Prologue: fall of Camelot and the wolfknight falls
A/n: hello my fellow readers here is my new story that I'm doing now before this story begins I want to know what class the reader should be as a heroic spirit also to let you know that the way the reader fights is a mix of Artorias and the Abyss Watchers also let me know what the noble phantasm should be also I will be showing who is in the harem in this story now let the prologue begin.
3rd pov
in the fated battlefield that took both lives of Artoria Pendragon known as "King Arthur" and Mordred the girl that wanted acknowledgement form her "father", but there was another knight that was also the child of Artoria. but half brother to Mordred this man is Y/n Pendragon his title is the Wolfkinght he is called that due to his partner and friend Sif the wolf who is not with him but in a protective barrier that Y/n set to keep his beloved companion safe thanks to Merlin. as Y/n was running to the direction of where his sister and mother are while also forced to kill his former comrades in arms while his arm got broken in the process.
A/n: not mine by the way
Y/n: *pants* I have to *pants* get to mother and sister...
Y/n begins to make his way to where Mordred and Artoria where facing off while behind him were many bodies of former comrades and knights all over the battlefield which sadden the young Wolfknight. as he slowly walks due to being tired of fighting his way through he thinks back to how his mother was rather distant to him and his sister.
Y/n: it didn't have to be this way. if only she didn't make the decision that she would regret.
as a scene plays of Y/n and Mordred were walking the halls of the castle heading to their for Y/n his mother while for Mordred she would call "father."
Mordred: come on Y/n! you have got to be excited right I mean being related to the King, right?
Y/n: look Mordred I like ya as both a friend and a recently discovered half sister. but I'm just not sure about bugging the King about this is all.
once the two see the King Artoria with her back towards them Mordred runs up to her to try to get Artoria's attention.
Mordred: father! you won't believe what me and Y/n just discovered!
she got no reply from Artoria as only silence came from her which Y/n just gives a serious look at his mother.
Mordred: father are you even listening? father?!
still getting no reply from Artoria Mordred then grabbed part of her cape making Artoria to stop with her back still towards Mordred and Y/n.
Artoria: Mordred let. go. of. my. cape.
this hurt Mordred emotionally as she does so Artoria begins to walk but Y/n stops her by putting his hand on her shoulder.
Y/n: hey now I know you may have more important business to attend too, but at least talk with u-
before he could finish Artoria roughly shoves his hand off her shoulder and give him a glare to him. while he looks back at her with a straight face not flinching looking straight in the eyes with his face saying "don't do something you'll regret later" Artoria then returns to walking to where she was going with Y/n letting out a sad sigh and comfort his half sister unknown to them that it hurt Artoria more to act like the way she did to her two children.
-flashback ends-
once Y/n made it to where his mother and sister were at he sees that he was far too late seeing their bodies on the ground a lance in Mordred body and a sword wound in Artoria's body. upon walking next to their bodies Y/n falls to his kness tears dropping down his face that was hidden from his hood like helmet.
Y/n: I'm sorry I...was too late to save both of you....
once Y/n got back to his feet he sheaths his sword on his back and began to take the bodies of his mother and sister along with the weapons of his former companions and knights in arms back to the throne room. his way of honoring their memory and placing their swords with them all of this he did with one arm he then goes to a half destroyed pillar which he leans on with his sword by his side.
Y/n: the punishment for not being their to save anyone I will guard here to stop anyone from tarnishing their memory. *looks at his mother* I never hated you mother...I just wished you made better decisions.
as Y/n closed his eyes to rest a little to be prepare to handle anyone or thing that would trespass the throne room not noticing a dark mass flowing into his body making him twitch as it happen.
-many years later-
s the years went by a girl with orange hair and orange eyes wearing a white jacket black skirt and leggings appears with four other people.
orange hair girl: okay team let's beat this singularity.
then a girl with lilac hair with lavender eyes in armor and carrying a large shield that's WAY too big for her.
lilac haired girl: right senpai!
while the other two girls are Artoria Pendragon and Mordred Pendragon in their armor looking around to be surprised to see a familiar environment.
Mordred: what the?! why are we back here?!
Artoria: relax Mordred, but I do like to know why we're back at Camelot?
the last girl was a woman with a similar face as Artoria and Mordred but with longer blonde hair armed with a spear like weapon with a flag on it and a sword at her hip.
longer blonde girl: Artoria is right there must be a reason master can you contact the doctor?
orange hair girl: right. *activates communication device* this is master Gudako come in Doctor Romani can you hear me?
A/n: honestly it's been awhile since I've played grand order so I'm not 100% sure how the communications in the game work between the player and Romani.
then a holographic image of a man wearing a doctor's uniform appears in front of the group from their base.
Romani: {yes I can hear you Gudako from Chaldea HQ. do you need anything?}
A/n: once you see this {dialogue} that means its the characters talking through radio and other ways of far distance communication.
Gudako: well it seems that we're back at Camelot can you tell us what date we're in or at least the year?
Romani: {of course give me a minute....ah okay it appears that you girls are diffidently in Camelot, but 500 years after the fall of Camelot.}
Mordred/Artoria: 500 years?
Romani: {yes that's what the scans are saying.}
lilac haired girl: but how? I don't think that there's any one involve the round table that we haven't encounter.
Mordred: no...there's still one more knight.
Jeanne: is there something wrong Mordred?
Mordred: well...there's one knight of the round table you haven't met yet.
Gudako: whose that?
Aretoria: that will be my other son and Mordred's half brother Y/n Pendragon the Wolfknight of the round table.
this caused the three girls and Romani except Mordred to be shocked to hear this since they hear only so little of this knight form the legends.
Romani: { you mean THE Wolfknight Y/n Pendragon?! from what I've heard form his side of the legend is that he earn that title for his unique fighting style of a sword and dagger while having a wolf companion.}
Mordred: yeah that's him alright. but master has yet to summon him or at least has entered the throne of heroes.
Artoria: true....but for now is there any magic energy nearby?
Romani: {yes there's two one's not too bad it's small, but it looks like it could be a single individual that shows reading of a Heroic spirit.}
Gudako: okay before we go is there any enemies to be worried about?
romani: {no looks like you don't have to worry there's none. but I am getting a odd reading I'll keep my eyes on it incase it heads towards your location.}
Gudako: okay we'll head towards the reading that's nearby.
Mordred's pov
as me, master, father, Mash and Jeanne head towards the nearby energy signature I couldn't help but think about where or what happen to Y/n and why he hasn't entered the throne of heroes. I was then brought out of my thoughts to see we've arrived at a cave in the said cave we can see a small light in the distance. in which me, father, Mash and Jeanne got our weapons ready as we entered the cave ever so cautiously we slowly approached the light once we got close we see a small magic circle in it made my eyes widen to what I'm seeing.
Mordred: Sif?!
the wolf perked up as he raised his head to look at me he stands and jumps out of the circle knocking me down to the ground licking my face.
Mordred: *laughs and pets Sif* okay! okay! down boy! I missed you two *laughs*
Sif calmed down and got off me as I got up and pet Sif as he leaned into my hand all cutely like when he was a pup.
Gudako: so this is Y/n's comapnion?
Mordred: *smiles* yup this here is the great grey wolf Sif. Sif say hi.
Sif: *barks*
Mordred: Sif do you know where Y/n is?
Sif gives me a sad look and shakes his head making me also look down. but Jeanne has came up with an idea to help find my borther.
Jeanne: Sif do you think you can try to track Y/n's scent or pick up anything to find him?
Sif: *nods*
Sif then picks up his sword with his mouth surprising master, Mash and Jeanne to see Sif be able to use a sword which made me and father let out a small laugh at their reactions. we then followed Sif to where Y/n is or at least we think heading towards the ruined castle of Camelot.
once we got to the castle we make our way to the throne room along the way there we see many bodies and destroyed weapons of either fallen warriors and monstrous like creatures all over the place.
Morded: what the hell happened here?
Gudako: no idea, but I'm sure well find answers in the throne room.
I nod to master I then look at father to see he had a sad look on his face upon seeing the bodies of fallen warriors. once we got to the door that leads to the throne room we opened the doors only to see more bodies on the ground of the throne room, but that's not all we see it was mine and father's bodies sitting at the throne side by side.
A/n: just to let you know the reader calls Artoria by her proper appearance while Mordred calls her father.
Artoria: Y/n...
we then see a odd looking monster stumbling around the throne room not noticing us. but then it was killed by a large looking armored man with an old sword stabbing it once he lands on the ground.
I noticed that the arm was moving around looking like it was broken the man then pushes his sword deeper killing the monster. but what shocks me more is when I start to hear his voice.
armored man: whatever thou art, stay away!
Mordred: Y/n?
then we start to see a dark mist rise up from the ground as I could feel and ominous feeling from the mist.
Y/n?: soon...I will be consumed...*looks at the girls* by them, by the dark...
the dark mist starts to flow into him making him grunt in pain like he was suffering from the mist. I was about to take a step towards him but father stops me from doing so putting an arm in front of me.
Mordred: father?! what are you-
Artoria: don't get near him. he's not himself.
To be continued
A/n: and done I hope you guys enjoyed this prologue now I still need to know how to go about the reader's stats, class and noble phantasm please let me know about that. also who should fight the reader when he is corrupted by the dark please let me know in the comments and I'll catch you guys later.
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