Chapter 4: Meeting Mother's younger self and gaining a daughter

A/n: Hello, my fellow readers! Sorry for not updating this in a while, but here is the next chapter to this story also I will be adding more female characters to the harem, but they won't be for fate grand order they will be from Soul Calibur 4. Who might these ladies be, well I'll make a separate harem section to show them, but you are free to guess who might be in it, right now for the last bit of fgo girls which are the fairy knight girls, Morgan Le Fay, female Merlin and Semiramis! Now with those being the last girls of fgo let the chapter begin!

3rd pov

Artoria Lilly: Wait, so your my older self's two children?

Y/n: That's right. I am Y/n Pendragon, the second child of your older self. Man I honestly didn't think the grail would bring in mother's younger self from the time she pulled the sword of selection.

Artoria Lilly: The grail is a powerful object.

Y/n explained to his mother's younger version, about who he is and what he tried to do in the battle of Camelot, to how be became corrupted by dark spirits possessing his body with him trying to resist. Once the two finished talking with the three other girls hearing them, they hear footsteps coming from down the hall heading towards their direction, they turn to see Gawain and Bedivere heading towards them.

Y/n: Gawain, Bedivere. How did thing go for your end?

Gawain: Intruders eliminated. And I see you also the same along meeting your mother's younger self.

Y/n: Yup, what about the others?

Bedivere: They managed to take out the intruders as well.

Y/n: That's good to hear. Let's regroup withh-

Before Y/n could finish is sentence, he feels someone grabbing his arm which he turns and looks down to see the white haired girl, who has yet to introduce herself which caught everyone else in the room attention. Which Y/n gives a curious look on his face, wondering why this girl is wrapped around his arm.

Y/n: Um, can I help you?

white haired girl: Our name is Jack.

Y/n: It's nice to meet you, my name is Y/n. Also not to be rude or anything, but why are wrapped around my arm?

Jack: Well, how else can we be close to our big brother!

Y/n: Say what now?!

Gawain/Bedivere: [Ah shit, here we go again.]

Artoria Lilly/Chloe/Illya: oh boy...

-time skip brought to you by Chibi Jack riding on Chibi Y/n's back with Chibi Sif walking beside him-

After Each of the Heroic spirits eliminated the intruders from Chaldea, Gudako and Mash going to Romani for a status report and to make sure there are no singularities that need to be fix, while Y/n with Jack sitting on his lap while Artoria and Mordred sit across form him and Sif sits next to his master. While Mordred is hiding the fact that Jack is sitting on her half brother's lap, while Artoria finds it adorable that Jack is sitting on her son's lap.

Mordred: So, After clearing our all the intruders. She just wrapped her arms around yours and call you, her big brother?

Y/n: Yup, that's the gist of it.

Artoria (S): Well, Jack does call Master "Mother." So I wouldn't be surprised that she would call you that.

Sif: *barks in agreement*

Y/n: Thanks buddy. *pets Sif's head*

Jack: Cute doggy.

Jack hops off Y/n's lap and proceeds to pet Sif, who response with affectionate licks to her face and brings a smile Y/n Y/n's face, then Gudako enters the room with Mash and proceeds to join Artoria Saber, Mordred, Sif, Jack and Y/n. While the said individuals turn towards the two seeing that they were back, and wondered on how the report go.

Mordred: Ah, Master. How did the report go and is there any Singularities?

Gudako: The report went fine and Romani is searching for any as we speak.

Artoria (S): that's good to hear. Thoguht... *turns to Y/n* I was wondering, Y/n where were after Mordred rebelled? You disappear during most of the events?

Mordred: Huh, now that Father brought it up. I'm curious too. I thought you would join me for when Father didn't acknowledged us.

Y/n: Well...

????: Uh sorry for interrupting, but is this seat taken?

The rest of them turn to see Gilga who was a bit nervous, due to Artoria Saber having not the best relationship with her male counterpart in the golden armor, but both her and Mordred were on neutral terms with the other version of Gilgamesh. While Kid Gilgamesh they were okay with, while Y/n on the other hand has yet to meet either of them along with Gilga herself, so he didn't mind with her sitting next to him.

Y/n: I don't mind, name's Y/n Pendragon.

Gilga: nice to meet you, I'm Gilga. One of the versions of Gilgamesh, but what where you guys talking about?

Mash: Well, Artoria Saber and Mordred were curious to why Y/n was absent, before the final battle of Camelot.

Gilga: I see, now I'm curious.

Y/n: Well, the reason to why I was absent, I left the kingdom with Sif to wrap my head around the whole event. Which I wondered from lands helping any villages that needed my assistance, though during my travels I fought a dangerous dragon that would have killed me.

Mordred: You what?!

Artoria (S): You fought a dragon and nearly died!

Gilga: but that begs the question, who saved?

Y/n: Well, the person that saved me was another knight of another kingdom, his armor was design after dragons.

Mash: Wait, dragon design armor? You don't mean...

Y/n: Yup, the dragon slayer Ornstein. One of the high ranking knights of Anor Londo. Where I would not only meet his king, but also a female knight that I was close too.

From hearing this Gudako and Mash where surprised to hear he went to such a kingdom, the same can be said with his mother, sister and Gilga only for the three of them to be jealous from hearing that Y/n was close to a female knight. Y/n then went on further with his story of being at Anor Londo, along with him being the king of Anor Londo Gwyn's high ranking knights.

-meanwhile in another timeline-

???? pov

The blood of slaying my enemies, with my blade to collect more souls and find the shards to be at full power again, I continue to make my way slaughtering and turning others into my servants and pawns. First I'll need to take over Ostrheinsburg castle as a way for those who carry the shards to come to me, but then someone or something approaches me.

????: What fool dares approach me?

then a man who wears a green outfit, and seems to have a too calm expression with that smile of his, what makes me even more suspicious of this man is that his eyes are closed.

S/n: Not my art.

Green suit man: Oh, I'm no mere fool. Infact, I actually come to you to aid you in your quest for the shards.

I narrow my eyes along with generating overwhelming aura, with my blade also glowing to overwhelm this man, but to my surprise the man remained unphased and holds is expression which then increases to a wider smile.

green suit man: Ah~, yes! Such power yet it's incomplete, but still it holds it's own legend that can bring Excalibur to shame.

????: Who are you?! And what do you want with the shards or my blade?!

Green suit man: I am Lev Lainur Flauros, and I'm not here for your blade. But to make a deal to both you and the spirit that resides in that sword.

????: What deal? What do you get out of this deal?

Lev: All in good time. But if you accept the deal, I can not only get you the castle... But also the shards to get your blade at full power.

I ponder on his deal, and I can feel the spirit of my blade also ponder through our link to speak in private, which we both came to agreement to accept the deal, but also to make sure to not be deceived by this man.

Lev: *smiles* So what do you say, mister?

????: We will accept your deal, but cross us and we will have your soul! For we... are...

A/n: Also not mine.


To be continued

A/n: And done! Sorry this is not as long as my usual chapters, but due to this heat wave has been a real pain for me to focus on chapter ideas, I hope you guys understand and I am trying to update my other stories when I can. Now do let me know what you guys think in the comments and leave a comment on what girls you think will be in the harem form soul calibur 4 and I'll catch you guys in the next one.

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