
A/N I have just gone through and added point of views but as soon as it says General, the book should not change point of views that was just a major mistake on my part that will take too long to change.


It felt horrible. An undisguisable sense of anguish framed my face, drawing Caroline towards me. 'What's wrong with you, Elena?' She asked, pity shaping her words. 'I know when you're upset. You were never good at lying.' She joked but struggled to fight the seriousness in her words.

'I... I just, need some time to adjust.' Caroline nodded knowingly but as I turned to leave, she pulled me back. 'Actually...' she drawled out. 'I think later means now.' She smiled, one smothered in false evil. Caroline was up to something, I knew it. She grabbed my arm and ran to the back door before anyone saw. Bonnie was too susceptible to Damon's charm, though I knew he wanted to aim it at me, and Stefan was in brooding mode. Although, that seemed his default Stefan these days- similar to when we first met. I pitied him but I didn't have time as Caroline shoved me out of the door and back onto the wall.

She used her height against me. I was a head shorter than her and she loomed over me. 'I think it's time to tell.' She smirked. I sighed, knowing my choices were limited. 'Fine.' I breathed, instinctively rising to the balls of my feet to heighten myself. 'It's Klaus...' She paused, fighting the nerves that raged on- the ones Caroline did not seem to notice or care about.

'Yeah...' She drew her words out, once again, giving me time to think.

'We kind of have a- thing.' I mumbled, concealing the words with my breath but Caroline was a vampire and didn't give up easily.

'Thing?' She took a step closer, I couldn't move.

'He's...kind of...my mate. Like hybrid mate?' I formed it as a question but Caroline knew the statement that had meant to be provided to her.

'Oh,' was all that formed in her mouth. She didn't seem pleased nor did she seem angry. There was someone else, on the other hand, who didn't seem as...pleased. In fact, her face glowed with anger, her brown eyes boring into us. Bonnie.

'What!' She screamed, drawing attention from the door. Damon was the first to walk out, followed by a silent Stefan. Tyler, who was still inside, undoubtedly had a smug smirk plastered on his face.

General - Third - Continues Throughout Book

'What happened?' Damon asked, smoothly, gazing at Elena in a way that only made her want to push him away. So much had changed.

'Nothing.' Elena shouted over Bonnie's 'everything.' They shot each other glares that could kill before Klaus showed up at Elena's side. The wind around that pounded against their ears as Klaus' snarl clotted the air.

'Klaus!' Elena shouted, placing a hand on his tensed shoulder. 'It's fine.' She calmed him but his eyes still flowed the red of the sunset as he darted his eyes around the group at a speed that even a vampire could not reach. 'But-' He argued as everyone stared at unimaginable argument.

'Stop, Klaus. I can deal with this on my own.' She smiled at him as if to persuade him to leave but he wasn't going without a fight.

'They can't know. They'll use you!' He roared, his temper flaring. Everyone backed away, except Elena, she wasn't scared.

'Klaus stop. I'm stronger now, you know that. Don't worry.' Klaus eyes brightened but returned to the pearl blue of his human form. 'It's all right.' She reassured, removing her hand from him.

Everyone was in shock. No one dared move. Except for Bonnie, she knew what was going on- and she hated. Caroline, who'd the secret had already been revealed too, was still scared of Klaus. In spite of their previous relations, he could strike fear into any man, woman or vampire- but not Elena.

'They're mated. Elena's a hybrid. I'm not sure how...but she is.' Whispered Bonnie but everyone hearse. Her words echoed in each vampire's tuned hearing. Damon was the first to step forward, grabbing Klaus by his neck but before he could even through a punch, Klaus flung him against a tree as if he didn't weigh a pound. 'Klaus stop!' Elena pleaded, more for Klaus' sake than Damon's. Damon would inevitably lose but Klaus didn't need any more enemies, Stefan would want revenge. But, Klaus couldn't be killed. Elena worried still, her irrational side trumping all others.

'I am indestructible, Elena. They are no challenge to me...or to you.' He covered his tracks on the last one, only revealing his words to Elena. No matter how much they knew, they could not know he cared for Elena.

'I know that but...' She knew she had lost the argument as soon as she began, sighing in defeat she pleaded with her eyes, withholding her rage towards Damon. 'How could you.' Damon hissed, prying everyone's heads round. 'She was mine.' He growled, his fangs baring from his gums.

'Yours?' It was Elena's time to scream. 'Was that all I was. Yours? I am my own person and I'M RIGHT HERE!' She screeched, watching people's heads turn as they watched it as if it were a tennis match; their heads following the imaginary ball being flung between them.

'Elena. You know that's not what I meant.' Damon pled, his eyes wide as he regretted ever coming at all.

'Oh, don't I?' She mocked, a cocky smirk on her face- throwing Damon's own tactics in his face. Damon retreated but not without one last attempt on Klaus. His eyes glazed over and before Stefan could pull him back, worried for his older brother, Damon was rushing at Klaus. Klaus just smiled and flipped Damon over, slamming him into the concrete underneath them.

Each person, supernatural or not, heard the sickening crunch of every bone in his body splinter as they hit the impossibly hard surface. Damon let out a grunt and lay there, making no attempts to move. His bones were already healing although it was obvious he would have to snap many back into place as they fixed at funny, unnatural angles.

Klaus didn't seem pleased but neither did he feel sorry, Elena could say exactly the same. Stefan and Bonnie, on the other hand, raced towards Damon and dragged him away- shooting glares on their departure. Caroline stayed as Tyler swaggered out, the smirk plastered on his face. No one wanted him here but Klaus was up to something and Elena knew so she didn't say a word.

All would be fine tomorrow. Except for tomorrow- tomorrow she would be a wolf.

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ALSO! (god this is getting long XD) NEW KLENA FANFICTION! 

Check out 'Mad Hatter' on my account!

word count: 1137

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