Chapter 3: getting used to new life
A/n: hello my fellow readers here is the next chapter to this story. Now I did forgot to add a girl for the harem in my bio and that will be
Chloe Illya! Don't worry guys I'm making her older than she appears to be, now with that out of the way let the chapter begin!
3rd pov
After having a mental break down in the cafeteria by seeing multiple versions of his mother, but with each different personalities and backgrounds on their legends, right now Y/n is getting a tour of Chaldea by Guadako with his mother and half sister.
Guadako: And this is the training room where each Heroic Spirit to use to better their fighting prowess.
Y/n: Man! this Place is huge, how do you guys not get lost here?
Artoria (S): It does get a little confusing, but You'll get used to it once you get the handle of knowing where everything is.
A/n: The S stands for Saber since there are multiple versions of Artoria
Morded: Yeah, but I'm not surprised that you would freak out once you saw other versions of father.
Y/n: Don't remind me. It still hurts my head knowing that, more so with the male version of mother.
Artoria (S): [I just hope that he doesn't run into my younger self. He could mistaken her for a younger sister, though I'm sure he's smart enough to figure out the similarities between us.]
Guadako: *claps her hands* Now! I want to see how well you fight in your prime. Since I only saw you fight in a corrupted state.
Y/n: Fair enough, I'll let you know the way I fight relies more so on speed and strength.
Y/n then walks to the center of the training room getting his sword and dagger out as the holograhpic enemies takes form gaining human form or monstrous forms, Guadako, Artoria and Mordred watching from the side of the room away from the center. Once the targets were out Y/n points his sword at them and brings his hand that had the dagger over his to his chest over his arm that the had the sword.
One of the holographic enemies took the first move going for a stab at Y/n, but the said Wolfknight jumped away backflipping over the other holo targets behind him, once Y/n landed on the ground he then charged at the targets by leaping towards them. But the others see that he stabbed the dagger into the ground making Y/n smirk and spins around with his sword with such speed making waves of wind that the girls felt flow passed them. As Y/n's sword hit the first set of targets making them vanish, as Guadako saw this she was in awe at the speed that Y/n is capable of.
Y/n then stops spinning around and faces the other holo enemies, but this time Y/n made the first move and charges at the enemies while dragging the tip of his sword along the ground, while the enemies get ready to block the attack. Only for Y/n to quickly zoom passed one of the enemies and quickly swings at the one he passed with his sword making the holo enemy vanish, once Y/n took it out he turns to see another enemy charging at him with a spear aiming at him.
Y/n then used his dagger to deflect the spear and follows up with a stab with his sword impaling the holo enemy, he then forces it into the ground. Y/n then removes his sword as the holo enemy vanishes which only leaves two more holo enemies, but then Y/n sees a shadow over him which he looks up to see the giant monstrous enemy in front of him.
Guadako: Um, is Y/n going to be okay?
Mordred: Oh, hell yeah he is. My brother has been much worse situations than this.
Artoria (S): She's right. Also Y/n has been known to never back down from a challenge.
The Monstrous holo enemy then tries to smash Y/n with both arms, but Y/n backflips away from the two arms that smashed where he was then Y/n leaps back towards the holo image of the monstrous creature and he jumps onto the arm of the holo figure of the monster. Y/n then leaped towards the side of the head and quickly swings his sword decapitating the holo monster and making it disappear.
Once Y/n landed back on the ground putting his sword and dagger away, then turns to face Guadako, Mordred and the Saber version of his mother.
Y/n: So, how did I do?
Mordred: Awesome!
Artoira (S): I see that your skills are still sharp even in your prime.
Y/n: *playful smirk* Oh, come on. Did you really think I would go down that easily? *pretends to be hurt* Oh, you wound me mother.
Guadako: I'm sold! Though I wanted to see what you Noble Phantasm is.
Y/n: Oh, you'll see it eventually, but not now.
Guadako: Why not now?
Y/n: Well, my Noble Phantasm type is the same as both mother and Mordred which is Anti Fortress. Though with mine I have to charge my full power of the sword and unleash it in a downward slash.
A/n: Yeah I change the ability of the noble phantasm to that of one of my commenters. I will change it in the update later.
Guadako: Oh, okay you got a point there.
Then an alarm went off which caught their attention and look around, then Dr. Romani voice as then heard through the P.A. system.
Dr. Romani: Alert! We have intruders invading Chaldea! all Heroic Spirits prepare for a fight!
Guadako: Looks like we got work to do.
Artoria (S): Master, Mordred and I will accompany you. Y/n I want you to go and help any other Heroic Spirit that could need our help.
Y/n: On it! Stay safe you three.
With that the four of them split up to take out the intruding enemy, but what they don't know is that they will get an unexpecting ally in their ranks.
Y/n's pov
I was running around the halls of Chaldea eliminating any intruders that managed to get in, luckily for me they weren't difficult to handle and take out. But then I look to see three girls one wearing some sorta outfit, one with very little clothes she has on and one with a similar outfit as Archer Emyia.
girl1: Ugh! these things are annoying! *strikes down one of the enemies*
girl2: Tell me about it! *blasts one enemy with magic*
I look towards the other girl swing her knives at the enemy in front of her, but she got herself surrounded by multiple of the intruders, I then jumped in the middle over the girl that was surrounded and swung my blade at all the enemies around us. One that was done the enemies disappear into small dark purple clouds, but I turn my attention to the girl that was under me looking up at me with curious eyes.
A/n: No, she's not in the harem, but has a different role when interacting with the reader.
Y/n: You okay?
girl3: Yes. Thank you mister.
Y/n: No prob, but my name is Y/n Pendragon Saber class.
girl3: Jack The Ripper. Assassin class.
girl2: Thanks for saving Jackie Y/n!
We turn to the other two girls and see that they both almost look like identical twins, but one has tan like skin and the other a healthy white.
A/n: not in the harem.
A/n: I decided to change the pic for Chloe and find one that was more aged up, so I hope this pic works and I sure do hope that it doesn't get flagged.
Y/n: No problem.
girl1: Hmm... aren't you that new Heroic Spirit that Master summoned?
Y/n: Yes, Y/n Pendragon Saber class.
girl2: Huh? Another Pendragon? Well I'm Illyasviel Von Einzbern, but everyone calls me Illya for short.
girl1: And I'm Chloe Von Einzbern.
Y/n: Nice to meet you two.
Before I could continue the conversation I heard something behind me get slashed, so I move my sword quickly to try and hit what ever is behind me, but I stopped my sword in time to see an enemy get taken out by someone who looks like mother. But a little younger than the other versions or look a likes that I've met so far.
A/n: not mine
Y/n: Um... hi?
mother?: Hello! I see that you managed to handle most of the intruders, yes?
Y/n: Y... yeah. Any word from Master or Romani?
mother?: Yes, they said that evryone has manage to push the enemy back.
Y/n: That's a relief.
mother?: By the way. Who are you and why do you look similar to me?
Y/n: [Ah, crap.]
To be continued
A/n: and done! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter please let me know in the comments and I'll catch you guys in the next one
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