sightings for Lily."
"I have you now though. I can't believe it. Written in the night sky. I'm so smitten, I can't wait to get to know you Remus."
"Maybe I don't hate this job so much anymore."
"What subject matter do you want to teach? Maybe I can get you into the community center where I work teaching a class?"
"Guess," Remus teased, tucking a loose strand of hair behind Sirius's ear.
"I immediately want to say English but something is telling me the answer is actually science."
"You are absolutely correct. I have a minor in creative writing."
"Absolutely fascinating! I love a good story. I can illustrate them for you! Assuming you don't absolutely hate my work."
Lily Evans didn't know what she would be walking into when she went to the cafe to get Remus, James Potter trailing dutifully behind her, but it wasn't Sirius cuddling up to Remus talking enthusiastically about his artwork.
"And the color usage is- oh, hi. You're taking my Moons away already?"
"Sirius mate, it's been hours."
"Time flies when you're with the love of your life."
Lily looked at Remus, preparing to watch him freak out, but instead he smiled and pressed a kiss to the top of Sirius's head.
"Black, what did you do to my best friend?"
"Provided unconditional love and support, along with some intermittent snogging. I don't know where they've been hiding Remus and why no one has swept him off his feet yet but that's unfortunate for everyone else because he's mine. We already have matching tattoos. It's fate. How does it feel to be the side pairing in our Hallmark movie?"
"Remus what is he going on about?"
"You know how Pandora was going on about the moon tattoo leading to my soulmate and we laughed?"
"Of course I do."
"Sirius has the same tattoo from Pandora on the back of his neck."
"No way! Lily can we get matching tattoos?"
"Back off Potter, be happy that I even went out with you at all. Remus, let's go."
"Sirius is coming back to mine."
"A moment Remus?," Lily asked, gesturing to the door.
Pressing a kiss to Sirius's cheek, Remus followed her out the door.
"I know what you're going to say and I know this is so out of character for me Lils because I'm a cynic but I'm going to give this a go. I can't explain the way that he makes me feel and I know that if we give it time this can really become something between us. I told you I wouldn't get another partner until I was ready. He's so sweet, he's funny, he's talented, and let's face it he's bloody gorgeous. Just trust me on this okay?"
"I do trust you, it's just hard to fathom."
"It really is like a Hallmark movie. He walked in and honestly I was so rude because I didn't notice the weather but he laughed and took it all in stride. And then he started talking and suddenly I have a boyfriend."
"As long as you're happy and you continue to share your location with me."
"Already done. Come on, I don't know what else to expect from this weather."
Sirius had been having the same conversation with James, gushing over how wonderful Remus was.
"Sirius, Remus is a lovely bloke and all, but you've quite literally just met him. It's giving... Anna from Frozen."
"Remus is a Kristoff through and through, trust me. I know that I always fall before anyone can catch me, but really James I think this is different now. I'll be careful, I promise. It's like how when you looked at Lily you knew she was the one for you. Remus just feels safe, you know? And he's so funny and sarcastic and smells really nice and his lips and his hands-"
"Okay Sirius you've made your point. You know I'll always support you."
When Lily returned, her and James made eye contact and shared a meaningful look, confirming they'd talk about this later.
"Let's get out of here while there's a break in the storm shall we? The plows have gone through once. Do you all want to come to mine?," James offered.
"Nah, I'm going to spend the night with Remus."
"Spend the night?! After meeting for a few hours."
"Not like that! We're going to watch some movies and he's going to teach me how to bake something."
"He definitely won't sleep with you after you burn down his house."
"Will you shut up?," Sirius hissed.
"Careful James, remember who convinced Lily to finally give you a chance," Remus warned.
"And I told you if you left her alone that she would eventually approach you, so there. We're responsible for your relationship, but we don't need your input in ours."
"Fine then," James huffed.
The car ride back to Remus's was very quiet, only partly due to the treacherous weather conditions.
"Text me when you're home safe Lils?"
"Of course. Be careful, yeah?"
"I will be. Come along Sirius. James."
"Remus. You take care of my brother."
"And you take care of my sister," Remus replied just as sternly, getting around to the other side of the car to let Sirius out.
"Thank you, love."
"Any time darling," Remus replied after closing the door.
Wrapping an arm around Sirius, he led him into his home. Sirius jumped as sudden movement caught his eye before remembering Remus had a cat.
"Hey there Romulus, did you miss me? Let's get you fed, yeah? Then you can meet my new boyfriend, hmm? Can I get you anything Sirius?"
"Some water would be nice."
"I'll bring you to the kitchen and then I'll give you a tour after I feed Romulus."
Instead of following Remus into the kitchen, Romulus eyed Sirius curiously. He was an orange cat, and Sirius loved stupid orange cats. Not that Romulus was stupid of course, but those orange cat memes were his favorite. Offering a hand, he was surprised as Romulus smashed his face into Sirius's hand, purring aggressively.
"That's how he's going to kill me, stealing the man of my dreams right from under my nose," Remus replied with a sigh, the corners of his mouth quirking up in amusement.
"Maybe I'll be a cat person after all of this."
"Come on you, I need to get both of my boys fed."
Sirius really liked the sound of that.
"You have a lovely home."
"It's become even lovelier with you in it."
Sirius had never been one to feel shy from compliments, but he couldn't keep his face from flushing under Remus's soft gaze and kind words.
"There you are Romulus. Away from my boyfriend now. Here's your water darling. Let me turn up the heat and I'll show you around. You know how it is in these Hallmark movies, the power is quite unpredictable."
"I'm all for snuggling for warmth."
Remus gave Sirius a quick tour, which ended in his bedroom.
"This is exactly what I thought your room looked like," Sirius remarked, immediately making his way over to the closet. "If the power goes out, read to me instead?"
"I'd love to."
"I'm stealing one of your hoodies."
"I'm afraid they won't be up to your standards, everything I own is pretty worn out-"
"I admire that. Fast fashion is such a problem nowadays, I think we should be wearing our clothing until it's threadbare. If you need a new wardrobe all of the time then you should at least be donating your old clothes somewhere."
"You're perfect. I'm taking something of yours when I get back to your place."
"We're probably better off here as opposed to mine what with James living there and all. He's quite obnoxious and will crash all of our dates."
"I'll just come see you when I know he'll be out with Lily then."
"It pays to have a smart boyfriend. Now, teach me how to not burn down your house."
Admittedly, Sirius was not paying as much attention to the task at hand as he should've been. Remus was so captivating, and Sirius would rather look at him than anything else.
"You're not even listening are you?"
"You distract me. Your hands are absolutely sinful by the way, I don't know if anyone has ever told you that before."
"Not directly, but I've caught on. How about you just sit and watch?"
"I'll take care of the dishes," Sirius promised. "And I'll pay attention when we bake something later. For now, I just want to enjoy your company without the worry of something bad happening. Tell me more about you."
And so the night went, Remus and Sirius no more than five steps apart from each other the whole time. They sat as close as they possibly could, sharing blankets, tender kisses, and Remus's stash of sweets. It truly didn't get any better than this.
Looking at Sirius bathed in the morning light from his window that next morning, Remus was overwhelmed by the simple feeling of "home", learning that it could be found in a person just as much as it could be found in a place. Sirius would very quickly become his home, and Remus didn't mind one bit.
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