Chapter 1: battle of the Pendragons

A/n: hello my fellow readers here is the next chapter of this story now before I begin I forgot to add some female characters to the harem which are female Astolfo and Medusa rider and lastly Nitocris caster now with that settled let the chapter begin

3rd pov

in Chaldea many servants that Gudako had summoned some waited to switch out with any of the ones that are with her. while some watch to see what is going one, but those related to the Artoria's time like Lancelot, Gawain, Bedivere, Merlin, Tristan, Artoria alter and Lancer wither her alter watch with shock to see Y/n their comrade in arms and son in such a state.

Gawain: is that....Y/n?

Merlin: *sad sigh* yes it appears so.

Lancelot: but what has happen to him?

Merlin: from what I can guess some dark force has taken over his body, but from the why his body is shaking. he seems to be fighting it.

Artoria: (Alter, lancer and alter lancer) Y/n....

-back to Gudako's group-


Y/n then spins around spraying the creature's blood on the floor with the said dead creature still on his sword. as he came to a full stop facing Artoria, Mordred, Jeanne, Mashu and Gudako then swings his sword making the creature's body fly towards them, but Mashu used her shield to block it making it fall next to them near the door they entered.

Artoria: Mordred with me! Jeanne and Mash you two protect master!

Mashu/Jeanne: right

Mordred: way ahead of you! I'm going to slap some sense into Y/n.

both Mordred and Artoria ran towards Y/n, but he dashes to them with his sword in front going for a charging stab making both Pendragons dodge the attack. then Mordred tries to got for the back with her sword, but Y/n moved his broken arm making it swing as black sludge comes out hitting Mordred knocking her back.

Mordred: okay now this is disgusting. more than that assassin bitch's serpent creature.

Y/n then turns his attention to Artoria then charges her with an over head slash making Artoria block the attack with her sword. just from blocking the attack makes Artoria get knocked back from from the immense force behind the swing. Y/n then swings his sword with a barrage of swings making Artoria block or parry the attacks when she blocks the the last swing she get's a memory of when she had Y/n.


Artoria is in bed holding a newborn Y/n with Merlin with her both are looking at the sleeping Y/n with worry.

Merlin: your Majesty you know this could prove some problems if word got out.

Artoria: yes I know, but I'll do what it takes to keep him safe even giving him up. away from harm.

-flashback over-

then Artoria stabs her sword to Y/n pushing him away by generating a spiral wind around her sword. once Y/n recovered Mordred charged her brother swinging her sword making Y/n block the attack as Y/n then follows up by summersaulting in the air to slam his sword on Mordred, but she dodges the attack making Y/n's sword slam into the ground. she then wings her sword on to Y/n dealing more damage on him as he then jumps in the air swinging his sword making Mordred block he attack and get pushed away. once Y/n lands on the ground dark mist come up from the ground and into Y/n making him clench his sword in pain then lets out a roar like sound making a splash of dark aura going around him with glowing red eyes as Jeanne eyes widen seeing what's going on.

 Jeanne: no way it can't be.

Mashu: what is it Jeanne?

Jeanne: that dark aura around Y/n it has several faints of dark souls trying to gain control of his body.

Y/n?: thou art strong human....truly thine kind are more than pure dark....

Artoria: Y/n....

Y/n then leaps into the air towards Artoria and Mordred, but the said girls dodged out of the way making Y/n stab his sword into the ground with a slight shock wave. Y/n then charged stab towards Artoria leaving a trail of dark mist as Artoria side steps the attack as the two then exchange swings of their swords to damage the other. then as Artoria blocks the last swing making Y/n's blade slam the ground she get's another memory of when Y/n came back to a mission with Sif as a puppy.


as Y/n made it back to Camelot with Sif as a wolf pup he kneels to Artoria in respect of his king as the said person with the other knights of the round table.

Artoria: Sir Y/n how goes your mission?

Y/n: completed without casualties of my men or civilians your Majesty.

Artoria: *small smile* that's good to hear. 

Merlin: by the way Sir Y/n why is there a wolf pup following you?

Y/n: I found it abandon by it's pack alone. I couldn't just leave it.

Artoria: I see you may care for it, but it's your responsibility.

Y/n: *smiles* yes your Majesty

-flashback over-

as Artoria forces Y/n back with a swing of her sword dealing more damage to Y/n he jumps back gaining some distance, but Mordred charges Y/n with red lightning around her sword making Y/n turn his attention to her. once the two got close Mordred then exchanges rows of swings of her sword with her brother she too get's a memory that involved her brother.


Y/n is sitting at a ledge with his trusted companion Sif enjoying the setting sun as Mordred comes up to them without her helmet.

Mordred: hey Y/n, Sif what are you two doing out here?

Y/n: oh hey Mordred nothing much just enjoying the setting sun.

Mordred: sweet mind if it join you?

Y/n: *smiles* I don't mind what about you Sif?

Sif: *barks in approval while wagging his tail*

Mordred: *smiles* I'll take that as a yes!

as Mordred sat down next to Y/n and Sif while petting Sif behind his ears while he leans into it while wagging his tail.

Y/n: you know when I first met you I did not expect you to be woman.

Mordred: *blushes* well maybe you shouldn't have walked in on me while I was changing!

Y/n: hey my bad! but seriously your pretty cute when mad or flustered *laughs*

Mordred: *mutters while looking away* stupid I'm not cute.

-flashback over-

Mordred managed to get the upper hand of Y/n slashing across his chest plate of his armor making Y/n jump back and swing his sword again knocking Mordred back a bit. the dark mist start flow within Y/n making him clench his sword in pain again then released a roar like sound again as a dark flame flows through Y/n's sword.

Y/n?: I beg of thee, the spread of the dark souls that reside in me......must be stopped even with my death....

Gudako: is there away to save him or at least free his soul?

Jeanne: I think I can do that. I think I can use my Noble Phantasm to try and release him from the many dark souls that trapped him in a dark abyss but....

Mashu: but what?

Jeanne: I'm going to need someone to deal the killing blow in a precise time.

Sif: *whines*

Y/n then leaps into the air again to try and slam his sword down on either Artoria or Mordred, but the two managed to dodged the attack. then both Artoria and Mordred charged at Y/n both sides, but Y/n jumped in the air swinging his sword at all sides knocking both Mordred and Artoria back while Jeanne was charging her noble phantasm. Y/n then turns to Artoria who is down on the ground which Y/n then flips in the air to bring his sword down on Artoria which the said woman looks to see her sword out of reach before Artoria could react Y/n's sword was aimed right at her. but the sword get's bocked by another which Artoria looks to see Sif holding his sword with his mouth blocking Y/n's sword which by the mire sight of Sif make Y/n regained some of his sanity.

Y/n?: S...Sif? is that you?

Jeanne: Artoria! now while you have a chance!

reacting quickly Artoria grabs her sword Excalibur and swinging her sword at Y/n across his chest making him roar in pain then. once Jeanne saw her opening she launch a bright light of her Noble Phantasm engulfing his body for a second before entering Y/n's body as a giant diamond shaped black mass came out through the back of Y/n's body. the dark aura that surrounded Y/n's body starts to fade and the dark mass crumbles away as Y/n falls forward stabbing his sword into the ground while his helmet comes off revealing his faded blonde hair and blank e/c color eyes and his pale whit skin. Y/n then looks up to see Sif which puts a smile on his face.

Y/n: ah! Sif there you are....

Mordred/Artoria: Y/n....

Y/n then looks at both his mother and half sister with widen eyes seeing them in front of him alive. which Y/n gives a sad smile happy to see them again, but sad to think that he failed not only them but the other Knights of the round table.

Y/n: mother....sister......all of you forgive me.....for I availed nothing.

in that instant Artoria approached her dying child and embraced him in a hug surprising the Wolfknight of this sudden feeling of affection.

Artoria: there's nothing for you to be saying that Y/n. you've been here defending our honor and trying to resist the darkness. if anything it should be me for making the wrong chocies. my son

Y/n gives a sad smile as a single tear goes down his face and returns the embraces with his only working arm. but he then felt another pair of arms wrapped around him making him turn his head to see his half sister hugging him with tears going down her face.

Mordred: I'm sorry brother it wasn't supposed to be like this. please forgive my foolishness.

Y/n then put his hand on Mordred's head rubbing it softly her head easing her in his way of forgiving her. then his faithful companion Sif comes up to him with a sad look on the wolf's face which Y/n put his hand on Sif's head on last time as his body starts to fade away into nothing leaving only his sword and helmet. Sif then let's out a sad howl while Gudako, Jeanne and Mashu were watching with tears on their just from watching the scene play out then Artoria and Mordred got up placing Y/n's sword and helmet with their bodies like Y/n did for them. once they finished they went back to Chaldea with Sif now as a similar Heroic spirit as Mashu but as a Saber class everyone in Chaldea made sure to give Artoria, Mordred and others of the Round table and counter parts some time to take in what happen.

-five days later-

Gudako's pov

I was to see Dr. Romani cause he and miss Da Vinci they said this is a special surprise which got me curious. I'm accompanied with Mash and Sif the reason for Sif is that he needs the exercise plus he has grown to like it here in Chaldea which is good. once we got to the room we walked up to both Romani and miss Da Vinci who both had smiles on their faces.

Gudako: you wanted to meet with us?

Romani: yes, you see after you came back to the Singularity that had the Wolfknight Y/n. there has been a recent change to the Throne of heroes.

Mash: a change? like what?

Da Vinci: well we're not sure what change, but if I had to guess a Heroic Spirit might have just been added.

Gudako: wait *eyes widen* you don't mean!

Sif: *barks excitedly wagging his tail*

Romani: well it's a hunch, but I'm pretty sure that....

Romani: the Wolfknight Y/n can be summoned

To be continued

A/n: and done I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter please let me know what you guys think and to let you know that the harem is full already so I'll catch you guys in the next one

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