
A/N  This does not fit in with any plot of the actual TV show. Characters timelines are mixed up to fit my plot. This is my story with the characters of TVD and TO. Hope you enjoy the story and I apologise now, looking back, for how cliche this is.


I was alone, cold and scared. It felt like any other night, though. My life was a downwards spiral and I had fallen so far that neither the top nor the bottom was in sight. That spiral was all the fault of one man- Klaus Mikaelson.

I hated to hate him, I hated to hate any man. But, he deserved the wrath of the devil himself. I yearned to kill him, to rip his throat out and make sure that he never woke up again. But, pointless acts of violence wouldn't work- Klaus was strong, too strong to ever defeat.

It was only really a single true reason that stopped me from hurting him: the fear of becoming here. I knew that if I hurt him, I would have stooped so low as to reach his level. I didn't want to become a monster. I was enough of one already; vampirism wasn't my choice- that had been decided long before it happened.

To hurt one man, much less than what I have in the past, was wrong. Hurting him felt wrong, I wanted to punish myself for thinking of it. But, why? It didn't make sense, the man was a monster that had to be punished so why I couldn't I bring myself to do it for myself?

I cursed myself for even thinking of his wellbeing. His life meant little to me, as the lives of the ones I loved meant little to him. I focused back on my room, dragging my muddled mind back to the present. I sat in the familiar window seat at home with my arms wrapped loosely around my legs.

Breaking the silence, I stood up and pressed my feet gently down on the squeaky floorboards. I walked to my bed, focusing on the repetitive sound of the floorboards cracking under the pressure, before falling into my bed- wallowing in the comfort.

I sighed, trying to relax but my mind was simply too busy to even try to shut down. I glanced over at my alarm clock, 1:30, it read. It was early morning and the only thing lighting the room was the gentle moonlight. I sighed again trying to dampen the anguish I was feeling. I lay in hopes that darkness would soon come and I could shut out the gentle rays of the night sky.

Another hour passed and I was still wide awake, my mind buzzing. I had given up all hope of sleep and dragged my exhausted body out of bed, threw on jeans and a t-shirt and made my way to the stairs.

I passed Jenna's room, despair settling heavily on my shoulders. She would never come back- and it was all Klaus' fault. I then passed Jeremy's, peering in for the sake of checking his safety. He was fast asleep and snoring as loudly as ever; I had to stifle a laugh as I brought myself down the stairs.

I entered the living room and collapsed onto the couch, watching the light reflect on the ceiling, knowing sleep would still not come. I felt exhausted yet each time I closed my eyes my mind seemed to buzz with excitement that made me fling them back open again.

That all dissipated when I felt my head begin to be crushed. I looked for who could be inflicting this pain but I was alone- entirely alone. It only got worse as I sifted through the ideas. Illness was not possible as a vampire and I was alone- no person could be causing this.

Magic, that was it, magic. The headache hit me like a hammer causing me to clutch my head in agony. My brain felt like it was making it's way out of my skull as I clenched it harder than before.

Before long, my eyes had shut again and I was consumed in darkness. Slowly images began to appear. They appeared as small visions, memories. All included the same man, Klaus. I shook my head, disgusted at the images but they showed obstinance as they refused to fade.

That disgust soon transformed into something I never thought it would. I was drawn. Not for the reasons of good; I simply needed to see him. He needed to be in my sights, I needed to stop him. But, stop him from what? What did he need to be stopped doing? 

I wanted him. I didn't know how this had happened and I didn't know why but I wanted to see him, be near him. That in itself sent me into a deep terror that seemed inescapable. I wanted to be near the man I hated and I couldn't comprehend why.

I walked to the door, my actions not under my control. I opened it and stumbled out, the headache suddenly numbing just a fraction and I could think, although barely, about what I was doing- that only sent me deeper. I was afraid and I didn't want to leave the confines of my home but my legs were dragging me as if I were a puppet to the unknown locations. But, even I knew, I was being dragged to Klaus.

I took it a step at a time before I found myself, half an hour later, in front of the Mikaelson Mansion.

The headache had dulled, becoming a distant nagging. Easy to ignore but hard to distract me from this deep-rooted anxiety. I massaged my head gently, hoping for it to completely fade but it seemed to do nothing. For now, at least, it was bearable.

I made my way to the door and knocked, regretting my actions the second I had done them. Within seconds, the door was almost ripped off its hinges revealing Klaus in all his fury. His eyes blazed orange, his hybrid persona clear. I felt another bout of fear but chose to ignore it and pushed past him and into the house.

The headache was gone now and I couldn't help but smile a bit and let out a sigh. 'What are you doing here, Elena.' He spat, all the usual pet names being thrown out of the window in the process. 'Come to help?' He sneered.

I raised a finger, shocked. 'Help?' I asked, my voice calm yet nervous.

'I have a bloody headache.' He raged before pausing. 'Which is now gone.' He spoke slowly as if trying to fit the pieces of a puzzle together when you don't know the picture it is supposed to make.

'Stay there.' I ordered and I was surprised to see Klaus agree, he was just as curious as I was it seemed. I took a few steps back, just stepping out of the door when the headache hit me again, this time like a truck. I couldn't understand how a few metres could change me from being fine to being in complete agony. 

I ran through the door again, the pain gone and I could see on Klaus' face that he had the same experience. I groaned. Klaus had to be the antidote, didn't he? Save me from this hell, I begged silently, wishing for this to all be a dream and for me to wake up just as I had every other day.

'I guess I'm staying here for the night, then.' I hissed and walked off without giving him time to reply or object. Every step I took the pain got worse so I paused and made my way back to him. 'I am sleeping on that sofa and you will stay within a few metres radius of me at all times.' I ordered.

I crossed my arms in hopes to look defiant, though I was trembling, and I couldn't read the expression that passed over Klaus' face. It was somewhere between utter shock and understanding. 

He was surprisingly obedient and made his way to the chair as I made my way to the sofa, lying down, ignoring that I hadn't got pyjamas on, and fell asleep in seconds. I slept dreamlessly with a smile on my face, forgetting that tomorrow would be a whole new challenge.

Tomorrow was when I would realise that my whole world had just been turned upside down.

word count: 750

edit 1 - 16.02.17 - new word count - 1416

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