Chapter 5: Life in Chaldea and a new singularity
A/n: Hello, my fellow readers. Here is the next chapter of this story, now let the chapter begin!
Y/n's pov
Ever since the whole invasion attack, things started to calm down around Chaldea and I've gotten to know more of the other Heroic Spirits from legends before the Arthurian legend and after it. Such as meeting Gilgamesh... er well the different versions of him even the kid version, though Gilga aka Gilgamesh's female counter part seems to be rather interested in me.
Other than that, I have gotten to know a bit more with my master Gudako which she was a rather interesting girl, from the experience of the other Heroic Spirits they have informed me that she has gotten herself broke from trying to summon each of them. Which I really do hope she didn't that when trying to summon for me, plus she was really hands on every now and then like lunging in to hug me. But right now, I'm in the gym sparring with Archer Shirou Emiya even though most usually all him Emiya, but the guy is no slouch with blades as his two main weapons are the married twin swords Kanshou and bakuya.
Y/n: *blocks an attack* Nice moves there. It's not everyday an Archer class Heroic Spirit would have swords as his main weapons.
Emiya: Thanks, though you sing a greatsword and dagger as a pair is an interesting one.
Y/n: Yeah, it took me some years to handle the weight of the greatsword. Most would probably thought, that I would use a shield. But that would only have to deal with more weight, so I prefer to use the dagger and use fast maneuver attacks.
Emyia: Makes sense in a way.
We both jumped back and prepare for our next assault, but a certain bright haired girl called out to us.
Gudako: Hey you two. How's the sparring going?
Y/n\Emiya: Master.
Emiya: Just doing some sparring, so that way if we ever get paired for a singularity. We can improvise a plan and combination attacks on the fly.
Y/n: Yup, so is there something you need from us?
Gudako: Yes, Dr. Romani has detected another singularity.
Y/n: Another one?
Emiya: Has he found out where and when it takes place in?
Gudako: So far I'm not sure, we were just about to head to meet up with him.
Mash: We, were seeing if you two would like to come along.
Both me and Emiya nod to them and followed them to the control room, which there were some Heroic Spirits minding their own business, while making our way to the control room we see a male with white hair, dark skin like complexion, wearing a priest like attire with a red cape.
A/n: Not mine
priest: Ah, master Gudako. *sees Y/n and Emiya archer* I see you brought Emiya archer and Sir Wolfknight.
Gudako: Shirou, you here for the singularity too?
This man is Shirou Kotomine or his actual name, Amakusa Shirou Tokisada. Now he was a Ruler class Heroic Spirit much like Jeanne of the Edo period, the reason he calls me Sir Wolfknight is very simple, he heard about my loyalty to my mother and sister while defending their resting place I made, while fighting off the dark presence for many years. So in a way its his way to pay respect to my feats during my time.
Y/n: Nice to see you again, Amakusa.
Shirou (Ruler): Why use my actual name?
Y/n: Well considering... *points to Emiya archer* His name's Shirou and that's like your nickname or middle name.
Shirou (Ruler)/Emiya (archer): Point taken.
Shirou (Ruler): well then, shall we see Dr. Romani?
We then enter the control room, where the workers of Chaldea working on several computers while the afro mentioned man looking at a large screen, from the screen it seems to show a set of four numbers that are "1590." If I had to guess it's probably the year that the singularity is set in, we approached Dr. Romani who has turned to us.
Dr. Romani: Good, your here.
Gudako: Romani, what kind of singularity are we dealing with this time?
Romani: Well, that's what I'm trying to figure out. So far we've only been able to get the year, I'm having staff at their best to get as much info as possible.
Y/n: On the screen it says the year was 1590. Is there any Heroic Spirits that happen around that year?
Romani: Hmm, that is a good question.
mash: But we won't know, until we get there to know for sure.
Romani: That is true, but with little to know info on this singularity you'll have to go with extra caution. Who knows what kind of dangers you'll come across.
Shirou (Ruler): If that's the case, I suggest we at least bring a Caster class. The magic support can help for said dangers.
Gudako: Good idea.
????: Oh, what about me?!
We all turn towards the entrance of the control room, which at said entrance was a young and attractive woman, with pink hair, golden eyes and a really fluffy fox like tail.
A/n: Best caster in my opinion and yes she's in the harem.
Y/n: [Fluffy tail...]
Gudako: Tamamo?
Mash: You want to come along with us?
Tamamo: Well, yeah. You said you might need a Caster Heroic Spirit and I'm... your... girl...?
She stays silent and stares at me, which I raised an eyebrow on why that is cause sure I don't have my hood/helmet on. If it was my looks, then I guess i have that affect on women.
Tamamo's pov
I walked into the room, making my presence known and wanting to get some fresh air on another singularity adventure, but I froze when I spot a certain blonde haired man, wearing a knight like armor with dark blue fabric, with a greatsword and a dagger strapped to his belt. But what caught my interest the most, was how handsome this man is!
Tamamo: [With that blonde hair, he as to be related to Artoria and Mordred. But his eyes are e/c instead of being a green like eye color.]
blonde haired man: Um, are you okay, Lady Tamamo?
Tamamo: *snaps out of her thoughts* Huh?! Oh, yeah I'm okay. It's just we probably haven't met yet. I am Tamamo no mae Caster class.
blonde haired man: It's nice to meet you, Lady Tamamo. I am Sir Y/n Pendragon, Saber class son of Artoria and half brother to Mordred.
So he is related to them, I mean its expected since he has blonde hair like them. But it is rude to assume that he was related just because of a person's hair color, but time to get back on track to what's at hand.
3rd pov
As Tamamo joined the group, Gudako was getting ready to be sent into the singularity with her Heroic Spirits, but a certain wolf caught wind of this and went with them not wanting to be left behind joined the group. As Dr. Romani and the staff getting the transporter warmed up, Y/n and the Heroic Spirits that are going to the singularity get ready for the transfer to the singularity, one of the staff members in charge of getting info of the events of the singularities. Which they came across one word, that made them confused.
Staff member: Soul Edge?
-year 1590-
In a wide open field, Gudako and her Heroic Spirits were successfully transported to the singularity, Y/n, Shirou (Ruler), Emiya (Archer), Sif, Tamamo and Mash had their guards up to make sure that there was no threats any where. While Dr. Romani established a connection line to the group.
Dr. Romani: {Okay, did everyone made it through?}
Gudako: Yes, we did.
Mash: Doctor, is there any threats close to our position?
Dr. Romani: {Scans shows no threats in your position. Mean you guys are fine for now, but don't let your guards down. We're still trying to get info on what is in the singularity, so far we only managed to get two words.}
Y/n: And those words were?
Dr. Romani: Let's see... They seems to be referring to a name of some kind, a "Soul Edge?"}
As those words left the doctor's mouth, this confused some members of the group but two Heroic Spirits get a sudden chill down their spines. Those two were Shirou (Ruler) and Y/n, Shirou (Ruler) felt like he has heard of that name from somewhere before or at least a sword of a similar name, while Y/n he felt dread like the name itself was a bad omen the same feeling he had after being corrupted by the dark souls.
Shirou (Ruler): [Soul edge... Why do I feel like, I've heard that name before or some kind of version of it...]
Sif: *whimpers worried for Y/n*
Y/n: *pets Sif* It's okay boy... Just had a bad feeling about that name.
Dr. Romani: {Anyways, scans is detecting a small village not too far from your position. Though I'm getting some odd readings from there, best to go with caution since anything can happen in this singularity.}
The group then heads towards the direction of the small village, but unknown to them Lev was watching the group from a far while having an ominous smile, while directing his gaze at Y/n with a plan in mind that involves the said Wolfknight.
Lev: Good.... Now that foolish girl brought the Wolfknight, all is going according top plan. Just got to guy my time then execute the plan.
Y/n's pov
It took some time traveling to the village, but during this walk I couldn't help but get a feeling of nostalgia during the times of being a member of Mother's knights and working with Mordred, before the events that happen that came about of being known as the Battle of Camlann. Those were the good old days, but thanks to the magic at Chaldea it gives us a chance to resolve those issues.
But I snapped out of my own thoughts and focused on the task at hand, which we managed to arrived at the village that Dr. Romani told us about, but there were no villagers around and the buildings were somewhat disrepair.
Gudako: Okay, I've been to few other singularities that had abandoned villages to know this is too quiet.
Emiya (Archer): That is an understatement. But with the absence of villagers is very unsettling.
Shirou (Ruler): Agreed, even the buildings are in rough shape. But that does leave a question in mind.
Mash: What happen to the villagers?
I'm not liking this one bit, even my companion Sif is feeling unnerved by this and starting to growl in a defensive manner. While I place one hand on my greatsword and the other on my dagger, while sensing some ominous dark energy which this makes me draw my weapons slowly and Sif summoned his sword. Which our actions haven't gone unnoticed, by the others as Shirou (Ruler) and Emiya (Archer) summoned their weapons.
Mash: Y/n? What is it?
Y/n: We aren't alone, I sense some dark essence.
Gudako: Dark essence?
Tamamo: *serious tone* He's not wrong, I can even sense it as well.
Just then movement was heard, as everyone turns towards the sounds which they see a group of people that appear to be bandits and warriors, but their movements were not natural or looked human. Then they took noticed at the groups eyes, they were glowing a ominous red and they started growling like a beast.
glowing eyed warriors: *inhuman roar*
To be continued
A/n: And done! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, please let me know what you guys think in the comments and I'll catch you guys in the next one.
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