Devastation And Her Sins

                             Years Later

Aira walked through the woods, towards the camp, with the other juvenile wolves in training. She carried along with her a huge rabbit, a shrew, and a few mice. Arashi, a handsome thunderwolf, padded up beside her. "hey Aira, great job today, you caught the most prey out of all of us!" he said. She blushed and looked away shyly. He shrugged and went back to talk to Frost, a snowwolf. Aira had always liked Arashi, but her shyness kept her from telling him how she felt. she was shy to any wolf,  except her parents and her best friend, Terra. The group of young wolves made their way back to the camp and deposited their prey onto the prey pile. AS Aira turned to go to the stream for some alone time, her father, Benton, stopped her. "hey honey, good job hunting today, im proud o you" he said, licking her head. Aira sighed, he always said that. She was the weakest of the whole pack, she couldn't fight so all she could do was hunt. "Thanks dad" she said, the walked out of camp. She padded trough the woods, down to the river. She laid down and stared at the water. She thought about any things wile she was here. Suddenly a earth wolf jumped out, surprising her. "ahhhhhhhh!!!!!! ..............Terra! that's not funny!!!" she cried as she sat up. Terra laughed and said "sorry Aira, but it was funny". Aira rolled her eyes and laid back down. Terra laid next to her. "you did good today, better than yesterday at fighting" Terra said. Terra stopped herself. She knew that Aira was a weak fighter, and she knew how hard Aira was on herself for it. "you did great" she said. "thanks Terra, nut your way better than me" she said. Terra laughed. "that's because as the Alphas daughter I have to be stronger, Aira your great, you don't need to be so hard on yourself" she said, giving her an encouraging lick on the ear. Aira rolled her eyes. She yawns and lays her head down. "the sun feels so nice, doesn't it" she said closing her eyes. Before Terra could answer she fell into a light sleep.

Aira blinked open her eyes as she realized that the forest was on fire! she jumped up and blindly started running. She ran and ran, growls snarls and howls of pain around her. When she reached the camp she stared in horror. Dead carcasses of her pack littered the camp. She turned and ran, not daring to look for her parents among the dead. Terror flowed through her like a raging river. She continued to run, but suddenly she was knocked to the ground, the air driven from her chest. She looked up and saw a few wolves staring at her thirsty for blood. "hehe, skull can I kill this one?" asked one. The one who he called Skull laughed. "nah let me have this one" he said and he lunged at her. Ari closed her eyes ready to feel his claws tear into her, but she felt nothing. She opened her eyes and saw the Alpha standing over her. "get up, Aira! run!" he commanded, blood flowing out of a deep gash in his side. She ran as fast as she could to keep up with him as they fled. They ran but they murderous tri where hot on their tail. They pushed trough a bramble patch, only to get cornered at a cliff. They turn to go back, but their pursuers where right in front of them. "oh come on Skull, let me kill the" one said. Skull thought the laughed. "no, lets make them kill eatchother" he said as he jumped at Aira. He knocked her away from the alpha and the other two wolves fought him away from her. "you, little wolf, are going to kill your alpha" he said, his evil eyes piercing her. "n-no, I d-don't want t-to" she said. He scratched her deep in the side. "you will........or ill kill you" he threatened as her got in her face. Unable to control he self she started moving towards the alpha. Fear was now in control of her, and she couldn't stop. The alpha stood up to her. "Aira please don't do this, I wont fight you" he said. Aira had tears running down her face. "I don't want too, but im too scared not to" she cried. The Alpha took in a deep breath and smiled as a tear fell down his face. "then ill let you kill me, I will not fight one of my face" he said. Aira cried and whispered "Im sorry.........". She lunged at him and gave the fatal blow the his throat, killing him. She cried out in regret as his life slipped away at her claws.

Aira pulled her claws out of the dead Alphas body. She looked at her bloody claws, horrified. She started hyperventilating. Skull and the other two wolves started closing in on her. "now, its your turn" he said. Aira panicked and scratched one of the wolves on  the face. She ran past them and ran as hard as she could, she out maneuvered them and got away. After she ran far more she stopped at a river. As she washed the blood from her paws she laid down. "no this isn't happening........this isn't happening....this............isn'" she said. She laid her head down and passed out from her hyperventilating.

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