Whoop! Chapter 20 is here (although, very, very late and I apologise for that). In compensation for the lateness, here is a long chapter, despite it being rather undramatic. The plot is finally beginning to get off the ground a bit, though.
Elena had to look away. She couldn't, her eyes were transfixed. Not by her choice, though. Magic was holding her down. She had felt this before, the painful ties of magic, separating one's consciousness from their body. She couldn't feel a thing, she could only see.
Blood, a lot of blood.
Klaus fighting, his teeth bared and his eyes flashing amber. Hearts falling to the floor and blood colouring the floor. The stain of dying witches. She couldn't do a thing. She had to watch him murder their enemies. Why they were here was unclear but so blindingly obvious when Elena let herself think, trying to distract herself from the scene unfolding before her eyes.
They had killed a witch. They knew the coven was coming. This was the coven. It seemed they were not strong, Klaus was picking them off easily but something was lurking. Something else entirely. This was not the coven, this was the warning. These were who the coven chose to send to trick them into believing they were safe.
But, Elena was clever and so was Klaus. They knew that no witch coven this weak would challenge someone so powerful. Something was wrong and as the last witch fell and Elena was freed, their eyes catching each other's, it was confirmed.
'We need to move. This place isn't safe.' Elena just nodded, trying not to focus on the blood that had caught the tips of her dress or the fact that their first date had just been ruined by a coven of witches that's blood now covered the floor. She couldn't dwell, not now, they needed to pack and get out.
It seemed Elijah was out, he hadn't joined the fray, but he would notice that they had fled as soon as he came. He would find them soon enough. Elijah was resourceful. Elena, at least, could persuade herself of that as she began to throw her things into a suitcase, although, she wasn't going to pack much. Sentimentals and essentials were all she would need, Klaus would gladfully buy the rest again. He enjoyed throwing his abundant money away.
'Elena! You ready?' Klaus called as Elena rushed down the stairs, that was as much as he needed for an answer as he pulled her bag from her hand and brought both of their small suitcases to his, unfortunately rather eye-catching, car.
Elena still hadn't had the time to think over what had just happened. She was running off adrenaline. The witches were mad, mad enough to send warnings. Warnings meant the worst. Warnings meant what was to come was strong. Stronger, maybe, than Klaus.
Well, no, that was impossible now, wasn't it? Klaus was indestructible. No, that changed nothing. They wanted to punish Klaus, not kill him. It was the same with all his enemies. They would rather lock him in a dungeon for eternity than kill him. This mating bond had made it all the better for them. Klaus couldn't kill himself, not that he ever would, he was too proud a man to do that. But, that still meant that backup plans wouldn't need to be made in many cases. That saved time. With more time on their hands, they were all the more dangerous.
Klaus practically threw their luggage into the back of the car before ushering Elena in as well as throwing himself into the driver's seat and slamming his foot down onto the accelerator before Elena could even blink.
'Where are we going?' She finally spoke up after minutes of debating with herself. Klaus was a source of anger at most times, a supernova ready to explode even more. Elena feared to talk because despite knowing that Klaus could not harm her, she was too shaken to allow his temper to run wild. But, she concluded that she would rather know where they were going. She was nervous and any sense of security of knowledge would help.
'We'll stop at a motel and I'll sort it from there.' Klaus sounded calm, thankfully. His temper dissipated by the looming fear that was ready to engulf them both. Elena nodded and watched, through the black tinted window, the trees pass and the bushes fly- a blur of green that was familiar enough to calm her just slightly. Elena wasn't often shaken, this felt foreign to her. She wasn't sure what she was supposed to feel, though. Her emotions had been scattered as of late. She was not only mated to but also living with the infamous Klaus Mikaelson and just as she was getting used to that, her new life was being uprooted and she was moving to a new location. She couldn't seem to place her emotions except for one simple term: muddled.
Elena looked over when she heard a soft hiss. Klaus had adjusted his position in his seat as if uncomfortable but it was clear that something else was troubling him. 'Klaus, what's wrong?' Elena asked, worry clear on her features.
'Nothing.' He gritted out, an overt lie, one that Elena wasn't going to take. She leant over and pushed up his top, uncaring of the suggestion it brought along with it, and examined his side. A gash, a large one, running across his side.
'Why isn't it healing?' She gasped as she ran a finger over it. Klaus shrugged nonchalantly, the act trivial at the wince of pain that followed. Elena examined the wound more closely, following the jagged edges. There were no clues as to why the wound hadn't sealed up. That meant there was only one simple explanation, one backed up by the beings who had attacked him: this was magics doing.
Elena gulped, being careful with her actions as she traced her finger across it one more time, a little blood pouring onto her finger. She winced, the blood a disgusting bright red- vampire blood, disgusting. A terrible odour filled the car, metallic and strong, no doubt from the now pouring blood. Klaus, within seconds, looked as white as a sheet.
'I think you made it worse, love.' He gritted his teeth. He hadn't meant the statement to sound aggressive or accusatory but with pain and panic by his side, his frustration was quickly unleashed. Elena just gulped and nodded. Prodding had done no good, this was magic, healing it by hand would only end for the worse.
'Are you feeling faint?' She asked calmly, watching as his skin drained of its colour gradually, his complexion no better than a ghost's already. Klaus shook his head but it was clear by the nodding of his head and the dragging down of his eyelids that fatigue was hitting him, and hard. He was an immortal hybrid, it was unlikely that he would pass out but that didn't mean that Elena felt any safer with him at the wheel.
'How far is this motel?' Elena asked, keeping an eye on the road, noticing the small amount of swerving that Klaus' trembling hands were causing.
'Not far.' Klaus gritted out, the pain obviously blindingly pain- if he were human, he might have bled out by now. It was clear that this weapon could not kill him. Pain and death may overlap but they were far from the same thing. What was curious was that those witches had the means to do this at all. It only backed up their theory, someone else was behind this. Every little clue led to the conclusion. It wasn't a hypothesis but fact.
Elena nodded quickly, glad that they wouldn't be driving for much longer. Not only was she beginning to fear for Klaus but herself too, the car was far from driving straight at this point. 'Klaus let me drive.' She ordered. Klaus gave in easily, it clearly a push for his body to even drive at this point. They switched seats and soon, they were driving back down the road again.
It took minutes before the motel appeared, a run down greyish building with pink paint peeling off the outside, similar to the interior. It would do. It was a surprise that Klaus had picked such a bland place but this was clearly no pre-arranged event, it was a precaution.
Elena sat down on the bed, Klaus already passed out next to her, his energy depleted. She sighed, brushing the hair from her face before she let herself fall into the darkness hoping tomorrow would be a better day.
word count: 1430
published: 3.06.17
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