Be Someone
{Famous! Remus and Fan! Sirius. Super excited for this one. Over 11k words for this, we're so back besties!}
Sirius Black was stuck in a parasocial relationship and he couldn't be happier. Honestly, who in their right mind wouldn't be in love with Remus "Moony" Lupin? Having a few minutes to talk with Remus was enough to keep Sirius going for weeks at a time.
He had been a fan of the other man for years, having been one of ten people at his first show, to now watching him open for others selling out the O2. Sirius was confident that Moony would be on his way to selling out the O2 himself soon enough. His heart was full of love for the other man, but sometimes he wistfully thought of the beginning where they had been able to chat for over an hour at a time. Now due to popularity, Sirius was lucky if he had a few minutes to speak to Remus.
No matter, Sirius ran Remus's most trusted fan/update account, and he wouldn't have it any other way. That meant he was privy to insider information, and was even able to help tease the release of some of Moony's music. It had been a few months since Sirius had seen Remus, and he was excited to reunite with him today. He had worked hard to look his best because of course he wanted to impress his Moony. That's how Sirius found himself waiting outside the venue a few hours before the show, talking to some other fans.
There was a younger teenage girl who appeared to be alone who Sirius had seen nervously shifting back and forth as time went on. She was on the outskirts of all of the conversation, and Sirius knew that look all too well.
"Hello there. First show?"
"First show for Moony and first show alone. It's quite nerve wracking. Everyone here seems to know each other."
"Some of us run into each other at multiple shows, that's all. There's nothing wrong with it being your first show. I remember my first Moony show, he completely took my breath away."
"I'm so excited! Do you know if he still comes out after the shows? I wanted him to write out a lyric from Cardigan for me so I could get it tattooed."
"Ah. I had him draw stars for me," Sirius explained, showing the girl the stars surrounding some of his scars from growing up.
She nodded in understanding before fiddling with the sleeve of her sweater.
"I think it would help. I wanted to get meet and greet but pricing went up since the last tour and by the time I had enough saved, it was sold out."
"Going viral on TikTok will do that to you. I'm happy for him, but I miss him being a secret. I want to gatekeep his music so bad, but if anyone deserves the success it's him."
"I'm Ella by the way."
"Sirius, pleasure to meet you."
The more Sirius spoke with the girl, the more confident he was that she deserved his meet and greet ticket. As much as he loved Moony, sometimes he did feel bad traveling as much as he did and buying so many meet and greet tickets. It's why he never associated his personal account @MoonysMan with his update account @MoonysMusic. Sirius knew he was privileged and didn't want others to feel like it was a competition when it wasn't.
Once it was time to start the meet and greet check in, Sirius gave his pass to the girl.
"Go and get your tattoo."
"Really, I have meet and greet again for next week. Just promise me you'll send Moony my love."
"I can't accept this."
"Well you better because you're next in line. Bye!"
Sirius gave her a gentle shove forward in the line and then leaned against the brick wall behind him with a sigh before opening up Twitter.
@MoonysMan: I will no longer be reuniting with my husband today. Don't miss me too much Moony I'll still be screaming for you in the crowd x
Sirius was in the middle of relaying what happened to a very confused James when he got a dm from Remus himself a few minutes after his initial tweet.
Moony: Is everything alright Sirius?
Sirius: Moony! Always a pleasure to have you sliding into my dms ;)
Sirius: but yes, everything is fine. met a fan in line who's never seen you and wanted you to write out her first tattoo. similar story to mine so I just had to let her use my meet and greet
Moony: Well, aren't you a sweetheart
Sirius: I aim to please. It's a shame really that I look this good and now you won't even get to see my new outfit :(
Moony: Ah, I wouldn't be so sure about that
Looking up, Sirius squinted at the window where he knew the band room was and he saw Remus looking down, phone in hand. With a grin, Sirius blew him a kiss and he laughed as Remus caught it and pressed it to his heart.
Sirius: well?
Moony: Well what?
Sirius: what do you think of my new outfit?
Moony: I think I'll need to see it closer to give my final opinion
Sirius: I refuse to repeat an outfit during tour so you're out of luck I'm afraid. I'll see you next week though, don't miss me too much Moons x
Moony: It's been months, I think I'll allow myself to miss you a tiny bit
Maybe the relationship wasn't as parasocial as Sirius thought.
Sirius: I think I can live with that
Moony: I do need to go though, I've got to get Lily out of my hair. Literally
As Sirius typed his response, he got a message from Lily.
"Ouch Lily!," Remus hissed as Sirius watched Lily pull his hair. "Hello Sirius."
Sirius: thanks for that Lily flower, needed my dose of Remus for the day
Opening the messages with Moony back up, Sirius deleted and retyped his response.
Sirius: oh Lily's a lucky girl
Moony: Do you remember my first sold out show at this venue?
Sirius: of course I do. I still have the signed setlist with our Polaroid on my wall
Moony: Meet me after the show where we took the Polaroid. Got to go starboy, I'll see you later x
Sirius: I'll be there Moons x
"Finally making moves on the love of your life?," Lily asked with a grin as Remus put away his phone.
"Hmm?," he hummed, still thinking about Sirius.
"Are you finally going to ask him out?"
"Don't be silly."
"Remus you've been in love with him since the first time you saw him and he demanded you follow him on Twitter so that you'd never forget him when you made it big. You follow him on all of your accounts and you have his bloody notifications on! When you thought his brother James was his boyfriend I couldn't get you out of bed for the whole day until his instagram post said something about happy siblings day. You look for him in the crowd of every single show that you play. I truly don't know what else to tell you other than you need to finally make some sort of commitment before someone else beats you to it."
"Why would you say that?"
"Remus, I have eyes. He's absolutely gorgeous, he's funny, and he has a big heart. He ticks a lot of boxes for a lot of people, yourself included. He's a catch. Do you know how many times people flirt with him at your shows but he ignores them because he's looking at you like you hung the moon in the sky? You yelled at someone when they called you 'Moons' because only he's allowed to call you that."
"I feel like it's been so long now that I'm too late," Remus replied with a sigh. "He's spent so much money on me, it feels like a power imbalance."
"I don't see it that way, and I don't think he does either. He can separate your stage persona from your actual personality. Whenever I talk to him he always calls you Remus, never Moony. Besides, you can only write pining love songs about him for so long. Invite him up for dinner afterwards or I will."
"Good. Now, go see your adoring fans."
If Lily was one thing, she was a mastermind. Remus was her best friend since diapers, and she would do absolutely anything for him, including putting him in his rightfully deserved place. She had watched far too long as he pined in anguish, pouring his heart and soul out into his songs. No more. Heading down the back stairs, she made her way outside, walking to where she knew Sirius was waiting.
"Hi Sirius."
"Lily flower! So nice to see you again," he greeted with a grin and a hug.
"No James today?"
"I'm on my own for this show, he had to work today. I'm in between major shoots at the moment, I head out again later this week, after the shows. He'll be with me for the later one," Sirius said slyly, making a mental note to tell James Lily was asking after him.
"Where to this time?"
"Greece. I'm shooting some kind of fancy editorial."
"If one wanted to, how would they go about booking you for a shoot?"
"Depends on the person and their needs. If you wanted some photos for instagram for example, my services come to you free of charge."
"I was actually thinking for Moony's new album?," she asked in a quiet tone.
"Oh, he wouldn't want me."
"Why would you say that?," Lily asked with a frown.
"I've offered and alluded to it loads of times and then he'll ghost me. It's why I only saw you maybe twice on that tour two years ago. I didn't want to go to anymore shows and make him uncomfortable so I started taking more jobs. If he hadn't of sent me tickets to closing night, I would've stopped attending completely."
"I didn't know that."
"I won't do it unless he asks for me himself. He makes our boundaries very apparent and I don't want to cross them. It's why I do less shows now you know? I don't want to be overbearing. I can run his update account without having to follow him around everywhere. I only go now when it aligns with my shooting schedule."
"He's an idiot. This whole time he's been brooding over you not attending and it was his own fault. I love him but he's absolutely unbelievable."
"I'm sorry, I'm confused?"
"Nothing at all Sirius. I'll talk to him, he'd be stupid not to want you doing the shoot, you're insanely talented. He has every spread you've ever done."
"Oh," Sirius replied softly, looking down at the ground as he felt a blush take over his cheeks.
"Also, you should have dinner with Remus and I tonight. I told him to ask you after you see him later. I'm telling you in case he chickens out."
"If he doesn't-"
"Trust me Sirius, he wants you there. This thing you have going on is not as one sided as either of you thinks it is. You're both just stubborn and dramatic and I'm tired of all of this pining. I told him I would stay out of it but it's been exhausting to watch this play out over all of these years. I'll see you at dinner. And if James ends up picking you up from the show... well then, I suppose he can join us too."
"I'm sure he'll be thrilled Lily. Thank you, for coming down. I just don't want to mess things up, you know? I'm worried he thinks I only like him because he's Moony, but I'm just as infatuated with Remus I can assure you. Never knew I had a thing for grandpa jumpers but alas, the heart wants what the heart wants."
"The same way Remus never knew he had a thing for leather jackets. See you later Sirius."
As soon as Lily was back inside, Sirius called James.
"Sirius whatever Moony did, I promise you I don't care. I'm working."
"Well he placed the kiss I blew him over his heart but that's not why I'm calling. I was speaking to a certain flower..."
"Did she ask about me?!"
"She asked if you were coming and I said no and she actually looked a bit disappointed! She also said that if you're picking me up from the show that you can have dinner with her, Remus, and I."
Sirius heard the phone fall onto the floor along with James's yelp.
"Potter get ahold of yourself!"
"Sorry boss, my future wife has invited me to dinner! It's cause to celebrate!"
Sirius heard more muffled conversation before James finally picked the phone back up.
"I'll be there even if I have to crawl."
"Please don't, you're my ride. She also heavily implied he likes me back Prongs. Maybe we're finally getting somewhere," Sirius said wistfully.
"I'll start buying you grandpa jumpers now. Let me finish up at work. I'll stop at the shops beforehand and pick up something nice."
"I'll text you what to get for my Moons. His favorite chocolate. And I'll send you Lily's favorite wine."
"Thanks Pads, I'll text you when I'm on my way."
"Later Prongsie."
It was going to be a good night.
"Lily this is the worst night of my life."
"Remus what on earth are you going on about?"
"What do I wear?! I have nothing to wear!"
"Wear your favorite jumper."
"But my stage clothes-"
"I have it on good authority he loves your grandpa jumpers."
"You did something," Remus accused, spinning around to point a finger at Lily.
"Yes, I did. I invited Sirius... and James to dinner. I didn't think you were going to. Sirius and I had a lovely little chat about you."
"You invited James?"
"That's what you want to ask me? It's rude to have him waiting in the car while you try to make moves on his brother."
"Who said anything about making moves?"
"What I want to know is what happened between you and Sirius two years ago and why you didn't tell me."
"Is he still upset with me about that?," Remus asked, tugging his curls in his panicked state.
"No, but I am. You never told me this was your fault! I hated the guy for a year for ghosting you and not following the tour anymore but you pushed him away because he offered his photography services to you?"
"It felt like taking advantage-"
"Remus, that is quite literally his job. How is it taking advantage of him when he asked you and he'd be compensated for his time? That whole situation is why he attends less shows by the way. You'd see him more often if you got over yourself and had a single conversation with him."
"You're making it ten times harder to do that. Just let me... do what I need to do."
"Have the conversation you've been putting off for years. Go on Remus, I believe in you."
Remus would never get over how radiating Sirius was. He was leaning against the wall, face angled up towards the night sky, and the moon was casting his face in a soft light.
"The brightest star in the sky," Remus murmured, louder than he had meant to.
"That's me," Sirius replied cheekily. "Hiya Moons, long time no see," he greeted, pulling Remus into a hug.
"My number 1 fan is busy making a name for himself."
"I'm never too busy for you. I just don't want to be too much, you know?"
"I'm sorry if I ever made you feel that way Sirius. That was never my intention. Let's recreate our photo and head upstairs yeah? We can talk inside. Is James here yet?"
"He's circling for parking."
"He can park up here, hold on. I'll tell security it's fine."
They shared small talk until James came bounding up to them.
"Remus!," James greeted, quickly hugging the other man. "Is Lily around?"
"Can you at least attempt to be subtle Prongs?"
"That's rich coming from you Pads," James replied with a snort. "Let me take your photo and you two can continue pretending like you haven't been flirting with each other for the past half decade."
"Who said I'm pretending? I think I've been fairly obvious with my flirting considering my handle is literally saying I'm Moony's husband," Sirius replied with an eye roll.
After taking the photo, Remus awkwardly showed James and Sirius upstairs as they bickered with each other.
"Potter," Lily greeted from where she was waiting at the top of the stairs for the men.
"Hi Lily! I brought you some wine."
"Oh. That's my favorite. Thank you. Come with me to get glasses?"
"Of course."
Remus moved to sneak away into another room, not expecting Sirius to follow him.
"You did great tonight Moony."
"Thank you."
"I love your sweater."
"Yeah? I wasn't sure..."
"I like you no matter what you're wearing, I would hope you would know that by now," Sirius replied with a frown. "Maybe I should just go Remus."
"It doesn't seem like you want me here. Ever since we had that incident two years ago I honestly don't know where we stand. I don't want to say anything that will make you upset with me. I wouldn't be able to take it if you started ignoring me again. I know that I'm too much, that's why I go to less shows now. I've been trying to tone it down but I think I'll forever be too much for everyone."
"It's not that Sirius. You just make me nervous. I... if we had met even earlier then things would be easier. It feels like I'm taking advantage."
"Taking advantage of what? You know what, I have an idea."
Sirius sat on the floor, facing the wall across from him.
"Well? Come sit, rest your back against mine, let's talk."
"Remus," Sirius mocked. "It's only going to work if we do it like this."
"Isn't this nice Moons?," Sirius asked, leaning back against Remus.
"It's something alright."
"So... what do you have to say?"
"I'm sorry for the way that I handled you offering your photography services. I wanted to accept, but there were a few things stopping me. Number 1 is that I thought it would be taking advantage of you, even if I did pay you. Number 2 is the fact that you make me nervous, and I knew I would make an absolute fool of myself if you got too close to me. It's different when I'm onstage. I'm Moony. I'm cool and I'm fun and I'm confident and people like me for some reason. People are disappointed when they get to know Remus."
"I have never been disappointed in getting to know you Remus. Under it all, you're still the same person. I thought I offended you, and then I didn't hear from you anymore. You never responded so I stopped reaching out. It was the only time I couldn't listen to your music anymore, it hurt too much. I thought we were at least friends, but that really put me in my place. After all, I pay to spend time with you. Kind of pathetic really."
"You're not paying to be here now."
"Ah, but I paid initially. Ella's writing for her tattoo come out okay? Sweet girl, I hope her circumstances improve. Anyway, I want to be friends, like actual friends, but it feels like you won't let me. I don't know if you're worried I would accidentally say something on my update account or-"
"I know you would never," Remus interrupted. "We've been doing this dance for years now and you've never said anything that I haven't wanted you to. I know what it feels like to lose you temporarily, and I don't want that again. You've been there since the beginning, I hope you'll be there until the end."
"Of course I will be Remus. I mean it when I say I like you as a person. You were never just Moony to me. You're the moon to my star. It's different I think than if I had decided to be your fan later on. I've been there since the beginning so it's like we've grown together, and that means a lot to me, to know that you've been there with me for so many milestones."
Sirius smiled as Remus's hand rested on top of his own. It seemed as if Remus was really trying.
"Can I give you my phone number?," Remus questioned tentatively.
"I'd love that Remus."
"And maybe... maybe we can do something on my day off? Just the two of us?"
"What would you like to do?"
"I don't know honestly. What do you do on your days off?," Remus asked curiously.
"Sit in my pyjamas, bake some cookies, watch some bad telly. Sometimes I paint or play piano."
"You play?!"
"Piano, guitar, violin, drums."
"There's so much I don't know about you."
"You're much more interesting to talk about," Sirius brushed off.
"I'd like to get to know you. Tell me something else?"
"I speak fluent French. I have another brother aside from James. My favorite color is green."
"I speak Welsh. Only child as you know but Lily might as well be my sister. My favorite color is maroon."
"It's nice, having a best friend like that."
"When do you think those two are going to get together?," Remus asked curiously, leaning back to rest his head on Sirius's shoulder.
"It's awfully quiet, so James is either dead or they're snogging."
Sirius smiled as he felt Remus laugh against him.
"I'd bet on the first one."
"I wouldn't be so sure. He's normally quite charming, he genuinely likes her. James has such a big heart, I've always admired that about him. He's got more than enough love to go around, but when he gives it to you, you can't help but feel special anyway."
"That sounds quite nice. Should we go spy on them?"
"I thought you'd never ask Moons."
They were, in fact, snogging. James was pressed against the kitchen counter by Lily, clearly having the time of his life when Sirius and Remus found them. Sirius's snicker was enough to get them to pull apart.
"Wine?," Lily asked, clearing her throat and avoiding eye contact as she busied herself with moving away from James, who looked utterly starstruck.
"Good news Sirius, we're coming to tomorrow night's show!"
"Are you now?," Remus asked with a raised eyebrow.
"James is off from work," Lily replied with a shrug.
"Ah. I might be cutting it close, I have a smaller shoot booked for the late afternoon into the early evening. I'll be there, just might miss the opener."
"If you can't-"
"Do you want me there?," Sirius questioned, tone serious.
"I always want you here. I look for you every show."
"Then I'll be there," Sirius answered. "Let's have that glass of wine now shall we?"
To say Sirius was shocked to wake up from a deep sleep to a text from Remus would be the understatement of the year.
Moony: Good morning Star Boy
Sirius: it is now Moons :)
Moony: That's all it takes to make a good morning?
Sirius: it just confirms that last night actually happened and wasn't a dream x
Moony: Dream of me often do you?
Sirius: wouldn't you like to know Remus ;)
Moony: I think I could get it out of you
Sirius: I'd rather discuss this in person so I could watch the blush color that pretty face of yours in real time
Moony: Speaking of in person
Sirius raised an eyebrow in interest, wondering where this would be going. He paused, waiting for Remus to continue, but he didn't.
Sirius: dramatic much? thought that was my thing
With a sigh, Sirius decided to shower and get ready for his day.
Sure enough, when he returned he had more messages waiting from Remus.
Moony: I am so sorry! I didn't mean to disappear like that
Moony: As I was saying, speaking of in person...
Moony: I'd like to see you again, do all of those things we talked about doing together last night
*five minutes later*
Moony: Only if you want to of course!
*two minutes later*
Moony: Not that I think you WOULDN'T want to
Moony: Not that I'm implying you HAVE to see me
Moony: Oh God Sirius please come back before I throw myself off a bridge
Moony: Why don't phones let us unsend embarrassing messages after we've had more time to think about them?
*ten minutes later*
Moony: I will be turning my phone off now before I die
*five minutes later*
Sirius: Moons?
Sirius: oh you're so cute
Sirius: adorable really, and all because of me <3
Sirius: there is absolutely nothing in the world that I would rather do than spend time with you, don't you dare worry your pretty little head with overthinking x
Sirius: I was simply in the shower, sadly without you ;)
Sirius: I'm having SUCH a good hair day today though, look how fabulous
Sirius: *image attached*
Remus was dead. He had died and gone to heaven, perhaps to hell actually after how badly he had already muddled this up. As he finally picked up his phone upon hearing Sirius had responded, multiple times, the first thing he saw was the photo. The photo of a very shirtless, still wet and grinning Sirius, who- were those tattoos?! Remus knew he had his song lyrics tattooed on his arm, but he could see more tattoos trailing down Sirius's collarbone to the edge of the frame.
Moony: Tattoos?
Sirius: oh hey Moonshine welcome back. was worried I lost you there
Moony: I did contemplate a jump but Lily would be mad at me, bring me back, and then finish the job herself
Sirius: for the record, I would bring you back too, but I'd still keep you here
Sirius: yes tattoos! I've lost count of how many I have now. you knew about the one you wrote for me obviously, but there's more
Moony: More I've written for you? Can I see?
Sirius: geez Moons buy me dinner first at least ;)
Sirius: or at least agree that my hair looks fabulous
Moony: Sorry, I was distracted. Very fabulous. Breathtaking even
Sirius: oh Moons you're too kind <3
Sirius: I have "Star Boy" on the inside of my forearm and then the constellation you doodled for me
Sirius: *image attached*
Moony: I've always wanted a tattoo
Sirius: any reason why you haven't gotten one yet?
Moony: They're very... permanent. And I'm worried I won't be able to handle the pain quite honestly
Sirius: you can come with me to get my next one if you're around. see what it's like
Moony: Do you need me to hold your hand?
"Remus, you're practically giggling and kicking your feet over here. Just what exactly is going on?"
"Hmm? Oh nothing."
"You're talking to Sirius aren't you!"
"What gave you that idea?," Remus asked, looking up in confusion.
"You haven't stopped smiling at your phone for the past 15 minutes. You're blushing!"
Remus just huffed and went back to his texting conversation with Sirius before his phone was stolen from his hands.
"Lily! Give it back!"
"Or what?," she asked, scrolling through the messages.
"Or else I'll give your number to James."
"You wouldn't," she said, freezing, phone slipping out of her hand.
"I would," Remus responded, face void of emotion. "If you continue to interfere with my love life, I'll interfere with yours."
"I didn't know you felt that way about me Moons."
"Oh my God," Lily said with a gasp, picking up the phone.
"You called him on my phone?!," Remus hissed, snatching it out of her hand.
"And here I was thinking you were going to profess your undying love for me. A pity, truly."
"I'm gonna go now."
"Lily Evans you are dead to me."
"I'm just... also going to go seeing as this was clearly an accident," Sirius replied awkwardly.
"No, you can stay," Remus said softly.
"Yeah. Let's plan out the next time I'm seeing you, which was the whole point of this initial conversation."
"I still think my hair looks fabulous."
"Maybe the picture didn't do it justice."
Instead of a snarky retort, which is what Remus expected, Sirius hung up on him. His jaw was still dropped as he answered the FaceTime call from Sirius.
"Perhaps this will do it justice then Mr. Moony. For your viewing pleasure, my get ready with me to go about my day."
"You hung up on me."
"You didn't even mean to call me," Sirius replied with an eye roll. "Besides, I do have things to do today so this is easier for me to get through them quickly. I need to go grocery shopping, so I'm going to pretend like I don't know an insane amount about you and we're going to talk about our favorite movies and snacks like normal people, deal?"
And so the conversation went, and really, why had Remus pushed this off for so long? It was inevitable really, having Sirius in his life in this way. He hadn't realized exactly what he had been missing.
"You have a very suspicious smile on your face. Pound for your thoughts?"
"This is nice, and I wish we'd done it earlier."
"I respected your boundaries. You have me now, so...," Sirius trailed off with a soft smile.
"I'm excited to see you again today. Would you have dinner with me again tonight?"
"I'd love that."
They spoke for another half hour until Sirius eventually had to go.
"Same place tonight," Remus instructed as he said goodbye to Sirius.
"I wouldn't miss it. Bye Moons."
"See you later Star Boy."
Sirius had never cleaned with a fury as he had that afternoon. Remus had a day off after last night's show, and he was spending it with Sirius, in his home. He hadn't thought he was that messy of a person, but his inability to choose an outfit that was the right mixture of "casual" and "I'm in love with you" had left clothes everywhere. Somehow a sock was hanging off of his ceiling fan.
"Everything is going to be fine," Sirius reassured himself, closing his eyes and exhaling heavily.
Once he reopened them, he was met with a lot more photos of Remus than were socially acceptable. Remus was not allowed to enter his bedroom. Just in case, he decided to put a few things away in his closet. You never knew what could happen.
Sirius was finishing getting snacks ready when the doorbell rang, and he jumped in surprise, spilling some popcorn on the floor. He quickly cleaned it up before hurrying to the door and opening it with a grin.
"Your hair still looks fabulous," Remus greeted with a grin, looking Sirius up and down.
He had decided on cute but comfortable since they'd be lounging around his house all day. Remus however had gone in for the kill in gray sweatpants, and Sirius wasn't sure if he'd survive the day.
"You look deadly. Don't think I don't know what you're doing with those sweatpants. Come on in Moons, you can leave your shoes next to the door."
"I can't say I know what you mean. I did bring the requested snacks though."
"Wonderful, thank you."
Taking the snacks, Sirius finished setting up before turning to Remus with a smile.
"Hi," Remus replied with a soft laugh, opening his arms up for Sirius.
Sirius fit perfectly, and Remus rested his chin on top of his head.
"Want to give me a tour?"
"These are my arms, you fit perfectly between them."
"God you're cute," Remus replied with a soft sigh.
"You would know. Let me actually show you around now and then we can get to the fun part."
Sirius had just pointed out his closed bedroom door, and Remus couldn't help the need to tease him about it.
"So, how many photos of me are in your room to warrant the door being closed?"
"Cocky, are we?"
"Avoiding the question, are we?"
With a huff, Sirius opened the door dramatically.
"A perfectly normal amount of photos, thank you. You'll find I'm in almost all of them."
"Can I be nosy?"
"That didn't stop you before," Sirius replied with a click of his tongue.
Grabbing Remus's hand, he pulled him into the room.
"You like musicals?," Remus asked, looking at the signed show posters on the wall.
"Absolutely love them. Beetlejuice, Little Shop of Horrors, Sweeney Todd, Heathers, you name it. There's just something about a good story, and I love music. Put the two together, and I'm hooked."
"I hate that there's so much that I don't know about you."
"All you have to do is ask Remus. My only caveat is we stay away from family talk. I'll give you the spark notes version that I ran away from home at 16, James and his family took me in, I got disowned, then received an inheritance from my uncle that allowed me to continue on. That's when I realized I needed to figure out who I was. Then I stumbled upon you and your music and something clicked you know?
When you released Figure Me Out, it felt like you had written it for me. The timing was perfect, and I was so grateful. I made sure to keep up with you, support you however I could. I knew if you could do something for me, there were so many other people you could help Remus, and you deserved that chance."
"All of your comments kept me going. I wrote them all in a notebook that I still carry around with me. I look through them less frequently now, but Sirius, you were always there, and I was a fool to keep you at arm's length."
"Right person wrong time."
"I think it's almost the right time," Remus admitted, wrapping his arms around Sirius. "I don't think I even have the right to ask you to continue being patient with me, but I'm going to ask you anyway."
"We've made more progress in the past 2 days than we have in the past 2 years Moons. I'd wait forever for you."
"Which musical is your favorite?"
"My favorite changes depending on the criteria. Beetlejuice has one of my absolute favorite soundtracks. Little Shop tells such a meaningful story, I relate to Seymour so much. He just wanted to make something of himself, get out from the circumstances that he grew up in. What he thought he wanted ended up leading to his demise. Heathers is just big fun."
"You did not just make that joke."
"You don't want to have big fun with me?," Sirius asked with a pout, looking up at Remus and batting his eyelashes.
"I don't think I want to have any kind of Heathers song with you if I'm being honest."
"I was meant to be yours. You were meant to be mine," Sirius sang quietly, rocking them from side to side.
"Would you open the door?"
"Depends on the circumstances honestly. Not to be all like 'I can fix him' but there was a point where he stopped for her and was content enough with carrying on. The whole You're Welcome scene was just... a lot. Obviously what happened at the end was bad and I'm not really saying it's justified, but it probably happened to other people, so I can understand it, in like, a fictional way."
"Is this you trying to convince me that you're not a murderer?"
"Is it working?"
"All I'm saying is that it must be nice, to be loved so unconditionally that someone would do absolutely anything for you. Growing up knowing that you're the only one who's got your back, you yearn for something like that. But obviously the toxic relationship part is a no. Moons you have me ranting like a psychopath."
"I'm going to have to give you a trench coat now."
"You'll have to pry my leather jacket off of my cold dead corpse."
"Sticking with the theme are we?," Remus teased. "I do love that jacket on you."
"I love your sweaters," Sirius replied, gently tugging on Remus's sleeves.
"Better than my stage clothes?"
"I like you as you are. However, those mesh shirts will end up in my wardrobe soon enough."
"Will they now? I guess I'll just have to find something of yours to take."
"That can be arranged. Now, what have you decided you want to watch?"
"Isn't it obvious that we should watch a musical? I need to hear more of that pretty voice of yours."
"That's all you Remus. I'll play some piano for you later. Let's watch something and then I'll order some takeout?"
"Sounds good."
Sirius wasn't expecting to have to essentially tackle Remus onto the couch when the delivery driver rang his doorbell. The only thing that got Remus to stay seated was Sirius asking if he wanted Sirius's address posted everywhere after he was pictured at his house. Remus stuck his tongue out in reply and crossed his arms over his chest.
"So cute Moons," Sirius cooed.
They ate on the couch, some show Sirius couldn't recall the name of playing quietly as he took in the moment.
"Will you play for me now?," Remus asked after he helped Sirius clean up from dinner.
"Of course I will."
Remus sat on the piano bench next to Sirius, absolutely in awe of his talent. His fingers easily flew across the keys and Remus found himself swaying along to the music, not wanting to disturb the melody by humming. With a mischievous grin, Sirius started playing Figure Me Out, and Remus was quick to record. Listening to Sirius play his song and sing it for him, Remus had a vision of a very similar setting a few years down the line of him playing all of his new music for Sirius.
"That was beautiful."
"Yes, well, the most beautiful man in the world wrote it."
"Says you, have you seen yourself?"
"I'm textbook definition beautiful, it's quite boring. You however are an absolute vision, and much more interesting to look at. I like discovering new flecks of color in your eyes and mapping out constellations in your freckles."
"I'm trying to grow the Dog Star, let me know if I succeed."
"That's why I just got it tattooed," Sirius replied with a grin.
"What else do you do on your days off like this?," Remus asked, changing the subject.
"I put on my pyjamas and do my skincare routine. Sometimes I'll paint my nails, which desperately need to be redone right now actually. Then I'll watch a movie or play something before I sleep."
"What goes into your skincare routine?"
"Oh Moons I'm so glad you asked! You'll be glowing by the time you walk out of here."
"That was a question not an invitation."
"Come along Remus, you brought your pyjamas right? Go change, we'll just do face masks then."
"Face masks and I'll let you paint my nails?," Remus offered.
As if Sirius would turn down holding Remus's hand.
Remus, for his part, wanted Sirius to do more than hold his hand. It was as if all of the feelings he had been holding back for years suddenly flooded back to the surface all at once. Gripping the sink, Remus took a long look at himself in the mirror. He wouldn't kiss Sirius tonight, after the next date surely, but for now he would take whatever the other man would give him.
"You can put some music on, here," Sirius offered, handing Remus his phone, a hair tie in between his teeth.
"Oh am I in for a treat?"
"Surely you've seen me with my hair up before? I put it back often."
"I think I'd remember," Remus mused, eyes trailing along the pale expanse of Sirius's neck.
Sirius laughed when Remus put on one of his own songs.
"What? You love this song!," he argued, crossing his arms over his chest defensively.
"You're so special Moons. Obviously I love this song, I don't just get anything tattooed on my body. Are you going to sing to me? Or maybe you want to dance with me?"
It scared Remus just how used to this, to Sirius, that he could be. Spinning him around in the bathroom, swaying together as Sirius looked up at him with a grin lighting up his face.
"You're something else Sirius Black."
"I could be your something else, Remus Lupin."
"You already are."
"I hope you still feel that way by the end of the night."
"As if. I almost let you go once, I'm not foolish enough to make that same mistake again."
Remus also wasn't foolish enough to not offer to paint Sirius's nails himself. His hands were a little shaky from holding Sirius's, but he was extremely careful. Their nails matched, being the inverse of each other's, so when they held hands the pattern intertwined perfectly.
"I want moons, for my Moony."
"Like... a full moon or a crescent? I don't know if I can do a crescent."
"Do your best, I'll clean them up."
They were a little misshapen, but Sirius wouldn't have it any other way, especially when he was painting little stars on Remus's nails.
"Stunning," he praised, pressing a kiss to Remus's knuckles. "Shall we watch another film?"
While watching the film, Remus slowly began moving closer to Sirius.
"Share the blanket with me Remus?," Sirius asked innocently.
"If you insist."
Remus fell asleep halfway through the film. Sirius swore he was going to wake him up after the film ended, but he too fell asleep with less than 20 minutes left. Both men slept through the night.
Waking up to Remus curled into him was the best thing that had happened to Sirius. Remus had his head nestled into Sirius's chest, and Sirius had an arm around him, holding Remus. Pressing a kiss to Remus's forehead, the other man slowly stirred.
"Sirius?," he asked groggily.
"Hey love, we fell asleep," Sirius replied softly, running a hand through Remus's hair.
"Should text Lily," Remus mumbled, rolling over and burying his face in Sirius's chest.
"Your phone isn't in there Moons," Sirius laughed softly.
"So warm."
"I'll text her, sleep some more."
Sirius: you are never getting Remus Lupin back ever I'm afraid x
Lily: Good night then? I was worried a bit when I didn't hear from him but checked his phone location and saw he was still with you
Sirius: the best night. he's sleeping on my chest right now and I'm never ever letting him go
Sirius: I'm holding the whole world right now
Lily: Just make sure his back is supported, it seizes up sometimes
Sirius carefully readjusted themselves to make sure Remus was comfortable before checking the time.
Sirius: when do I have to return him to you? :(
Lily: By noon latest, have to travel to the next show
Sirius: it's already 10 :(
Sirius: I'll wow him with my culinary skills and then he'll never want to leave
Lily: I'm sure he already doesn't want to leave. I'll text you when I'm on my way to pick him up
Sirius: I'm making pancakes if you want to come over earlier
Lily: I'll be there soon x
Turning off his phone screen, Sirius pressed another kiss to the top of Remus's head before very slowly, sneaking out from beneath him and padding over to the kitchen. A few minutes later, Sirius felt his phone vibrating in his pocket.
"Hey Prongs," he answered quietly.
"Good morning, Pads?"
"The best. Moons is still sleeping, I'm making us breakfast. He's absolutely wonderful James. The sweetest ever, and he's so soft and kind... I'm down bad and I don't even care."
"I'm sure he feels the same about you, he'd be a fool not to. Your famous pancakes?"
"What else? There's nothing better than my pancakes."
"And if I were to be there in oh, let's say, 10 minutes, would there be pancakes for me?"
"I'll always have pancakes for you. Besides, Lily is also coming for pancakes."
Sirius heard a crash followed by a yelp.
"I'll... I'll be there in 15."
"You do that James, I'll see you soon," Sirius hung up, laughing quietly to himself.
"Leaving me to sleep all alone is not a good look for you," Remus mumbled, wrapping himself around Sirius and burying his face in his neck.
"Even if I'm making you my famous pancakes?"
"I do love pancakes," Remus hummed in reply.
"Sorry for falling asleep, I had every intention of waking you up."
"I didn't mind. Thanks for talking to Lils, I didn't want her to worry."
"She stalked your location, and now she's coming over for pancakes."
"With... Prongs?"
"With James, yes."
"And he calls you what, Padfoot?"
"Yep. We'll tell you the story over breakfast. What toppings would you like for your pancakes?"
The morning went like that, with Remus and Sirius quietly existing in each other's spaces, making breakfast together.
"Yes Remus?"
"Would you... only if you want to... shoot my next album cover?"
The spoon Sirius was holding clattered to the counter and he turned around quickly.
"I was being a fool two years ago, and I won't make the same mistake again. My friend Dorcas will draw up the contract and everything so you can look it over, if you want to. There's no pressure, please think about it before-"
"Answering," Remus finished lamely.
"I told you years ago that I would do it, I wouldn't change my mind. We'll try it out and if your vision doesn't coincide with mine, no hard feelings I promise Remus. I just need you to swear to be honest with me."
"I promise."
"Thanks Moons."
"You're welcome... Pads."
Oh Sirius was in love.
Soon enough Lily was there, with James quickly following and tripping over his own feet. Instead of scoffing, Lily actually looked... endeared.
"Sit next to me?," she offered.
Sirius and Remus left them to their own devices, enjoying their last few moments together, holding hands across the table.
"When do you get back from your shoot? You're going to Greece right?"
"Yep, Greece."
"And does this timeline just so happen to coincide with my tour date in Greece?"
"Wouldn't you like to know Moons?," Sirius teased, brushing a curl off of Remus's forehead.
"I'll see you though?"
Remus was worried that this nice little bubble they had been living in was about to burst.
"I have a ga ticket, so I'll be there."
"What if, you sold the ga ticket and watched from somewhere else? Side stage, backstage, behind the barricade. I want to see you, I want to know you're there."
"If I'm behind the barricade, can I shoot you? Venues have strict guidelines on what cameras can be brought in, but if I can bring my professional camera..."
"You want to work at my show?," Remus asked in confusion.
"I want to capture your very essence on that stage. You won't let me pay for the ticket so I'll work for it. It's not even work really, I love my job. The editing can be a bit of work I won't lie, but the actual art of photography is something I crave more than air. The only thing I crave more than that is time with you."
The way Sirius was looking at him gave Remus chills. He began to lean forward when Lily called to him. Closing his eyes, he released a sigh.
"We'll call, text, and FaceTime right Moons? We've gone longer without seeing each other."
"We have, but not like this. Not when you know I feel like this."
Sirius grabbed Remus's face gently between his hands, and pulled him forward so that their foreheads pressed together.
"I know it's new and that's why you're worried, to be leaving so soon just when something is starting, but you're taking my heart with you. I'll see you in Greece, we'll plan out your shoot, and then this leg of the tour will be over. I've wanted you for years Remus, you're mental if you think a little distance is going to put me off. We both travel for work, I understand. I'll see you soon, love."
"I'll see you soon... darling."
"Oh darling, I like that a lot Moons."
"Remus," Lily said gently.
"Go play one hell of a show tonight love."
"I always do," Remus replied with a grin, pressing a kiss to Sirius's forehead.
And if Remus wore a shirt he had snagged from Sirius's closet, who would know? If Sirius had made the photo Lily took of him holding Remus's face in his hands his new homescreen who would know that either? Aside from James, who was chanting that he was over the moon for Moony who only shut up when Sirius threatened to text Lily embarrassing photos of him.
Sirius and Remus had FaceTimed every single night until they were reunited. As soon as Sirius knocked on Remus's hotel door, the door flew open and Sirius had his arms full of Remus.
"Hi love."
"I'm so happy to see you darling," Remus murmured, face buried in Sirius's neck.
"The feeling is mutual Moons."
"Come in. I have your photography badge for the show."
"I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am for this."
"I'm just happy to have you here Sirius."
"Look at you being all open with your feelings now," Sirius teased, hugging Remus from behind.
"I don't know why I spent so long convincing myself that I didn't want, that I didn't deserve this."
"It wasn't the right time then, but it is now."
"It is now," Remus agreed. "So now you're stuck with me running my mouth, being quite embarrassing, and writing songs that are without a doubt about you."
"If you ever tell me one of these songs are about me and you play it for me you'll be stuck alone in a room with me for at least two hours."
"At least," Sirius promised, kissing Remus's neck. "I'd keep you in there as long as I could get away with it."
Remus sighed softly, letting his head drop back onto Sirius's shoulder.
"I'll clear my schedule for you then because I want you to be the first one to hear your song when I think it's ready."
"Look at us, creating art for each other."
"Speaking of, let me actually get your badge now. You're distracting me. Then we can head out to the venue, have a snack, and I can let you in on my pre-show rituals."
"I feel like a VIP."
"You are. Very important Padfoot," Remus replied solemnly.
Remus thought it would be okay if he never had another number one song so long as he could make Sirius laugh like that forever. That was true music to his ears.
The crowd was exhilarating, and Sirius could not get enough of the energy. He took some of the best photos of his career of both Remus and the crowd, Remus very pointedly made eye contact while singing certain songs, and he was privy to a very sweaty Remus Lupin post-show. Sirius couldn't wait to start going through and editing the photos.
After Remus showered and changed, he invited Sirius back to his hotel room for dinner. While Remus was getting that ready, Sirius started importing the photos from his sd card into his computer before going back to his room to quickly shower and change as well.
"Can I plait your hair?," Remus asked, running a hand through Sirius's curls after they had finished eating.
"You know how?"
"I do. I'll have to have Lily teach me more hairstyles for longer hair now."
"Yes, you can plait it. That sounds quite nice honestly."
While Remus was doing that, Sirius began to look through the photos he had taken.
"God Moons, just look at you. You belong up there."
"I think I belong right here."
"Both can be true at the same time. I'm so lucky to be able to know you Remus."
"I feel the same way Sirius. You know, I don't think you ever told me how you found my YouTube account back in the day."
"Oh, it's quite simple. Your cover of Face Down by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus. I was going through some things and I like listening to covers because they give a new perspective to the original song. You had such a soothing voice, put that in combination with being such a beautiful man, I didn't stand a chance. I knew from that first video that you were special. I subscribed, turned on your notifications, followed all of your social media, and bought all of your merch. I'm a day one."
"You know, I always think of how much everyone has done for me, but I forget that it goes both ways. Then people share their stories with me and it helps me to remember that I'm where I'm supposed to be. I always wanted to make a difference, I just didn't think it would be like this."
"If it wasn't this, what would it be?," Sirius asked curiously.
"You'll laugh."
"Not at your dreams, no. I would never do that. I'll share first. Something in the realm of art was always my dream. As the first born and eldest son, I was expected to take over and carry on the family business. Could you imagine me as a lawyer or a politician?"
"You're far too pretty for that. I also think you're too pretty to be behind the camera, but I can tell you're doing what you love."
"I am, doing what I love. It took a lot to get out of that house. I left my brother behind, and we'll never have the relationship that we once did and that kills me. If I didn't get out though..."
Remus didn't need to imagine the rest.
"I wanted to do something with children. Teaching, maybe social work. Something along those lines."
"Down the road, you could always teach some music classes."
"I never really thought of that. I guess it doesn't have to be one or the other."
"I think you'd be great with kids. Do you want kids one day?"
"I do. Do you?"
"Ideally. I just don't know if I'd be a good dad. Mine was shit, I'd hate to bring a child into this world, or adopt or foster one, and put them in a rough situation."
"I think the fact that you've already thought of all of this proves you'll be a good dad. You will mess up, that's a fact, but it's how you own up to it."
"I suppose you're right."
"There, all done," Remus said proudly.
Pulling out his phone, Sirius opened the camera to admire his hair. He spent more time admiring how proud Remus looked and couldn't help but snap some photos.
"You could at least warn me before doing that."
"I'm only sending one to Lily so she can see what a great job you did. I would never post any private photos of you without your consent Remus."
"I know. Doesn't mean I don't want to look good in our photos though."
"Come here love, we'll knock Lily off her feet."
Sirius was living in a world of bliss. Ever since Remus had finished the last leg of the tour, they had seen each other every single day. There were a few days where they would alternate whose house they spent the night at, going from one home to the next. It felt like Sirius had finally found what was missing.
Today was the long awaited album shoot, and Sirius couldn't believe that he was being paid to stare at Remus all day.
It was amazing to watch Lily work quickly and efficiently and highlight all of the parts of Remus that Sirius had grown to love. He especially loved how Remus's freckles were never hidden. Sirius was guilty of spending many minutes every time Remus fell asleep tracing patterns in his freckles with his eyes. When he could get away with it, Sirius would brush his fingers against Remus's cheek, mapping out nonsensical patterns.
Remus enjoyed seeing a new side of Sirius. He was, for lack of a better word, very serious about his profession. As the shoot progressed, Sirius enthusiastically explained everything he was doing to Remus. He made sure Remus was comfortable the whole entire time and built in breaks so he didn't get overheated by the lights. Remus didn't think he had ever felt so cared for and understood, and once again wondered why he didn't allow himself to have this sooner.
While Lily was touching up his hair and makeup, Sirius had begun to go through the photos he had taken earlier in the shoot to see if anything needed to be reshot. His eyebrows raised in surprise when he saw photos of himself repositioning Remus and adjusting his stance just so.
"Checkmate Lily flower," Sirius murmured to himself.
As he continued to click through the photos, Sirius jotted down some other ideas he had for potential covers as well.
"Okay Moons, let's finish up. We should be done by the end of the hour. You've given me lots to work with."
"This has been the least stressful shoot ever, and I mean that. I don't know if this is how you treat all of your clients, but I feel safe here."
"That's all I've ever wanted. I try not to treat my clients differently, but you may have gotten some better snacks than what I normally provide. I'm trying to use psychology on you, is it working?"
"Are you trying to Pavlov me?," Remus asked, throwing his head back in laughter.
"I think it is working. You'll always think of me whenever you hear the sound of a KitKat breaking. That's my secret."
"Not much of a secret if you share it, is it?"
"I trust you with all of my secrets, Moons," Sirius replied with a wink.
Once the shoot ended, Sirius invited Remus back to his place for dinner.
"Will you show me what the vetting process for photos is? How you choose which ones you want to edit?"
"You'll probably find it boring, but I can if you'd like."
"I don't find spending time with you boring at all Star Boy. Besides, you can tell me how pretty I am while you go through my photos."
"I can start now. God, I love your freckles."
"I haven't achieved growing the Dog Star yet."
"I'm sure I can map something out. Let me start the transfer process and I'll make us something for dinner. I can whip up a pasta dish, a frozen pizza, I can do chicken tenders and chips, or pancakes but then I'll have to make you something else in the morning."
"A bit presumptuous to assume I'll stay the night isn't it?"
"Big words from someone who has slowly been emptying out my wardrobe."
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"The photos don't lie Moons, I have pictures of you on stage in what I know are my clothes. It's flattering though, so I let it happen. I like being the only one to know that you're parading around in my clothes and coming home to me."
"That mesh shirt is still up for grabs," Remus offered, wrapping his arms around Sirius's neck.
"As much as I love the sex appeal of Moony's clothing, I love Remus's soft grandpa jumpers more. It feels like you're hugging me whenever I put one on."
"That's actually quite sweet, Padfoot."
"Like I said, I aim to please."
"I have no doubts that you do. But for dinner, I'll have whatever is easiest. I would eat all of those options."
"How does the pasta sound?"
"Fantastic. Anything I can do to help?"
"Sit there and look pretty?"
"I've done enough of that today," Remus replied with a laugh. "If you don't tell me what to do I'll do something and muck it all up. Better to give me instructions."
"You can set the table for now. After that you can pour the drinks."
"I can do that."
Sirius quite liked seeing how easily Remus fit into his space. It was nice, knowing someone was there while he went about his basic tasks.
"Did you need something to change into?," Sirius offered once dinner was cooking.
"As tempting as that is, I changed before we left the studio. I'm comfortable."
"Good. I'm going to change into some joggers. I need to get out of these jeans."
"A pity. They do wonders for you."
"The true pity is you've never seen my pulling pants."
"Your what?"
"My pulling pants. Don't you have a pair?," Sirius questioned in confusion.
"No, I can't say that I do."
"I wear them because they hug and accentuate all the right places. Get me some free drinks too, all while feeling untouchable."
"If you take me out then I'll wear them for you sometime."
Remus knew that the ball was in his court. Sirius was letting him make all of the first moves, and he appreciated being able to move at his own pace. He just needed the courage.
"Where would you like to go?," Remus asked softly. "And don't tell me wherever I want to go. I want to hear more about you. What do you like?"
"I'm very versatile Moons, double entendre intended. I like to dress up and go dancing, I like romantic dinners, I like going to the movies and sneaking in snacks because they're so overpriced, but I also love the quiet nights in at home. Pyjamas, movies, music, home cooked meals, dancing around the kitchen. I think any night can be date night if you're with the right person."
"I really like that perspective, Sirius."
"I was raised on big flashy gestures, you know? I don't see the appeal to spending an insane amount of money on something so short term like dinner. You end up getting the smallest portions ever and you go home still hungry. I'd rather pay for some other sort of experience like a vacation. Or a staple piece of jewelry you're going to get your use out of. Money doesn't equal love, I had to unlearn that."
"I like simple gestures too, they mean more, I agree. I have every handwritten note a fan has ever given me. Including yours."
"You're going to make me blush Moons," Sirius teased. "Or distract me enough that dinner burns. Put something on the telly? After we eat I'll connect my laptop to it and we can look at your beautiful self up there together."
Remus spent most of dinner deep in thought. Everything Sirius had mentioned wanting in a relationship, Remus was prepared to give to him. While Sirius was getting his laptop set up, Remus washed the dishes.
"You didn't have to do that love," Sirius gently chastised, wrapping his arms around Remus.
"I know, I wanted to. You mentioned that you hate doing the dishes."
"I did, once, weeks ago. A man who listens! I might just get down on my knees for you right now Remus."
"Don't you mean knee?," he asked, raising an eyebrow in question.
"That too," Sirius replied with a cheeky grin. "I'm ready when you are Moons."
Remus sputtered, and Sirius couldn't help but laugh, even as Remus splashed him with soapy water.
"You're so cute Moons."
Sirius began setting up his photo sorting folders while Remus finished up.
"What are you doing?"
"I create folders within a folder once I start going through a shoot. I give my clients all of the photos I take, even if I don't personally think they're the best. Taste is subjective, you know? I put my personal favorites in one folder, the edited versions in another, candids in a third folder, and so on as I go through them all."
"That's nice that you do that."
"I just give the people what they pay for. For now, I'm just quickly moving any photos Lily took of us when she stole my camera out of the way so that we can focus on choosing the photos you'd like to use for your album cover. I can edit any others you'd like later, but I figured we'd get those taken care of tonight."
"Sounds good, Padfoot."
As Sirius talks Remus through his opinions on each photo, the lighting, reflections, the angle, Remus has him pause on a specific photo mid-explanation. The loving look on Remus's face had him frozen as Sirius continued to chatter on.
"Oh Moons look, you can see my reflection here! That's so funny I can't believe I caught that. That's what I mean by analyzing the background of photos too as I click through them. It's so- Moons?"
"I didn't know I could look like that," Remus remarked quietly.
"Look like what, effortlessly beautiful? I've been telling you for years."
"No. Happy. Carefree. In love," Remus finished, looking Sirius in the eyes as he pulled him in for their first kiss.
It felt like home.
"That's how I always see you, Remus," Sirius replied quietly, not wanting to break the peace of the moment.
"I only look like that when you're with me Sirius."
"I guess I'll have to make it more of a habit to always be around you then."
"I guess you do."
For once, Remus wasn't scared of the future. He felt safe enough to embrace the unknown with Sirius forever by his side, and that was enough for the both of them.
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